nós nose; figurativno, pogovorno snout, žargon nozzle, ZDA schnozzle; humoristično proboscis; (ladje) head; (voh) scent; (vrča) beak, spout; figurativno (graja) rebuke; (vonj) scent, smell
prav pred nósom, izpred nósa under the very nose (of)
na vrat na nós head over heels, in a great hurry, precipitately, helter-skelter
orlovski nós aquiline nose, Roman nose
ploščat nós flat nose
potlačen nós pug nose
velik nós big nose
zakrivljen nós hawk nose, beak, hook nose, hooked nose
zavihan nós turned-up nose
pijančev nós grog-nose
govorjenje skozi nós nasal twang
dobiti jo po nósu (figurativno) to be reproved (ali rebuked, reprimanded, snubbed)
dobil jo je po nósu he went away with a flea in his ear
govoriti skozi nós to speak through one's nose, to speak with a nasal twang
imeti kaj (prav) pred nósom to have something under one's (very) nose (ali in plain view)
imeti dober nós to be keen-scented, (za kaj) to have a good (ali sharp) nose (for something), to have a keen scent (for something)
povsod ima svoj nós (figurativno) he is a busybody
imeti zamašen nós (od nahoda) to have a stuffy (ali stuffed up) nose
iti, hoditi za nósom (delati po nagonu) to follow one's nose
oditi z dolgim nósom to go away with a long face, to go off with a flea in one's ear
obrisati se pod nósom (figurativno) to go away empty-handed, to have one's trouble for nothing, to be left out in the cold
lahko se pod nósom obrišeš za to! (figurativno) you may whistle for it!, pogovorno you'll be lucky!
čistiti si nós (usekniti se) to blow one's nose
krvaveti iz nósa to have a nose bleed
iz nósa mi teče my nose is running
komu kaj pod nós dati to bring something home to someone, to rub it in
visoko nós nositi (figurativno) to turn up one's nose; to be self-conceited
kri mi teče iz nósa my nose is bleeding
premagati koga za dolžino nósú šport to win (ali to beat someone) by a nose
potegniti koga za nós to lead someone by the nose, to dupe someone, to fool someone
vlak mi je pred nósom ušel (odpeljal) I missed the train by a hair
ne videti dalj od nósa to see no farther than the end of one's nose
nikoli ne vildiš niti ped pred nósom! you never see an inch before your nose!
ne vidiš ped pred nósom! you can't see beyond the end of your nose!
vihati nós nad to turn up one's nose at, to look down one's nose at, to look disdainfully at (someone)
zaničljivo vihati nós nad to turn up one's nose in disdain at; to sneer at
voditi, vleči koga za nós (figurativno) to lead someone by the nose, to dupe someone, to fool someone, to make a fool of someone, to hoax someone
vtikati svoj nós v to pry (ali to nose) into, to poke one's nose into
vtikati svoj nós v tuje zadeve to stick one's nose into other people's business
v vse vtika svoj nós he pokes his nose into everything
zapreti komu vrata pred nósom to shut the door in someone's face, (zaloputniti) to slam the door in someone's face
on ima dober nós za ceneno blago he has a nose for bargains
dati se voditi za nós to be a dupe (of someone)
Zadetki iskanja
- noséča pregnant; with child; pogovorno in the family way
noséče žene pregnant women, expected mothers pl; (v drugi polovici nosečnosti) arhaično quick with child
ona je noséča she is expecting, she is pregnant, she is with child, evfemizem she is in an interesting state
ona je že dolgo noséča she has not long to go - noséčnost pregnancy; (time of) gestation; pregnant state
biti v visoki noséčnosti to be in an advanced state of pregnancy
biti v petem mesecu noséčnosti to be five months pregnant - núditi to offer; (na dražbi) to bid; to tender
več núditi (na dražbi) to bid up, to outbid
prilika se nudi opportunity offers
brž ko se bo nudila priložnost as soon as an opportunity appears
núditi svoje usluge to tender one's services - nújen urgent; pressing; necessary, requisite (za for); exigent; indispensable; essential; vital
nújni posli pressing business
nújna, silna potreba pressing need, stringent necessity
nújna zadeva a matter of urgency, an urgent matter
za življenje nújne stvari necessities pl of life
napraviti le najnujnejša popravila to do only the most urgent repairs
skrajno nújen of the utmost urgency - nújno prislov urgently, necessarily; of necessity; perforce; inevitably; (na pismih) urgent
nújno klicati zdravnika to make an urgent call for the doctor
nújno potrebovati denar to be in urgent need of money
nújno potrebujem par novih čevljev I badly need a new pair of shoes
nújno to potrebujem I need it urgently, I am in urgent need of it
nújno zahtevati to urge - običáj (osebni) habit, habitude, wont; (splošen) use, usage, custom
po mojem običáju according to my wont
dvorski običáj etiquette
trgovski običáj (uzanca) usance
splošno privzet običáj common practice
star običáj an old (ancient) usage
ukoreninjen običáj inveterate habit
običáji in navade habit and custom, arhaično use and wont
to mu je postal običáj it became a habit with him, this has grown habitual with him, it grew upon him
prekiniti z običájem to break a habit
priti iz običája to fall out of use (ali into disuse)
običáj nastane, vznikne custom springs up (ali arises)
drugi časi, drugi običáji other times, other manners
običájen habitual; customary; usual; wonted; common
nekaj običájnega a common (ali a usual) thing
to ni več običájno that's no longer the way
to pri nas ni običájno this is not the custom here
to je postalo običájno pri nas it has become the usual thing with us - obiskováti to visit, to call on, to pay visits, to pay calls
obiskováti gledališče to be a (frequent) theatregoer
obiskováti šolo to attend school
moj sin obiskuje univerzo my son is at the university
zdravnik obiskuje bolnike the doctor is out on his rounds (ali is visiting his patients)
malo obiskovan kraj an outof-the-way place
zelo obiskovan kraj a very popular resort - obíti2 (obijem)
obíti z deskami, z lesom to line (ali to provide) with boards (ali boarding), to panel, to wainscot
obíti z žeblji to stud with nails, to cover (ali to provide, to decorate) with studs, with iron
s hrastovim lesom obita soba an oak-panelled room, a room wainscoted in oak - obnovíti to renew; to restore, to renovate; to resume; to repair
obnovíti diplomatske odnose to resume diplomatic relations
obnovíti svoj potni list to renew one's passport
obnovíti hišo to repair a house
obnovíti pogodbo to renew a contract
obnovíti stike to renew contacts
obnovíti poznanstvo to renew an acquaintance
obnovíti naročnino to renew a subscription - obračún statement of account, itemized statement; account; (v banki) statement, clearing; balance; settlement
čas obračúna je tu (figurativno) the game's up, arhaično the jig is up!
imeti obračún s kom (figurativno) to have a bone to pick with someone
podati obračún o to give an account of
s teboj imam majhen obračún I have a a small matter to settle with you
dan obračúna bo prišel the day of reckoning will come
mesečni obračún monthly settlement
končni obračún final account - obravnávati to treat, to deal with; to handle; (témo) to discuss, to debate
ta knjiga obravnava zanimivo témo this book treats an interesting topic
obravnávati predlog zakona to discuss a bill - obráz face; pesniško visage; (figurativno lice, zunanjost) countenance
obráz od spredaj full face
obráz od strani (profil) half face
bled obráz pale (ali livid) face
kozàv obráz pockmarked (ali pitted) face
naguban obráz wrinkled face
odbijajoč obráz forbidding face
smehljajoč se obráz smiling face (ali countenance)
mračnega, jeznega obráza gloomy-visaged
lep obráz good looks pl
upadel, udrt obráz hollow (ali sunken) cheeks pl
v potu svojega obráza in the sweat of one's brow
tu je mnogo novih obrázov here are a lot of new faces
brisati si obráz to mop one's face (with a handkerchief)
delati obráze to pull (ali to make) faces, to grimace
gledati koga v obráz to look someone in the face
napraviti kisel obráz to pull (ali to make) a wry face (ob čem at something)
napraviti prijazen obráz to look pleasant
napravil je dolg obráz (figurativno) his countenance fell, he made (ali pulled) a long face
napraviti jezen obráz to have an angry look
pačiti obráz to grimace, to pull (ali to make) faces, to make grimaces, to distort one's face, to scowl
ne upa se mi pogledati v obráz he dare not look me in the face
pokazati svoj pravi obráz (sneti krinko) (figurativno) to throw off one's disguise
v obráz (naravnost) komu povedati to tell someone straight to his face
komu v obráz reči to say to someone's face
v obráz sem mu to rekel I said it to his face
v obráz se smejati to laugh in someone's face
udariti koga po obrázu to smack someone's face
zagrniti, zastreti si obráz to veil one's face
v obráz zijati koga to stare someone full in the face - obrésti1 interest
navadne obrésti simple interest
obrestne obrésti compound interest
visoke obrésti high interest rate
tekoče obrésti current interest rate
dolgovane obrésti interest due
zamudne obrésti interest for delay (ali for retardment)
glavnica z obréstmi (vred) principal and interest
zaostale obrésti interest unpaid, arrears pl of interest, outstanding interest
5% letne obrésti interest at the rate of five per cent per annum
dohodek od obrésti investment income
izguba obrésti loss of interest
z obréstmi together with (ali plus) interest
brez obrésti free of (ali ex) interest
debetne obrésti interest on debit balances
dajati, donašati obrésti to bear interest
dati 5% obrésti to yield an interest of five per cent
naložiti denar na obrésti to put the money on interest
dodati obrésti glavnici to add the interest to the principal
posoditi denar proti obréstim to lend money at (ali on) interest
poplačati z obréstmi to pay back interest
pripisati obrésti kapitalu to add the interest to the capital
vrniti kaj z obréstmi (figurativno) to return something with interest
obrésti tečejo od 1. maja interest accrues from the first of May
zahtevati oderuške obrésti to charge exorbitant rates of interest
zaračunati obrésti to charge interest
živeti od obrésti to live on annuities (ali investment income, income from investments)
živi od obrésti svojega kapitala he lives on the interest from his capital - obrestováti to pay interest
obrestováti se to bear (ali to yield) interest
obrestováti se po 5% to bear an interest of five per cent
obrestováti se (figurativno) to bring (ali to yield) a return - obvéza2 obvéznost obligation; engagement; commitment; liability; (obljuba) pledge, plight; (odgovornost) responsibility
delovna obvéza compulsory labour service
splošna šolska obvéza compulsory education
izpolniti obvéza to fulfil an obligation
izpolniti svoje obveznosti to meet (to discharge) one's obligations
odtegniti se svojim obveznostim to fail to honour one's obligations
prevzeti obvéza to take a commitment upon oneself, to undertake a commitment
vojaška obvéza liability for military service - obvézan2 (obligiran) obliged; engaged; bound; beholden
obvézan k molčečnosti bound to secrecy
obvézan sem to storiti I am under an obligation to do it
niste obvézani, da mi odgovorite you are under no obligation to answer me - obvládati to master; to be master of; to gain the mastery over; to be in command of; to command; to become master of
obvládati (kak) jezik to master a language
obvládati sovražnika to get the better of an enemy
on dobro obvlada ta predmet he is fully acquainted with this subject
obvládati angleščino to have a (good) command of English, to be proficient in English
obvládati se to control oneself, to be in control of oneself, to contain oneself, to restrain oneself
obvládati svoje strasti to control one's feelings
znati se dobro obvládati to have oneself well in hand - očí eyes pl; (vid) eyesight
med štirimi očmi in private, face to face
pred mojimi očmi before my eyes, in my sight, in my presence
zaradi vaših lepih očí for your blue eyes
boleče očí sore eyes, (od prenapenjana) eye strain
barva očí colour of the eyes
velike in okrogle očí saucer eyes
plamteče (krmežljave, izbuljene) očí flashing (bleary, blear, goggle) eyes
suhe (solzne) očí dry (tearfilled) eyes
na lastne očí, z lastnimi očmi with one's own eyes
prav pred njenimi očmi before her very eyes
slabe očí weak eyes
z odprtimi očmi with open eyes
ki ima dobre (risje) očí keen-eyed (lynx-eyed)
kot bi z očmi trenil (kot bi mignil) in the twinkling of an eye, in a flash
paša za očí a sight for sore eyes, a delightful sight
očí so mu bolj lačne kot želodec his eyes are bigger than his belly
same očí in ušesa so ga he is all eyes and ears, he is all attention
z očí brati komu to guess by someone's look, to anticipate someone's wishes
to bíje v očí it offends the eye
to bôde v očí that strikes (ali catches) the eye
gledati smrti v očí to look death in the face
gledati na kaj z drugimi (drugačnimi) očmi to take a different view of something
imeti dobre (slabe) očí (vid) to have good (bad) eyesight
imeti pred očmi to have (ali to bear, to keep) in mind (ali in sight, in view)
vse solzne očí je imela her eyes brimmed with tears
imeti stalno kaj pred očmi not to lose sight of something
imeti očí za lepo(to) to have an eye for the beautiful
imej odprte očí! (pazi se!) keep your weather eye open!
očí si izjokati to cry one's eyes out
očí si drug drugemu izpraskati to scratch each other's eyes out
ne hodi mi pred očí! keep out of my way!, arhaično begone!
izgubiti iz očí to lose sight of, to lose track of
ne izpustiti iz očí to keep one's eye on
ne izpustim ga iz očí I keep an eye on him, I don't trust him out of my sight
povsod imeti svoje očí (figurativno) to have eyes at the back of one's head
mencati, meti si očí to rub one's eyes
napenjati očí to strain one's eyes
izgini mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!
nasuti komu peska v očí (figurativno) to throw sand (ali dust) in someone's eyes, to bamboozle someone, to hoodwink someone
odpreti komu očí to open someone's eyes, to undeceive someone
to mi je odprlo očí that was an eye-opener for me
očí se mi odpirajo (figurativno) I begin to see now
očí sem mu odprl (figurativno) I opened his eyes for him
široko odpreti očí to open one's eyes wide, to be all eyes
očí so se mu odprle (figurativno) the scales fell from is eyes
pojdi mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!, arhaično begone!
premeriti koga z očmi to eye from head to foot
to pada v očí that leaps to the eye, that hits you in the eye
pasti očí na čem to feast one's eyes on something
pokvariti si očí to spoil one's eyes
povesiti očí to look down
v očí mi je padlo it struck me
ne pridi mi spet pred očí! don't show yourself here again!
to ti povem med štirimi očmi this is for your private ear
z očmi je preletel vrt he cast a glance over the garden
streljati z očmi (figurativno) to shoot glances (na at)
očí si treti to rub one's eyes
upreti očí v to fix one's eye upon, to look fixedly at
škiliti z očmi to squint, to be squint-eyed
očí se mi solzé my eyes are running
kot bi z očmi trenil in the twinkling of an eye, in a trice, in a flash
svojim očem ne verjamem I don't believe my eyes
komaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes, I can hardly believe my own eyes
stopiti komu pred očí (figurativno) to face someone
vreči očí na to have an eye for
z lastnimi očmi videti to be an eyewitness
na očeh se mu vidi, da je lopov his eyes show him up for the rogue he is, arhaično bespeak him a rogue
od teme se ne vidi prsta pred očmi it is pitch-dark
videl sem mu na očeh, da laže I could see (ali I saw) from his face that he was lying
na lastne očí sem to videl I saw it with my own eyes
zapreti očí to close one's eyes
preteklo noč nisem mogel zatisniti očí last night I couldn't sleep a wink
zavezati komu očí to hoodwink someone, to blindfold someone
zatisniti očí ob, nad (spregledati) to shut one's eyes to, to turn a blind eye to, to condone, to connive at, to wink at
zapirati očí pred čem to close one's eyes to something
vrana vrani ne izkljuje očí one crow does not peck out another crow's eyes
daleč od očí, daleč od srca out of sight, out of mind - odbíti (odkloniti) to refuse, to decline; pravo (predlog) to reject, (v parlamentu) to throw out; (napad) to repel, to beat (ali to ward) off, to repulse; (parirati) to parry; (prošnjo) to reject; (pri izpitu) to reject; (od plače) to deduct; (žarke) to reflect
odbíti napadalca (napad, ponudbo, snubca) to repulse an assailant (an attack, an offer, a suitor)
odbíti sovražnika to drive back (ali off) the enemy
odbíti tožbo (na sodišču) to nonsuit, to dismiss a case
odbíti udarec to ward off a blow
odbíti uro (o stolpni uri itd.) to strike the hour
odbíti zahtevo to deny a claim
odbíti vrh drevesa to cut off the top of a tree
odbíti se to rebound; to bounce; to recoil; to be reflected; (odskočiti, kamen, krogla) to ricochet