okorístiti se to profit (z from, by); to take advantage (of); to avail oneself (of); to benefit (by); to turn to one's advantage (ali profit, account)
okorístiti s priložnostjo to avail oneself of an opportunity, to use an opportunity, (figurativno) to make hay while the sun shines
on se bo s tem dobro okoristil he will turn it to good account
on se z vsem okoristi (figurativno) all is grist that comes to his mill
Zadetki iskanja
- okréten agile, adroit, nimble, dexterous; (hiter) swift, brisk, lithe
okréten kot jegulja as lithe as an eel - okupíran (fully) occupied
biti okupíran (zavzet) s čim to be engrossed (by a problem; in an activity)
okupíran od sovražnika enemy-occupied, enemy-held - okúžiti to infect; to contaminate; (onesnažiti) to pollute
okúžiti se to catch an infection - omrzéti
delo mu je omrzelo he took an aversion to work - opatija abbey
opatíjski of (ali belonging to) an abbey - opazováti to observe, to watch, to eye; to contemplate; to keep watching (ali perceiving)
opazováti koga to keep an eye on someone
ali nas ne opazujejo? aren't we being watched? - operácija medicina surgical operation, operation
operácija na medicina operation for
napraviti, izvesti operácijo medicina to perform an operation
finančna operácija financial transaction
vojaške operácije operations pl, troop movements pl (oziroma movement of ships)
podvreči se operáciji medicina to undergo an operation
moram iti na operácijo I must undergo a surgical operation, I must be operated on, pogovorno I've got to have an operation - oporékati to abnegate; to contradict; to oppose (čemu something, predlogu a motion); to be opposed to; to express (ali voice) opposition to; to object (to), to repudiate, to dispute (čemu something)
glasno oporékati (ugovarjati) to raise an outcry (ali to clamour) against
temu ni kaj oporékati there is no objection to it - opravíčiti to excuse; to exculpate
ne skušaj ga opravíčiti! do not try to excuse him!
to ne opravičuje njegove odsotnosti that does not excuse his absence
opravičite me zaradi moje odsotnosti! excuse me for my absence!
opravíčiti koga, opravíčiti komu odsotnost to excuse someone, to excuse someone's absence
opravíčiti koga pri kom to apologize for someone to someone else
prosil je, da ga opravičijo (mu opravičijo odsotnost) he begged to be excused (from attending)
opravičen(a odsotnost) zaradi bolezni excused from attending owing to illness
opravíčiti se to excuse someone, to apologize (za, zaradi for)
pri kom to someone; to make (ali to offer) an apology (for)
dovolite mi, da se vam opravičim allow me to apologize (to you)
opravičil se je za svoje vedenje he apologized for his conduct
opravíčiti se moram, ker sem zamudil I must apologize for (zdaj) being, (prej) having been so late
to se ne da opravíčiti that allows of no excuse!, there is no excuse for it! - opráviti to do; to finish; to perform; to settle; to transact
opráviti izpit to pass an examination
opráviti posle to transact business, to get one's work (ali job) done
opráviti nekaj zasebnih zadev to attend to some private business
z njim ni lahko opráviti he is not so easily dealt with, he is an awkward customer
bom hitro opravil s teboj (figurativno) I'll deal with you in a moment
opráviti bančne posle to carry out (ali to perform) banking operations - optimístičen optimistic
optimístično prislov optimistically
prekašajoč najbolj optimístične ocene beyond the most sanguine estimate
biti optimístičen to take an optimistic view of things, to be an optimist
optimístično prikazati to present an optimistic view of things - opustíti to give up; to leave off; to abandon; to drop; to discontinue; to waive; to forsake; to divest oneself (of)
opustíti kajenje to give up smoking
opustíti poznanstvo to drop an acquaintance
opustíti svoj načrt to give up (ali to drop) one's plan - osámiti to isolate (od from); to quarantine
osámiti se to live an isolated (ali retired, secluded) life - oséba person; personage; figure; subject, individual; personality; pravo person, being, body
fizična oséba natural person
javna oséba an official
(ne)zaželena oséba persona (non) grata
glavna oséba v družbi (pogovorno) kingpin
dramske osébe (= zasedba vlog) gledališče dramatis personae pl, cast list
pravna oséba legal person, corporate body, body corporate, corporation
jaz za svojo osébo I for my part, I myself, as far as I am concerned
po posredovanju neke tretje osébe through a third person (ali party)
govoriti v 3. osébi (npr. služabnik z gospodarjem) to address in the third person
več oséb mi je reklo... several people (have) told me...
to zavisi od osébe that depends on who it is
to bo stalo pet funtov na osébo, po osébi that will cost five pounds a head
družbeno pravna oséba social legal entity
civilno pravna oséba civil legal entity - ôsel ass; (sivec) donkey; he-ass, jackass, jack; VB žargon moke, narečno cuddy; ZDA burro; figurativno (bedak) ass, jackass; duffer, dunce, ZDA mutt
ôsle komu pokazati (figurativno) to put one's fingers to one's nose at someone, to thumb one's nose at someone, to make a long nose at someone
ne bodi tak ôsel! don't be an ass!
ôsel gre samo enkrat na led even a fool learns by bitter experience
priti s konja na ôsla (figurativno) to come down in the world - osméšiti to ridicule; to hold up to ridicule; to treat with ridicule; to poke fun at, to make fun of, to make a fool of
osméšiti se to make oneself ridiculous, to make an ass of oneself, to make a fool of oneself
ne osmeši se! don't go and make a fool of yourself!
zelo pošteno se osméšiti to make a complete prize ass of oneself - óster (orodje) sharp, cutting, edged, keen; (koničast) pointed, peaked; (strog) strict, rigid, austere, severe; (bolečina) acute, intense, smart, severe, keen; (glas) sharp, biting, piercing, rigorous, severe; (jezik) sharp; (beseda) poignant, acrimonious; (pogled) penetrating; (poteze v obrazu) cleancut; (zrak) bracing; (kazen) severe; (veter) biting, keen; (popran) hot, piquant, peppery; (vonj ali okus) acrid
óstra konkurenca keen competition
óstri kót an acute angle
óster kis strong vinegar
óster kot meč sharp as a sword
óster mraz sharp frost
óster naboj ball cartridge
óstri ukrepi stern (ali rigorous) measures pl
ona ima zelo óster jezik she has a very sharp tongue
óster ovinek (zavoj) a sharp curve - otrók child, pl children; (majhen) baby, babe, tot; (nedoleten) infant; (zaničljivo) brat
zakonski otrók legitimate child
nezakonski otrók illegitimate child, child born out of wedlock, bastard, natural child
otrók ljubezni love child
mrtvorojen otrók stillborn child
čudežen otrok infant prodigy
otrók brezdomec waif
brez otrok childless
ugrabitev otróka kidnapping
umor otróka, morilec, -lka otróka infanticide
varovalec, -lka baby-sitter
on je pravi otrók he is quite a child
ona pričakuje otróka she is with child (ali in the family way), she is an expectant mother
roditi otróka to give birth to a child
biti (krstni) boter otróku to stand sponsor to a child
varovati otróka (oziroma otroke) v odsotnosti staršev to baby-sit
ne biti več otrók to be no longer a child
on ni več otrók he is no longer a child
kot otrók se veseliti to be as pleased as Punch
dobiti (roditi) otróka to be delivered of a child
nobenega otróka ne več dobiti (roditi) to be past childbearing (ali childbearing age)
opekel otrók se boji ognja a burnt child dreads the fire - otvóriti to open; (svečano) to inaugurate; (napraviti dostopno) to make accessible
otvóriti ples to lead off the dance
otvóriti za promet to open to traffic
otvóriti kredit komu to open a credit account in favour of someone
otvóriti razstavo to open an exhibition
otvarjam... I declare the... open