
Zadetki iskanja

  • urejèn settled; in (good) order; tidy

    urejèna soba tidy room
    dobro urejèna hiša well-regulated household
    zadeva je urejèna the affair is settled
    s tem je stvar urejèna that settles the question, that settles it
    to je tako rekoč urejèno it's as good as settled
  • úsnje leather, (mehko) skin, (kozličevina) kid

    úsnju podoben leathery, leatherlike
    kačje úsnje snakeskin
    imitacija úsnja leatherette, leatheroid
    umetno úsnje artificial leather
    v úsnje vezan leather-bound, bound in calf
    žilav kot úsnje tough as leather, leathery
    odpadki úsnja leather cuttings pl
    stroj za valjanje úsnja leather-roll
    trgovec z úsnjem leather dealer
  • ustrelíti to shoot (dead), to kill by shooting

    ustrelíti na to shoot at
    bil je ustreljen kot špijon he was shot as a spy
    ustrelite ga, če bo skušal pobegniti! shoot him if he tries to escape!
    dezerterji so bili ustreljeni the deserters were shot
    ustrelil se je he has shot himself
    ustrelíti se v glavo to blow one's brains out
  • užívati užíti to enjoy, to delight (v in); to find (ali to take) pleasure in, to take delight in; to relish; to rejoice in; to revel in; to experience pleasure; (hrano) to partake (of food), to consume; to be the beneficiary (ali usufructuary), to have the benefit (ali use) of

    užívati, užíti glas, sloves kot... to have a reputation as..., to enjoy the reputation of...
    užívati, užíti dober kredit to enjoy good credit
    užívati, užíti splošno spoštovanje to be held in high esteem by everybody
    uživam v sprehodih I enjoy my walks (ali promenades)
    užívati, užíti zaupanje kake osebe to enjoy someone's confidence
    užívati, užíti v čem to get a kick out of something
  • váren safe; secure

    váren pred safe from
    na várnem in safety
    absolutno, popolnoma váren (pogovorno) as safe as houses
    toliko bolj várno so much the safer
    váren kraj a safe place
    váren pred napadi secure from attacks
    váren obstoj, eksistenca a secure existence
    váren pred nevarnostjo secure from danger
    várna investicija a safe investment
    most ni váren the bridge is not safe
    biti na várnem to be on the safe side
    biti váren pred volkovi to be safe from the wolves
    hraniti kaj na várnem to keep something safe
    tu smo na várnem pred vetrom here we are sheltered from the wind
    moje življenje ni več várno my life is no longer secure
    ni várno dotakniti se tega psa it is not safe to touch this dog, beware of the dog!
    zdaj se čutimo várne we feel safe now
    várno sem ga spravil (spremil) domov I saw him safe home
    spravil sem ga na várno I have taken him to (ali put him in) a safe place
    peljati na várno to lead to safety
    položiti na várno mesto to put in a safe place
  • vazál vassal; liege, liege man

    ravnati s kom kot z vazálom to treat someone as a vassal
  • vážnost importance; momentousness; consequence

    to ni majhne vážnosti it is not a trivial matter
    to je velike, silne vážnosti it is of the utmost importance
    pripisovati čemu posebno vážnost to attach particular importance to something, to regard something as a matter of the greatest importance (ali moment), to set (great) store by something
  • védeti to know; to be aware (of); to realize

    zanesljivo védeti to be positive about
    védeti za kaj to be in the know, to be aware (of something), to be cognizant (of something)
    dobro vedoč za kaj fully cognizant of something
    vem za nekoga, ki... I know of someone who...
    kolikor vem as far as I know, for aught I know (of)
    ne da bi jaz vedel (= kolikor mi je znano ne) not that I know
    pa še kako dobro to vem! don't I know it!
    bojim se, da zdaj nič več ne vem (kot prej) I fear I am none the wiser
    on dobro ve, kaj se je zgodilo he well knows (ali he is well aware of) what happened
    ne védeti za kaj to be ignorant of something
    rad bi vedel I should like to know, I wonder (ali, če whether, if)
    ko bi bil (jaz) vedel! if only I had known!
    védeti o čem to be well aware (ali arhaično apprised) of something
    nihče ne ve, kaj se utegne zgoditi there is no knowing what may happen
    védeti, kaj hočemo (= ne omahovati) to know one's own mind
    kako, da jaz ne bi tega vedel! don't I know it!
    to sam le predobro vem (= komu to pripovedujete?) you are telling me!
    influenca, defterija in ne vem, kaj še vse influenza, diphtheria, and goodness knows what else
    védeti najnovejše (o) to be well up (in), to be au courant (ali up-to-date) with
    človek nikoli ne ve (= nikoli ne veš) you never know, you never can tell
    kako naj vem, kam je šel how should I know where he went
    ali še veš? do you remember?
    ne vem ne kod ne kam I don't know which way to turn
  • védno always; every time, at all times; ZDA all the time; ever; pesniško aye, ay

    skoraj védno nine times out of ten, as often as not
    še védno still; as yet
    za védno for ever, for good, for good and all
    enkrat za védno (vselej) once (and) for all
    védno več more and more
    védno hitreje faster and faster
    védno večji bigger and bigger
    še védno ne not yet
    za védno zapustiti to leave for good
    še védno ga ni he hasn't arrived yet
    védno je bilo tako it was ever thus
    poslovila sta se za védno they bade each other farewell for ever
    védno in védno se vra-, čati to keep coming back
    védno naravnost (naprej)! keep straight ahead!
  • veljáti (stati, stanem) to cost, to be worth; (biti veljaven) to be valid, to be in force; to hold good, to hold true, to be true

    koliko velja ta knjiga? how much does this book cost?
    to zemljišče velja 2.000 funtov m2 this land is worth 2,000 pounds a square metre
    naj velja, kar hoče! cost what it may!
    veljáti za poštenjaka to pass for an honest man
    isto velja za vas the same holds good for you
    hoteti veljáti za... to set oneself up as...
    ne maram veljáti za moralista (purista) I don't set myself up as a moralist (a purist)
    velja (za) dva meseca valid for two months
    veljá! agreed!, it's a deal!
    ta vstopnica velja za večerno predstavo this ticket admits (you) to the evening performance
  • veljáven (pravno) valid; (denar) good, current; (vozovnica) valid

    veljáven denar current coin
    veljáven zakon (poroka) valid marriage
    veljáven 2 meseca valid for 2 months
    veljáven za... valid for..., admitting to..., pogovorno good for...
    veljáven od... effective as from...
    veljáven do preklica valid until recalled
    biti veljáven to be in force, to be good (for), (denar) to be in circulation, to be legal tender
    biti splošno veljáven to be current
    napraviti veljávno to validate, to render valid
    postati veljáven to come into force
    ta vozovnica je veljávna 2 dni the ticket is valid for two days
    ni veljávno it is not valid
  • verjéti to believe (komu someone); (zaupati) to trust

    lahko mi to verjamete you can take it from me
    verjamem samo, kar vidim seeing is believing
    ali lahko verjamemo njegovi besedi? can his word be trusted?
    tega pa ne verjamem (pogovorno) I don't fall for that one
    ne verjéti to disbelieve
    sveto verjéti to cling to (ali to cherish) a belief
    to naj ti drugi verjamejo! see if others believe that!
    bi verjeli kaj takega! would you believe it!
    če verjameš ali ne believe it or not
    verjéti nekaj neverjetnega (figurativno) to swallow a camel
    rad ti verjamem I willingly believe you
    nisem tako neumen, da bi to verjel I am not so foolish as to believe it
    komaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes, I can hardly trust my own eyes
  • verjétno prislov probably, likely, presumably

    prav verjétno in all probability
    zelo verjétno, najbolj verjétno most likely, very likely, as likely as not
    komaj verjétno most unlikely, hardly likely
    več kot verjétno more than likely
    ni verjétno, da... it's unlikely that...
    ne zdi se verjétno it seems unlikely
    to je bolj verjétno that's more likely
    zelo verjétno je, da bo deževalo the probability is that it will rain, pogovorno it's probably going to rain
    verjétno bo doživel uspeh he will probably succeed
    verjétno bom pozabil I may forget, I'm apt to forget
    verjétno pojdem I may go
    malo verjétno je, da bo prišel he is unlikely to come, pogovorno it's unlikely he'll come
  • vesél merry, cheerful, gay; glad; joyful, joyous; pleased

    veséla družba cheerful company, happy band
    vesél božič! (a) merry Christmas!
    zelo vesél (židane volje) as merry as the day is long, as pleased as Punch
    vesél smeh merry laugh
    vesél sem, da vas spet vidim I am glad to see you again
    biti vesél česa to be glad about something
    veséla novica je prišla k nam včeraj the glad news reached us yesterday
  • véter wind, (hud) storm, gale, (šibak) breeze

    véter od zadaj following wind, tail wind
    brez vétra windless
    kot véter hitro like the wind
    proti vétru in the wind's eye, in the teeth of the wind
    na vse štiri vétrove to the four winds
    z vseh vétrov (figurativno) from the four corners of the earth
    nasproten véter contrary wind
    ugoden véter favourable (ali fair) wind
    močan véter strong (ali high) wind
    nestanoviten véter shifting (ali squally) wind
    véter od zadaj aeronavtika tail wind
    ladja brez vétra becalmed ship
    sunek vétra blast
    udarec vétra squall, blast, gust
    proti vétru, proti smeri vétra pristati aeronavtika to land upwind
    severni (vzhodni) véter north wind (east wind)
    vétru izpostavljeno mesto windy place
    razpršeni na vse (štiri) vetrove scattered to the four winds
    vetrovi medicina wind, flatulence, flatulency
    biti zaščiten pred vét om to be sheltered from the wind
    vét brije, ostro, mrzlo the wind blows cold
    vét brije čez planjavo the wind sweeps over the plain
    govoriti v vét (figurativno = zaman) to speak (ali to preach) to the winds, to talk in vain, to waste one's breath
    od kod piha vét? where (ali what direction) is the wind from?
    vét piha s severa the wind is in the north
    vét močno piha the wind is blowing hard
    pihal je močan vét there was a high wind
    vét mi je odpihnil klobuk the wind blew my hat off
    vidim, od kod vét piha (figurativno) I see how the land lies
    vem, od kod vét piha (figurativno) I know how (ali which way) the wind blows
    zapihal je drug vét (figurativno) the wind has turned
    kakor vét piha (figurativno) as the wind blows
    priti z vseh vétrov (vseh strani sveta) to come from the four corners of the earth
    ostati brez vétra (ladja) to be becalmed
    jadrati, pluti z vétrom v hrbtu to sail before the wind
    jadrati, pluti, kakor véter potegne (figurativno, obračati svoj plašč po vetru) to shift (ali to veer) with the wind
    véter potegne (nastane, se dvigne) the wind rises
    véter se je polegel the wind has fallen (ali has abated, has dropped, has died down)
    obračati plašč po vétru (figurativno) to be a turncoat, to switch sides
    ugotoviti, kako véter piha to find out how the wind blows (ali lies)
    spuščati vétrove medicina to break wind
    imeti vétrove medicina to be troubled with wind
    otroka napenjajo vétrovi medicina the baby has (ali pogovorno baby's got) wind
    vzeti komu véter iz jader (figurativno) to take the wind out of someone's sails
    kdor véter seje, vihar žanje who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind
  • vežíti se (les) to warp

    pri sušenju se les veži the wood warps as it dries
  • vídez appearance; likeness; outward form

    na vídez apparently, seemingly
    po vsem vídezu to (ali by) all appearances, as far as appearances go
    (le) na vídez for the sake of appearances, for appearance's sake
    imeti vídez to seem to be, to have the air of
    dajati si vídez to pretend to be, to pass for, to assume an a pearance
    ohraniti vídez (normalnosti, uglednosti) to save appearances, to keep up appearances
    biti lepega vídeza to make a fine sight
    soditi po vídezu to judge by appearances
    le na vídez je zdrav he merely seems healthy
    proti vsemu vídezu, v nasprotju z vídezom contrary to all appearances, to all likelihood
    vídez vara all is not gold that glitters, beauty is but skin deep
    vídez (dostikrat) vara appearances pl are (often) deceptive
  • vítek slender; slim

    vítek kot jelka (as) straight as a poplar
    vítka linija waistline
    vítek stas slender waist
    napraviti vítko, postati vítek to slim
    paziti na svojo (vítko) linijo to watch one's waistline
    vítko dekle wasp-waisted girl
  • vòl ox, pl oxen; bullock; (psovka) VB žargon twerp

    jarem volov a yoke of oxen
    vprega vòlov a team of oxen
    mlad vòl steer
    pitani vòli pl beeves pl
    biti močan kot vòl to be as strong as an ox
    gledati kot zaboden vòl to stare like a stuck pig
  • vólja will; will power; volition; (želja) wish, pleasure; (razpoloženje) mood, temper, frame of mind, vein, humour; (namera) intention, mind

    po vólji at will, at pleasure
    proti moji (lastni) vólji against my (own) will
    proti vólji (nerad) with a bad grace, unwillingly
    po moji mili vólji to my heart's desire (ali content), at my own sweet will, arhaično to the top of my bent
    za božjo vóljo! for goodness' sake!, good gracious!, for God's sake!, for heaven's sake!
    slabe vólje moody
    svobodna vólja free will
    iz lastne vólje of one's own volition
    zadnja vólja (oporoka) last will, (will and) testament
    drage vólje most willingly
    železna vólja iron will
    po lastni vólji of one's own will (ali accord)
    ljudje dobre vólje men of good will
    biti na vóljo to be at hand
    biti komu na vóljo to be at someone's disposal
    biti dobre (slabe) vólja to be in a good (bad) temper (ali humour), to be of good cheer (in a bad mood)
    če te je vólja if you care, if you are so minded, if you are willing
    ni me vólja I don't care
    slabe vólje je he is out of humour
    nisem pri vólji za (kaj) I am not in the humour for (sth)
    pri najboljši vólji se ne morem spomniti I can't for the life of me remember
    stori po svoji vólji! do as you like!
    to je moja poslednja vólja (napisana oporoka) this is my last will and testament
    storil sem to proti svoji vólji I did it unwillingly (ali reluctantly)
    spraviti koga v dobro vóljo to put someone in a good humour
    spravil me je v slabo vóljo he made me cross
    on vedno uveljavi svojo vóljo he always has his own way (ali gets what he wants)
    pokvariti komu dobro vóljo to ruffle someone's temper
    on nima nobene (svoje) vólje he has no will of his own
    pri najboljši vólji tega ne moremo napraviti with the best will in the world we just cannot do it
    nekako me je vólja, da bi (šel) I have half a mind to (go)
    on je brez vsake (svoje) vólje (figurativno) he is a mere rubber stamp
    svojo slabo vóljo je stresel name he vented his spleen on me
    kjer je vólja, je (tudi) moč where there's a will there's a way
    zgodi se tvoja vólja religija thy will be done!