
Zadetki iskanja

  • slabó prislov badly, ill, unwell; weakly, poorly

    slabó hranjen undernourished
    slabó mi je I feel sick
    z njim je slabó he is badly off (ali hard up), things go very ill with him
    slabó govorim angleško I can't speak English very well, my English is rather weak
    on je slabó plačan he is underpaid
    posli gredó slabó business is bad
    slabó govoriti o kom to speak ill of someone
    slabó se je izkazal, obnesel he cut a poor (ali sorry) figure
    slabó se je končalo it turned out badly, pogovorno it came unstuck
    slabó se počutim I feel unwell
    slabó mi je postalo ob tem pogledu I felt sick at the sight (of it)
    on slabó sliši he is hard of hearing
    ona slabó vidi she has poor sight
    moj brat se slabó uči my brother is a poor scholar
    slabó se obnášati, se vesti to behave badly
    slabó ravnati s kom to ill-treat someone
  • slábši -a, -e worse

    vedno slábši, -a, -e, vse slábši, -a, -e worse and worse
    on je slábši, -a, -e kot njegov brat he is worse than his brother
    danes je njegovo stanje še slabše his condition is even worse today
    to bi bilo še slabše it would be worse still
    vreme ne bi moglo biti slabše the weather is at its worst
    slabše stvari nisi mogel napraviti you couldn't have done a worse thing
    položaj postaja vedno slábši, -a, -e matters are going from bad to worse (ali are becoming worse and worse)
  • slámica short (ali thin) straw, straw

    loviti se za slámico, oprijemati se slámice (figurativno) to catch a straw, to clutch at any straw
    vleči (žrebati) slámice to draw straws
  • sláva glory, fame, illustriousness; (ugled) renown, repute, reputation, popularity

    na vrhuncu sláve at the height of one's glory
    željan sláve eager for glory, ambitious
    želja po slávi thirst for glory, love of fame
    ovenčan s slávo covered with glory
    doseči slávo to achieve (ali to win) fame
    sláva mu! all honour to him! (ali to his memory!)
  • sléd trace; trail; vestige; scent; track, (ladje) wake; (stopinje) footprints, footmarks pl; (zveri) scent; (kolotečina) rut

    na slédi on the track
    brez slédú without a trace
    sveža sléd a hot (ali burning) scent
    stara sléd cold scent
    slédovi starih šeg vestiges pl of ancient customs
    ni niti slédu o kakem dokazu there is not a trace (ali a vestige) of evidence
    biti komu na slédi to be hot on someone's trail
    biti na napačni slédi to be on a false scent
    iti po slédi prednikov to follow in the footsteps of one's ancestors
    iti s slédjo to run a scent
    izgubiti sléd to lose the (ali a) scent, to be off the track, (na lovu) to be at fault
    izbrisati vse slédove to efface all traces
    njegov obraz je kazal (nosil) slédove njegove žalosti his face bore traces of his grief
    priti komu na sléd to get on someone's track
    priti na novo sléd (figurativno) to start a new hare
    zopet odkriti sléd to recover the scent
    speljati na napačno sléd to put off the scent, to put on the wrong track
    zabrisati svojo sléd to cover up one's tracks
    izginiti brez slédu to disappear without leaving any traces
    policija je prišla na sléd the police have picked up the scent, pogovorno the police have smelt a rat
    iti za pravo (napačno) slédjo to be on (ali to follow) the right (the wrong) scent
  • slép blind; sightless

    na pol slép purblind
    čisto slép stone blind, (as) blind as a bat (ali as a mole, an owl, a beetle), totally blind
    slép kot kura nightblind
    slép na eno oko blind in one eye
    slép za barve colour-blind
    skoraj slép gravel-blind, sand-blind
    slépo črevo blind gut, caecum
    slépa cena cheap price
    slép naboj (strel) blank cartridge (shot)
    slépa pokorščina blind obedience
    slépi potnik (na ladji itd.) stowaway
    slépo okno, slépa vrata dead (brickedup) door, window
    slépo pristajanje aeronavtika instrument landing
    slépa sreča blind luck, mere chance
    slépa vera implicit faith
    slépa ulica cul-de-sac, pl culde-sacs, culs-de-sac
    slépo zaupanje implicit confidence
    zavod za slépe home for the blind
    bil je slép za njene napake he was blind to her faults
    bil je le slépo orodje... he was only a mere tool...
    igrati se slépe miši to play at blind man's buff
    lotiti se česa na slépo srečo (figurativno) to go at something blind, to trust to luck
    tudi slépa kura zrno najde even a blind man may fluke a direct hit
    delati se slépega za to turn a blind eye to (something)
  • slépo prislov

    na slépo blindly, at random
    slépo vdan devoted (to), wedded (to)
    na slépo kupljen (»maček v žaklju«) sight unseen
    na slépo streljati to fire at random, (tudi figurativno) to have a shot in the dark
    na slépo srečo at random, at (ali by) haphazard
  • slína saliva; (pljuvalna) spittle; slobber; slaver

    slíne se mi pocedijo ob tem it makes my mouth water; my mouth waters at the thought (ali sight) of it, the thought (ali the sight) of it makes me drool
    izločanje slíne salivation; discharge of saliva
    ki dela slíno medicina salivant
  • slovó departure; parting; leave-taking; farewell

    ob slovesu at parting
    banket, pojedina ob slovesu farewell dinner, parting treat
    dati slovó službi to leave the service
    vzeti slovó (od) to take leave (of), to make one's farewell; to bid farewell
  • slučájno by chance, accidentally; unexpectedly; by accident

    slučájno je bil navzoč he happened to be present
    iti slučájno mimo to happen to pass by
    slučájno je bila doma she happened to be at home
    če ga slučájno srečaš if you happen to meet him
    slučájno sem to slišal I came to hear of it
    slučájno je videl he chanced to see
    niste slučájno...? you didn't by any chance...?
    če bi se moje pismo slučájno izgubilo if my letter should happen to get lost
    slučájno se ne motim I am not mistaken as it happens
    slučájno se je spotaknil he happened to stumble
    slučájno sem naletel nanj I came acros him, I stumbled upon him, I light upon him
  • smehljáj smile

    prisiljen smehljáj strained smile
    imel je le prezirljiv smehljáj za njihove grožnje he smiled at their threats
  • smejáti se to laugh

    v pest smejáti se to laugh up one's sleeve
    od srcá smejáti se to laugh heartily
    temu se ni smejáti se it's nothing to laugh at
    smejáti se komu v brk to laugh someone in the face, figurativno to dare (ali to defy, to challenge) someone
    smejáti se kot nóri to laugh like anything
    smejáti se na ves glas to roar with laughter
    hrupno smejáti se to laugh like a horse, to guffaw
    pridušeno smejáti se to giggle, to snigger
    kislo smejáti se to laugh on the other side of one's face
    smejal sem se mu I laughed at him
    njemu se vsi smejejo he is everybody's laughingstock
    zlobno smejáti se to grin balefully, to give a baleful (ali malicious) grin
    kdor se zadnji smeje, se najslajše smeje he laughs best who laughs last
    čemu se smeješ? what are you laughing at?
    smejáti se komu v obraz to laugh someone in the face
    posmehljivo smejáti se to sneer
    on se lahko smeje he can afford to laugh
  • smŕt death; decease; (vladarja) demise; departure (from life)

    smŕt na grmadi death at the stake, the stake
    smŕt na morišču death on the scaffold
    smŕt od utopitve death by drowning
    smŕt od zadušitve death by asphyxiation (ali suffocation, smothering, strangling)
    smŕt s strelom v glavo death from a bullet in the head
    navidezna smŕt suspended animation
    črna smŕt (kuga) Black Death
    Smrt s svojo koso Death with his scythe
    na smŕt bolan fatally ill, dangerously ill
    do smŕti utrujen tired to death, tired out, dead beat; (od dela) done in, worn out, vulgarno buggered, knackered
    konjska smŕt (= konjederec) flayer, VB knacker
    smŕt na vešalih hanging
    kamenjan do smŕti stoned to death
    rojen po očetovi smŕti posthumous
    junaška smŕt a hero's death
    do svoje smŕti to one's dying day
    obletnica smŕti anniversary of someone's death
    letnica, leto smŕti year of someone's death
    preziranje smŕti contempt for death
    uradna proglasitev smŕti official declaration of death
    boj za življenje ali smŕt life-and-death struggle
    smŕt izdajalcu! death to the traitor!
    smŕt fašizmu - svobodo narodu! Death to Fascism - Liberty to the People!
    biti na pragu smŕti to be (lying) at death's door
    to bo moja smŕt this will be the death of me
    boriti se s smŕtjo to be at one's last gasp (ali breath), to breathe one's last, to be at death's door, to be on one's deathbed
    gre za življenje ali smŕt (za biti ali ne biti) it is a matter (ali case) of life and death
    iti v smŕt za... to give one's life for...
    drveti v zanesljivo (gotovo) smŕt to rush headlong to certain death
    na smŕt se dolgočasiti to be bored to death
    do smŕti izkrvaveti to bleed to death
    pogledati smŕti v oči to look death in the face
    obsoditi na smŕt to sentence (ali to condemn) to death
    imeti (storiti) lepo smŕt to die a happy death
    umreti junaške smŕti to meet a hero's death
    umreti naravne smŕti to die a natural death
    umreti nasilne smŕti to die a violent death, (zlasti biti obešen) to die in one's shoes
    povzročiti smŕt kake osebe to be the death of someone
    uiti smŕti to escape death
    umreti lahke smŕti to die an easy death
    umreti bedne smŕti to die a dog's death
    sam si zadati smŕt to make away with oneself, to take one's own life, to commit suicide
    biti obsojen na smŕt (figurativno) to earn the wages of sin
  • sólza tear

    v sólzah in tears
    grenka sólza bitter tear
    sólze kesanja tears pl of remorse
    sólze veselja tears of joy
    krokodilove sólze crocodile tears pl
    do sólz ganjen moved to tears
    do sólz until the tears run
    grenke sólze salt tears pl
    biti ves v sólzah to be in tears
    hitro je ganjen do sólz he is easily moved to tears
    biti na robu sólz (figurativno) to be on the brink of tears
    to niso mačkine sólze (figurativno) this is not to be sneezed at
    sólze je imela v očeh tears stood in her eyes
    jokati sólze veselja to weep tears of joy
    planiti v sólze to burst into tears
    pretakati sólze to shed tears
    potočiti sólzo to shed a tear
    točiti krokodilove sólze to shed crocodile tears
    točiti bridke sólze to shed (ali to weep) bitter tears
    topiti se v sólzah to melt into tears
    do sólz se smejati to laugh till the tears come, to laugh till one cries (ali till the tears come into one's eyes)
    sólze mi pridejo, stopijo v oči tears come into my eyes
    smehljati se skozi sólze to smile through one's tears
    ni se mogla vzdržati sólz she could not restrain her tears
    sólze so ji zalile oči her eyes brimmed with tears, she burst into tears
    sólze so ji privrele v oči tears welled up in her eyes
  • sósed neighbour

    brez sósedov neighbourless
    najbližji sósed one's nearest neighbour, next-door neighbour
    sósedje pl neighbourhood
    prvi (drugi) sósed the nextdoor (the next-door but one) neighbour
    moj sósed pri mizi the man sitting next to me at table
    moj desni (levi) sósed my right-hand (left-hand) neighbour
    delati, napraviti kot dober sósed to act in a (good-) neighbourly way
  • sovráštvo hatred (do, proti of, against, towards); enmity; pesniško, literatura hate

    vreden sovráštva hateful
    biti v sovráštvu z to be at daggers drawn with
    čutiti sovráštvo do koga to hate someone
    poln sovráštva filled with hatred
    gojiti sovráštvo do koga to bear malice towards someone, to entertain hatred for someone
    netiti sovráštvo do koga to be fuel to someone's hatred
    živé v (medsebojnem) sovráštvu they live on bad terms, they are at daggers drawn
    nakopati si sovráštvo to incur someone's hatred, to draw upon oneself someone's hatred
    iz sovráštva do because of (ali out of) (one's) hatred for (ali of)
  • sovrážen hostile, inimical; enemy; (nasproten) adverse, opposed (to)

    biti si sovrážen to be at daggers drawn, to be in bitter conflict
    sovrážna propaganda hostile propaganda
  • sovražíti to hate (koga someone), to abhor, to detest, to dislike, to loathe

    sovražíti se to be at daggers drawn
    iz dna duše sovražíti to be a good hater
    celó svojci, njegova lastna družina ga sovraži he has incurred the hatred even of his own family
    smrtno koga sovražíti to have a deadly hatred for someone
  • spáti to sleep, to be asleep, to lie asleep; pogovorno to kip; to lie dormant

    spáti oblečen to sleep with one's clothes on
    spáti po obedu to have (ali to take) a nap, to have one's forty winks
    dobro (slabo) spáti to sleep well (badly, poorly)
    spáti doma (zunaj) to sleep in (out)
    spáti pod milim nebom, na prostem to sleep in the open air
    spáti polnih 12 (ali 24) ur to sleep the clock round
    spáti zimsko spanje to hibernate
    spáti spanje pravičnega to sleep the sleep of the just
    trdno spáti to be fast (ali sound) asleep, to sleep very soundly
    spáti nepretrgano do 7. ure zjutraj to sleep right through (ali without a break) until seven in the morning
    predolgo spáti (= »zaspati«) to oversleep
    spáti kot ubit, kot polh to sleep like a log (ali like a top, like a dormouse)
    iti spat to go to bed, to lie down to sleep, (otroški govor) to go to bye-byes; to retire
    to mi ne da spáti it keeps me awake at night
    nisem mogel spáti I hardly slept a wink
    hoditi zgodaj spat to retire early
    ne spáti (biti buden, figurativno) to be watchful (ali vigilant), to be on the alert
    bom toliko bolje spal zaradi tega I will sleep the sounder for it
    zadeva spi (figurativno) the matter (ali affair) has been pigeon-holed
    vso noč nisem spal I did not sleep a wink last night
    kakor si boš postlal, tako boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie
  • splašíti to frighten, to startle; to alarm, to scare, to confuse; (ptice) to shoo (away); (divjačino, pri lovu, izslediti) to rouse, (race) to flush

    splašíti se to be frightened, to shy at (sth); to take fright; (konj) to bolt, to run away, to jib (at something)