
Zadetki iskanja

  • potrpežljívost patience; forbearance; endurance; indulgence

    izgubiti potrpežljívost to be out of patience, to lose one's temper
    moja potrpežljívost je pri kraju my patience is completely exhausted, I have lost all patience, my patience is at an end
    preskusiti svojo potrpežljívost to try one's patience
    nočem zlorabljati vašo potrpežljívost I will not tax your patience
    še taka potrpežljívost ima svoje meje (figurativno) even a worm will turn
  • poučljív teachable; ready ali eager to be taught (ali to learn)

    poučljív otrok an apt pupil
  • povabílo invitation

    na povabílo at the invitation (koga of someone)
    povabílo na večerjo invitation to dinner
    pismeno povabílo letter of invitation
    sodno povabílo (poziv) summons
    sprejeti (odkloniti) povabílo to accept (to decline) an invitation
    šel sem tja na njegovo povabílo I went there at his invitation (ali request)
    z veseljem sprejmem vaše prijazno povabílo I accept with pleasure your kind invitation
  • povêlje order; command

    po povêlju, na povêlje to order, by order
    dnevno povêlje vojska order of the day
    izdati povêlje to issue an order
    to sem storil na njegovo povêlje I did it at his command
    izvršiti povêlje to carry out an order
  • poveljeváti to command, to be in command of; to lead

    poveljeváti armadi to command an army
  • povrníti to return; to render; to repay; to give back

    povrníti voznino to refund someone's fare
    povrníti dobro za slabo to return (ali to render) good for evil
    povrníti milo za drago; (šilo za ognjilo); enako z enakim to give tit for tat
    povrníti zlo za zlo to return (ali to render) evil for evil, to take an eye for an eye
    stroški mu bodo povrnjeni he will be reimbursed his expenses
    ne povrníti česa (ne se izkazati hvaležnega) to make no return for something
    povrníti se to return
  • povzročítelj; povzročíteljica causer; inducer; agent; author, authoress; (nemirov, ipd.) provoker, fermenter

    povzročítelj; -ica nesreče person responsible for an accident
    povzročítelj; -ica te bolezni je virus this disease is caused by a virus
  • pozív appeal; (uraden) summons; (vojaški) call-up; injunction

    sodni pozív subpoena, writ (of summons), (z grožnjo kazni) (writ of) subpoena
    napisati pozív to draw up a writ
    pozív v vojsko, na orožne vaje call-up
    izročiti pozív to serve with a summons (ali a writ), to summons
    odzvati se, ustreči nujnemu pozívu to obey an urgent summons
  • poznánstvo acquaintance; acquaintanceship

    gojiti, vzdrževati poznánstvo z to cultivate the acquaintance of
    skleniti poznánstvo z to form an acquaintance with, to become acquainted with
    priložnostno poznánstvo casual acquaintance
    bežno poznánstvo nodding acquaintance
  • požréti to swallow (up); to devour

    požréti svojo besedo to eat one's words
    žalitev to swallow the affront, an insult
    to požre ves moj zaslužek this swallows up all my earnings
  • práksa (navada) practice, usage, use; work in one's profession; experience; (delo) practical work

    zdravnik splošne prákse general practitioner
    iz prákse (iz vaje) out of practice
    uvesti v prákso kaj to put something into practice
    opravljati prákso to follow (ali to pursue) a profession
    opustil je svojo prákso he has retired from practice
    ta zdravnik ima obsežno prákso this physician has an extensive practice ali many patients
  • právda case, suit, lawsuit; action, process

    civilna právda civil suit
    stranka v právdi party to an action
    stranka, nasprotnik v právdi opposing party
    dobiti (izgubiti) právdo to win (to lose) a suit (ali one's case)
    imeti právdo z to go to law against, to be at law with
    voditi právdo to carry on a lawsuit
    dobiti svojo právdo to win one's case (ali lawsuit)
    právda še teče the case continues, lawsuit is still in process
  • právi -a, -o right, the right one; proper; (neponarejen) natural, pure, genuine, unadulterated; perfect, quite a; (resnlčen) real, true, veritable, authentic, actual; (točen) accurate, correct; (zvest) true, true-blue; (iskren) sincere, felt

    právi, -a, -o brat full brother
    práva sestra full sister
    právi, -a, -o denar good money
    právo zlato pure gold, genuine (ali real) gold
    právi, -a, -o kot geometrija rectangle
    práva pot the right way
    právi, -a, -o mož (človek) the right man
    právi, -a, -o mož na pravem mestu (figurativno) a square peg in a square hole
    o právem času in due course, at the right time, in the nick of time
    na právem mestu in the proper place
    právi, -a, -o Francoz, ta možakar! a true Frenchman, that man!
    právi, -a, -o pravcati bedak a regular fool, a prize idiot
    právi, -a, -o pravcati lopov an arrant knave, a confirmed rascal
    právi, -a, -o pravcati detektiv a real, live detective
    to je právi, -a, -o mož this is a real man
    on je právi, -a, -o avtor te knjige he is the true author of this book
    on ni čisto pri právi, -a, -o (pameti) he is not quite in his senses
    on je práva ničla (figurativno) he is a mere cipher
    to je práva sreča it is a piece of real good luck
    to ne gre čisto po právem (figurativno) there is some skulduggery in it, I suspect foul play
    ni nobene práve razlike med njima there is no real difference between the two
    imeli smo právo poplavo doma we have had a real inundation at home
    naleteti na právega to meet one's match
    priti na právo mesto to come to the proper place
    urezal si se v prst, práva reč! you have cut your finger, what's that? (ali it's nothing to make a fuss about)
  • pravílo rule; principle; standard; regulation, axiom, maxim, law; precept

    po pravílu as a rule, according to the regulations
    brez pravíla irregular, anomalous
    pravíla pl rules pl, statutes, pl, regulations pl, standing orders pl, standing rule, bylaws pl, ordinances pl
    društvena pravíla the regulations of a society
    izjema k pravílu an exception to the rule
    trojno pravílo rule of three
    zlato pravílo golden rule
    stalno pravílo hard and fast rule
    pravílo drži the rule holds good
    držati se pravíl to observe the rules
    držati se (nekega) pravíla to go by a rule
    pravílo je, da... it is the rule that...
    to je proti pravílom it is against the rules
    moje pravílo je zgodaj vstajati I make it a rule to get up early
    postati pravílo to become the rule
    prelomiti pravílo to break a rule
    postaviti pravílo to lay down a rule
    izjema potrjuje pravílo the exception proves the rule
  • prázen empty; emptied; (službeno mesto) vacant, open; unoccupied; void, evacuated; vain; (nepopisan) blank

    prázne besede empty words pl
    za prázen nič for nothing, without any reason
    práznih rok empty-handed
    prázen izgovor a lame excuse
    prázno gledališče a poor house
    prázno službeno mesto vacancy
    prázna soba empty room
    prázen prostor an empty space
    prázne trditve unfounded assertions pl
    prázen strah groundless fear
    prázno upanje vain hope
    prázna vera superstition
    na prázen želodec on an empty stomach
    prázen naboj blank cartridge
    on je prázne glave he is empty-headed
    ta je prázna (to je čista izmišljotina) that is pure invention
    hotéli so sedaj prázni the hotels are all deserted by this time
    gledati, strmeti v prázno to gaze into space
    mlatiti prázno slamo to talk nonsense (ali rot), to flog a dead horse
    pustiti eno vrsto prázno to leave a line blank
    vrnil se je práznih rok he returned empty-handed
  • praznováti (slaviti) to celebrate; to solemnize; to keep (ali to observe) a holiday

    praznováti rojstni dan (obletnico, god) to celebrate one's birthday (an anniversary, a name day); (ne delati) to stop work, not to work
  • preboléti to get over; to recover (from)

    preboléti bolezen to get over one's illness
    prebolel je dolgo bolezen he has recovered from a long illness
    prebolela je hudo bolezen she has gone through a severe illness
    preboléti krivico to forget an injustice
    ne bo prebolel njene smrti he will not get over her death
  • precenjeváti to overestimate, to overvalue; to overrate

    on se močno precenjuje he greatly overrates his own capacity, he has too high an opinion of himself
    precenjeváti svojo moč to overestimate one's strength
  • préd2 (krajevno) before, in front of; ahead of; (časovno) previous to, up to, prior to; ago, since, back

    préd hišo before (ali in front of) the house
    préd pričami (notarjem) in the presence of witnesses (of a Notary Public)
    dve uri préd časom two hours before time (ZDA ahead of time)
    préd Kristom before Christ (krajšava: B.C.)
    préd polnočjo before midnight
    10 minut préd 9. uro 10 minutes to (ZDA of) nine
    préd poldnevom in the morning, in the forenoon
    préd pol ure (14 dnevi, enim mesecem, dvema letoma) half an hour (a fortnight, a month, two years) ago
    préd kratkim recently, of late, lately
    préd vsem first of all, above all
    (prav) préd mojimi očmi before my very eyes
    ne préd 10. uro not till ten o'clock
    dan préd mojim odhodom the day before (ali previous to) my departure
    préd nekaj urami a few hours back
    delo je bilo gotovo šest mesecev préd planom the work was completed six months ahead of schedule
    on je prav (tik) préd nami he is just ahead of us
    šel je préd menoj he preceded me, he went in front, he led the way
    tekla je préd nami she ran ahead of us
    vlak ne bo odpeljal préd osmo uro the train will not leave till (ali before) 8 o'clock
    imeti kaj préd seboj (figurativno) to have something coming to one, to be in for something
    nimava (nimamo) nobenih skrivnosti drug préd drugim we have no secrets from each other (from one another)
    imeti prednost préd kom to have the advantage of someone
    imeti kaj préd očmi (figurativno) to have (ali to keep) something in mind (ali in view, in sight)
    ne pride mi več préd oči he shuns me
    od teme se ne vidi prst préd očmi it is pitch-dark
    ne bom odpotoval préd enim tednom I shan't start for a week (ali for a week yet)
  • predložíti to propose, (dokaze) to produce, (ček, račun) to present, (v odobritev, presojo) to submit

    predložíti vprašanje sodišču to submit a question to the court
    predložíti komu v odobritev pogodbo to submit a contract (ali an agreement) for someone's approval
    predložíti potrdilo o prejemu to produce a receipt