ógel1 (vogal) corner
na oglu at the corner (ulice of the street)
ogelni kamen cornerstone
Zadetki iskanja
- ógenj fire; (plamen) flame, blaze; (požar) conflagration; (na prostem, kres) bonfire; vojska fire, firing; (za cigareto) light; figurativno (navdušenje) enthusiasm; (vnema) ardour, zeal, passion, heat
pri ógnju at the fire
óg! vojska fire!
z ógnjem in mečem with fire and sword
bengalični ógenj Bengal lights pl
med dvema ógnjema (figurativno) between the devil and the deep blue sea, between the hammer and the anvil
v ógnju (v plamenih) ablaze
pri počasnem, slabem ógnju on a slow fire
božja sodba z ógnjem zgodovina ordeal by fire
odporen proti ógnju fireproof, fire-resistant
križni ógenj vojska cross fire
umetni ógenj (display of) fireworks pl
varen pred ógnjem fire-resistant, fire-resisting, fireproof
nepretrgan ógenj vojska sustained fire
uničevalen ógenj withering fire
metalec ógnja vojska flamethrower
osvetljen od ógnja firelit
ustavitev ógnja vojska cessation of fire
oboževalec ógnja fire worshipper
bil je ves v ógnju (figurativno) he was glowing with enthusiasm
biti pod težkim ógnjem vojska to be under (ali exposed to) heavy fire
biti ves v ógnju za (figurativno) to be fired (ali to be ablaze) with enthusiasm for; to be enthusiastic about
kjer je dim, je tudi ógenj there is no smoke without fire
opečen otrok se boji ógnja a burnt child dreads the fire
dajte mi malo ógnja, prosim may (ali can) I have a light, please?
imate ógenj? have you got a light?, do you have a light?
vas smem prositi za ógenj? may I ask you for a light?, (pogovorno) got a match, please?
óg slabo gori the fire is going out
koncentrirati óg vojska to concentrate one's fire
iti skozi óg za koga (figurativno) to go through fire and water for someone, to go through a great deal for someone
iti po kostanje v óg za koga to pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
igrati se z ógnjem to play with fire, (figurativno) to play with sharp (ali edged) tools
ógenj je izbruhnil a fire broke out
kuhati na ógnju to cook on a (ali on an open) fire
naložiti premog na ógenj to put coal on the fire
biti izpostavljen težkemu ógnju vojska to be exposed to heavy fire
odpreti (začeti) ógenj vojska to open fire
podpihati ógenj to fan the flame
ógenj poide (je pošel) the fire goes out (has gone out, is out)
izkresati ógenj to strike fire
pogasiti ógenj to put out (ali to extinguish) a fire
napraviti (prižgati) ógenj to make (to light, to kindle) a fire, ZDA to fix a fire
podrezati ógenj to make up the fire, to poke (ali to stir) the fire, to stoke up the fire
prili(va)ti olje na ógenj (figurativno) to add fuel to the fire, to pour oil on the fire
še naložiti na ógenj to replenish the fire
kot ógenj (hitro) se razširiti to spread like wildfire
ógenj je uničil tovarno the factory has been destroyed by fire
ustaviti ógenj vojska to cease fire
ustavi ógenj! (vojaško povelje) hold your fire!, cease firing!
vzdrževati ógenj to keep the fire going
vzeti pod ógenj vojska to fire at
zajeziti ógenj to bank up the fire
zavarovati proti ógnju to insure against fire - oglás (v časopisu) advertisement (krajšava: ad); (objava) announcement
mali oglási (v časopisu) small ads
javen oglás public notice, (lepak) poster, placard
dati oglás (v časopis) to put (ali insert) an advertisement in a newspaper
sklicujoč se na vaš oglás referring to your advertisement
prosim, objavite dvakrat moj oglás v vašem časopisu please have my advertisement inserted twice in your paper - ogléd ogledovánje examination, inspection, survey; visit
izvod, primerek (knjige) na ogléd, ogledovánje specimen (free, examination, complimentary) copy
stran na ogléd, ogledovánje tiskarstvo specimen page
poslati na ogléd, ogledovánje to send on approval (ali for trial, inspection)
kupiti brez ogléd, ogledovánjea (= na slepo) to buy something sight unseen
ogléd, ogledovánje brez obveznosti trgovina free inspection, inspection with no obligation (to buy) - ogledálo mirror; looking glass
toaletno ogledálo dressingtable mirror
ročno ogledálo hand mirror
žepno ogledálo pocket mirror
ogledálo na zidu (med dvema oknoma) pier glass - oglédi
iti na ogléde to visit the family home of an intended spouse - oklíc proclamation; calling up, call-up
(poročni) oklíci pl banns pl
dati na oklíce to publish the banns, to put up the banns - ôkno window
izložbeno ôkno shopwindow, display window
ôkno na krila casement window
strešno ôkno dormer window; garret window
ôkno na palubi skylight
poslikano ôkno stained-glass window
vzdižno (angleško, na smuk) ôkno sash window
slepo ôkno blind window
ôkno gleda na ulico the window looks out on (to) the street
s tega ôkna je lep razgled there is a fine view from this window, this window commands a fine view
gledati skoz ôkno to look out of the window
odpreti (zapreti) ôkno to open (to shut, to close) the window
zadajšnje ôkno v avtu rear window - okó eye; (na krompirju) eye; (mastno) drop of grease; botanika eye (of a bud)
kurje okó (figurativno) corn
operater kurjih očes chiropodist
stekleno okó a glass eye
magično okó magic-eye tuning
mačje okó (figurativno) (rear) reflector
z golim očesom with the naked eye
s prostim očesom with unaided eye
okó postave je budno the eye of the law is ever vigilant
imeti okó za lepoto (za kaj lepega) to have an eye for the beautiful
kakor daleč seže okó as far as the eye can reach, within eyeshot, within range of sight
dljè kot seže okó farther (ali further) than the eye can see
z očesom ne treniti not to bat an eyelid
niti z očesom ni trenil he did not even wince
on ne vidi več na levo okó he lost the sight of his left eye
vidim stvari z istim očesom kot ti (figurativno) I see eye to eye with you
pazi na okó! mind your eye!
zamižati na eno okó to wink an eye (ob at), (figurativno) to connive (at), to shut one's eyes to
zatisnil je eno okó ob mojem kajenju he turned a blind eye to my smoking
ne zatisniti očesa (figurativno) not to sleep a wink
nocoj nisem zatisnil očesa I did not get a wink of sleep last night
okó za okó, zob za zob an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - okòv metal part (ali piece, plate) used for strengthening corners, tops, edges of objects
okòvi pl chains pl, irons pl, shackles pl, fetters pl, (na rokah, lisice) manacles pl, handcuffs pl, gyves pl; figurativno ties pl, trammels pl
natakniti okòve na roke komu to handcuff someone
streti okòve to break one's fetters
vkleniti v okòve to fetter (koga someone), to put in irons, to chain - ólje oil; (= slika v olju) oil painting
bučno ólje pumpkin oil
eterično ólje attar; essential (ali volatile) oil
hudičevo ólje vitriol
kurilno ólje fuel oil
lahko (težko) ólje light (heavy) oil
leskovo ólje (figurativno, tepež z jermenom) the strap, strap oil
laneno ólje linseed oil
kameno ólje petroleum
makovo ólje poppy-seed oil
mineralno ólje mineral oil
namizno ólje salad oil
olivno ólje olive oil
rožno ólje attar of roses
plinsko ólje gas oil, diesel oil
poslednje, sveto ólje religija extreme unction
strojno ólje lubricating oil, engine oil, machine oil
ribje ólje cod-liver oil
ricinusovo ólje castor oil
terpentinovo ólje oil of turpentine
neprepusten za ólje oiltight
dovod ólja oil feed, oil supply
kuhanje na ólju oil cooking
poraba ólja oil consumption
portret v ólju portrait in oils
ročka za ólje oilcan
ólje na ogenj fuel to the flame
namazati z óljem to oil
prili(va)ti ólja na ogenj (figurativno) to pour oil on the flames, to add fuel to the games
slikati z óljem to paint in oils - omejítev limitation; restriction; restraint; circumscription; confinement
omejítev hitrosti speed regulation; (izdatkov, stroškov) reduction, retrenchment, cutting back
omejítev trgovine restraint of trade
naložiti omejítve na... to impose restrictions on..., (komu) to lay restraint on (someone)
omejítev viz restriction on the issue of visas
ukiniti omejítve to lift restrictions - omejíti to limit; to restrict; to circumscribe; to confine, to bound, to set bounds to, to restrain; (izdatke itd.) to retrench, to reduce, to curtail
omejíti se to limit oneself (na pitje piva to drinking beer); to confine oneself (to), to restrict oneself (to); to keep within certain bounds; (skopariti z) to stint (oneself) - omética
šivati na omético to whipstitch - opêči to burn, to scorch; (sonce) to tan
opêči svež (bel) kruh to toast bread
opêči na ražnju to roast
opêči se to get burned
opêči si prste to burn one's fingers - opéka (zidna)
žgana opéka fire-baked brick; (strešna) tile
nežgana, na soncu posušena opéka sun-dried brick, adobe
glazirana opéka glazed brick (oziroma tile)
nepregorna opéka firebrick, refractory brick
šamotna opéka fireclay brick
pobarvana opéka Dutch tile
glina za opéko brick-clay
izdelovanje opéke brickmaking
pokriti (streho) z opéko to tile, to cover with tiles - operácija medicina surgical operation, operation
operácija na medicina operation for
napraviti, izvesti operácijo medicina to perform an operation
finančna operácija financial transaction
vojaške operácije operations pl, troop movements pl (oziroma movement of ships)
podvreči se operáciji medicina to undergo an operation
moram iti na operácijo I must undergo a surgical operation, I must be operated on, pogovorno I've got to have an operation - operíran medicina operated on
biti operíran to be operated on (na slepiču for appendicitis) - operírati (s čim) to manage, to conduct, to use; medicina to operate (koga on someone); to perform an operation (ali a surgical operation)
operírati koga na slepiču to operate on someone for appendicitis
moram se dati operírati I must be operated on, I must have an operation
ki se ne da operírati medicina inoperable - opírati
opírati na to base (upon)
opírati se na to rest on, to lean on, to be based (ali founded) on
opira svoja sumničenja na ono pismo he bases his suspicions on that letter