
Zadetki iskanja

  • kólikor

    kólikor vem as far as I know; from what I know; arhaično for aught I know
    kólikor mogoče kmalu as soon as possible
    to ni res(nično), kólikor morem ugotoviti this isn't true, as far as I can discover (ali ascertain)
    v kólikor in so far as, as far as, inasmuch as, provided
    toliko... as (ali so) much... as
    kólikor toliko pretty, rather, somewhat, to a certain extent
  • kolizíja collision; figurativno clash, conflict

    priti v kolizíjo z to come into collision with, to collide with; (trčiti z) to run into, to smash into (tudi figurativno); (spreti se s kom) to fall (ali to run) foul of someone
  • kólk anatomija hip, (živalski) haunch

    bolečine v kólku pain in the hip; sciatica; hip-gout
  • kolóna column

    kolóna po eden single file
    leteča kolóna flying column
    pêta kolóna politika fifth column
    član pête kolóne fifth columnist
    voziti v tesni kolóni to drive bumper to bumper
  • kolòp (dir) gallop

    v kolòpu at a gallop
    teči, jezditi v kolòpu to gallop
  • kómaj scarcely; hardly

    kómaj..., že... (ko...) no sooner... than
    kómaj kaj scarcely anything
    kómaj kdaj hardly ever
    kómaj kdo hardly anyone
    kómaj 20 let je star he is only just (ali scarcely) twenty
    kómaj ga poznam I scarcely know him
    kómaj (da) si upam I hardly dare
    kómaj je ušel (za las je ušel) he had a narrow escape, he had a narrow squeak
    to moreš kómaj (skoraj ne moreš) pričakovati you can hardly expect that
    kómaj je mogel govoriti he was hardly able to speak
    kómaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes
    kómaj še, da je bil vljuden he was barely polite
    kómaj smo (še) ujeli vlak we only just caught the train
    imam kómaj še dovolj volne, da spletem par nogavic I have only just enough wool left to knit a pair of socks
    kómaj je spregovoril, ko... he had scarcely spoken when...
    kómaj sem začel brati, že je stopil oče v sobo no sooner had I begun to read than my father entered the room
  • komentár comment, commentary

    današnji komentár v Borbi comment in today's Borba
  • komisár commissar; commissioner

    policijski komisár superintendent of police, inspector; (v SZ) Commissar
    visoki komisár high commissioner
  • komisíja commission; board of commissioners, body of persons entrusted with some investigation; committee; (naročilo) commission, order

    v komisíji on commission
    kupiti in prodati v komisíji to buy and sell on commission
    dati (vzeti) v komisíjo trgovina to give (to take) in commission
    biti v komisíji to be (ali to sit) on a committee
    imenovati, postaviti komisíjo to appoint, to set up a commission, a committee
    imeti blago v komisíji trgovina to have goods on commission
    seja komisíje committee meeting
    arbitražna komisíja arbitration committee (ali board)
    izpitna komisíja board of examiners
    komisíja izvedencev committee of experts
    nadzorna komisíja supervisory committee
    posebna komisíja special committee
    stalna komisíja permanent committee, standing committee
    preiskovalna komisíja committee (ali commission) of inquiry
    mandatno imunitetna komisíja credentials commission
    komisíja za volitve in imenovanja commission for elections and nominations
    mešana komisíja joint commission
  • komólec elbow

    rabiti komólce, suvati s komólci to elbow
    dregniti s komólcem koga to nudge someone
    sloneti na komólcih to lean on one's elbows
    s komólci se je prerinil v sobo he elbowed himself (ali jostled his way) into the room
    utirati si pot skozi množico s komólci to elbow one's way through the crowd
    dregljaj s komólcem nudge
  • kómparativ gramatika comparative

    pridevnik v kómparativu a comparative adjective
    rabiti... v kómparativu to use in the comparative
  • kompeténca competence, competency

    to ne spada v kompeténco tega sodišča this does not fall within the competence of this court
  • koncesíja concession; licence; franchise; charter

    koncesíja za točenje alkohola v lokalu (čez cesto) on licence (off licence)
    imetnik koncesíje concessionaire
    dati komu koncesíjo to license someone, to grant a licence
    dobiti koncesíjo to take out a licence
    dati koncesíje komu (figurativno) to make concessions to someone, to meet someone halfway
  • končáti to finish, to end, to terminate; to complete; to accomplish, to achieve

    končáti se to end, to come to an end; to stop, to cease; (miniti) to be over
    končáti se v, z to result in; (šola, za počitnice) to break up
    končáti s čim to put an end to something
    delo je končano the work is finished
    končal sem z delom I have finished work, pogovorno I'm knocking off
    končali smo z branjem we have finished reading
    slabo se končáti to come to a bad end
    to se ne bo dobro končalo no good will come of it
    slabo se je končalo it turned out badly
    on bo končal v ječi he'll wind up in prison
    končáti s seboj (s svojim življenjem) to do away with oneself
    vse je dobro kar se dobro konča all's well that ends well
  • kondícija condition

    v odlični kondícija in prime condition, (figurativno) in fine fettle
    v slabi kondíciji out of condition
  • konfékcija ready-made article (of clothing)

    damska (moška) konfékcija ladies' (men's) wear
    obleka v konfékciji ready-made clothes pl
  • konfekcíjski ready-made; ready-to-wear, off-thepeg

    konfekcíjska obleka a ready-made suit, pogovorno reach-medown
    konfekcíjska trgovina retail tailor's
    to boste našli v konfekcíjskem oddelku you'll find that in the ready-made department
  • konflíkt conflict; (interesov) conflict, clash

    nočem priti v konflíkt z vami v tej točki I do not wish to clash with you on that point
  • koníca (peresa, orodja) nib; (igle, noža, svinčnika itd.) point; (zvonika, stolpa, strehe) spire

    noževa koníca point of a knife
    ptičje pero s črno koníco a blacktipped feather
    opremiti, okovati s koníco kaj to tip something
    zožiti (se) v koníco to spire
    prometne koníce (figurativno) peak (traffic) hours pl, rush hour
  • kónj horse; (kobila) mare

    bojni kónj war-horse, steed
    dirkalni kónj racehorse
    čistokrvni kónj thoroughbred
    jezdni, jahalni kónj saddle horse
    gugalni kónj rocking horse, hobbyhorse
    krilati kónj winged horse, hippogriff
    povodni kónj hippopotamus, pl -es, -mi
    neujahan kónj ZDA bronco
    skopljen kónj gelding
    telovadni kónj vaulting horse, long horse, pommel horse
    Trojanski kónj Trojan Horse, wooden horse
    tovorni kónj packhorse
    vprežni kónj draught horse, carthorse, dray horse
    kónj pri šahu knight
    dreser konj horsebreaker
    dober poznavalec konj a good judge of horseflesh
    sprevod konj cavalcade
    trgovec s kónji horse dealer
    lahkovprežni kónj carriage-horse
    na kónju on horseback, mounted
    biti na kónju to be on horseback
    sem na kónju (figurativno) I am in the saddle
    česati kónja to curry a horse
    čistiti kónja to groom
    delati kot kónj to work like a horse
    jahati kónja, jezditi na kónju to ride, to practise riding
    podarjenemu kónju ne glej na zobe! do not look a gift-horse in the mouth
    pasti s kónja to have a fall off one's horse, to be spilled from a horse, (žargon figurativno) to come a cropper
    (u)krotiti kónja to break a horse (to the rein)
    oskrbeti s svežimi kónji to provide fresh horses, to remount
    zajahati kónja to mount a horse
    sopsti kot kónj to pant like a horse
    posaditi koga na kónja (tudi figurativno) to put someone into the saddle
    vpreči kónje v voz to harness horses to the carriage
    tudi par konj me ne spravi tja (figurativno) a team of wild horses couldn't drag me there, wild horses will not drag me there
    lahko pripelješ kónja k vodi, ne moreš pa ga prisiliti, da pije you may take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
    poditi, drviti kónja to drive a horse (too) hard
    priti s kónja na osla (figurativno) to come down in the world