naróbe wrong; wrongly; in a wrong manner; the wrong side out (ali up); turned upside down; topsyturvy; inverted; head over heels
vse je naróbe all is wrong, all is in confusion, there is a great confusion everywhere
nekaj je naróbe there is something amiss
vse gre naróbe all goes wrong
vse je naróbe v hiši everything is upside down in the house
kaj je naróbe s teboj? what is wrong with you?
naróbe se lotiti česa (figurativno) to put the cart before the horse
to je naróbe svet it is the world turned upside down
naróbe si je nadel klobuk he has put his hat on the wrong way
narediti vse naróbe to do everything the wrong way round
šli smo po isti poti kot vi, toda naróbe (v obratni smeri) we took the same road as you, but the other way round
pri meni (v mojem primeru) je stvar naróbe (obratna) in my case the boot is on the other foot; with me it's the other way round
nima Ivan Marije na vrvici, ravno naróbe je John doesn't dominate Mary, the boot is on the other foot (ali the reverse is the case)
Zadetki iskanja
- naročén1 ordered; on order; made to order; commissioned
biti naročén (o blagu) to be on order
biti naročén na časopis to take a paper
prihajaš kot naročén! well met!; well-timed! - naročíti to order; to command; to commission; to give a commission (for); to give (ali to place) an order; arhaično to bespeak
naročíti kaj pri kom to order something from someone
naročíti sedež prostor to book a seat
naročíti se na časopis to subscribe to a paper
si naročen na ta časopis? do you take this paper?
naročil sem se na to knjigo I ordered this book - nasadíti to plant, (vrt) to lay out; to cultivate; to set out; (sekiro) to helve; (metlo) to furnish with a handle; (kokoš) to set a hen
nasadíti na kol to impale
žena mu je nasadila roge his wife has cuckolded him - nasésti (ladja) to run aground; to strand, to get stranded
pustiti ladjo, da nasede to beach the ship; figurativno (biti opeharjen) to be taken in, to be imposed upon
on hitro nasede (figurativno) he is easily imposed upon
nisem mu nasedel (figurativno) I was up to his tricks
čoln je nasedel na plitvino the boat was stranded on a shoal - naslédnik successor; follower; (dedič) heir
naslédnik na prestolu successor to the throne
kot naslédnik Jurija II as heir to George II
naslédniki pl (zanamci) progeny; posterity; ensuing age(s pl) - naslédstvo succession; (dedovanje) inheritance
naslédstvo na prestolu succession to the throne - nasloníti to lean (ob, na against, na on)
nasloníti se to lean (na, ob steno, zid against the wall)
nasloníti se skozi okno to lean out of the window
nasloníti se nazaj to lean back
nasloníti bicikel ob zid to prop up a bike against the wall - naslóv address, direction; title; (članka v časopisu) heading; (nadpis) superscription, inscription; (naziv) name, title, appellation
na naslóv (pri) (pismo) care of (krajšava: c/o)
obrniti se na napačen naslóv (figurativno, pogovorno) to come to the wrong shop
moj stalni naslóv je... my permanent address is... - naspróten contrary, opposite, arhaično contrariant, zastarelo contrarious; (nenaklonjen) opposed, unwilling, hostile, adverse to, disinclined to; (obraten) converse
nasprótni dokaz counterevidence
nasprótna izjava counterdeclaration
nasprótna sila counterforce; opposed force
nasprótna stran ulice the opposite side of the street
nasprótna stranka the opposite party
nasprótna terjatev counterdemand, counterclaim
naspróten veter a contrary wind, an adverse wind
biti čisto naspróten od to be opposite to
igrati na nasprótni strani šport to play for the opposing (ali opposite) side
storil si prav nasprótno od tistega, kar bi bil moral storiti you have done the exact opposite of what you ought to have done - nastòp (službe) taking up office, entering service, assumption of duties; (umetnika) appearance (ali start) on the stage (ali in public); (kralja ipd.) accession
njegov prvi javni nastòp na odru his first public appearance on the stage, his stage début; (vedenje) behaviour, conduct; (začetek bolezni) onset, attack, fit, seizure; (posesti) taking possession of
odkrit nastòp proti overt action against
javen telovaden nastòp gymnastic demonstration, gymnastic display - nastópati (obnašati se) to behave, to deport oneself, to carry oneself, to conduct oneself; (v gledališču) to be in a show, to appear in, to be appearing in; (minerali) to occur
javno nastópati to appear in public
nastópati na odru to appear on the stage
kdor prvič nastopa (na odru ipd.) débutant, (ženska) débutante
on nastopa (se obnaša) zelo ošabno he behaves very haughtily - nasvèt piece of advice; (splošno) advice; counsel; (ideja) suggestion
po nasvètu advised by
na njen nasvèt on her advice, at her suggestion
dal mi je dober nasvèt he has given me some good advice
poslušaj moj nasvèt! take my advice!, be advised by me!
prišel sem k tebi po nasvèt I have come to you for advice
vprašati koga za nasvèt to ask someone's advice, to consult someone
ravnati se po nasvètu to follow someone's advice, to take someone's advice, to take advice from someone - naščúvati to instigate (k to), to incite (to), to set (proti against)
naščúvati brata proti bratu to set brother against brother
naščúvati psa na koga to set the dog on someone - natakníti (očala) to put on; (hitro) to slip on
še čevlje nataknem, pa grem I'll just slip my shoes on, then I'm off
natakníti na kol to impale - natezálnica rack
dati, napeti koga na natezálnico to put someone on the rack
biti na natezálnici (figurativno, na žerjavici) to be on the rack, to be on tenterhooks - naučíti to teach; to instruct
naučíti se to learn
naučíti se na pamet to learn by heart (ali by rote), to memorize, to commit to memory; to acquire knowledge; (veščine, spretnosti) to get the knack, to learn the trick
naučíti koga brati to teach someone to read
naučil ga bom, kako se je treba obnašati I'll teach him good manners, I'll teach him how to behave
naučíti se pisati to learn to write - naváditi
naváditi koga na kaj to accustom someone to something, to inure someone to something
naváditi se na kaj to get used (ali inured) to something, to get into the habit (ali the way) of, to get accustomed to; to become familiar with something, to acquire (ali to contract) the habit of
naváditi se na neko podnebje to acclimatize, ZDA to acclimate
navadil sem se na to zdaj I am used to it now, I have got into the way of it now - navájati (citirati) to quote; to allege; to cite; to mention
navájati dokaze to adduce proof
navájati koga na kaj to accustom someone to something - navál (gneča) throng, press; crowd; (v trgovine, božični) (Christmas) rush; (napad) attack, assault; (jeze, strasti) fit
biti kos naválu to cope with the rush
navál na banko run on a bank
navál na blago rush on an article
zavzeti v naválu (jurišu) to take by storm
navál odjemalcev crowd of customers