dospéti (priti) to arrive (v at, in), to come (v to), to get (v to); (poteči, rok) to mature, to become mature, to fall (ali to become) due, to expire
dospéti o pravem času to arrive at the right time
dospéti v zadnjem trenutku to arrive at the last moment
brž ko boste dospeli v London as soon as you arrive in London
je to pismo dospelo z jutranjo pošto? did this letter arrive by the morning post?
dospeli smo bili do Maribora we had got as far as Maribor
Zadetki iskanja
- dovólj enough; sufficiently
dovólj časa enough time
več kot dovólj more than enough, enough and to spare
dovólj mi je tega I've had enough of it
to je dovólj jasno za vsakogar anyone can see that, it's as plain as a pikestaff
ni dovólj močan za svoje delo he is not strong enough for his work
boste imeli dovólj 2 kg? will two kilos be enough (ali pogovorno do)?
dovólj sem ga videl (pogovorno) I have seen enough of him
dovólj mi je tega življenja! I'm sick of this life
dovólj bodi, da (če) rečem... suffice it to say...
dovólj je! that's enough!, that will do!
dovólj! Enough!; Stop!
dovólj o tem, govorimo o čem drugem! enough of that, let's change the subject! - dréta shoemaker's twine (ali thread), cobbler's thread; pitched thread; wax-end
dréta o vleči (figurativno) to snore - držáva state; country
ZDA United States of America pl (s konstr. v sg) (krajšava: U.S.A); the States; the Union
držáva v držávi state within a state
balkanske držáve the Balkan states
evropske držáve the European states
tamponska držáva buffer state
držáva podpisnica signatory (country)
lutkasta držáva puppet state
zveza držáv confederacy; confederation (of states); federation, (angleška) Commonwealth
nevaren za držávo dangerous to the state
sovražnik držáve public enemy
satelitska držáva satellite state
držáv, v kateri je bilo suženjstvo slave State (v ZDA)
Cerkev in držáva Church and State
nauk o držávi civics pl - držáven State, state
držávni arhiv public record office, (dokumenti) state archives pl
držávna banka state (ali national) bank
držávni bankrot national bankruptcy
držávna blagajna (public) treasury; exchequer
držávna Cerkev, cerkev state church, established church, (v Angliji) Church of England
držávni budžet budget; finances pl (of the state); ways and means pl, (plan) (VB) estimates pl
držávne dajatve (davki) government taxes pl
držávni dohodki public revenue(s) (pl), (inland) revenue
držávni dolg national (ali public) debt
držávni interes public interest
držávna himna national anthem
držávni izdatki, stroški public expenses pl
na držávne stroške at public expense
držávne finance finances of the state, public finance
držávni kapitalizem state capitalism
držávna kontrola state control, state supervision
držávna knjižnica national library
držávna last(nina) state property, public (ali national) property
držávna loterija state lottery
držávna meja national boundary
držávni minister minister (of state), (v Angliji) Secretary of State
držávno ministrstvo (state) ministry
držávni monopol government monopoly
držávna oblast government (ali public) authority
držávni organ state agency
držávni pečat Great Seal
držávna podpora state subsidy
držávno posojilo government bonds, public (ali government) loan; ZDA government bonds (ali securities) pl
držávna (tajna) policija (secret) state police
držávno podjetje government enterprise, national undertaking
držávno pravo public law, state law, constitutional law
držávni proces pravo state trial
držávni pravdnik public prosecutor
generalni držáven pravdnik attorney general, pl attorneys general; ZDA prosecuting attorney, state attorney; district attorney; circuit attorney
držáven pogreb state funeral
držávni prevrat (political) revolution
držávna renta state pension
držávni socializem state socialism
držávna služba civil service, ZDA public service
v držávni službi in the service of the state
držávna tiskarna government printing office, VB Her (oziroma His) Majesty's Stationery Office (krajšava: H.M.S.O.)
držávni udar coup d'état, pl coups d'état; overthrow of the government
držávna varnostna služba state security service
držávna uprava administration of the state, public administration; government
držávni uradnik civil servant; government official; public functionary; public official
visok držávni uradnik statesman
držávna varnost national security
držávna zadolženost national debt
držávni zaklad public treasury; exchequer
držávna zastava national flag
držávna železnica state railway; ZDA state railroad
držávna skupnost state community
nauk o držávi civics pl - dúh spirit, mind; soul; (um, razum) intellect, sense; (jezika, naroda) genius; (prikazen) ghost, spectre, phantom, apparition, shade, pogovorno spook; (pokojni) ghost, wraith
zli dúh evil genius, fiend, demon, devil; (škrat) (hob)goblin
dober dúh good genius (ali spirit); (genij) genius, master spirit
sveti dúh religija Holy Spirit
dúhu (prikazni) podoben ghostly; (vonj) smell, scent, odour; (zakona) spirit
brez dúha scentless, odourless
nemiren dúh restless mind
odsoten z dúhom absent-minded, abstracted
prisotnost dúha presence of mind
dúh časa spirit of the time
klicanje dúhov (spiritizem) spirit rapping
zli dúh (hudobec) the evil spirit, the evil one
odbijajoč dúh (vonj) offensive smell
ni ne dúha ne sluha o njem he disappeared without trace, nothing more has been heard of him
v dúhu bomo z vami we shall be with you in spirit
on je velik dúh (figurativno) he is a man of great genius
vino ima dúh po sodu the wine tastes of the cask
on ima slab dúh iz ust his breath smells
to olje ima neprijeten dúh this oil has an unpleasant smell
imeti dúh po čem to be redolent or something
to ima dúh po česnu it smells of garlic
klicati dúhá to summon a spirit, to raise a ghost
kloniti z dúhom to despair, to lose heart (ali courage), to be despondent
izganjati dúhá to lay a gost; (iz obsedenca) to exorcize
dúh se mu je omračil he became (mentally) deranged
omračitev dúha mental derangement
poglobiti se v dúh francoskega jezika to absorb the spirit of the French language
dúhovi so bili razburjeni (figurativno) feelings were running high - dušéven psychic, psychical; spiritual; mental; intellectual
dušévna hrana mental (ali spiritual) sustenance, food for the mind
dušévni bolnik mental patient, mental case, psychopath
dušévna bolezen mental disease; insanity; psychosis; psychopathy
nauk o dušévni boleznih psychopathology
zdravljenje dušévnih bolezni psychotherapy
dušévno delo intellectual (ali mental) work
dušévni delavec intellectual
dušévni mir peace (ali tranquillity) of mind
dušévna krutost mental cruelty
dušévna zaostalost mental deficiency
bolnišnica za dušévne bolezni mental hospital
dušévno stanje mental state
dušévna zasužnjenost mental slavery
dušévno obzorje mental horizon
dušévna sorodnost congeniality
dušévne zmožnosti intellectual faculties (ali powers)
dušévna svežost mental freshness, vivacity - dvómiti to doubt, to have doubts (o, gléde about); to question (o čem something); to be doubtful (of); to be in doubt
ne dvomiti o to have no doubts about
dvómiti o poštenju kake osebe to doubt someone's honesty
o tem ne dvomim I have no doubt (ali I make no question) of it
ne morem dvómiti o njegovi besedi I cannot doubt his word
dvomim, da je to res I doubt the truth of that
ne dvomim, da bo prišel I have no doubt (that) he will come, pogovorno I've no doubt he's coming, I don't doubt for a moment he's on his way
ne dvomim, da ste hoteli to storiti I have no doubt you intended to do it
dvomim, če bo prišel I doubt whether (ali if) he will come
po tem začne človek dvómiti o vsem after that, one begins to feel doubtful of everything - eksekúcija (usmrtitev) execution
ukaz o eksekúciji death warrant; (rubež) distraint (ali seizure) of someone's goods - eksperimént experiment
eksperiménti o odpornosti materialov test (ali trial) of the resistance of materials
delati eksperiménte to experiment (o on)
poskusiti, narediti eksperimént to conduct an experiment, to test - ekspozé statement; account
napraviti ekspozé o položaju to draw up a statement, to give an account of the situation - filozófski philosophical
filozófsko (prislov) philosophically
filozófska fakulteta faculty o arts
filozófski kamen philosopher's stone - fízika physics pl (s konstr. v sg)
on predava fízika o he teaches physics, he lectures on physics - foném phoneme; speech sound
nauk o fonémih phonemics pl (s konstr. v sg) - formulírati to formulate; to dress up; to set forth, to express (in a formula); to form; to define
formulírati pismo to draw up a letter
formulírati odgovor to frame an answer
ni formuliral svojega mnenja o vprašanju he did not express (ali state) his opinion on the question
zopet, znova formulírati to restate - glásba music
cerkvena glásba church music, sacred music
komorna glásba chamber music
plesna glásba dance music
sinkopirana glásba ragtime
ljubitelj glásbe music lover
učitelj glásbe music teacher, music master
nauk o glásbi musicology
imeti dar za glásbo to have a gift (ali a talent) for music
imeti rad glásbo to be fond of music - glasovánje voting; vote; polling; parlament division; balloting
dan glasovánja polling day
imeti pravico glasovánja to have the vote, to be entitled to vote
javno glasovánje direct voting, direct ballot; show of hands; suffrage
splošno glasovánje universal suffrage
tajno glasovánje ballot, secret suffrage
s tajnim glasovánjem by ballot
glasovánje z dviganjem rok voting by a show of hands
ljudsko glasovánje plebiscite, referendum
glasovánje o zaupnici a vote of confidence
dati na glasovánje to put to the vote; to submit (it) to the vote
glasovánje je ostalo neodločeno the vote was inconclusive
z večinskim glasovánjem by a majority vote
z glasovánjem by ballot
poimensko glasovánje v parlamentu division
izid glasovánja result of a vote
izid glasovánja je ugoden the ayes have it
poraziti pri glasovánju to defeat
zavrniti z glasovánjem to reject
priti do glasovánja parlament to come to a division
po glasovánju parlament following a division - glasováti to vote (za for), to poll (for); to cast one's vote
glasováti za to give one's vote to (ali for), to vote in favour of
za koga ste glasováli? whom (ali pogovorno who) did you vote for?
tajno glasová to vote by ballot
začeti glasováti parlament to go into the division lobbies
glasováti nekem vpašanju to take a vote on a question
o tem vprašanju se je glasoválo this question was put to the vote
glasováti z dvigom rok to vote by a show of hands - glódati (o miši itd.) to gnaw; to nibble; (kost) to pick; (črv) to eat into
kes in žalost ga glodata remorse and sorrow are preying upon him
zavist ga gloda he is consumed with jealousy
glódati se (o osebi) to fret, to chafe
glódati se od zaskrbljenosti to eat one's heart out with anxiety - góba botanika fungus, pl fungi, funguses; (plesen) mould; (za brisanje) sponge
užitna góba mushroom, edible fungus, agaric
kresilna góba dry fungus, tinder, touchwood, spunk, ZDA punk, arhaično amadou
strupena góba poisonous mushroom, toadstool
nabiralec gób gatherer of mushrooms
veda o góbah mycology
nabirati góbe to gather mushrooms, to go mushrooming
rasti kot góbe po dežju to shoot up like mushrooms after the rain