pomóč help, aid, assistance, (v sili) succour; (denarna) subvention, bounty, subsidy, support, standby; (olajšanje) relief; (lek) remedy, cure
brez pomóči helpless
na pomóč! help! help!
klic na pomóč cry for help
klic za hitro, nujno pomóč v sili emergency call
garnitura, oprema za prvo pomóč first aid kit
s pomóčjo by the help of, by means of, by dint of, by (ali with) the aid of, by the agency of
z božjo pomóčjo with God's help
temu ni pomóči there's nothing to be done about it, there's no help for it, it cannot be remedied (ali helped)
zanj ni več pomóči he is past help
klicati na pomóč to shout (ali to call) for help, to call for assistance
nuditi pomóč komu to offer help to someone
nuditi prvo pomóč na postaji prve pomóči to give first aid at the dressing station (ali first-aid post)
ponuditi svojo pomóč to offer one's aid
hoditi s pomóčjo palice to walk with the aid (ali help) of a stick
iti komu na pomóč to go to someone's help
to mi ni bilo v nobeno pomóč it was no help to me
poslati pomóč žrtvam potresa to send relief to the victims of an earthquake
priti komu na pomóč to come to someone's rescue (ali aid, assistance)
priskočil mi je na pomóč he ran (ali came) to my help (ali to my assistance)
prositi za pomóč to ask for help
napraviti kaj brez tuje pomóči to do something off one's own bat
obrniti se na koga za pomóč to turn for aid (ali help) to someone, to resort to someone
vsa zdravniška pomóč ga ni mogla rešiti all the resources of medical skill could not save him
ne vem si (več) pomóči I am at my wits' end, I am in a quandary (ali a dilemma, a rare fix), pogovorno I'm up the creek, I'm up a gum tree
Zadetki iskanja
- pomóta mistake; error; blunder
po pomóti by mistake, mistakenly, by error, inadvertently
pisna pomóta clerical error
tiskovna pomóta printer's error, misprint
napraviti tiskovno pomóto to misprint
delati vedno nove pomóte to blunder along
pomóta se je vrinila an error has crept in
za pomóte ne odgovarjamo trgovina we disclaim responsibility for mistakes; errors excepted - ponávljati to repeat; (večkrat, neprestano) to reiterate; (naučeno) to revise; to reproduce
ponávljati se to repeat oneself; to occur (ali to happen) repeatedly, to recur; (vračati se) to recur
ponavljajoča se bolezen recurrent complaint
stalno se ponavljajoče vprašanje (problem) an ever recurring question
ponávljati razred to take the same year again
zgodovina se ponavlja history repeats itself - ponúdba offer; bid, bidding; proffer; tender; (ženitna ipd.) overture
najnižja ponúdba (pri licitaciji za kako delo) the lowest tender
nižja ponúdba underbid
ponúdba in povpraševanje supply and demand
raziskovalna ponúdba research tender
ženitna ponúdba offer (ali proposal) of marriage
oseba, ki ji predložimo ponúdbo ZDA tenderee
predložiti ponúdbo to submit a tender
odbiti ponúdbo to turn down an offer
razpisati licitacijo za ponúdbe to invite tenders
sprejemamo ponúdbe we are open to receive tenders
staviti višjo ponúdbo to outbid - popráviti to repair; (hišo) to do up; (čevlje, stroj itd.) to mend; to set right, to overhaul; (ladjo) to refit; (izboljšati) to improve; (napake) to correct, to put right, to rectify; to recondition; (sliko) to touch up; (zakrpati) to mend, to patch, to refit, to botch, to darn; (zdravje) to restore; (zakon) to amend; (figurativno, krivico itd.) to repair, to remedy, to redress, to make amends for, (povzročeno škodo) to make good, to compensate
popráviti napako, instrument to rectify an error, to repair an instrument
popráviti krivico to repair a wrong, to make good an injury
popráviti (nadomestiti) izgubo to repair a loss
vedno kaj popravlja pri svojem avtu he is always tinkering at his car
popravil je svoje mladostne napake he has atoned for his youthful misdeeds
popráviti se to improve, to better oneself, to grow better, to reform; (razmere) to take a turn for the better; (zdravstveno) to mend, to be on the mend, to recover, to come round, to be restored
to se ne da popráviti this is past mending
bolnik se je popravil the patient has improved (ali has recovered)
vreme se je popravilo the weather has improved
upam, da se bo popravil v bodoče I hope he will do better (ali will improve) for the future
popráviti posledice to redress the consequences - poravnáti (tla, zemljo) to level, to plane, to flatten, to even; figurativno to arrange, to settle, to balance; (ukrivljeno) to straighten; (pomiriti) to conciliate, to compose; (izenačiti) to equalize; (škodo) to compensate
poravnáti spor to settle a quarrel, to make up
poravnáti dolg to settle (to square) a debt
poravnáti zadevo to straighten a matter out
vse je poravnano med nama we're quits
poravnáti komu škodo za kaj to make it up to someone
morali so mi poravnáti škodo they had to make it up to me
poravnáti se to make an arrangement (z with), to come to an arrangement - poročílo report, relation; account; statement; bulletin
blagajniško poročílo cashier's report
podrobno poročílo detailed report (ali account)
letno poročílo annual report
mesečno poročílo monthly report
borzno poročílo stock market report
obračunsko poročílo statement of account
končno, sklepno poročílo final report
poslovno poročílo business report
posebno poročílo special report
tržno poročílo market report
radijska poročíla news bulletin
ustno poročílo verbal report
sejno poročílo report of session
vojno poročílo army communiqué
sumarično poročílo summary account
vremensko poročílo weather forecast, meteorological report
zdravniško poročílo bulletin, doctor's report
verno poročílo o vsem, kar se je zgodilo a faithful account of all that happened
dokler ni popolnejših poročíl pending fuller information
izdati tedensko (mesečno, letno) poročílo to issue a weekly (a monthly, an annual) report
napraviti poročílo to draw up a statement
pripraviti letno poročílo za 1980 to prepare the annual report for 1980 - posádka (mesta, trdnjave) garrison; (ladje, letala) crew
ladja s premajhno posádko an undermanned ship
nastaniti posádko to garrison (v mestu a town) - posébnež original; character; card
star posébnež (čudak) an old codger - posláti to send (off, away), to dispatch, to expedite, to transmit; to forward; (z ladjo) to ship; (denar) to remit
nazaj posláti to return, (z ladjo) to reship; to send back
posláti po pošti to send by post
posláti z obratno pošto to send by return (of post)
posláti darilo (sla v, prisrčen pozdrav, sporočilo) to send a present (a messenger to, one's love, a message)
posláti komu (po)vabilo to send someone an invitation
posláti komu paket to send a parcel to someone
posláti naprej, za kom (pismo itd.) to forward, to send on
prosimo posláti za naslovnikom! please forward; ZDA please redirect!
posláti po (zdravnika) to send for (the doctor)
treba je posláti po zdravnika a doctor must be sent for
posláti koga k vragu (figurativno) to tell someone to get lost (ali to drop dead, to go to the devil), to send someone packing - poslúh musical ear, ear for music
brez poslúha tone deaf
on ima dober poslúh za glasbo he has an ear for music
nima poslúha he has no musical ear
igrati, peti po poslúhu to play by ear, to sing by ear
poslúh! attention! - posmèh posmehovánje mockery, derision; scoff; jeer; scorn; gibe
predmet, predmet posmèh, posmehovánjea, tarča posmèh, posmehovánjea a laughingstock
biti v posmèh, posmehovánje to become an object of derision
v posmèh, posmehovánje bom I shall be laughed at (ali laughed to scorn)
v posmèh, posmehovánje je vsej vasi he is the butt (ali laughingstock) of the whole village - postáviti to raise, to erect (spomenik, stavbo a monument, a building); to set (up); to put (up), to place, to stand
postáviti za (imenovati) to nominate, to appoint
postáviti cene to fix (ali to quote) prices
postáviti komisijo to set up a commission
postáviti si hišo to build a house
postáviti mrežo to set (ali to spread) a net
postáviti past (zasedo) to set a trap (an ambush)
postáviti zanko to lay a snare
postáviti v vrsto to range, to draw up
postáviti šotor to pitch a tent
postáviti termin to fix a time (ali date), to appoint a day (ali time)
kam bomo postavili klavir? here shall we put the piano?
pred vrata so mu postavili miličnika they have posted a policeman at (ali in front of) his door
postavil ga je za svojega dediča he has appointed him his heir
postavili so ga za predsednika they nominated him president
postáviti ob stran (odložiti) to shelve
postavimo (recimo), da ne pride suppose he doesn't come
postáviti na preizkušnjo to put to the test
postáviti se (namestiti se) to place oneself, to take up one's post (ali position)
postáviti se v bran, po robu to make one's stand, to make a stand (against), to stand at bay, to show fight
postáviti se z (bahati se z) to pride oneself on, to boast of
postáviti se v špalir to form a line, to line up
postáviti se na glavo to stand on one's head
tudi če se na glavo postaviš (figurativno) in spite of anything you may do
postáviti vse na glavo to leave everything topsy-turvy, to turn everything upside down
postáviti se komu ob stran to side with someone - póstelja bed, (brez posteljnine) bedstead; (ležišče) couch
dvojna póstelja double bed; (zasilna na podu) shakedown; (otroška) cot, crib
bolniška póstelja sickbed, bed of sickness; (s štirimi stebri in baldahinom) four-poster
smrtna póstelja deathbed
póstelja divan sofa-bed
poljska, zložljiva póstelja camp bed, folding bed
rezervna póstelja spare bed; (ladijska, vgrajena) bunk
viseča póstelja (mornarska) hammock
póstelja na koleščkih truckle bed, trundle bed
zložljiva póstelja folding bed
železna póstelja an iron bedstead
otročja póstelja (figurativno, porod) childbed, lying-in
Prokrustova póstelja Procrustean bed
v póstelji in bed, abed
ob, pri póstelji at the bedside
bolan v póstelji, priklenjen na pósteljo bedridden, confined to bed; (porodnica) confined, in childbed
soba z eno, z dvema pósteljama a single (ali a single-bedded) room, a double (ali a doublebedded) room
ločitev od póstelje in mize separation from bed and board
biti, ostati v póstelji to stay in bed, to keep to one's bed
že tri dni sem v póstelji I've been laid up for three days
biti na smrtni póstelji to be on one's deathbed, to be at death's door
leči v pósteljo (zaradi bolezni) to take to one's bed
ležati v póstelji to be laid up, (težko bolan) to be confined to bed, to be bedridden
ostati moram v póstelji I must stay in bed
postlati pósteljo to make the bed
postaviti pósteljo to put up a bedstead
preobleči pósteljo to change the bedclothes
spraviti koga v pósteljo to put someone to bed
spraviti se v pósteljo to go to bed, pogovorno to turn in
vstati iz póstelje to get up, to get out of bed
vstajam zgodaj iz póstelje I am an early riser
pozno vstajati iz póstelje to get up late
ni še vstal (iz póstelje) he has not got up yet, he is still in bed - poškódba (rana) injury, lesion, hurt, harm, trauma
osebna poškódba personal injury, trauma
težka telesna poškódba grievous bodily harm
podlegel je poškódbam he did not survive his injuries
utrpeti poškódbe pri nesreči to sustain injuries in an accident
lažje poškódbe slight injuries
telesna poškódba injury, bodily hurt, bodily harm - potêči (miniti, rok) to expire, to run out, to elapse, to lapse
kako je stvar potekla? how did things turn out?
nesrečno potêči to take an unfortunate turn
rok je že potekel time has already run out, pogovorno time's up - potegováti se
potegováti se za kaj to make an application for something
potegováti se za (delovno) mesto to apply for a situation ali job
potegováti se za štipendijo to apply ali pogovorno to put in for a scholarship ➞ potegniti - potrében necessary (za for, to); required; needed; requisite (za for, to); (reven) needy, poor, indigent, needful, necessitous, wanting
zelo potrében much needed
neobhodno potrében indispensable, exigent
potrébno zlo a necessary evil
če (je) potrébno if required
če bo (je) potrébno (v sili) if need be, if (the) need arise, in case of need
kakor bo pač potrébno as may be required
več kot nam je potrébno more than we need
več kot (je) potrébno more than enough, more than is needed
biti česa potrében to need something, to be in need (ali want) of something
opravičilo ni potrébno there is no need for an excuse
ura je potrébna popravila the clock (oziroma watch) needs repairing
ni potrébno, da si grob you don't need to be rude
ni potrébno to ponavljati this does not need repeating
potrében je strokovnjak, da to naredi it requires an expert to do this
ukreniti vse potrébno to take all the necessary steps
ne pojasnjuj več, kot je potrébno! do not explain more than is required!
potrében sem oddiha, okrepitve I need a rest, recreation - potrebováti to need; to require; to want; to necessitate; to be in need (kaj of something)
nujno potrebováti to need (ali to want) badly
potrebováti bolniško pomoč (oskrbo, nego) to require medical care
nujno potrebujem denar I need the money badly
imate vse, kar potrebujete? have you got all you require?
imam vse, kar potrebujem I have all I need
potreboval je dve uri, da je prepisal ono pismo he needed two hours to copy out that letter
koliko časa potrebuješ, da prideš na kolodvor? how long does it take you to get to the station?
potreboval sem pol ure, da sem prišel tja it took me half an hour to get there
precéj časa si potreboval za to you have been slow about it, that took you a long time - potrès earthquake; ZDA temblor; (redko) seism
zaznamovati potrès to record an earthquake