
Zadetki iskanja

  • vèč more; plus

    vèč kot... more than...
    vèč (od njih) several
    še vèč still more
    vèč kot dovolj enough and to spare
    vèč ljudi several people
    ne vèč no more, no longer
    vèč ali manj more or less
    nič vèč no more
    vèč dni several days, a day or two
    vedno vèč in vèč more and more
    nikoli vèč nevermore, never again
    vèč kot enkrat more than once
    vèč kot teden dni (kot en teden) for over a week
    čim vèč, tem bolje the more the better
    čim vèč dela, tem vèč potroši the more he works the more he spends
    sem vèč kot zadovoljen I am more than satisfied
    on ni vèč nesrečen he is no longer unhappy
    ni ga vèč he is no more
    bil si moj prijatelj, pa nisi vèč you used to be a fiend of mine but you aren't any longer
    imam vèč denarja kot ti I have (ali pogovorno I've got) more money than you
    vèč imaš, vèč hočeš imeti much will have more
    vèč jih je kot nas there are more of them (than of us)
    ne odlašaj vèč! delay no longer!, pogovorno don't put it off any longer!
    nič vèč me ne zebe I don't feel cold any longer
    vèč od njih poznam I know several of them
    nimam vèč denarja I have no money left, I have no more money
    spoznal, srečal sem se z vèč člani kluba I met several members of the club
    ne misli vèč na to! don't think of it any more!, pogovorno forget it!
    nisem mogel vèč molčati I could not remain silent any longer
    ne bom vèč čakal I shall not wait any longer
    ne maram vèč slišati nobene besede o tem I don't want to hear another word about it
    od takrat ga nisem vèč videl I have not seen him since (then)
  • vzdrževáti to keep (up), to maintain; to support, to sustain, to provide sustenance (for)

    vzdrževáti veliko družino to keep (ali to maintain) a large family
    vzdrževáti prijateljske stike, zveze to maintain friendly relations
    vzdrževáti se česa to abstain from something
    sam se vzdrževáti to keep oneself in food and clothing, to be selfsupporting; to support oneself
    njegov stric ga vzdržuje his uncle pays for his upkeep
    vzdrževáti se s čim to subsist by something
    vzdrževáti pogovor to keep a conversation going
    vzdrževáti pogum (moralo) čet to support the courage (to maintain the morale) of the troops
    vzdrževáti svojo družino to support one's family
    vzdrževan kept, supported; provided for (od koga by someone)
  • vzvíšen elevated, exalted; sublime; noble; superior

    vzvíšena misel sublime thought
    z vzvíšenim prezirom with sublime contempt
    vzvíšeni cilj exalted aims pl
    vzvíšen (nedovzeten za) nad podkupovanjem above taking bribes
    vzvíšen nad laskanjem superior to flattery
    biti vzvíšen nad čim to be above (ali past, beyond) something
    pokazati se vzvíšenega nad čim to rise superior to something
  • zagnáti to throw; to fling, to hurl

    zagnáti krik to set up (ali to raise) a cry, to cry out, to shriek
    zagnáti na tla to hurl down
    zagnáti hrup to make a noise, to cause an uproar
    zagnáti se na to fall upon, on; pounce upon, at; to leap at
    zagnáti se za čim to make a dash for
    zagnáti se na sovražnika to make a dash at the enemy
  • zaostájati to lag behind; to fall behind; (s plačilom ipd.) to be in arrears (z with), to be behindhand (z with); not to keep abreast (z with); (v učenju) to be backward; (v kvaliteti) not to be equal, not to be a match for

    oni zaostajajo za našimi vojaki glede hrabrosti they are no match for our soldiers in courage
    moja ura zaostaja pet minut my watch is five minutes slow
    zaostájati za kom (za čim) to lag behind (ali not to keep up with) someone (something)
    on ne zaostaja za nikomer (v) he is second to none (in)
    ne smeš zaostájati za njim v vljudnosti you must not be outdone by him in politeness
  • zaostáti ➞ zaostajati

    mnogo zaostáti za čim to lag far behind something
  • zapôslen employed; employed in an occupation, engaged (z in, with); busy

    redno zapôslen on the active list
    biti zapôslen to be in employment, to be employed
    biti zapôslena čim to occupy oneself with (ali in) doing something
    zapôslen sem z zbiranjem gradiva za novo knjigo I am busy (ali engaged) in collecting material for my new book
  • zapréti (knjigo, vrata ipd.) to shut; to close; to shut in; (s ključem) to lock (up); (z zapahom) to bolt; (ulico) to block, to bar, to obstruct

    zapréti dežnik to fold one's umbrella
    zapréti v ječo to lock up in jail, to take to jail, to imprison, to commit to prison, to take into custody
    zapréti jetnika v njegovo celico to shut a prisoner up in his cell
    zapréti oči to shut one's eyes, (umreti) to close one's eyes, to die, to expire
    zapréti oči pred čim (= ne hoteti videti) to connive at something, to shut one's eyes to something
    zapréti vodovodno pipo to turn the tap off
    zapréti plin to turn the gas off
    zaprl (zamašil) sem mu usta I shut him up
    zapréti steklenico to cork (up) a bottle
    zapréti za promet to close to traffic
    zapréti tovarno (nehati z delom) to shut (ali to close) down a factory, to shut the works down
    zapréti prodajalno, trgovino (pogovorno) to shut up shop
    zapréti vstop v pristanišče to bar (ali to close) the entrance to a port
    zaprli so pot, ki pelje preko njihovega polja they have closed the path that leads across their field
    zapréti vrata pred kom (ne hoteti govoriti z njim) to shut the door on someone
    pred nosom komu zapréti vrata to shut the door in someone's face
    silovito zapréti vrata to bang (ali to slam) the door
    zapréti se (zakleniti se) to shut oneself up
    zapréti se (o vratih) to swing to, to swing shut
    zapréti se vase (figurativno) to shut oneself away, to immure oneself
  • zgledováti se

    zgledováti se po kom to model oneself on (ali upon) someone; to follow someone's example, to take someone as one's example
    zgledováti se se (= pohujševati se) nad čim to be scandalized at something, to take offence at something
  • zgrážati se to be shocked (ali scandalized), to feel disgust at, to abhor, to detest, to feel repugnance (ali loathing), to be revolted by, to become indignant

    globoko se zgrážati se nad čim, nad kom to be highly indignant at something, to be most disgusted with someone
  • zmŕdniti se zmrdováti se to grimace

    zmŕdniti se, zmrdováti se nad čim to turn one's nose up at something, to pull faces at something