naložíti (tovor) to load, to freight; to lay on, to put on; (davke ipd.) to impose; (ukazati) to order, to impose, to command, to charge
naložíti denar v to invest money in, to assign funds to, (v banko) to deposit
naložíti ogenj to kindle (ali to light) a fire
zopet naložíti ogenj to replenish a fire (peč a stove)
naložíti davek na impose a tax
naložíti jih komu (figurativno) to give someone a thrashing
Zadetki iskanja
- namázati (z mastjo) to grease, (z oljem) to oil, to anoint, (z mazivom) to lubricate, (s katranom) to tar, (s firnežem, lakom) to varnish, (z barvo) to colour, to paint, to coat, (s sadro) to plaster
namázati maslo na kruh to butter bread
z voskom namázati to wax - namèn intention; purpose; end
v ta namèn for this purpose
v kakšen namèn? with what purpose, arhaično to what end?
z namènom, da... with the intention of (ali with a view to) (bi šli going)
namèn je jasen the intention is obvious
imeti namèn to plan, to intend
imeti skrite namène (žargon) to have something up one's sleeve
ustrezati namènu to answer the purpose
že nekaj dni imam namèn dati uro v popravilo I've been meaning to get my watch repaired for days
namèn posvečuje sredstva the end justifies (ali arhaično sanctifies) the means
nimam namèna, da bi vas žalil I have no wish to offend you
nimamo namèna, da bi odgovorili na to vprašanje we do not intend to answer (ali we have not the slightest intention of answering) this question
prišel sem z namènom, da bi govoril s teboj I came to have a word with you
rekel je to brez kakršnegakoli namèna he said that with no ulterior motive
ima najboljše namène he has the best intentions
ustrezati (služiti rabiti) namènu to answer (to serve) the purpose - namerávati to intend; to be about to; to plan; to have a mind to; to mean to; (nekam) to be off
nameravam domov (na trg) I'm off home (to market)
namerávati nekaj to have something in view (ali in mind)
nameravam se vrniti prihodnji teden I intend to return next week
kako dolgo nameravate ostati v tem mestu? how long do you intend to remain in this town? - namériti
namériti na to aim at; to take aim at
namériti se (zgoditi se) to happen, arhaično to come to pass
namériti se na koga to meet someone, to happen to meet someone
namériti (top) (na) to zero in (on) - namigováti namigávati ➞ namigniti
ne vem, na kaj namiguješ (pogovorno) I don't know what you're getting at (ali driving at) - nanášati to bring; to accumulate; to pile up
čebele nanašajo med the bees bring in honey
voda stalno nanaša prod in pesek the water is continually bringing down gravel and sand
veter je nanašal sneg na hodnik the wind piled the snow up on the pavement
nanášati se na to refer to, to relate to, to have a (direct) bearing on - nanosíti (prinašati) to bring; to carry; to accumulate
nanosíti vodo v škaf to bring water to the tub
nanosil ji je drv he brought her firewood
nanosila je na mizo vse, kar je imela everything she had she piled on to the table - napáčen wrong; false; incorrect
napáčno prislov wrong, wrongly
napáčno ime false (ali fictitious) name
ni napáčno! not bad!
napraviti napáčen korak to take a false step
ura gre napáčno the clock is (ali goes, is going) wrong
napáčno uganiti (nepravo zadeti) to guess wrong
napáčno razumeti to misunderstand
napáčno me razumete you misunderstand me, you mistake me
kaj se ti zdi napáčno pri tem? what do you find wrong with it?
na napáčnega je naletel (figurativno) he had come to the wrong shop
peljati se z napáčnim vlakom to take the wrong train
napáčno je držal knjigo he was holding the book the wrong way up
napáčno delati, narediti to act wrong, to do wrong
napáčno izgovoriti (obvestiti, pisati) to mispronounce (to misinform, to misspell)
napáčno peti to sing out of tune
napáčno (pre) soditi to misjudge
zelo napáčno je od tebe, da ga podpiraš it is very wrong of you to support him
zaiti na napáčna pota (figurativno) to take the wrong path (ali turning)
ne bi bilo napáčno, če bi to poskusili it wouldn't be a bad idea to try it, we see no harm in trying it
obrnil si se na napáč naslov (osebo) pogovorno you've come to the wrong shop
napáčna ideja a false idea
napáčen pojem a mistaken notion
napáčen odgovor a wrong answer
napáčen podatek, napáčna navedba false statement, misrepresentation
napáčna (telefonska) številka, napáčna zveza! sorry, wrong number! - napádanje (repeated) attacks pl (ali assaults pl)
časopisi so poročali o pogostnem napádanju na sprehajalce the press carried reports of continual assaults on (ali the persistent mugging of) pedestrians - napajálnik tehnika
vodni napajálnik (na železnici) water pillar - napáka mistake; fault; blunder; defect; error; (groba, zlasti pri izpitu) žargon howler
brez napáke faultless, free from fault; correct
govorna napáka medicina speech impediment, speech handicap, speech defect
lepotna napáka blemish, flaw, disfigurement
računska napáka arithmetical error, mistake, miscalculation
slušna napáka defective hearing
telesna napáka physical defect, infirmity, affliction
podedovana napáka hereditary defect (ali fault)
napáka v materialu flaw (ali defect, fault) in material, poor quality of goods
pravopisna napáka misspelling
tipkarska napáka typing mistake (ali error)
tiskovna napáka misprint, erratum, pl errata, typographic error, printer's error, literal
napáka v pisanju clerical error
za napáke ne odgovarjamo! trgovina errors (and omissions) excepted!
delam slovnične napáke I make mistakes in (ali with) my grammar, pogovorno I get my grammar wrong
delati napáke to make mistakes; to commit errors, to blunder
popraviti svojo napáko to make good one's mistake
napáke se rade vrinejo errors will slip in
najti napáke pri kom to find fault with someone
padati v staro napáko to backslide, to be a backslider
mnogo napák je bilo storjenih z naše strani many mistakes have been committed on our side
imeti iste napáke (v značaju) to be tarred with the same brush
na napákah se učimo one learns by one's mistakes
nihče ni brez napák (figurativno) no one's perfect - napeljáti tehnika (plin, vodo) to lay on, to install; to direct
napeljáti pogovor na to direct the conversation towards, to lead up to
napeljáti koga k zločinu to get (ali pravo to procure) someone to commit a crime - napís inscription
napís na podnožju inscription on a pedestal - napítnica toast; (pesem) drinking song
izreči napítnico to propose a toast
odgovoriti na napítnico to reply to a toast - napól na pol half, by halves
napól, na pol avtomatična puška semiautomatic
napól, na pol brat half brother
napól, na pol izpraznjen kozarec half-empty glass
napól, na pol pota halfway
napól, na pol storjeno half finished, half done
napól, na pol svila half-silk
deliti napól, na pol to go halves, to share half and half - napotíti to direct; to instruct, to give instructions
napotíti k, na to refer to
napotíti se to set off; to start for a place, to leave for, to go to, to make for - napredováti to make progress, to progress (v in); to get on, to get along; to be promoted
počasi napredováti to make slow progress; to make little headway
zelo je napredoval he has made considerable progress
napredoval je v čin stotnika he was promoted to the rank of captain
napredoval je za eno stopnjo he has been moved up one rank (ali step)
kdaj je napredoval (v službi) when did he get his promotion?
kdaj bo napredoval na višji položaj? when will he be promoted to a higher post? - napréj (smer) forward, onward, on, ahead; in advance
od sedaj napréj henceforth, in future
v napréj, za napréj in advance, beforehand
od 1800 napréj from 1800 onwards
napréj! (vstopite!) come in!
napréj! forward!, go on!
napréj, marš! forward march!
z vso hitrostjo napréj pomorstvo full steam ahead
iti napréj to go on, (napredovati) to advance; (iti spredaj) to precede, to go before, to go ahead, to take the lead
moja ura gre napréj my watch is fast
napréj! (ne stojte na mestu!) move on, move on there!, keep moving!
šel je napréj he's gone ahead
napréj plačati to pay in odvance
planiti napréj to rush forward
napréj povedati to announce, to foretell
ne pridem napréj s to stvarjo I'm not making much headway with this (matter)
v napréj se vam zahvaljujemo (zaključna formula uradnega pisma) thanking you in advance (ali in anticipation) - naráva nature
po narávi by nature, according to nature, naturally
proti narávi against (ali contrary to) nature, unnatural
ljubitelj naráve lover of nature
muha(vost) naráve (spaček) a freak of nature
opazovanje naráve (opis) naráve observation (description) of nature
otrok naráve a child of nature
plačilo v narávi (v naturalijah) payment in kind
varstvo naráve preservation of natural beauties
urad za varstvo naráve Nature Conservancy
plačati v narávi to pay in kind
to mu je postala druga naráva (figurativno) it has become second nature with him
(na)risati po narávi to draw (ali to sketch) from life
slikan (portretiran) po narávi portrayed to the life
to je proti moji narávi it is contrary to my nature
prerasti, preiti v narávo to grow into habit
naráva dela nature of activity