
Zadetki iskanja

  • pojáviti se pojávljati se to appear; (priti) to make one's appearance; (nenadoma) to turn up; (na vidiku) to come in sight (ali in view), (ladja na obzorju) to heave in sight; to show someone, to present someone; (bolezen) to break out; (nastati) to arise, to spring up; (na površini) to emerge

    prvič se je pojavil v družbi he made his first appearance in society
    obklej se je pojavil (je prišel)? (at) what time did he turn up?
    nenadoma pojáviti se, pojávljati se (pogovorno) to bob up
    on se vedno pojavi, kadar tega nihče ne pričakuje he always turns up when nobody expects it
    pojáviti se, pojávljati se v daljavi to loom
  • poléno log of wood

    poléna pl (kurivno) firewood
    metati poléna pod noge komu (figurativno) to put a spoke in someone's wheel, to throw a spanner in the works; to hinder someone
    on mi vedno meče poléna pod noge he is always putting a spoke in my wheel
  • pomanjkljív deficient, defective, faulty; insufficient; (nepopoln) incomplete; inadequate; poor; unsatisfactory

    pomanjkljíva organizacija faulty organization
    pomanjkljíva prehrana malnutrition
    pomanjkljívo stanje defective state, defectiveness
    moja izgovarjava je še vedno pomanjkljíva my pronunciation is still faulty
    vaše znanje je pomanjkljívo your knowledge leaves much to be desired
  • pomóta mistake; error; blunder

    po pomóti by mistake, mistakenly, by error, inadvertently
    pisna pomóta clerical error
    tiskovna pomóta printer's error, misprint
    napraviti tiskovno pomóto to misprint
    delati vedno nove pomóte to blunder along
    pomóta se je vrinila an error has crept in
    za pomóte ne odgovarjamo trgovina we disclaim responsibility for mistakes; errors excepted
  • popráviti to repair; (hišo) to do up; (čevlje, stroj itd.) to mend; to set right, to overhaul; (ladjo) to refit; (izboljšati) to improve; (napake) to correct, to put right, to rectify; to recondition; (sliko) to touch up; (zakrpati) to mend, to patch, to refit, to botch, to darn; (zdravje) to restore; (zakon) to amend; (figurativno, krivico itd.) to repair, to remedy, to redress, to make amends for, (povzročeno škodo) to make good, to compensate

    popráviti napako, instrument to rectify an error, to repair an instrument
    popráviti krivico to repair a wrong, to make good an injury
    popráviti (nadomestiti) izgubo to repair a loss
    vedno kaj popravlja pri svojem avtu he is always tinkering at his car
    popravil je svoje mladostne napake he has atoned for his youthful misdeeds
    popráviti se to improve, to better oneself, to grow better, to reform; (razmere) to take a turn for the better; (zdravstveno) to mend, to be on the mend, to recover, to come round, to be restored
    to se ne da popráviti this is past mending
    bolnik se je popravil the patient has improved (ali has recovered)
    vreme se je popravilo the weather has improved
    upam, da se bo popravil v bodoče I hope he will do better (ali will improve) for the future
    popráviti posledice to redress the consequences
  • posnéti

    posnéti mleko to skim the milk
    posnéti smetano (tudi figurativno) to take off the cream, to skim the milk, to skim the cream (off); (posnemati) to imitate, to copy; (povzeti) to sum up
    posnéti na gramofonsko ploščo to record
    on vedno posname smetano (figurativno) he always takes the cream
  • prepír quarrel, altercation, conflict, wrangle, row, squabble; (pričkanje) bickering, dispute

    za prepír je treba dveh it takes two to make a quarrel
    imeti glasen prepír s kom to have a row with someone
    biti, živeti v prepíru s kom ta be at loggerheads with someone
    priti v prepír s kom to get into a quarrel, to come to words with someone
    končati prepír to put an end to a dispute
    iskati, izzvati prepír to seek, to pick a quarrel (s kom with someone)
    začeti prepír to kick up a row, to pick a quarrel, pogovorno to tread on someone's toes (ali on someone's corns)
    on vedno išče prepíra (pogovorno) he is always out for trouble (ali for a row)
  • prepríčan persuaded (o of, da... that...); convinced (o of); satisfied (o of)

    prepríčan sem o njegovi poštenosti I am convinced of his honesty
    prepríčan sem, da... I feel sure that...
    biti prepríčan o to be convinced (ali persuaded), to feel confident (of)
    vedno bolj sem prepríčan I am feeling more and more convinced
  • pretirávati pretírati to exaggerate; to overdo, to exceed; to go too far, to carry too far; gledališče to overact; žargon to lay it on thick; (v opisovanju, pripovedovanju) to enhance, to embroider, to stretch the truth, to overcolour

    on vedno pretirava (figurativno) all his geese are swans
  • pretvéza pretext; feint; pretence, ZDA pretense

    pod pretvézo under the pretext (of), under the pretence (of), under the guise (of)
    pod pretvézo da pomaga, je v resnici metal polena pod noge while pretending to help he was really hindering
    pretvézo je vedno lahkó najti (figurativno) it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog
    z lažnimi pretvézami under false pretences
  • pustolóvščina adventure

    iskati pustolóvščine to seek adventure
    rad se spušča v pustolóvščine he likes throwing himself into hazardous undertakings
    vedno je imel rad pustolóvščine he always had the spirit (ali a love) of adventure
    doživel sem mnogo pustolóvščin I met with many adventures
    oni radi iščejo pustolóvščine they like to go in search of adventure
  • rána wound; hurt, sore, lesion; (odrgnina) gall; figurativno injury, harm; (na nogi, od hoje) sore on the foot; (urez) cut, gash; (zmečkanina) contusion, bruise; (opeklina) burn, scald

    brez ráne woundless, unhurt, scatheless, unscathed, without scathe
    gnojna rána festering wound, ulcer
    odprta rána open sore, gaping wound
    rána z nožem knife wound
    smrtna rána mortal wound
    zaceljena rána (brazgotina) cicatrix, pl -ices, cicatrice, scar
    zevajoča rána gash
    gnojitev ráne suppuration of a wound
    mazilo za ráne ointment for wounds
    rob ráne lip of a wound
    spojka za ráno wound clamp, suture clip
    šiv ráne wound suture
    obveza za ráno dressing, bandage
    ki zdravi, (za)celi ráne vulnerary, helping to heal a wound
    poln rán having multiple wounds
    rána dobiva krasto, se celi the wound cicatrizes, forms a scar
    dotaknil se je moje ráne (občutljivega mesta) he touched me on a tender spot
    izžgati ráno to cauterize a wound
    on še vedno kaže ráne, ki jih je dobil v vojni he still shows the scars he got in the war
    ne odpiraj starih rán! (figurativno) don't open old sores
    zopet odpreti ráno to reopen a wound
    zopet odpreti stare ráne (figurativno) to reopen old sores
    zadati ráno to inflict a wound
    zaceliti ráne to heal wounds
    rána se je zacelila the wound has skinned over (ali has healed, has healed up, over)
    čas zaceli vse ráne time is a great healer
    umreti za ránami to die of one's wounds (ali injuries)
    zašiti ráno to sew up a wound
    šivati ráne to put stitches in a wound
    obvezati ráno to dress (ali to bandage) a wound
    krvaveti iz ráne to bleed from a wound
  • razodéti to reveal; (tajnost) to disclose; to make known

    razodéti se to reveal someone
    razodéti se komu to open one's heart to someone
    resnica se vedno razodene truth will out
  • sedéti to sit, to be sitting, to be seated; (ptice) to perch; (na jajcih) to hatch

    sedéti s spodvitimi nogami to sit cross-legged
    sedéti ob kom to sit beside someone, to sit by someone's side
    sedéti pri mizi to sit at table
    dobro sedi na konju he has a good seat
    sedéti slikarju to sit for a painter
    vedno sedi pri knjigah he is always bent over his books
    vedno doma sedi he is a stayat-home, he leads a sedentary life
    sedéti in lenariti to sit idle
    sedéti v zaporu to be in prison, to be imprisoned, to be confined, to undergo one's term of punishment, to serve one's sentence; pogovorno to do time; žargon to do bird
    sedéti na trnih, kot na šivankah to be on tenterhooks
    sedéti na ušesih (figurativno) to be deaf to, not to listen to, to be inattentive
  • servírati to serve (up); (prinesti na mizo) pogovorno to dish up

    servírati večerjo to serve dinner
    večerja je servirana dinner is served; (tenis)
    on zelo slabo servira he has a very weak (ali very poor) service
    gos je bila servirana z jabolčnim kompotom, čežano the goose was served with apple sauce
    vedno nam servira iste stare zgodbe he keeps coming up with the same old stories
  • slábše prislov worse

    slábše kot prej worse than before
    vedno slábše from bad to worse
    nič slábše none the worse
    na, v slábše for the worse
    toliko slábše zanj so much the worse for him
    lahkó bi nam bilo še slábše we could do worse
    slábše ne moreš napraviti you can't do worse
    obrniti se na slábše to take a turn for the worse
    stvari gredo vse slábše matters go from bad to worse
    sprememba na slábše a change for the worse
    spremeniti se na slábše to change for the worse
    izgubil je službo in je na slabšem kot kdajkoli prej he has lost his job and is worse off than ever
    toliko slábše! more's the pity!
  • slábši -a, -e worse

    vedno slábši, -a, -e, vse slábši, -a, -e worse and worse
    on je slábši, -a, -e kot njegov brat he is worse than his brother
    danes je njegovo stanje še slabše his condition is even worse today
    to bi bilo še slabše it would be worse still
    vreme ne bi moglo biti slabše the weather is at its worst
    slabše stvari nisi mogel napraviti you couldn't have done a worse thing
    položaj postaja vedno slábši, -a, -e matters are going from bad to worse (ali are becoming worse and worse)
  • smátrati to consider, to think, to regard, to judge, to believe, to deem, to view, to look upon (as)

    smátrati se to regard oneself (za as), to consider oneself, to deem oneself, to believe oneself
    smatram ga za poštenjaka I believe him to be an honest man
    smatrajo ga za pametnega človeka he is considered a clever man
    smátrati kaj za pravilno to deem something right
    ne smatram ga za kaj posebnega I would say he's no great shakes
    smatra se za zadostno it is deemed sufficient
    smatram, da je to moja dolžnost I deem (ali I feel, I hold) it my duty
    vedno sem te smatral za svojega najboljšega prijatelja I have always considered you my best friend
    smatram ga za zmožnega, da to stori I believe him able to do it (ali capable of doing it)
  • smétana cream; (na kuhanem mleku) clotted cream

    kisla smétana sour cream
    jajčna smétana custard
    tolčena, stepéna smétana whipped cream
    posnemalnik smétane creamer, cream-separator
    posneti smétano to take off the cream (by skimming), to cream (tudi figurativno)
    on vedno posname smétano (figurativno) he always takes the cream
    delati smétano, dodati smétano to cream
    stepati smétano to whip the cream
  • smôla (zemeljska) pitch; bitumen

    katranska smôla coal-tar pitch; (drevesna) resin, gum arabic; (terpentinova) rosin
    čevljarska smôla cobbler's wax; (figurativno) hard luck, ill-luck, bad luck, misfortune, mishap, ill fortune
    smôla! (figurativno) hard luck!, tough luck!, hard lines!
    vedno imam smôlo I am an unlucky fellow, žargon I always cop it
    ona mi prinaša smôlo she brings me bad luck
    črn kot smôla pitch-black
    da bo moja smôla še večja... to crown my misery...