glás (zvok) voice, sound, noise; (novica, vest) news, tidings pl, message; (sloves) fame, reputation, repute, renown; (pri volitvah) vote; (volilna pravica) franchise, suffrage, right to vote
na ves glás at the top of one's voice
s preroškim glásom with the voice of a prophet, in a prophetic voice
glás ljudstva public opinion, vox populi
glás vesti the voice of conscience, pesniško the still (ali small) voice
glás vpijočega v puščavi the voice of one crying in the wilderness
glásovi za in proti the ayes and the noes
s 400 glásovi proti 0 by 400 votes to nil
dober glás (sloves) reputation, good fame, repute, renown
na dobrem glásu well reputed, reputable
slab glás (sloves) ill repute, bad name, bad reputation, notoriety
na slabem glásu in bad odour, regarded unfavourably, notorious
nabiranje glásov pred volitvami canvassing
odločilni glás casting vote
srebrni glás zvona the silver voice of the bell
svetovnega glásu world-famous
socialistični glási (pri volitvah) the Socialist vote
večina 50 glásov a majority of 50 votes
višina glásu pitch
biti na dobrem glásu to be well regarded, to have a good reputation
dati svoj (volilni) glás za to vote for
dal vam bom svoj glás I will give you my vote
predlog je dobil malo glásov the proposal was poorly supported
dobiti večino glásov to win a majority, to top the poll
govoriti na glás to speak in a loud voice
ni na najboljšem glásu he has a rather poor reputation
dobil, dosegel je večino 30 glásov he gained a majority of 30 votes
ona ima lep glás she has a fine voice
nimam glásu (vesti) od njega I have not heard from him
imeti posvetovalen glás to have a consultative voice; to have a merely advisory capacity
poslušati glás prijatelja to listen to the voice of a friend
prešteti (volilne) glásove to count the votes
povzdigniti svoj glás to raise one's voice; to make oneself heard
pridobiti si dober glás to earn (ali to win) a good reputation
spoznal sem jo po glásu I knew her by her voice
slišijo se glásovi, da..., glás gre, da... it is rumoured that...
biti poražen z 10 glásovi proti 8 (z 10 proti 0) to be defeated by 10 votes to 8 (by 10 votes to nil)
ubogati glás svojega vodje to obey the orders of one's leader
njegov glás je utonil v hrušču his voice was drowned by the noise
uživati dober glás to enjoy a first-rate (ali a good) reputation
zakričati, zavpiti na ves glás to shout at the top of one's voice
Zadetki iskanja
- górnji upper; higher
górnji del the upper part
górnje nadstropje top floor, upper storey
Gornja (lordska) zbornica, Gornji dom the Upper House
górnj Ren the upper Rhine
górnjih 10.000 (figurativno) the upper ten (thousand)
iz górnjega sledi it follows from the above...
górnje se potrjuje the above is confirmed - gŕlo anatomija throat; (steklenice) neck; gorge, gullet
vnetje gŕla tonsillitis, quinsy
kronično vnetje gŕla arhaično clergyman's throat
gŕlo me boli I have a sore throat
imeti suho gŕlo (figurativno) to have a cobweb in one's throat
ozko gŕlo (figurativno, pogovorno) bottleneck
kričati, vpiti na vse gŕlo to shout (knjižno to cry, to cry out) at the top of one's voice, pogovorno to cry blue murder
nastaviti komu nož na gŕlo to put a knife to someone' throat
pognati po gŕlu (izpiti) to knock it back
glas mi je zastal v gŕlu I had a lump in my throat
besede so mi obtičale v gŕlu the words stuck in my throat
peti na vse gŕlo to sing at the top of one's voice
prerezati gŕlo komu to cut someone's throat
na vse gŕlo se smejati to roar with laughter
sit sem tega do gŕla I am sick and tired of that, I am bored to death (ali to tears) with that, I'm fed up to the back teeth with that, ZDA pogovorno it's coming out of my ears, it bores the pants off me
do gŕla sem vsega sit I've had a bellyful, žargon I'm absolutely cheesed off - gubíti to lose
gubíti čas to waste one's time
gubíti čas in trud to waste one's time and trouble (ali pains)
da ne gubimo časa to save time
on ne gubí časa! he doesn't let the grass grow under his feet!
gubíti se v množici to be lost in the crowd
vrh gore se je gubil v oblakih the top of the mountain was lost to sight in the clouds - hitróst (vlaka itd.) speed; velocity; (knjižno) celerity; (tekača) swiftness, fleetness; (naglost) hastiness; (hitrica) hurry, haste; (okretnost) agility, adroitness, briskness, nimbleness; rapidity; promptness
z vso hitróstjo, v polni hitrósti at full speed
največja hitróst top speed
največja dovoljena hitróst speed limit
ekonomska (komercialna) hitróst economic (commercial) speed
(enakomerno) pospešena hitróst (steadily) increasing velocity
poprečna hitróst average speed
začetna hitróst (izstrelka) initial (ali muzzle) velocity
strelna hitróst (orožja) rate of firing
omejitev hitrósti speed limit
iti z vso hitróstjo to go (at) full speed (ali top speed), (tekač, avto) pogovorno to go all out
on vozi z noro hitróstjo he drives at a reckless (ali breakneck) speed
vlak je vozil s hitróstjo 60 km na uro the train was doing 60 km per (ali an) hour
čas teče z vrtoglavo hitróstjo time flies like lightning
povečati hitróst (avtu, ladji) to increase speed - horizontálen horizontal; (raven) flat, level
horizontálna antena top antenna, ZDA horizontal antenna
horizontálni let aeronavtika horizontal (ali level) flight
horizontálna projekcija horizontal projection
horizontálni presek, prerez horizontal section - izpít examination, pogovorno exam, test
pismeni izpít written examination
sprejemni izpít entrance ex., acceptance test, (za srednjo šolo) VB (do nedavnega) eleven-plus, 11-plus, (za univerzo) matriculation ex., (v Angliji) advanced level (Alevel), scholarship level (S-level) examination
ustni izpít oral (ali viva voce) ex.
zaključni izpít final ex., pogovorno finals
zrelostni izpít (secondary) school leaving ex.
oproščen izpíta exempted from an examination
izpraševatelj pri izpítu examiner
kandidat pri izpítu candidate, examinee
državni izpít state examination
nadzor pri (pismenem) izpítu invigilation
nadzorovatelj pri izpítu invigilator
delati, opravljati izpít to take an examination, to sit for an ex.
guliti se za izpít to cram, to swot, žargon to mug up
nadzorovati pri pismenem izpítu VB to invigilate
napraviti izpít to pass an ex.; to get through an ex., (z odličnim uspehom) to come first, to come top
pasti pri izpítu, ne napraviti izpíta to fail (an examination), not to pass, to be rejected, VB žargon to be ploughed, to plough an examination
odbiti, odkloniti, vreči, zavrniti koga pri izpítu to fail (ali to reject, žargon to plough) a candidate
pripustiti k izpítu to admit to an ex.
pripravljati se, učiti se za izpít to study, to read up, to learn, to get up, pogovorno to bone up on, to cram for an examination
prijaviti se k izpítu to enter for an examination, to present oneself for ex.
priti na izpít to present oneself for ex.
zlesti pri izpítu pogovorno to scrape through, to satisfy the examiners - jahálen riding; equestrian
jahálni bič horsewhip
jahálne hlače riding breeches pl, jodhpurs pl
jahálni konj riding horse, saddle horse, mount
jahálna obleka riding costume, riding habit, riding dress
jahálna pot bridle path, bridleway, ride
jahálna oprema riding things pl, riding kit
jahálna spretnost umetnost horsemanship, art of riding
jahálni škornji riding boots pl, top boots pl
jahálna šola riding school
jahálni šport equestrian sport - kalíber calibre, ZDA caliber; bore; size; (orodje za merjenje) gauge
top majhnega kalíberra gun of small bore
topovi velikega kalíberra heavy guns pl
top kalíberra 75 mm 75 millimetre cannon
politik velikega kalíberra a politician of high calibre, a high-calibre politician - klánec slope; upward gradient; rise in the road; acclivity; ZDA upgrade; ascent
smo na vrhu klánca we are at the top of the slope - kozárček small glass, small cup, dram-glass
en kozárček čez mero (figurativno) one over the top
on ga ima rad kozárček (figurativno) he's fond of his glass - kozárec glass; cup; (velik) rummer, bumper, beaker; (za vodo) tumbler; (kupica) goblet, drinkingcup; (poln) brimmer
kozárec vode a glass of water
ostanek v kozárcu heeltap
žvenket kozárcev clink of glasses
en kozárec čez mero (figurativno) one over the top
izpiti, izprazniti kozárec do dna to drink (ali to drain) to the last drop
izpiti kozárec na dušek to drain at one gulp, to gulp down, to knock back
rad pogleda v kozárec (figurativno), rad ga ima kozárec he is fond of his glass
piti šampanjec s polnimi kozárci to drink champagne by the glassful
pregloboko pogledati v kozárec (figurativno) to have a glass too much, to take a sip too much, to be in one's cups
trčiti kozárec to touch glasses, to clink glasses (s kom with someone) - kráva cow
kráva mlekarica milk cow, dairy cow
molzna kráva milch cow (tudi figurativno), milker
breja kráva a cow with (ali in) calf
ponoči je vsaka kráva črna all cats are grey in the dark
nikoli nisva skupaj kráv pasla (figurativno) he's no partner of mine
to ti pristoji kot krávi sedlo (figurativno) it fits you like a top hat on a telegraph pole, it does not suit you at all - kričati to shout, to csy, to scream; to bawl; (množica) to clamour
na vso moč, na vse grlo kričati to shout with all one's might, to yell at the top of one's voice - króna crown; (star angleški kovanec = 5 šilingov) crown
pol króne half crown, half-a-crown
cesarska króna imperial crown, pesniško crown imperial
drevesna króna crown (ali top) of a tree, treetop
plemiška króna coronet
zobna króna crown, cap
naslednik króne successor to the crown
prisvojitelj króne usurper of a crown
biti króna česa to be the crown (ali the chief ornament) of something
pokriti zob s króno to crown (ali to cap) a tooth - mansárden
mansárdna streha mansard roof
mansárdno nadstropje top floor, attic floor - nadstrópje floor; storey, ZDA story
najvišje nadstrópj top door
v prvem nadstrópju on the first floor, ZDA on the second floor
v katerem nadstrópju? on which floor? - najbóljši the best; first-rate, superior, prime
v najbóljšem primeru at (the) best
on je najbóljši učenec v razredu he is top of his form
v najbóljših letih in the prime of life
najbóljši učenec the top pupil
najbóljše od vsega the very best
moja najbóljša (praznična) obleka my best, my Sunday best
vse najbóljše! all the best!, I wish you all the best of luck! - namériti
namériti na to aim at; to take aim at
namériti se (zgoditi se) to happen, arhaično to come to pass
namériti se na koga to meet someone, to happen to meet someone
namériti (top) (na) to zero in (on) - nésti to carry; to bear; (o krogli) to reach
nésti jajca to lay eggs
top nese... the gun has a range of...
daleč nésti (o orožju) to have a long range
nesi to pismo na pošto! take this letter to the post office!
to dobro nese (se izplača) this pays, this is lucrative