opomínjati opómniti to remind (koga na kaj someone of something); to admonish; to exhort; to warn; to caution; (za dolg) to dun
opomnil sem ga na njegovo dolžnost I reminded him of his duty
opomnite me na moj dolg remind me of my debt
opomnili smo ga, naj tega ne dela we cautioned him not to do it
Zadetki iskanja
- opozárjati ➞ opozoriti
opozarjam vas na dejstvo, da... I call your attention to the fact that... - opozícija opposition (proti to); opposing party; resistance; hostility
biti v opozíciji to be in opposition
naleteti na odločno opozícijo to meet with determined opposition
vodja opozícije parlament opposition leader - opozoríti to warn
opozoríti koga na kaj to call (ali to direct), to drawl someone's attention to something, to point something out to someone
opozarjam vas, da... I give you warning that...
opozorili so ga, da je v nevarnosti he was warned that he was in danger
on te je bil lepo opozoril he had given you fair warning - opréti to support; (podpreti) to prop
opréti se na to lean on; to be based on, to recline on; to rely on - ósa2 (hausse) rise in the price of shares, rising prices of shares, bull market
špekulirati na óso to speculate on a rise in prices, to bull - oséba person; personage; figure; subject, individual; personality; pravo person, being, body
fizična oséba natural person
javna oséba an official
(ne)zaželena oséba persona (non) grata
glavna oséba v družbi (pogovorno) kingpin
dramske osébe (= zasedba vlog) gledališče dramatis personae pl, cast list
pravna oséba legal person, corporate body, body corporate, corporation
jaz za svojo osébo I for my part, I myself, as far as I am concerned
po posredovanju neke tretje osébe through a third person (ali party)
govoriti v 3. osébi (npr. služabnik z gospodarjem) to address in the third person
več oséb mi je reklo... several people (have) told me...
to zavisi od osébe that depends on who it is
to bo stalo pet funtov na osébo, po osébi that will cost five pounds a head
družbeno pravna oséba social legal entity
civilno pravna oséba civil legal entity - osébje personnel; staff; employees pl
pomožno, strežno osébje ancillary personnel
upravno osébje administrative staff
medicinsko in sanitarno osébje medical and nursing staff
zmanjšanje, redukcija osébja reduction of staff
tehnično osébje na letališču ground crew - ôsel ass; (sivec) donkey; he-ass, jackass, jack; VB žargon moke, narečno cuddy; ZDA burro; figurativno (bedak) ass, jackass; duffer, dunce, ZDA mutt
ôsle komu pokazati (figurativno) to put one's fingers to one's nose at someone, to thumb one's nose at someone, to make a long nose at someone
ne bodi tak ôsel! don't be an ass!
ôsel gre samo enkrat na led even a fool learns by bitter experience
priti s konja na ôsla (figurativno) to come down in the world - osnóva (baza) base, basis; groundwork; (temelj) foundation; (začetki) elements pl, rudiments pl; (pri tkanju) warp
brez osnóve baseless, groundless, without foundation
obtožbe so brez osnóve the charges are baseless
postaviti na trdno osnóvo to place on a firm basis; jezikoslovje stem
ajevska, ijevska osnóva a-stem, i-stem
nadomestna osnóva suppletive stem
nedoločniška, sedanjiška osnóva infinitive stem, present stem - ostrína sharpness; cutting edge; figurativno acuteness
ostrína vida sharp-sightedness
na ostríno gnati to push things to extremes - ostríti (nož, svinčnik) to sharpen; (koso) to whet; (rezilo) to sharpen, to make sharp (ali keen)
ostríti na brusu to grind
ostríti britev to grind (ali to set) a razor; (konico) to point - ostróga spur
kolešček na ostrógi rowel
vzpodbosti konja z ostrógami to spur a horse, to set spurs to a horse, ZDA to rowel a horse - otemnéti to darken, to grow dark; to become dusky (ali sombre, obscure, dark); to lose lustre (ali brilliance), to tarnish
to otemní na zraku it tarnishes in the air - otróci children pl; little ones pl; (potomstvo) issue, progeny, descendants pl, offspring
brez otrok childless, without issue
prijatelj otrok a friend of children
evakuacija otrok na deželo evacuation of children to the country
vzgoja otrok education of children
znižanje (voznine ipd.) za otroke reduction for children
otróci in norci govoré resnico children and fools tell the truth - ovínek turn, turning; detour; corner; (dolg) roundabout way; (cestni) bend, twist, wind; (rečni) meander
brez ovínkov (figurativno) bluntly, straight
po ovínkih (figurativno) indirectly, in a devious way
oster ovínek a hairpin bend
nepregleden ovínek blind corner
velik ovínek a long way round, a roundabout way (ali route)
napraviti ovínek to make a detour
napraviti velik ovínek to go a long way round
morali smo napraviti ovínek we had to take a roundabout way
je le majhen ovínek it's only a short way round
povem brez ovínkov I don't mince my words
po ovínkih sem zvedel, da... I have learned by devious ways that...
izjaviti brez ovínkov to declare bluntly
govoriti brez ovínkov to speak straight out
rezati ovínek to cut a corner
zaviti na desno po ovínku to take a right turn round the bend, to take the right turn - ovíra impediment, obstacle, hindrance; (nanada) check, (nepričakovana) snag; (zapora) bar, barrier; obstruction
večja ovíra a major obstacle
tek čez ovíre šport obstacle race, hurdle race, pogovorno hurdles pl
zakonska ovíra legal impediment
žične ovíre vojska barbed wire, barbed-wire entanglement
ni poti brez ovír no road is without obstacles
konj je padel pri prvi ovíri the horse fell at the first jump (ali fence)
delati ovíro, biti ovíra čemu to be in the way, to be (ali to constitute) an obstacle to something
naleteti na ovíre to run into obstacles
odstraniti vse ovíre to remove all obstacles
staviti komu ovíre na pot to set impediments in someone's way
naleteti na nepričakovano ovíro to come up against a snag - ozír regard, respect; consideration
brez ozíra na regardless of, irrespective of
v tem (nekem) ozíru in this (some) regard
v vsakem ozíru in every regard (ali respect), in all respects
z ozírom na with (ali in) regard to, as regards, in consideration of, with respect to
brez ozíra na starost (na posledice) without regard to age (to consequences)
z ozírom na njegovo mladost allowing (ali making allowance) for his youth
z ozírom na to, da... with regard to the fact that...
ne imeti ozíra do (ne upoštevati) to pay no regard to, not to take into consideration - oziráje se
oziráje se na in (ali with) regard to, in consideration of
ne oziráje se na irrespective of, regardless of, (ne gledé na) apart from, disregarding - ozírati se
ozírati se nazaj to look back
okoli to look round
ozírati se po čem to look out for, to seek
ozírati se na to have (ali to pay) due regard to, to take into consideration
ne ozírati se na kaj (ne upoštevati) to disregard something, to pay no attention to, to take no notice of
na nič se ne ozírati se (iti prek vsega) to press on regardless