
Zadetki iskanja

  • snég snow

    brez snéga snowless
    kosmič snéga snowflake
    snég iz jajc whipped eggs pl
    snég iz stepene smetane whipped cream
    večni snég everlasting (ali perpetual) snow
    meja večnega snéga snow line
    kot snég bel snow-white, white as snow
    kot snég beli lasje snowy hair
    slep od (bleščečega se) snega snowblind
    krplje za snég snowshoes pl
    zametèn od snéga snowbound
    zatrpan s snégom snowed up, snowbound
    pokrit s snégom covered with snow, snowclad, snowcapped
    odrezan zaradi snéga snowbound
    biti zasut s snégom to be snowed in (ali up), to be under snow
    s snégom bogata zima a snowy winter
    toliko mi je za to kot za lanski snég, to mi je lanski snég I couldn't care less (about it)
    snég pada it snows (ozir. it is snowing)
    snég me je zametel I was snowed in
    vlak je obtičal v snégu the train was snowed under
  • sodník judge; justice; magistrate

    mirovni sodník justice of the peace (krajšava: J.P.)
    nogometni sodník referee; (kriketni, teniški) umpire; (razsodnik) arbiter, arbitrator
    biti hkrati sodník in tožnik to be judge and jury (in one's own cause)
  • sòkriv accessory

    biti sòkriv to be an accomplice (v zločinu in a crime), to he accessory (to a crime)
  • sólza tear

    v sólzah in tears
    grenka sólza bitter tear
    sólze kesanja tears pl of remorse
    sólze veselja tears of joy
    krokodilove sólze crocodile tears pl
    do sólz ganjen moved to tears
    do sólz until the tears run
    grenke sólze salt tears pl
    biti ves v sólzah to be in tears
    hitro je ganjen do sólz he is easily moved to tears
    biti na robu sólz (figurativno) to be on the brink of tears
    to niso mačkine sólze (figurativno) this is not to be sneezed at
    sólze je imela v očeh tears stood in her eyes
    jokati sólze veselja to weep tears of joy
    planiti v sólze to burst into tears
    pretakati sólze to shed tears
    potočiti sólzo to shed a tear
    točiti krokodilove sólze to shed crocodile tears
    točiti bridke sólze to shed (ali to weep) bitter tears
    topiti se v sólzah to melt into tears
    do sólz se smejati to laugh till the tears come, to laugh till one cries (ali till the tears come into one's eyes)
    sólze mi pridejo, stopijo v oči tears come into my eyes
    smehljati se skozi sólze to smile through one's tears
    ni se mogla vzdržati sólz she could not restrain her tears
    sólze so ji zalile oči her eyes brimmed with tears, she burst into tears
    sólze so ji privrele v oči tears welled up in her eyes
  • soóčiti to confront (z with); to bring face to face

    biti soočen z to be confronted with
  • soróden related (z to); kindred, cognate, akin, allied

    biti soróden z besedo »brati« to be cognate with the word »brother«
    biti tesno soróden z to be closely related to
    soródne duše kindred souls pl
    soródni jeziki cognate languages pl
  • soródstvo relationship; relations pl; kin; relatives pl

    smo v soródstvu (pogovorno) we are kin, vre are related (ali relations)
    biti v soródstvu z to be related to
    v daljnem soródstvu distantly connected
  • sovráštvo hatred (do, proti of, against, towards); enmity; pesniško, literatura hate

    vreden sovráštva hateful
    biti v sovráštvu z to be at daggers drawn with
    čutiti sovráštvo do koga to hate someone
    poln sovráštva filled with hatred
    gojiti sovráštvo do koga to bear malice towards someone, to entertain hatred for someone
    netiti sovráštvo do koga to be fuel to someone's hatred
    živé v (medsebojnem) sovráštvu they live on bad terms, they are at daggers drawn
    nakopati si sovráštvo to incur someone's hatred, to draw upon oneself someone's hatred
    iz sovráštva do because of (ali out of) (one's) hatred for (ali of)
  • sovrážen hostile, inimical; enemy; (nasproten) adverse, opposed (to)

    biti si sovrážen to be at daggers drawn, to be in bitter conflict
    sovrážna propaganda hostile propaganda
  • sovrážnik enemy; hater; fiend; foe, pesniško foeman

    glavni sovrážnik archenemy, archfiend
    najhujši sovrážnik deadliest enemy
    smrtni sovrážnik deadly enemy, sworn enemy
    sovrážnik ljudstva public enemy
    nevaren sovrážnik arhaično a foeman worthy of one's steel
    napraviti si koga za sovrážnika to make an enemy of someone
    biti sovrážnik komu to be someone's enemy
  • sovrážnost hostility (do to, towards, against); enmity; animosity; ill-will

    le v primeru sovrážnosti hostilities only
    med sovrážnostmi during (the) hostilities
    prekinitev sovrážnosti vojska suspension of hostilities, (ognja) ceasefire
    biti zapleten v sovrážnosti to be involved in hostilities
    prenehati s sovrážnostmi to suspend hostilities
    zanetiti sovrážnost to foment hostility
    začeti sovrážnosti to commence hostilities
    ustavitev (izbruh) sovrážnosti cessation (outbreak) of hostilities
  • spáti to sleep, to be asleep, to lie asleep; pogovorno to kip; to lie dormant

    spáti oblečen to sleep with one's clothes on
    spáti po obedu to have (ali to take) a nap, to have one's forty winks
    dobro (slabo) spáti to sleep well (badly, poorly)
    spáti doma (zunaj) to sleep in (out)
    spáti pod milim nebom, na prostem to sleep in the open air
    spáti polnih 12 (ali 24) ur to sleep the clock round
    spáti zimsko spanje to hibernate
    spáti spanje pravičnega to sleep the sleep of the just
    trdno spáti to be fast (ali sound) asleep, to sleep very soundly
    spáti nepretrgano do 7. ure zjutraj to sleep right through (ali without a break) until seven in the morning
    predolgo spáti (= »zaspati«) to oversleep
    spáti kot ubit, kot polh to sleep like a log (ali like a top, like a dormouse)
    iti spat to go to bed, to lie down to sleep, (otroški govor) to go to bye-byes; to retire
    to mi ne da spáti it keeps me awake at night
    nisem mogel spáti I hardly slept a wink
    hoditi zgodaj spat to retire early
    ne spáti (biti buden, figurativno) to be watchful (ali vigilant), to be on the alert
    bom toliko bolje spal zaradi tega I will sleep the sounder for it
    zadeva spi (figurativno) the matter (ali affair) has been pigeon-holed
    vso noč nisem spal I did not sleep a wink last night
    kakor si boš postlal, tako boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie
  • spomín memory; remembrance (of), recollection; reminiscence (of); mind; (spominek) souvenir, keepsake, (s sejma) fairing

    dober spomín retentive (ali tenacious) memory
    po spomínu by (ali from) memory
    v spomín na in memory of, in remembrance of
    v spomínu sedaj živečih within living memory
    spomenik njemu v spomín a monument to his memory
    spomína vreden memorable
    prijetni spomíni pleasant recollections pl
    spomíni na prvo svetovno vojno recollections of the Great War (ali the first World War)
    imeti dober spomín to have a good memory
    imeti slab spomín za (biti pozabljiv) to have a weak memory for
    imeti kaj v medlem spomínu to have a dim recollection of something
    imam še (vedno) v spomínu it is still within my recollection
    imeti kaj v spomínu to have something in remembrance, to bear (ali to have, to keep) something in mind
    obdržati v lepem spomínu koga to hold someone in fond remembrance
    obujati spomíne to recall memories
    objaviti svoje spomíne to publish one's reminiscences
    poklicati komu kaj v spomín to recall something to mind
    ohraniti v dobrem spomínu kaj to retain a good memory of something
    moj spomín sega le deset let nazaj my memory spans only the last ten years
    to mi je ušlo iz spomína it has escaped my memory
    če me spomín ne vara if my memory serves me (right)
    vtisniti komu kaj v spomín to stamp something on someone's mind
    vtisniti si v spomín to commit to memory
    živeti od spomínov to live on one's reminiscences
  • sporazúmen agreeing (z with), agreeable to, consenting, assenting, willing

    biti sporazúmen z to agree to, to be agreeable to, to consent, to assent, to acquiesce
    biti tajno sporazúmen to connive (at)
    sporočite nam, prosimo, če ste sporazúmni z našimi pogoji please, let us know if you agree to our conditions
  • sporéden parallel (z with, to)

    biti sporéden čemu to run parallel to something
  • spóren contestable, disputable, debatable, contentious, controversial, litigious, questionable; pravo moot; at issue

    spóren primer a controversial case
    spórna točka moot point, point of controversy, point at issue
    spórno vprašanje moot question
    spórna zadeva, stvar, točka matter at issue, matter in dispute
    biti spóren to be at issue, to be in dispute
    spóren problem controversial problem
  • spoštován respected; honoured; respectable; honourable; valued

    vaš spoštováni oče your respected father
    spoštováni gospod! (v pismu) Dear Sir
    spoštováni bralec! arhaično gentle reader!
    biti visoko spoštován to be held in high respect
  • spréti (razdvojiti) to set at variance

    spréti se to quarrel (with each other), to have a quarrel (ali a dispute); to fall out with one another
    to jih je sprlo that set them at variance
    biti sprt z to be at odds with (someone) (gledé regarding, concerning)
  • sprevòd procession; train; vojska marching column

    pogrebni sprevòd funeral procession, funeral train
    poročni sprevòd wedding procession
    sprevòd avtomobilov motorcade
    sprevòd jezdecev cavalcade
    biti v poročnem sprevòdu to take part in a wedding procession
    iti v sprevòdu to walk, to go in procession
    slavnosten sprevòd parade, show, pageant
  • spŕt

    biti spŕt s kom not to be on speaking terms with someone
    sprta sta they are on bad terms