
Zadetki iskanja

  • navalíti (napasti) to attack, to assail, to storm; to fall upon

    množica je navalila na policijsko postajo the crowd stormed the police station
    navalíti na vlak, na avtobus to pile into a train, a bus
  • navézan attached (na to); tied (to)

    biti navézan na koga to be attached to someone; (alpinist) roped, on the rope
    biti sam nase navézan to be thrown back on oneself (ali on one's own resources); to be dependent on oneself
    zelo je navézana nanj she is much attached (ali devoted) to him, she is very fond of him
  • navézati to tie (na to), to fasten (to)

    navézati stike z to establish contact with; to come into touch with
    navézati ponovne stike to renew contacts
    navezal sem z njim pismene stike I entered into correspondence with him
    navézati se to attach oneself
    navézati se na vrv šport to rope up
  • navigácija pomorstvo, aeronavtika navigation

    navigacijska kabina (na ladji) charthouse
  • navozíti to cart (ali to bring, to convey) to a certain place

    navozíti gnoj na njivo to cart manure to the field
  • navréti

    ljudstvo je navrelo na ulice people thronged the streets
  • nebésa (raj) heaven, paradise

    deveta nebésa (figurativno) the Heaven of heavens
    kakor v nebésih, tako na zemlji on earth as it is in heaven
    (pri omenjanju pokojnega) Bog mu daj sveta nebés! may God rest his soul!
    priti v nebésa to join the angels
    v sedmih nebésih in the seventh heaven
    sveta nebés! good heavens!, by heaven!
    hvaliti koga do nebés to praise someone to the skies
  • nebó (vidno) sky; firmament; pesniško welkin; (v ustih) palate

    na nebu in the sky
    nebó nad prestolom, nebó pri procesiji baldachin, canopy
    visok do neba skyhigh, very high
    iz vedrega neba out of the blue, out of a clear sky
    pod milim nebom under the open sky, in the open air
    med nebom in zemljo between heaven and earth
    kot strela z jasnega neba like a bolt from the blue, all of a sudden
    proti nebu skyward(s)
    do neba segajoč reaching up to the sky, touching the sky
    bitka pod nebom air battle
    modro nebó blue sky
    oblačno nebó cloudy sky, overcast sky
    do neba vpijoč crying to heaven
    štiri strani neba the four points of the compass
    (dimna) pisava (reklama) na nebu aeronavtika skywriting; ZDA smoke-writing (sky advertising)
    pisec (reklame) na nebu skywriter
    košček modrega neba a patch of blue sky
    nebó je modro (oblačno) the sky is blue (cloudy, overcast)
    dvigati se v nebó to rise to the skies
    koga v nebó povzdigovati to praise someone to the skies, to laud to the skies, to extol
    (kot) z neba pasti (figurativno) to come out of the blue, to drop from the skies
    noben mojster ni z neba padel (figurativno) no one is born a master
    v nebó vpijoča krivica a crime crying to heaven for vengeance
    moder kot nebó sky blue, skylike
    do neba (= čez vse mere) sky-high, to the sky (ali to the skies)
  • negledé ne gledé

    negledé, ne gledé na irrespective of, apart from, without regard to, regardless of; notwithstanding, in spite of
    negledé, ne gledé na spol irrespective of sex
    negledé, ne gledé na posledice without regard to (ali regardless of) the consequences
  • nékaj something; some, any; prislov somewhat; (nekoliko) a little, a bit

    nékaj denarja some money
    nékaj knjig some books
    nékaj novega something new
    nékaj tega some of this
    nékaj kratov several times, a couple of times
    za nékaj časa for some time
    nékaj takega something of the kind, this kind of thing
    to je nékaj zame that's what I want
    nékaj je na tem there is something in that
    lahko dobim nékaj tega kolača? may I have some of this cake?
    nékaj je treba storiti something must be done
    to mi bo vzelo nékaj časa that will take me some time
    če nimaš denarja, ti ga dam nékaj if you have no money, I will give you some
    gre mi nékaj na bolje I am getting on rather better
    nékaj ljudi se je že drsalo tam there were some people skating already
    dal ji je brošo ali nékaj takega (podobnega) he gave her a brooch or something of the kind
  • neposrédno prislov directly; immediately; next

    obrnite se neposrédno na nas! apply direct to us!
  • nepošténost dishonesty

    mejiti na nepošténost, biti na robu nepošténosti to verge on dishonesty
  • neprávi wrong, not right, improper, undue; (podtaknjen) supposititious; (nepristen) not genuine, spurious, counterfeit, apocryphal, sham; ZDA bogus; (umeten) artificial

    ob neprávem času (uri) at the wrong time
    neprávi biser (diamant) imitation pearl (diamond)
    neprávi odgovor a wrong answer
    nepráva stran blaga wrong side of material
    neprávi ulomek improper fraction
    neprávi mož (človek) na neprávem mestu (položaju) (figurativno) a square peg in a round hole
  • nepričakován unexpected; unthought-of

    nepričakována sreča an unhoped-for bit of luck
    nepričakováno prislov unexpectedly
    nepričakováno prispeti to arrive unexpectedly
    nepričakováno naleteti na koga to come upon someone unawares
  • neréd disorder; derangement, untidiness, confusion; disturbance, tumult, riot; disarrangement; litter; (zmešnjava) chaos, jumble, mess, mishmash, shambles

    v nerédu out of order, disordered, in a mess, out of gear, topsy-turvy
    v velikem nerédu in a state of great confusion
    biti v nerédu to be in a muddle
    priti v neréd to fall into disorder
    spraviti v neréd to derange, to throw into confusion, to mess up
    poulični nerédi riots pl, disturbances pl
    povzročitelj nereda, -ov troublemaker
    poročajo o nerédih na jugu disturbances are reported in the South
    biti v popolnem nerédu to be at sixes and sevens
    kakšen neréd je v tvoji sobi! what a mess your room is in!, your room's a real shambles!
    ; ne morem živeti v takem nerédu I can't live in a pigsty like this
    pustiti svoje knjige v nerédu to leave one's books in a jumble (ali in a muddle)
    ob svoji smrti je pustil vse svoje zadeve v nerédu at his death he left all his affairs in a mess (ali in a muddle)
    zasejati neréd v vrste to throw the ranks into confusion
    njegovo poslovanje je v največjem nerédu his business is in a (rare) muddle (ali a terrible state)
  • nesréča misfortune, bad luck, ill-fortune; calamity, adversity, reverse; (nezgoda) accident, disaster, misadventure, mischief

    na nesréčo, k nesréči unfortunately, unluckily, by an unhappy accident
    po nesréči by accident, accidentally
    smrt po nesréči death by misadventure
    smrtna nesréča accidental death, fatal accident
    na mojo nesréčo unfortunately for me
    prometna nesréča traffic accident
    v sreči ali v nesréči in weal and woe
    on je prava nesréča za svojo družino he is the bane of his family's life
    nesréča je hotela, da je izgubil stavo as ill luck would have it, he lost his bet
    pripetila se mu je nesréča he has had a misfortune
    da bi bila nesréča še večja... to make matters worse..., to cap it all...
    to ti bo prineslo nesréčo that will bring you bad luck
    pripetila se nam je prometna nesréča we (have) met with an accident
    sam riniti v nesréčo to make a rod for one's own back
    nesréča me povsod zasleduje I'm always dogged by ill luck
    nesréča redko sama pride misfortunes rarely come singly
    nesréča nikoli sama ne pride misfortunes never come singly, troubles never come singly, it never rains but it pours
    vsaka nesréča je za koga sreča it's an ill wind that blows nobody good
    nobena nesréča ne traja večno every cloud has a silver lining
    ne kličimo nesréče! (figurativno) touch wood!
  • nésti to carry; to bear; (o krogli) to reach

    nésti jajca to lay eggs
    top nese... the gun has a range of...
    daleč nésti (o orožju) to have a long range
    nesi to pismo na pošto! take this letter to the post office!
    to dobro nese (se izplača) this pays, this is lucrative
  • neúmen stupid; foolish, silly; thick-headed, dull; ZDA pogovorno dumb; (nesmiseln) nonsensical

    neúmen (nor) na kaj mad (ali crazy) about something
    neúmen kot noč as dumb as an ox, as thick as a plank
    kako neúmno! how stupid!
    preneumno! too bad!
    nisi (tako) neúm! you are no fool!
    nisem tako neúmen I am not such a fool
    nisem tako neúmen, da bi to verjel I am not so stupid (ali dumb) as to believe it
    kako si neúmen! how stupid you are!
    to je bilo zelo neúmo od mene it was very stupid of me
    neúmen je kot noč (pogovorno) he is dead from the neck up
    ni tako neúm, kot je videti he is not as stupid as he looks
    to je (že) preneumno that is too silly for words
    ona ni tako neúma! she knows better!, pogovorno she's not so dumb!
  • nèuspèh lack of success, nonsuccess; failure, fiasco; vojska repulse, reverse; miscarriage; žargon washout

    popoln nèuspèh total failure
    biti obsojen na nèuspèh to be doomed (ali condemned, foredoomed) to failure
    doživeti nèuspèh to meet with failure (ali with a reverse), to suffer a reverse
    končati se z nèuspèhom to end in failure
    doživeli smo nèuspèh we met with a reverse, pogovorno we lost out, we were a flop
  • nevóljen unwilling; ill-humoured, sulky, morose, ill-tempered, sullen; ZDA pogovorno grouchy

    biti nevóljen na koga to be vexed, with someone