
Zadetki iskanja

  • prekramljáti to spend time chatting

    ves večer je prekramljal z njo he spent the whole evening chatting with her
  • premrážen chilled; shivering with cold

    ves sem premrážen I am shivering with cold, I am chilled to the marrow
  • prepotíti to sweat (obleko one's clothes)

    prepotíti se to sweat (ali to perspire) profusely
    prepotíti se od... to sweat with
    ves prepoten dripping with sweat, perspiring at every pore
    prepotena srajca sweaty shirt
  • prestrášen frightened (ob at, of); alarmed; startled; scared; terrified

    biti prestrášen to be frightened (ali scared)
    biti ves prestrášen to have one's heart in one's boots
  • prevzét taken over; seized; engrossed

    prevzét od ginjenosti overwhelmed with emotion
    biti ves prevzét od igre to be engrossed with the game
  • pričakovánje expectation; waiting, looking forward to, anticipation; (dobitka) expectancy; (dediščine) expectation, expectations pl

    v pričakovánju in expectation (of)
    razočaran v pričakovánju disappointed
    proti vsemu pričakovánju contrary to expectation
    ves nestrpen od napetega pričakovánja agog with expectation
    v pričakovánju velikih dogodkov in expectation of great events
    izpolniti pričakovánja to answer (ali to meet, to come up to) one's (oziroma someone's) expectation(s)
    ne izpolniti pričakovánj to fall short of (ali not to come up to) one's (oziroma someone's) expectations
    preseči vsa pričakovánja to exceed all expectations
    tresti se od pričakovánja to be all of a dither
  • pripráviti priprávljati to prepare, to make (ali to get) ready, to keep (ali to have) ready; to arrange; (hrano) to cook, to dress, to season

    pripráviti, priprávljati koga do česa to induce someone to do something, to prevail upon someone
    pripravite vozovnice! have your tickets ready, please!
    pripravili so me ob ves moj denar pogovorno they did me out of all my money
    pripravil sem ga do tega, da se je pomiril I got him to be quiet
    pripráviti, priprávljati se to make oneself ready, to get ready, to prepare (za for)
    pripráviti, priprávljati se do tega, da kaj storimo to bring oneself to do something
    pripráviti, priprávljati se za izpit to prepare for an examination
    pripravlja se nova izdaja te knjige a new edition of this book is in preparation
    nisem se mogel pripráviti, priprávljati do tega, da bi šel na operacijo I could not decide whether to have the operation, I could not make up my mind to undergo the operation
    nekaj se pripravlja (figurativno) something is afoot
  • razbúrjen excited, agitated, upset

    ves razbúrjen in a flurry
  • razcapán ragged; tattered; in rags

    ves razcapán all in rags
  • razpolága razpoláganje disposal; free use of

    na razpolágo (za) available (for)
    imam na razpolágo I have at my disposal
    na vašo razpolágo at your disposal
    biti komu na razpolágo to be at someone's disposal
    imeti kaj na razpolágo to have something at one's disposal
    ves denar, ki ga imam na razpolágo all the money I have at my disposal
    dati komu svojo hišo na razpolágo to make someone free of one's house
    razpolága, razpoláganje z dohodkom disposing of income
    razpolága, razpoláganje z družbenimi sredstvi use of social resources
  • rdèč red; (lica) ruddy

    rdèč nos (pijančka) coppernose, grog-nose
    Rdeči križ Red Cross
    Rdeča armija Red Army
    Rdeča Kapica Little Red Riding Hood
    Rdeče morje Red Sea
    rdèčih lic redcheeked
    rdèča detelja red clover
    rdèča barva red colour
    rdèče krvno telesce red corpuscle, red blood cell
    rdèč kot kri blood-red
    rdèč kot vrtnica (as) red as a rose
    rdèč kot puran (as) red as a turkey cock
    rdèč kot pesa (as) red as a beetroot
    rdèče oblečen dressed in red
    slep za rdèčo barvo red-blind
    od joka rdèče oči eyes red with tears
    rdèč kot rak (as) red as a boiled lobster, (as) red as a peony
    temno rdèč dark red
    biti rdèč od jeze to be red with anger
    postati rdèč to turn red
    ves rdèč je od sramú he is blushing to the very roots of his hair
    postati rdèč kot kuhan rak to turn (ali to flush) scarlet
    to ga razdraži kot rdèča krpa bika it is a red rag to him
  • sêbe

    biti ves iz sêbe (od veselja) to be beside oneself (with joy)
    on je ves iz sêbe he is beside himself
    (on) za sêbe for himself
    (jaz) sam od sêbe of myself
  • skŕb care; (nadlega) trouble; (žalost) sorrow, grief; worries pl; (briga za) care for; (zaskrbljenost) anxiety, solicitude, concern, apprehension, uneasiness

    moreča skŕb grave concern; arhaično carking care
    ves v skŕbeh, poln skŕbi care-laden, careworn
    brez skŕbi carefree, unconcerned, easy in mind
    prva skŕb prime concern
    v skŕbeh sem za otroka I am anxious about the child
    to je moja skŕb that is my lookout, I shall see to it
    to ni moja skŕb that is no concern of mine (ali no business of mine)
    to naj bo moja skŕb! leave that to me!
    to mi je zadnja skŕb that's the last thing on my mind
    bodite brez skŕbi! do not worry!, never you fear!, be easy on that score!
    to je njegova najmanjša skŕb that is the least of his worries
    biti v velikih skŕbeh za to be in great anxiety about, to fear for
    delati si skŕbi za to concern oneself with
    delati komu skŕbi to worry someone, to cause someone trouble, to give someone much anxiety (ali concern)
    ne delaj si skŕbi glede tega! don't worry about it!
    delati si skŕbi to worry (to fret, to be concerned, to be uneasy in one's mind) (glede, zaradi about)
    ne si delati skŕbi za prihodnost to be unconcerned about the future
    vnaprej si delati skŕbi to meet trouble halfway
    njeno zdravje mi dela skŕbi her health worries me, I am concerned about her health
    preveč skŕbi si delaš! you worry too much
    imeti denarne skŕbi to have money troubles
    nobenih skŕbi ne imeti to be free from care
    imeti na skŕbi to have in charge (ali in custody), to be entrusted (ali charged) with
    navdati z veliko skŕbjo to fill someone with great apprehension
    vaše naročilo bomo izvršili z največjo skŕbjo we shall execute your order with the greatest care
    prepustiti komu skŕb za kaj to commit something to someone's charge
    povzročati komu skŕbi to cause someone anxiety (ali uneasiness)
    njeno življenje nam povzroča (dela) velike skŕbi we are terribly worried about her way of life (ali pogovorno about her goings on, about the way she's carrying on)
    skŕbi ga tarejo he is careworn (ali pogovorno worried stiff)
    skŕb za bodočnost mojih otrok me tare I am worried sick about my children's future
    ti mi zadajaš hude skŕbi you are a great trial to me
  • smejáti se to laugh

    v pest smejáti se to laugh up one's sleeve
    od srcá smejáti se to laugh heartily
    temu se ni smejáti se it's nothing to laugh at
    smejáti se komu v brk to laugh someone in the face, figurativno to dare (ali to defy, to challenge) someone
    smejáti se kot nóri to laugh like anything
    smejáti se na ves glas to roar with laughter
    hrupno smejáti se to laugh like a horse, to guffaw
    pridušeno smejáti se to giggle, to snigger
    kislo smejáti se to laugh on the other side of one's face
    smejal sem se mu I laughed at him
    njemu se vsi smejejo he is everybody's laughingstock
    zlobno smejáti se to grin balefully, to give a baleful (ali malicious) grin
    kdor se zadnji smeje, se najslajše smeje he laughs best who laughs last
    čemu se smeješ? what are you laughing at?
    smejáti se komu v obraz to laugh someone in the face
    posmehljivo smejáti se to sneer
    on se lahko smeje he can afford to laugh
  • sólza tear

    v sólzah in tears
    grenka sólza bitter tear
    sólze kesanja tears pl of remorse
    sólze veselja tears of joy
    krokodilove sólze crocodile tears pl
    do sólz ganjen moved to tears
    do sólz until the tears run
    grenke sólze salt tears pl
    biti ves v sólzah to be in tears
    hitro je ganjen do sólz he is easily moved to tears
    biti na robu sólz (figurativno) to be on the brink of tears
    to niso mačkine sólze (figurativno) this is not to be sneezed at
    sólze je imela v očeh tears stood in her eyes
    jokati sólze veselja to weep tears of joy
    planiti v sólze to burst into tears
    pretakati sólze to shed tears
    potočiti sólzo to shed a tear
    točiti krokodilove sólze to shed crocodile tears
    točiti bridke sólze to shed (ali to weep) bitter tears
    topiti se v sólzah to melt into tears
    do sólz se smejati to laugh till the tears come, to laugh till one cries (ali till the tears come into one's eyes)
    sólze mi pridejo, stopijo v oči tears come into my eyes
    smehljati se skozi sólze to smile through one's tears
    ni se mogla vzdržati sólz she could not restrain her tears
    sólze so ji zalile oči her eyes brimmed with tears, she burst into tears
    sólze so ji privrele v oči tears welled up in her eyes
  • sréčen happy; lucky; fortunate, felicitous; safe

    biti ves sréčen (plavati v sreči) (figurativno) to walk (ali to tread) on air
    sréčen dogodek happy event
    po sréčnem naključju by a happy chance, luckily
    bil je to sréčen dan zame that was a fortunate day for me
    imeti kar sréčno za seboj to be well out of something
    imaš se lahko za sréčnega, da si se izvlekel iz tega you may count yourself lucky to be in the clear (ali to have got out of it)
    sréčno pot! a pleasant journey!, farewell!, fare well!, (čez morje) a good passage!
    sréčno! good luck!, goodspeed!, may good luck go with you!
  • stróšek expense, cost; expenditure; outlay, outgoings pl

    na stróške at the expense of
    na državne stróške at public expense
    z majhnimi stróški at little cost
    k vragu s stróški! (= naj stane, kar hoče!) blow the expense!
    zvezan s stróški expense(-)
    na moj stróšek at my expense
    drobni stróški sundries pl
    manjši stróški pocket money, minor expenses pl
    potni stróški travelling expenses pl
    proizvodni stróšek prime cost
    režijski stróški overhead expenses, overheads pl
    pravdni stróšek legal costs pl
    sodni stróški court costs pl
    življenjski stróški cost of living
    tekoči stróški current expenses pl
    po odbitju vseh stróškov all expenses paid
    povrnitev stróškov reimbursement
    ne gledam na stróške (figurativno) I don't mind the expense
    kriti stróške to cover (the) expenses
    pokriti stróške (= izravnati se) to break even
    povrniti komu stróške to reimburse someone; to refund someone's expenses
    poravnati stróške to meet (ali pogovorno to stand) the cost
    stróški požró ves dobiček (the) expenses eat up all the profits
    prispevati k stróškom to share the cost
    ne varčevati s stróški not to grudge the expenditure, to spare no expense
    plačati (»nositi«) stróške to pay (ali to cover, to defray) (the) expenses
    biti povezan s stróški to involve expense
    plačati, kriti stróške za koga to defray (ali to cover) someone's expenses
    (o)ceniti stróške to appraise the cost
    (po)kriti svoje stróške (priti na svoj račun) to recover expenses, to break even, (figurativno) to get one's money's worth
    vreči se, zagnati se v stróške to go to great expense
  • svét1 world; (zemlja) earth, globe; (vsemirje) the universe

    na svétu in the world
    na tem svétu in this world, in this life, here below
    po celem (vsem) svétu all over the world, the whole world over
    na koncu svéta (figurativno) at the back of beyond
    (ki je) daleč od svéta remote, out of the world, secluded
    širom svéta throughout the wide world, all over the world
    ves svét the whole world
    za ves svét ne, za nič na svét u ne not for all the world, not for worlds, not for anything in the world, for nothing in the world
    do konca svéta to the ends of the earth
    Novi svét the New World
    Stari svét the Old World
    Tretji svét politika the Third World
    oni svét (figurativno) the next life, the other world, the world to come
    od svéta odrezan kraj the back of beyond
    stavbni svét building site
    učeni svét (figurativno) the world of learning
    športni svét (figurativno) the sporting world
    rastlinski svét the vegetable world
    živalski svét the animal world
    začetek svéta the beginning of the world
    konec svéta the end of the world
    podzemeljski svét underworld
    širni svét the wide world
    današnji svét the modern world
    odkar sem na svétu since I was born
    to je na drugem koncu svéta it's on the other side of the globe, it's at the back of beyond
    to je narobe svét! (figurativno) that's making water flow uphill!
    on je najboljši človek na svétu he's the best man alive, you won't find a better man living than him (knjižno than he)
    ona mi je (= pomeni) vse na svétu she is all the world to me
    tako je (pač) na svétu that's the way of the world
    za nič na svétu ne bi tega naredil I would not do it for all the world
    odreči se svétu to forsake the world
    šel bi z njo do konca svéta I'd follow her to the ends of the earth
    poslati koga na oni svét (žargon) to send someone to kingdom-come
    priti na svét to come into the world, to be born, to be brought into the world
    on malo pozna svét he knows little of the world
    prinesti, spraviti na svét to bring into the world, to give birth (to)
    spraviti koga s svéta to do away with someone, to put someone out of the way, to kill someone, (pogovorno) to dispatch someone
    videl je mnogo svéta he is a widely travelled man, he is a great traveller, he is a globe-trotter
    zagledati luč svéta to see the light, to be born, to be brought into the world
    živeti odmaknjen(o) od svéta to live cut off from the world
    objadral je ves svét he has sailed the seven seas
  • téden week, seven days pl

    dva tédna a fortnight
    nekaj tédnov a week or two
    na téden (tedensko) a week, per week
    téden za tédnom week by week, week in week out
    enkrat na téden once a week
    med tédnom in the week
    dvakrat na téden twice a week
    danes téden today week, this day week
    včeraj téden yesterday week
    pred enim tédnom a week ago
    vsak téden weekly
    v enem tédnu within a week
    prihodnji téden next week
    pretekli téden last week
    jutri téden tomorrow week
    v ponedeljek téden Monday week
    konec tédna weekend
    čez tri tédne three weeks hence
    beli téden trgovina white sale
    delovni téden working week
    40 urni delovni téden 40-hour week
    medeni tédni honeymoon
    ves téden delati to work all week
    med tédnom spim v mestu I sleep in town during the week
    téden po beli nedelji religija Low Week
  • tíčati to be; to stick (v in)

    tíčati do ušes, do vratú v dolgovih to be up to one's ears in debt
    kje pa tičiš ves ta čas? where have you been all this time?
    vedno doma tíčati to be a stay-at-home
    on vedno doma tiči he stays indoors; he is a stay-athome, he is a homebody (ali homebird)
    vedno skupaj tíčati (figurativno) to be inseparable
    v tem grmu tiči zajec (figurativno) that's the gist (of the whole matter), that is where the dog is buried, (tu je težava) there's the rub, that's the whole point
    ključ tiči v vratih the key is in the lock