hlapčeváti to be kept (ali held) in bondage; to work as a hired man; to slave for someone
hospitácija attendance at lectures as an occasional student
hospitírati to attend lectures (oziroma lessons) as an occasional student
i (in) and; (tudi) also, too, as well; so, likewise
i...i both... and
i Vi i jaz both you and I (pogovorno me)
i njegov brat i njegov svak both his brother and his brother-in-law
naše izgube i padlih i ranjenih our losses both in killed and wounded
identificírati to identify; to regard (ali to treat) as the same; to establish the identity of
identificírati se z to identify oneself with
idiomátika jezikoslovje the study of idiom; idioms as a whole
prevajatelj je dal tuji idiomátiki ustrezno domačo obliko the translator rendered the foreign idiom by an appropriate native form
izkáznica card (ticket, certificate, paper, passport) as proof of identity
članska izkáznica membership card
osebna izkáznica identity card
študentska izkáznica student card
zdravstvena izkáznica health card
živilska izkáznica foodcard, ration-card
izvrševáti (dolžnost, službo) to perform, to exercise; to act as; to practise, to discharge
izvrševáti svoj poklic to pursue one's profession
izvrševáti svojo obrt to ply one's trade
jegúljast eel-like; figurativno elusive; slippery as an eel, as lithe as an eel
kandeláber (drog) lamp post; (svečnik) candelabrum, pl -bra, pogovorno candelabra, pl -as
kandidírati to stand as candidate (za for)
kandidírati za Akademijo to offer oneself for election to the Academy
kandidiral je za sedež v parlamentu he stood (as a candidate) for a seat in parliament
kandidírati koga to propose someone for election, to run someone as candidate
knezováti to rule as a prince
kólikorkólikrat as often as
kólikorkólikrat je poskusil, zmeraj mu je spodletelo every time he tried, he (always) failed
kraljeváti to reign (ali to rule, to govern) as a king; to act the king; to king it
kurbáti se (vulgarno) to be a whore, to work as a whore; žargon to be on the game; ZDA to hustle; arhaično to harlot
lásnat hair-thin, thin as hair; capilliform
medén1 (of) honey; honeyed, honied; made with honey, sweet as honey; figurativno (laskajoč) flattering
medéno sladek honey-sweet, figurativno honeyed
medéni keksi honey biscuits pl
medén kolač honey cake; gingerbread
medéna rosa honeydew
medéni tedni honeymoon
preživljati medéne tedne to honeymoon
mešetáriti to act as broker (ali jobber, middleman, go-between); to transact business as broker
mešetáriti o čem to dicker over something
mimogredé in passing; when passing; as I passed by
mimogredé povedano incidentally, by the way
mimogredé omenjeno parenthetically, by the bye (ali by)
nabáviti to purchase, to buy (in), to acquire; to obtain; to work as a buyer; to procure; to get; (živila) to cater
nabáviti komu kaj to provide something for someone
nabáviti si zemljevid to get oneself a map
nabáviti denar to raise money