pregovoríti to persuade
(koga) to talk someone into, to prevail upon someone, pogovorno to get someone to do something
z dobrikanjem koga pregovoríti, da kaj naredi to coax someone into doing something
niso ga mogli pregovoríti he could not be prevailed upon
skušal me je pregovoríti, da bi kupil knjigo he tried to talk me into buying the book
pregovoríti koga, da opusti svoj namen to talk someone out of his purpose
hotel je zapustiti svojo domovino, pa so ga pregovorili he wanted to leave his country, but they talked him out of it
Zadetki iskanja
- prehúd
ta je pa že prehúda! this is outrageous! - próstor room; space; (sedež) seat; (razstavni) site; (površina) area; (področje) tract, region
próstor! make way!, give way!, clear the way!
brezzračni próstor vacuum
življenjski próstor living space
zaradi pomanjkanja próstora for lack of space
trgovski próstori business premises pl
društveni próstori a society's premises
ni več próstora there is no room left
próstora je za vse there is room for all
vsi próstori so zasedeni all the places are taken
napraviti próstor za koga to make room for someone, to clear the way for someone
rezervirati próstor to book a seat
niti toliko próstora ni, da bi se človek obrnil there's not room enough to swing a cat
potreben bi bil mnogo večji prostor, kot (pa) je na voljo it would require much more space than is available here (ali than you've got here)
omejenost, pičlost próstora shortage of space
kazenski próstor šport penalty area - próti against
próti (prefiks) anti-, counter-; (smer) towards, to, in the direction of, on, for; contrary to; (čas) about, by, ZDA around; pravo, šport versus (krajšava: v. ali vs.); (v primeri z) compared with
za in próti for and against, pro and con
sredstvo próti remedy for
próti vetru against the wind
próti koncu meseca towards the end of the month
próti šesti uri about six o'clock
Avstralija próti Angliji Australia versus England
próti nam against us
próti mojemu prepričanju (volji) against my conviction (will)
próti pričakovanju unexpectedly, suddenly
próti potrdilu o prejemu on receipt
próti toku against the tide
próti vodi up the river
próti zakonu against the law, illegally, unlawfully
próti zdravemu razumu preposterously, absurdly
próti mojim ukazom contrary to my orders
to je dobro próti glavobolom it's good for headaches
to je próti mojim navadam it is against (ali contrary to) my usual practice
jaz sem próti I am opposed to it
bilo je 30 glasov za predlog, 40 pa próti there were 30 votes for and 40 against
próti meni je bil zelo prijazen he was very kind to me
sem 100% próti I am dead against it
to je próti mojemu prepričanju this runs counter to my convictions
boriti se próti toku to struggle against the tide
delovati próti to counteract, to neutralize, (preprečiti) to thwart, to frustrate, to balk (ali baulk), to baffle
boriti se próti premoči to fight against odds
dvigniti oči próti nebu to look up to heaven
držati pismo próti luči to hold a letter up to the light
glasovati próti to vote »no«
enotno, složno glasovati próti to vote down
glasovati próti predlogu to vote against a motion
nimam nič próti temu I don't mind it, I have no objection to it
nimam nič próti kajenju I don't object to people smoking
ne morem nič reči próti I can say nothing to the contrary
govoriti za in próti to speak pro and con
iti próti domu to head for home (ali homewards)
iti próti severu to go towards the north (ali northwards)
vojska gre próti mestu the army is marching on the town
izpustiti próti kavciji to release on bail
marširati próti sovražniku to march against the enemy
ležati z obrazom próti zemlji to lie face downwards (ali on one's face)
nahujskati brata próti bratu to set brother against brother
napravil sem to próti svoji volji I did that against my own inclination
pluti próti vetru to sail against the wind
porini klavir próti zidu! push the piano up against the wall!
stavim 10 próti 1, da... I bet you ten to one that...
vzdržati próti sovražniku to hold out against the enemy - pŕst1 -a finger; (živali) toe, digit
mali pŕst little finger
nožni pŕst toe
srednji pŕst middle finger
blazinica pŕsta fingertip
po, na pŕstih on tiptoe
od kajenja rjavi pŕsti nicotine-stained fingers pl
umazani pŕsti dirty fingers
pŕst rokavice finger of a glove
dati jih komu po pŕstih to rap someone's fingers
imeti dolge pŕste (figurativno, krasti) to steal, to be one of the light-fingered gentry
imeti svoje pŕste zraven (pri kaki zadevi) to have a finger in the pie, to have a hand in something
za dva pŕsta je imela rdečila na licih she had a layer of rouge two fingers deep on her cheeks
on ima več pameti v malem pŕstu kot ti v glavi he has more wit in his little finger than you in your whole body
imeti v malem pŕstu (figurativno) to have at one's finger's end
daj, pomôli mu pŕst, pa bo zgrabil vso roko (figurativno) give him an inch, and he will take an ell!
daj pŕste proč od teh stvari! don't tamper with these things!
gledati komu na pŕste to keep a close eye upon someone, to watch someone closely
krcniti koga po pŕstih to tap someone's fingers
dati komu znak s pŕstom to beckon to someone
hoditi po pŕstih to tiptoe
s pŕstom ne migniti (komu v pomoč) not to stir a finger (to help someone), not to lift a finger, not to turn a hand (to help someone)
pŕste si oblizniti (figurativno) to lick one's fingers
opeči si pŕste (figurativno) to burn one's fingers, to singe one's feathers
pokazati s pŕstom na to point one's finger at
požugati s pŕstom to wag one's finger
okoli pŕstov oviti (figurativno) to twist (ali to wind, to wrap) someone round one's little finger
komu na pŕste stopiti to tread on someone's toes
iti po pŕstih po stopnicah navzgor to tiptoe upstairs
pogledati skozi pŕste ob... (figurativno) to connive at, to turn a blind eye to
pogledati komu skozi pŕste (figurativno) to condone someone's shortcomings
na pŕste šteti to count on one's fingers' ends (ali on the fingers)
urezati se v pŕst to cut one's finger
pŕsti me srbijo (da bi to storil) my fingers are itching (to do it)
temno je, da ne vidiš pŕsta pred nosom it is pitch-dark
znati svojo lekcijo iz malega pŕsta to have one's lesson at one's fingertips - rájši rather; better; sooner
rájši kot rather than
rájši imeti to like better, to prefer
rájši imam čaj kot kavo I like tea better than coffee, I prefer tea to coffee
jaz bi rájši ostal tu I would rather stay here
on rájši ne bi šel he would rather not go
rájši umrem, kot pa da te izdam I would rather die than betray you
oni bi bili rájši umrli, kot pa izdali tajnost they would have died rather than reveal the secret
on je rajši odpotoval, kot pa da bi se mi pridružil he preferred to leave rather than join me - réč thing; matter; stuff; (zadeva) affair, concern, object
to je moja réč that's my affair (ali business, concern, lookout)
to je (pa) druga réč! that's another kettle of fish!
brigaj se za svoje réči! mind your own business!
ne vtikaj se v moje réči! don't meddle in my affairs!, don't be such a busybody!
prava réč, če pride! who cares if he comes!, pogovorno so he's coming - who cares? (žargon - big deal!)
lepa réč! (ironično) a fine thing!
čudna réč se mi je pripetila a strange thing happened to me
poslabšati réčí to make matters worse - rêči to say; to tell; to utter; (izraziti se) to express in words; (izjaviti) to declare; (kot priča) to depose
rêči "da" to say yes, to agree
rêči "ne" to say no (ali nay), to refuse
zopet, ponovno rêči to repeat
rêči bobu bob to call a spade a spade
rêči zbogom to say (ali to bid) goodbye (ali farewell)
na uho komu rêči to whisper in someone's ear
rêči komu svoje mnenje to give someone a piece of one's mind
rêči enkrat "da", enkrat "ne" to say and unsay
tako rekoč so to speak; as it were; as one might say; so to say
recimo, da... granted that...
recimo, da bi to bilo res... supposing (that) it were true...
kot se reče (ljudje rečejo) as the saying goes
dal mi je, reci in piši, 8 tolarjev he gave me precisely 8 tolars
rečeno, storjeno no sooner said than done, quick as thought
kratko rečeno... the long and the short of it is...
mimogrede rečeno... by the way, by the by (ali bye)
kot že rečeno as I have said already, as I said before
med nama rečeno between you and me
laže rečeno kot storjeno easier said than done
recimo let us say, say, suppose
reci odkrito! speak up (ali out)!
reci brez okolišenja! don't beat about the bush!
recimo, da je tako admitting that it is so (ali it to be so)
recimo, da je to res, kaj potem? say it were true, what then?
če lahko tako rečemo if one might put it this way
to je lepo rečeno that is nicely put
kaj naj rečem k temu? it is incredible!
ni kaj rêči o njegovi poštenosti his honesty cannot be called in question
nimam več kaj rêči I have nothing more to say
proti temu se ne da nič rêči there is nothing to be said against that
to se samó tako reče that's merely a way of putting it
on si ne da nič rêči he is deaf to all advice, he will not listen to reason
kar on reče, mora biti what he says goes
kako bi se to reklo v angleščini? how would you put that in English?
težko je rêči... it is hard to say...
ne more se rêči kdaj there is no saying when
rekli so mi, da je doma I was told that he was at home
kolikokrat sem to rekel? how often have I said (ali told you) that?
rekel sem svoje I had (ali I've had) my say, (kaj mislim) I spoke my mind
kar sem rekel, nisem oporekel I kept my word, I did not go back on my word
upravičeno lahko to rečem I could well say so
kaj bodo pa ljudje rekli (figurativno) what will people (ali they) say?
to je težavno, ali bolje rečeno, to je nemogoče it is difficult, or rather (ali knjižno nay), it is impossible
to je težavno, da ne rečem nemogoče! it is difficult, not to say impossible!
Je to res? Če ti pa rečem! Is it true? You can take my word for it!
ne vem, kaj hočeš rêči I don't follow you
kaj hočeš rêči s tem? what do you mean by that?
ravno sem hotel to rêči you have taken the words out of my mouth, it was on the tip of my tongue, I was going to say
preden sem sploh mogel kaj reči... before I could get a word out
vse še ni bilo rečeno o tem we haven't yet heard the last of it, we haven't yet got to the bottom of it - roják compatriot; fellow countryman; kinsman
kakšen roják (pa) ste? what part of the country are you from?; where do you hail from? - s (pred zvenečimi glasovi z) with; by, from
s pošto by post
s 50 leti at the age of 50 years
s časom with time, in the course of time
s svinčnikom in pencil
s tega stališča, vidika from this point of view, standpoint
z zgodovinskega stališča from the historical standpoint
s pismom (pismeno) by letter
s silo by force
s pomočjo... by means of...
kaj (pa) je s teboj? what is the matter with you?
govoriti s kom to speak with (ali to) someone
jesti s krožnika to eat off a plate
pasti s konja to fall off one's horse
hoditi s palico to walk with a stick
potovati s parnikom (z letalom, z vlakom) to travel by steamer (by air plane, by train)
kaj misliš reči s temi besedami? what do you mean by these words?
prepirati se s kom to quarrel with someone
primerjati koga s kom drugim to compare someone with someone else
boriti se s smrtjo to be in one's last agony, to be at one's last gasp
vsta(ja)ti s soncem to rise with the sun
tekmovati s kom to rival someone, to vie with someone
udariti s palico to strike with a stick
vzemite me s seboj! take me along with you!
s solzami v očeh... with tears in one's eyes - sedáj now; at present; actually; this moment; at the moment of speaking (oziroma writing)
sedáj ne not at present
do sedáj until now, up to now, up to this time
ravno sedáj just now, this moment
za sedáj for the present, for the time being, for this once, for the nonce
takoj sedáj immediately, instantly, at once
sedáj ali nikoli now or never
od sedáj naprej from now on, from this time on, henceforth, in the future
sedáj...sedáj now... now, sometimes... sometimes, at one time... at another
sedáj to, sedáj ono now this... now that
kaj sedáj? what now?, well then?
sedáj, ko... now that...
sedáj te pa imam! now I have caught you!, pogovorno now I've got you! - sréča (notranja) happiness, felicity; (muhasta) fortune; (slučajna) (good) luck, good fortune, lucky chance
veliko sréče! good luck!
na sréčo, k sréči fortunately, luckily, by a lucky chance
na slepo sréčo at random, at haphazard, at a venture, in a happygo-lucky way
vso sréčo! may good luck go with you!
najboljšo sréčo! the best of luck (to you)!
kolo sréče Fortune's wheel, the ups and downs of life
v sréči ali nesreči in weal or woe, for good or ill, come weal or woe
opoteča sréča chequered fortune
sprememba sréče (na slabše) change for the worse, reversal of fortune
(še) sréča, da... it's a piece of luck that...
prava sréča, da ste slučajno bili tam it's a blessing you happened to be there
vojna sréča contingencies pl of war
to (pa) je sréča! that's what I call good luck!
bila bi velika sréča, če... it would be a great slice of luck if...
to je pač moja sréča! (imam pač tako sréčo!) that's just my luck!
lahko govorimo o sréči we can consider ourselves lucky
sréča je hotela, da... as luck would have it...
imam sréčo I am in luck, I am lucky
nimam sréče I have no luck, I am out of luck
to se pravi imeti sréčo! that's what I call good luck!
imeti veliko sréčo to have much good luck
imeti več sréče kot pameti to be more lucky than wise
marsikdo ima več sréče kot pameti fortune favours fools
imeti nepričakovano sréčo (pogovorno) to strike oil
imeti vražjo sréčo to be dead lucky
imeti vedno sréčo pri kartanju to be always lucky at cards
imel sem sréčo I had a stroke of luck
iskati sréčo to seek fortune
če bo šlo vse po sréči if everything goes well
poskusiti sréčo to try one's luck, to take one's chance, to chance one's luck, (žargon) to chance it
to ti bo prineslo sréčo it will bring you good luck
poskusiti kaj na slepo sréča to have a go
napraviti kaj na slepo sréčo (pogovorno) to chance one's arm
dal sem si prerokovati sréčo I had my fortune told
vedeževati komu sréčo to tell someone his fortune
vsakemu se sréča enkrat nasmeje every dog has his (ali its) day
skaliti sréčo to mar someone's happiness
voščiti, želeti komu sréčo pri... to wish someone joy of...
pot do sréče je trnova arhaično no joy without annoy
kadar sem imel največ sréče, sem zaslužil X SIT in my heyday I earned X tolars
sréča me zapušča my fortunes are at a low ebb
zibati se v sréči to walk (ali to tread) on air
bogastvo samo nam še ne more nuditi sréče wealth alone cannot procure us happiness
vse mu gre po sréči (se mu obrne v sréčo) everything in the garden's lovely, arhaično all things conspire to make him happy
vsak je svoje sréče kovač every man is the architect of his fortune - sredíca (kruha) soft inside of bread or cake, crumb
pojedel je sredíco, skorjo pa pustil he ate the soft part but left the crust
reaktorska sredíca (reactor) core - stvár thing; matter; object; stuff; (posel, skrb) concern; case; (zadeva) affair, subject, business
stvár časti affair of honour
sporna stvár debatable question, pravo a moot point
vsa stvár the whole business (ali affair, matter)
k stvari! keep (ali stick) to the point (ali to the matter in hand)!; (v parlamentu, govorniku) answer the question!
vse moje stvári all my belongings pl, my goods and chattels pl
dogovorjena, domenjena stvár a put-up job
kočljiva, delikatna stvár a delicate point
stvár zase another question, a matter apart
stvár v diskusiji the subject under discussion, the matter in hand
spadajoč k stvári relevant
ne spadajoč k stvári irrelevant
to je moja stvár that's my business (ali affair, concern, lookout)
to ni moja stvár that is no business of mine; that is not my affair
v tem je vsa stvár (= za to gre) that's the gist of it (ali the whole point)
to je čisto druga stvár that's completely off the point, that's an entirely different thing, (figurativno) that's a horse of a different colour
to je stvár navade that's a matter of habit
to je jedro, bistvo stvári this is the gist (ali the substance) of the matter
to je važna stvár this is a matter of importance (ali of great importance)
to je kočljiva stvár this is a ticklish (ali delicate, difficult) matter, this requires careful handling
to ni smešna stvár this in no laughing matter
(to je pa) lepa stvár! (ironično) that's a nice mess!, pogovorno a fine how-do-you-do (ali how d'ye do)
ne vem, kaj je na stvári I don't know what the problem is, pogovorno I don't know what's the matter (ali what's up, what it's all about)
borimo se za dobro stvár we are fighting for a good cause
brigaj se za svoje stvári! mind your own business, don't be such a busybody!
sedaj ne gre za to stvár that is not the question now
naj gredo stvári svojo pot! let things slide!
to nima nič opraviti s sámo stvárjo that has nothing to do with the question
pogovoriti se o stvári to talk the matter over
ostati pri stvári to stick to the point
priti s stvárjo na dan to raise a matter
pusti stvár v miru (= ne dvigaj prahu)! let sleeping dogs lie!
preidimo na stvár! let us come to the point (ali to the matter in hand), pogovorno let's get down to the nitty-gritty
s tem se na stvári nič ne spremeni it makes no difference, it does not alter the fact (ali the fact of the matter), it doesn't make any material (ali substantial) difference
to ne spada k stvári this is irrelevant, this is off (ali beside) the point
kot stvári stojé as things are, as things stand (now)
stvári stojé dobro things are going well
stvár stojí takole this is how the matter stands
videti, kako stvari stojé (figurativno) to see how the land lies
umreti za dobro stvár to die for a good cause
vmešavati, vtikati se v tuje stvári to meddle in other people's affairs
vrniti se k stvári to return to the subject
vzeti stvár v roke (figurativno) to take a problem (ali a matter, a business) in hand
vzeti stvári, kot pač pridejo (dobre in slabe) to take the rough with the smooth - še still; yet, as yet
še ne not yet
še vedno still
še nikoli never yet
še enkrat once more
še več still more
še danes this very day
še do danes, še zdaj this very day, even now
še nocoj this very night
še do pred kratkim, do nedavnega until very recently
še isti dan on the very same day
še pred enim tednom sem govoril z njim it is only a week since I spoke to him
še dolgo pozneje for a long time after
še ta teden before this week is over
še oni teden sem jo videl I saw her only last week
še včeraj only yesterday
še zadnjega maja as late as last May
še letos bodo prišli they will still arrive this year
še leta 1960 as late as 1960
še lani only last year
še boljši better still
še močneje kot even stronger than...
še enkrat toliko twice as much, as much again
še enkrat tako velik twice as tall, as tall again
še mnogo much (oziroma many) more
samó še to pot (tokrat) just once more, only this once
komaj še kdo hardly anyone left
še dražji, še višji dearer still, higher still
(samo) še trenutek just a moment
še nikoli never yet
še kaj (drugega)? anything more (ali else)?
imaš še kaj papirja? have you (got) any paper left?
imaš še kaj denarja? have you any money left?
še eno skodelico čaja, prosim! another cup of tea, please!
daj mi še malo kruha! (could I have) another piece of bread, please
danes je vreme še slabše kot včeraj today the weather is even worse than yesterday
dokler je še čas while there is still time
on še ne more delati he is still unfit for work
tega še nikoli nisem videl I have never seen that before
počakaj še dva dni! wait another two days!
daj mu še en kozarec vode! give him another glass of water!
treba je še videti it is yet to be seen
to bomo še videli that remains to be seen
še vedno živijo v Ljubljani they are still living in Ljubljana
še to zimo bo prišel he will be here some time this winter
lahkó še pride he may still come, he may come yet
poskusi še enkrat! try again!, try once more!, pogovorno have another go!
kaj še hoče? what else does he want?
lahko počakaš še en teden? can you wait another week?
še tega je manjkalo! that's all we wanted!
ni bila še dolgo omožena, ko... she had not long been married when...
ostalo je še nekaj denarja there's still some money left, there's a bit of cash left over
naj bo še tako bogat, ne bo uspel no matter how rich he is, he will not succeed
še (= niti) pogledal me ni he did not so much as look at me
kaj še! (= kje pa, ni govora o tem!) what next!
še obesili ga bodo, še na vislicah bo končal! he'll come to a sticky end (one of these days)!
še (vedno) smo tu we are still here
dokler je še živel while he was still alive
nisem še končal I have not yet finished, I still haven't finished - tàm there; in that direction; in (ali at) that place
tu pa tàm here and there
tàm doli down there
tàm notri in there
tàm preko over there
tàm zunaj out there
tàm góri up there
tàm nekje thereabouts
tàm daleč yonder
ne tu ne tàm neither here nor there - tíčati to be; to stick (v in)
tíčati do ušes, do vratú v dolgovih to be up to one's ears in debt
kje pa tičiš ves ta čas? where have you been all this time?
vedno doma tíčati to be a stay-at-home
on vedno doma tiči he stays indoors; he is a stay-athome, he is a homebody (ali homebird)
vedno skupaj tíčati (figurativno) to be inseparable
v tem grmu tiči zajec (figurativno) that's the gist (of the whole matter), that is where the dog is buried, (tu je težava) there's the rub, that's the whole point
ključ tiči v vratih the key is in the lock - to this; that; it
to je (krajšava: t.j.) that is, namely, (krajšava: i.e.)
o tem about this
v tem (medtem) (in the) meanwhile
skozi to through this, on account of this, by it
razen tega besides, moreover, as well
kako to? how so?
(pa) kaj za to? what of that?
to je vse that's all
to je možno that may be
to so oni they are the ones, pogovorno that's them
ne to ne ono (= nekaj vmesnega, srednjega) neither one thing nor the other, betwixt and between
pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu for all that
tega je 10 let ten years ago
jaz sem za to I am for it, I agree to it
ni mi do tega I don't care for it
samó še to bi (se) manjkalo! that would be all we need!, (pogovorno) that would put the tin lid on it!
pustimo to, kakor je! (pogovorno) let it go at that!
to mi boš plačal! you'll pay for this!, you'll smart for this!
koga misliš s tem? whom have you (ali pogovorno who've you got) in mind?
si to mislil, si to hotel reči? is that what you meant?
to se pravi that is to say
iz tega sledi... hence it follows...
vsi vedó to every one knows that
poleg vsega tega, (on) še pije apart from all that, he drinks, too - tú here, in this place; on this spot
tú pa tam here and there, (časovno) now and then
tú se ne da nič napraviti there is nothing to be done
drugega se ne da nič napraviti there is no choice left, there is no alternative - uhó ear; (šivanke) eye (of a needle); (košare, posode) handle
srednje uhó middle ear
zunanje uhó auricle
ostro uhó keen ear, quick ear
oslovsko uhó (v knjigi) dog-ear
napraviti oslovsko uhó (v listu, knjigi) to dog-ear (a page, a book)
bolečina v ušesu earache
vnetje ušesa otitis
vnetje srednjega ušesa inflammation of the middle ear
ušesa me bolé I have (ali pogovorno I've got) earache
krik, ki gre skozi ušesa an earsplitting, earpiercing scream
šumenje v ušesih buzzing in the ears
ščitnik za uhó earflap, ZDA earmuff
zrcalo za uhó medicina auriscope, otoscope
biti gluh na levo uhó to be deaf in the left ear
do ušes je zadolžen he is up to his ears in debt, he is over head and ears in debt
biti do ušes zaljubljen to be head over heels in love
imeti ostro uhó (figurativno) to have a quick (ali a sharp) ear, to have excellent hearing
pocukati, povleči koga za uhó to tweak, to pull someone's ear
napeti ušesa to prick up one's ears, to be all ears
naleteti na gluha ušesa to find deaf ears
nekaj bi ti rad povedal na uhó I'd like a word in your ear
prišlo mi je na uhó it came to my hearing
naviti komu ušesa to tweak someone's ears
pridigati gluhim ušesom (figurativno) to fall on deaf ears
(za)mašiti si ušesa to stop up one's ears
poslušati le z enim ušesom to listen with only half an ear
konj striže z ušesi the horse twitches his ears
vleči na ušesa to listen attentively, to prick up one's ears
za ušesa privleči (kako zadevo) (figurativno) to drag in a matter by the ears
v (levem, desnem) ušesu mi zveni my (left, right) ear is ringing (ali is burning)
pri enem ušesu noter, pri drugem pa ven (figurativno) (it goes) in (at) one ear and out (at) the other
v ušesih mi je zvenelo (= morali so govoriti o meni) my ears were burning
stene imajo ušesa walls have ears
v uhó me piši! (žargon) go and fly a kite!