uglèd reputation; prestige; renown; repute; good name, fame, credit; respectability
povečati komu uglèd to add to someone's credit
poznam ga po njegovem uglèdu (slovesu) I know him by repute
kljub njegovemu uglèdu in spite of his reputation
on ima velik uglèd he is highly esteemed
naša tvrdka uživa dober uglèd our firm enjoys a good reputation
imeti uglèd zaradi... to have a reputation for...
rešiti (izgubiti, uničiti) svoj uglèd to save (to lose, to ruin) one's reputation
uživati velik uglèd to be held in high estimation, to be highly esteemed
ne upravičiti svojega uglèda not to justify one's reputation
Zadetki iskanja
- uspèh success (v in); film, gledališče hit, great hit, smash hit; good (ali favourable) result
brez uspèha without success
z uspèhom with success
kronan z uspèhom successful; crowned with success
beležiti uspèh to score a success
čestitem vam k uspèhu I congratulate you on your success
doseči uspèh to achieve success
vojaški uspèhi military successes
pesem je doživela velik uspèh the song was a hit
imeti uspèh to succeed; to prove successful, to be a success, to achieve (a) success, ZDA to make good
imeti uspèh pri čem to make a success of something, to make something a success
izkazati se kot uspèh to turn out a success
imeti malo uspèha to meet with little success
imeli smo zelo slab uspèh we didn't do at all well
gledališka igra, predstava je imela velik uspèh the play was a (great) hit, (pogovorno) the play went over big
film je imel velik uspèh the film was a great success
želim vam mnogo uspèha pri vašem prizadevanju I wish you much success in your efforts
skušali so zavzeti mesto, a brez uspèha they tried without any success to take the town
uspèh rodi uspèh, za enim uspèhom pride drugi nothing succeeds like success - užítek delight, enjoyment, pleasure, zest; pravo usufruct, benefit
velik užítek (pogovorno) treat
bil je pravi užítek poslušati njegovo petje it was a treat to hear him sing
z užítkom kaj napraviti to do something with zest
najti užítek v čem to get a kick out of something - víno wine
čisto víno unmixed wine
novo (mlado) víno new wine
buteljčno víno bottled wine
suho víno dry wine
sladko víno sweet wine
z vodo mešano víno wine mixed with water
palmovo víno palm wine
ribezljevo víno currant wine
črno víno red wine
kuhano víno mulled wine
peneče se víno sparkling (ali effervescent) wine
močno víno heady (ali full-bodied) wine
izbrana vína choice wines pl
ponarejeno víno adulterated wine
žlahtna vína vintage wines pl
víno (naravnost) iz soda wine from the wood
letnica vína vintage
vrsta vína kind of wine
aroma vína bouquet
moč vína body of a wine
usedlina vína lees pl
okus po vínu vinous flavour
pokušnja vína wine tasting, wine sampling
pokuševalec vína winetaster
desertno víno dessert wine
namizno víno (navadno víno) table wine
maloprodaja vína retail wine trade
trgovina z vínom wine trade, wine business
trgovec z vínom wine merchant, wine dealer
poznavalec vína connoisseur of wine, oenologist
ponarejeválec (ponarejanje) vína adulterator (adulteration) of wine
(velik) pivec vína winebibber, pogovorno slabšalno wino
steklenica za víno wine bottle
to víno gre v glavo this wine goes to the head
víno mi prija wine agrees with me
víno mu je stopilo v glavo the wine has gone to his head
ojačiti víno z dodatkom alkohola to fortify a wine
naliti komu čistega vína (figurativno) to tell someone the plain truth - vplív influence (na over, on); ascendancy, ascendency, ascendance, ascendence; sway; impact (na on); hold (on); interest (pri with)
pod vplívom under the influence
biti pod vplívom koga to be under the influence of someone
imeti vplív na to exercise (ali to exert, to have) an influence (up)on, to influence (someone)
imeti vplív pri kom to have influence with someone
imel je velik vplív nanje he had a great ascendancy over them
priti pod vplív koga to come (to fall) under someone's sway
imeti velik vplív pri to carry weight with
Voltairov vplív na sodobnike Voltaire's influence over his contemporaries
te okoliščine niso imele nobenega vplíva na izid (rezultat) these circumstances had no effect on the result
njegov oče nima nobenega vplíva nanj his father has no hold on him
uporabiti svoj vplív pri kom to use one's influence with someone
uveljaviti svoj vplív pri kom to bring one's influence to bear on someone - vtís impression; impress; sensation; effect; tiskarstvo stamp, imprint; mark
trajen (globok) vtís lasting (deep) impression
(ne)ugoden vtís (un)favourable impression
biti pod vtísom, da... to be under the impression that...
imam vtís, da... it is my impression that...
imel je vtís, kot da... he had the impression that...
dajati vtís to give an (oziroma the) impression
dobiti, imeti dober vtís o čem to be favourably impressed by something
napraviti vtís na koga to impress someone, to leave an impression on someone
novica, vest je napravila zelo velik vtís the news created a sensation (ali a stir)
predstava je napravila name globok vtís the performance made (ali produced) a profound impression on me
name je napravilo vtís... I was impressed by...
storiti kaj, da bi napravili vtís to do something for effect
zapustiti neizbrisen vtís to leave one's mark (on) - zavalíti to roll (sod a cask)
zavalíti se to roll
velik kamen se je zavalil po pobočju a big stone rolled down the slope - zemlják landowner
velik zemlják big landowner - znánec acquaintance
neki moj znánec an acquaintance of mine
eden mojih znáncev one of my acquaintances
imamo velik krog znáncev we have a large circle of acquaintances
tam sem srečal nekaj starih znáncev there I met a few old acquaintances