
Zadetki iskanja

  • dobro2 prislov well

    doslej vse dobro so far, so good
    (že) dobro! all right!, okay!, fine!
    dobro mišljen well-meant, well-intentioned
    dobro vzgojen well-mannered, well-bred
    dobro znan well-known
    dobro, da je... a good thing there's...
    dobro bi bilo, da... it would be a good thing if...
    ni mi dobro I feel unwell, I feel poorly
    dobro govoriti o to speak well of
    dobro mi gre I am getting on well (ali nicely); I am doing well
    z njim se ne bo dobro končalo he will come to no good
    dobro izgledati to have good looks
    dobro spati to have a good night
    dobro se zabavati to have a good time, to enjoy someone
    stvar se obrača na dobro the affair is shaping well (ali things are looking up)
  • dokázati to prove, to give proof of; to furnish (ali to provide ali to produce) evidence; to demonstrate; to substantiate; to establish by evidence; to establish the truth of

    to se ne da dokázati this is not susceptible of proof
    dokázati krivdo komu to prove someone's guilt
    dokázati komu umor to prove someone guilty of murder
    ni mogel dokázati svoje trditve he could not prove (ali substantiate ali make good) his assertion
    dokázati komu, da se moti to prove someone (to be in the wrong)
  • dókler as long as

    dókler ne until, till
    to mi bo v spominu, dokler bom živel I shall remember it as long as I live
    nisem šel, dókler ni (on) prišel I did not go until he came
    kuj železo, dókler je vroče! strike while the iron's hot; make hay while the sun shines
  • dólgo

    za dólgo for long
    že dólgo long, long ago, for a long time
    kako dólgo? how long?
    dólgo poprej long before
    že dólgo (nazaj) for a long time since
    kako dólgo že? how long since?
    še dólgo ne (daleč proč) far from it, not for a long time, not by a long way
    dólgo (je že) tega (that was) long ago
    dólgo ga že poznam I have known him a long time
    ne dólgo tega not so very long ago
    dólgo je že, kar... it is a good while since...
    kje si bil tako dólgo? where have you been all this time?
    že dólgo ga nisem videl I haven't seen him for a long time, it's a long time since I saw him last
    dólgo je že, kar je umrl it is a long time since he died, he died long ago
    je že dólgo (od) tega? was this long ago?
    kako dólgo te ni bilo! how long you were!
    dólgo ga ni bilo he was a long time coming
    ne bom dólgo (počakajte hipec) I shan't be long
    dólgo me ni bilo tu I have not been here long
    to že dólgo vem I have known that (for) a long time
    je za dólgo odšel? has he gone for long?
    ne morem dólgo (časa) teči I cannot run (ali keep on running) for long
    predólgo ste čakali you have waited too long
    ne bo več dólgo (pri življenju) he hasn't long to go, he isn't long for this world
  • domá at home; in

    je on domá? is he in?, is he at home?
    je Vaš oče domá? is your father in, is your father at home?
    ni ga domá he is not at home, he is away, he is away from home
    domá narejen (kruh) home-made (bread)
    držati se domá to keep to the house
    on vedno tiči domá he never goes (ali gets) out, he is a stay-at-home
    on je domá iz Ljubljane he is a native of Ljubljana
    domá je najlepše there's no place like home
    počutiti se kot domá to feel at home
    bodite kot domá! make yourself at home!
    biti domá v (figurativno) to be at home in (ali with), to be familiar with
    nisem domá v tem predmetu (figurativno) I am not familiar with this subject
    ljubo domá, kdo ga ima east, west, home's best; pesniško be it ever so humble, there's no place like home
  • dopovédati

    dopovédati komu kaj to make someone understand something; to teach someone better; to make the matter clear to someone
    ni si pustil dopovédati he could not be brought to understand
  • dorásel adult; grown-up; full-grown; (za možitev) marriageable; (do moške dobe) arhaično grown up to man's estate

    dorásla oseba adult
    biti dorásel to be of age, (figurativno) to be equal (čemu to something), to be up (to something), to be a match (for something)
    nisi dorásel tej nalogi you are not equal to this task, you are not up to this task
    ni dorásel tej nalogi he is not up to this task
    nihče mu ni dorásel he has no equal, there is no one to match him
  • dovólj enough; sufficiently

    dovólj časa enough time
    več kot dovólj more than enough, enough and to spare
    dovólj mi je tega I've had enough of it
    to je dovólj jasno za vsakogar anyone can see that, it's as plain as a pikestaff
    ni dovólj močan za svoje delo he is not strong enough for his work
    boste imeli dovólj 2 kg? will two kilos be enough (ali pogovorno do)?
    dovólj sem ga videl (pogovorno) I have seen enough of him
    dovólj mi je tega življenja! I'm sick of this life
    dovólj bodi, da (če) rečem... suffice it to say...
    dovólj je! that's enough!, that will do!
    dovólj! Enough!; Stop!
    dovólj o tem, govorimo o čem drugem! enough of that, let's change the subject!
  • dovzéten sensitive (za to); susceptible, (za to); impressionable, impressible

    dovzéten za lepoto sensitive to beauty
    dovzéten za mraz sensitive to cold
    dovzéten za laskanje susceptible to flattery
    on ni dovzéten za laskanje he is above flattery
  • doživéti

    doživéti kaj to have been through something, to live through; to experience; to live to see
    bo doživel 100 let? will he live to be 100 years old?
    on tega ni doživel he did not live to see it
    knjiga je doživela 6 izdaj the book has reached its sixth edition
    doživéti nezgodo to meet with an accident
    marsikaj doživéti to go through many experiences
    še hujše stvari sem doživel I have been through worse
  • drugáče otherwise; in another (ali different) way (ali manner); differently (od from)

    takó ali drugáče somehow; one way or other
    drugáče (v drugih ozirih) in other respects; (sicer) else
    to je čisto drugáče it is quite difrerent, pogovorno it's not at all like that
    v mojem primeru je (ravno) drugáče in my case the boot is on the other foot
    čisto drugáče (ravno nasprotno) just the other way, just the other way round
    če ni drugáče možno if there is no other way
    na to gledam čisto drugáče I look upon it in quite a different light
    drugáče misliti to differ in opinion
    sedaj drugáče misliti to have second thoughts
    drugáče postopati, ravnati kot sicer (običajno) to act differently than usual
    ne morem drugáče, kot da se smejem I can't help laughing
    stôri to takoj, drugáče (sicer) ti bo žal do it at once, or you'll regret it (ali you'll be sorry)
  • dúh spirit, mind; soul; (um, razum) intellect, sense; (jezika, naroda) genius; (prikazen) ghost, spectre, phantom, apparition, shade, pogovorno spook; (pokojni) ghost, wraith

    zli dúh evil genius, fiend, demon, devil; (škrat) (hob)goblin
    dober dúh good genius (ali spirit); (genij) genius, master spirit
    sveti dúh religija Holy Spirit
    dúhu (prikazni) podoben ghostly; (vonj) smell, scent, odour; (zakona) spirit
    brez dúha scentless, odourless
    nemiren dúh restless mind
    odsoten z dúhom absent-minded, abstracted
    prisotnost dúha presence of mind
    dúh časa spirit of the time
    klicanje dúhov (spiritizem) spirit rapping
    zli dúh (hudobec) the evil spirit, the evil one
    odbijajoč dúh (vonj) offensive smell
    ni ne dúha ne sluha o njem he disappeared without trace, nothing more has been heard of him
    v dúhu bomo z vami we shall be with you in spirit
    on je velik dúh (figurativno) he is a man of great genius
    vino ima dúh po sodu the wine tastes of the cask
    on ima slab dúh iz ust his breath smells
    to olje ima neprijeten dúh this oil has an unpleasant smell
    imeti dúh po čem to be redolent or something
    to ima dúh po česnu it smells of garlic
    klicati dúhá to summon a spirit, to raise a ghost
    kloniti z dúhom to despair, to lose heart (ali courage), to be despondent
    izganjati dúhá to lay a gost; (iz obsedenca) to exorcize
    dúh se mu je omračil he became (mentally) deranged
    omračitev dúha mental derangement
    poglobiti se v dúh francoskega jezika to absorb the spirit of the French language
    dúhovi so bili razburjeni (figurativno) feelings were running high
  • dúhati to smell; to scent

    dúhati, da nekaj ni v redu, dúhati nevarnost ipd. to smell a rat
  • dúša soul; (duh) spirit; ghost; figurativno mind

    600 dúš (prebivalcev) 600 souls
    dobra dúša a good soul, a good fellow
    pokojna dúša departed soul
    sorodna dúša congenial soul, kindred spirit
    neumrljivost dúše religija immortality of the soul
    rešitev dúše religija salvation of the soul
    preseljevanje dúš transmigration of souls, metempsychosis
    z dúšo in telesom with all one's heart and soul, wholeheartedly
    iz vse dúše, z vso dúšo with all one's heart
    (vseh) vernih dúš dan religija All Souls' Day
    iz globine moje dúše from the depths of my soul
    pri moji dúši! (up)on my soul!, by my soul
    iz (do) dna svoje dúše from (to) the bottom of one's heart
    v globini moje dúše in my heart of hearts
    dúša in srcé česa the life and soul of something
    v dnu svoje dúše in one's innermost soul
    biti eno srce in ena dúša to be of one heart and mind
    on je plemenita dúša he is a generous soul, he is a noble-minded person
    biti komu vdan z dúšo in telesom to be devoted body and soul to someone
    on je prava dúša podjetja he is the very soul of the enterprise
    žive dúše ni bilo tam not a living soul was there
    žive dúše ni na ulici there is not a soul in the street
    on je dobra dúša he is a good old soul
    dúša me boli it grieves me to the very heart
    nekaj imam, nekaj mi leži na dúši something preys upon my mind
    izdihniti dúšo to give up, to yield up the ghost, to draw one's last breath
    sramovati se v dno svoje dúše to be deeply ashamed (of)
    to mi teži dúšo that weighs heavily upon me
    vso svojo dúšo vložiti v delo to put one's whole heart into one's work
    žive dúše ne vidim I do not see a single soul
    žive dúše ni bilo videti there wasn't a soul to be seen
    povedati, kar nam leži na dúši pogovorno to say one's piece
  • dva dve two

    po dva, po dve in pairs, by twos
    stran dve page two
    dve in pet je sedem two and five make (ali are) seven
    tako gotovo, kot je dve in dve štiri as sure as eggs is eggs
    to me je stalo dva funta in dva penija this cost me two pound, twopence
    ura je ravnokar odbila dve the clock has just struck two
    pred dvema dnevoma two days ago
    ne najdeš dveh takih, kot je on! you won't find anybody to match him!
    otrok še ni dve leti star the child is not two yet
    iti po dva in dva (v parih) to go in pairs (ali two by two)
    hoditi v gručah po dva in tri to walk in twos and threes
    za prepir sta potrebna dva it takes two to make a quarrel
  • dvájset twenty; score

    kupujem jajca po dvájset naenkrat I buy eggs by the score
    dvájset let je star he is twenty (years old)
    ni še dvájset let star he is still in his teens, he is not yet out of his teens
  • dvóm doubt

    brez dvóma without (any) doubt, undoubtedly, doubtless; certainly, surely; beyond a doubt, unquestionably
    brez dvóma no doubt!
    nad vsakim dvómom beyond all doubt, past all doubt
    najmanjši dvóm the slightest doubt
    ni dvóma, da... there is no doubt that..., it is beyond all doubt that...
    ni najmanjšega dvóma, da... there is no doubt whatever that...
    ni nobenega dvóma, da... there is no doubt (that)..., there can be no doubt (that)...
    ni dvóma, da bo plačal there is no doubt he will pay, there is no question (but) that he will pay
    noben dvóm ni na mestu there is no room for doubt
    sem (malo) v dvomih, kaj narediti I am in some doubt as to what to do
    biti v dvómu to be doubtful (glede of)
    pojavil se je, nastal je dvóm če... doubt arose as to whether...
    to je brez dvóma res that is doubtless true
    brez najmanjšega dvóma without the shadow of a doubt
    za pomiritev majhnih dvómov to settle some minor qualms
  • efékt effect

    brez efékta effectless
    svetlobni efékt light effect
    zvočni efékt sound effect
    lov za efékti staginess
    to ni imelo nobenega efékta nanj it was of no effect (ali it had no effect) on him
    vsak efékt ima svoj vzrok every effect has its cause
    napraviti (svoj) efékt to take effect
  • enák equal, even, (vrednost) equivalent, (isti) same, identical; (podoben) like, alike, similar; (enoličen) uniform; equable

    dve enáki števili two equal numbers
    enáka razdalja equidistance
    enáka temperatura an even temperature
    biti enák to equal, to be the equal of, to be equal, to be on a par with
    ni mu enákega he has no equal, there is no one to match him, he is without an equal, he is unrivalled
    ni ti enák he is not your equal
    to ni bil enák boj it was not an equal fight
    boj med enakima nasprotnikoma equal fight
    boriti se ob enákih pogojih to fight on equal terms
    naleteti, najti sebi enákega to meet one's match
    imeti enáke deleže to have equal shares
    vsi državljani so enáki pred zakonom all citizens are equal before the law
    skušati biti enák to emulate, to vie with
    sta kar enáka (= imata iste napake) they are tarred with the same brush!
    plačati (vrniti) enáko z enákim (figurativno) to give someone tit for tat, to pay someone back in his own coin
    enako se z enákim druži birds of a feather flock together
  • ênkrat once; some time

    ênkrat na dan once a day
    ênkrat ali dvakrat once or twice
    ênkrat slučajno once by chance
    ênkrat za vselej once for all
    ênkrat pač (prej ali slej, kadarkoli) at some time or other
    niti ênkrat not once
    končno ênkrat at last
    še ênkrat once more, once again, the same again
    še ênkrat toliko as much (oziroma many) again; twice as much (oziroma many)
    pozneje ênkrat by and by
    to pot ênkrat this once
    drugo leto ênkrat some time next year
    za ênkrat for once, for the time being
    niti ênkrat ni deževalo it never rained once
    bil je ênkrat (slučajno) točen he was in time for once in a way
    to je kar lahkó, ko ênkrat vidite, kako se tega lotiti it is easy enough once you see how to tackle it
    kar je ênkrat narejeno, je narejeno once it is done, it is done