
Zadetki iskanja

  • fantazírati to dream, to have daydreams, to daydream; to imagine; to fancy; to muse (o on, upon); medicina to rave, to be delirious
  • fermentírati to ferment; figurativno to ferment, to be in a ferment, to effervesce
  • figurírati to figure; to represent; (biti samo figura) to be a figurehead

    njegovo ime ne figurira na seznamu his name does not figure on the list
  • flíkniti (z bičem) to flick; to flirt; to tap smartly; (pasti pri izpitu) to fail, pogovorno to plough, to be plucked
  • frazêr phrasemaker, phrasemonger, platitudinarian; windbag; would-be fine speaker
  • gágati (gosi) to cackle; (utapljati se) to be drowning
  • gladováti to be hungry, to go hungry; to hunger; to be famished, to starve; to suffer (from) hunger

    pustiti koga gladováti to make someone tighten his belt
  • glasiti se to sound; (vsebina pisma itd.) to read, to run, to be worded

    glasiti se takole to run as follows (ali like this), to be worded as follows
    naslov se glasi (nekako) takole the address runs (ali reads) (somewhat) like this
    njegovo pismo se je glasilo takole his letter ran thus
    dopisnica se glasi takole the postcard reads as follows
    to mesto se angleški glasi... translated into Englisch this passage reads...
  • gníti to rot; to putrify, to decay, to decompose; to moulder; (zob) to become carious; (meso) to go off, to become tainted, to taint; (jajce) to go bad, to become addled, to addle; (voda) to become rank (ali foul), to be polluted; figurativno to be corrupted

    gníti v ječi to rot in gaol
  • goréti to burn; to blaze; to be on fire, to be consumed by fire

    gorí! fire!
    kje gorí? where is the fire?
    to ne gorí that does not burn
    vžigalica ne gorí the match does not strike
    goréti od radovednosti to be consumed by curiosity
    goréti od želje to burn with desire, to be eager (ali fervent ali zealous ali keen on)
    hiša gorí the house is on fire
    v mestu gorí there is a fire in town
    začeti goréti to catch fire
    tu mi gorí pod nogami (figurativno) this place is too hot for me
    gorelo mu je pod nogami (figurativno) he wanted to be off
  • gospodáriti (s hišo) to keep house, (upravljati) to manage, to administer, (s posestvom) to conduct, to manage (a farm), to run (a farm); (biti gospodaren, varčevati z) to use sparingly, to be economical with, to practise economy, to husband, to economize

    dobro (slabo) gospodáriti to manage well (badly)
  • gospodováti to rule, to dominate, to govern, to be master, to domineer, to hold sway over

    Rim je gospodovál celemu svetu the whole world was under the sway of Rome
    Britanija, gospoduj morjem! Britannia, rule the waves!
    gospodová svojim strastem to rule (ali to govern) one's passions
  • gostováti (igralec) to make a guest appearance, to be on tour (in)
  • grasírati medicina to rage, to be rife (ali rampant), to spread
  • hásniti to be useful (ali of use ali of service ali of help); to serve, to be (ali to prove) profitable (ali advantageous ali serviceable ali good for ali helpful ali efficacious)

    ne hásniti to prove useless (ali inefficacious ali abortive ali ineffectual ali inadequate ali fruitless); to be in vain
  • hírati to be sickly, to languish; to pine away
  • hitéti to hurry, to hasten, to make haste, to be in haste, to be in a hurry; to speed

    hitéti s čim to hurry on with something
    zelo hitéti to be in a great hurry
    če človek hiti, vse narobe naredí haste makes waste
    hiti počasi! more haste, less speed; slow and steady!
    zakaj tako hitiš? why are you in such a hurry?
    hitéti domov to hurry home
    hiteli smo domov we hurried home, we swiftly made our way home
  • hlapčeváti to be kept (ali held) in bondage; to work as a hired man; to slave for someone
  • hotéti to be willing; to want; (marati) to like; (želeti) to wish, to want, to desire; (nameravati) to intend, to purpose, to mean, to have in view

    rajši hotéti to prefer
    ne hotéti to be unwilling
    hočeš cigareto? will you have a cigarette?
    kaj hočete? what do you want?
    kaj hočeš od mene? what do you want of me?
    on ve, kaj hoče he knows what he wants, he knows his mind
    kakor hočete as you like, as you please, as you wish, suit yourself
    naj to hoče ali ne whether he likes it or not
    hočeš-nočeš whether you like it or not, willy-nilly, willing or unwilling
    noče sprejeti denarja he won't accept the money
    naj stane, kar hoče whatever the cost, whatever it may cost
    kaj hočete reči s tem? what do you mean by it?
    ona dela, kar hoče she has her own way
    sam ne ve, kaj hoče he does not know his own mind
    hočem, da greš domov I want you to go home
    s silo hoče, da grem domov he insists on my going home, he insists I go home
    imamo vse, kar hočemo we have all we want, we want for nothing
    hočemo mu dobro we wish him well
    kaj mi hoče (čemu mi bo) ta knjiga? I have no use for this book
    hoče mi se (piti) I feel like a drink, I feel thirsty, I'd like a drink
    dobro vem, kaj on hoče I fully appreciate (ali I realise full well) what he has in mind
    kakorkoli hočete as you like (ali choose ali please), at your discretion
    hoče biti (dela se, da je) znanstvenik he pretends to be a scientist
    hočeš, da te peljem z avtom (na postajo)? would you like me to drive you (to the station)?, shall I drive you (to the station)?
    hočete še malo mesa? will you have (ali take) a little more meat?
    kaj sem hotel reči? what was I going to say
    hotel sem samo reči, da... I only meant to say that...
    hotel je telelefonirati, pa je pozabil he meant to call, but he forgot
    (sam) si to hotel you asked for it (yourself)
    hotela me je udariti she felt like hitting me
    usoda je hotela, da... it was fated that...
    srce mi je hotelo počiti my heart was ready to burst (ali to break)
    on je tako hotel he wanted it that way
    hotel se je poročiti he wanted to get married, he was about to be married
    nesreča je hotela (as) ill luck (ali misfortune) would have it
    na vsak način je hotel imeti nov avto he insisted on having a new car
    jaz bi hotel (iti) I should like (I'd like) to (go)
    kaj bi hoteli še več? what more could you wish for?
    hotéti in želeti je dvoje willing and wishing are not the same
  • hrepenéti to long (po for), to crave (for), to yearn (for); to be eager (for); to pine, to languish (for); to hanker (for, after), to have a hankering (for); (nemirno, nervozno) to itch (for, after)

    hrepenel je po vestéh, novicah svoje družine he yearned for news of his family
    hrepeni po njej he is longing to see her