
Zadetki iskanja

  • neréšen not saved; figurativno unsettled, outstanding; (odložen) in abeyance, pending; (uganka) unsolved, enigmatic; problematic, puzzling; mysterious

    neréšeno vprašanje an outstanding (ali unsolved) question
    biti neréšen to await solution
    svojci neréšenih rudarjev so čakali pred vhodom v jamo relatives of the trapped miners waited at the pithead
  • neróden clumsy, awkward; uncouth; pogovorno ham-handed, ham-fisted

    neróden položaj an awkward situation
    kako sem neród! how clumsy of me!
    neródno mi je I feel uneasy (ali awkward)
    zame je to malo neródno I find this a little embarrassing
    neródna stvar pri tem je, da... the nuisance of it is that...
    on je zelo neróden (nespreten z rokami) (žargon) his fingers are all thumbs
  • nespodbíten incontestable; unquestionable; indisputable

    to je nespodbítno dejstvo this is an incontestable fact
  • nesréča misfortune, bad luck, ill-fortune; calamity, adversity, reverse; (nezgoda) accident, disaster, misadventure, mischief

    na nesréčo, k nesréči unfortunately, unluckily, by an unhappy accident
    po nesréči by accident, accidentally
    smrt po nesréči death by misadventure
    smrtna nesréča accidental death, fatal accident
    na mojo nesréčo unfortunately for me
    prometna nesréča traffic accident
    v sreči ali v nesréči in weal and woe
    on je prava nesréča za svojo družino he is the bane of his family's life
    nesréča je hotela, da je izgubil stavo as ill luck would have it, he lost his bet
    pripetila se mu je nesréča he has had a misfortune
    da bi bila nesréča še večja... to make matters worse..., to cap it all...
    to ti bo prineslo nesréčo that will bring you bad luck
    pripetila se nam je prometna nesréča we (have) met with an accident
    sam riniti v nesréčo to make a rod for one's own back
    nesréča me povsod zasleduje I'm always dogged by ill luck
    nesréča redko sama pride misfortunes rarely come singly
    nesréča nikoli sama ne pride misfortunes never come singly, troubles never come singly, it never rains but it pours
    vsaka nesréča je za koga sreča it's an ill wind that blows nobody good
    nobena nesréča ne traja večno every cloud has a silver lining
    ne kličimo nesréče! (figurativno) touch wood!
  • nesréčen (duševno) unhappy, grievous, wretched; (slučajno) unlucky, unfortunate, luckless; (nenaklonjen) fatal, sinister, ill-fated, ill-starred, inauspicious

    nesréčen slučaj unfortunate accident
    nesréčen v igri, srečen v ljubezni unlucky in cards, lucky in love
    to je bilo nesréčno leto it was an ill-starred year
    imeti nesréčno roko (figurativno) to be a butterfingers, to be constantly breaking things
  • neškodljív innocuous; innoxious; harmless; inoffensive; innocent

    napraviti neškodljívo to neutralize
    napraviti koga neškodljívega (figurativno) to take the wind out of someone's sails
    neškodljív šport an innocent sport
  • netóčen inexact, inaccurate; incorrect; not precise; (časovno) unpunctual; (pogrešen) erroneous

    netóčen prepis an unfaithful copy
  • neubogljívost disobedience; insubordination

    neubogljívost komu (ukazu) refusal to obey someone (an order)
  • neugóden disadvantageous; unfavourable; unpleasant, disagreeable; annoying, unwelcome, uncomfortable, inconvenient, awkward; troublesome; uneasy; harmful

    neugóden pripetljaj an untoward incident
    neugódni (ostri) pogoji harsh conditions pl
  • neuhójen

    neuhójena pot, steza an untrodden (ali unbeaten) path
  • neúmen stupid; foolish, silly; thick-headed, dull; ZDA pogovorno dumb; (nesmiseln) nonsensical

    neúmen (nor) na kaj mad (ali crazy) about something
    neúmen kot noč as dumb as an ox, as thick as a plank
    kako neúmno! how stupid!
    preneumno! too bad!
    nisi (tako) neúm! you are no fool!
    nisem tako neúmen I am not such a fool
    nisem tako neúmen, da bi to verjel I am not so stupid (ali dumb) as to believe it
    kako si neúmen! how stupid you are!
    to je bilo zelo neúmo od mene it was very stupid of me
    neúmen je kot noč (pogovorno) he is dead from the neck up
    ni tako neúm, kot je videti he is not as stupid as he looks
    to je (že) preneumno that is too silly for words
    ona ni tako neúma! she knows better!, pogovorno she's not so dumb!
  • nevedé nevédoma unwittingly, unknowingly, ignorantly

    nevedé, nevédoma napravljena napaka an unwitting mistake
    nevedé, nevédoma storjen greh a sin committed in ignorance
  • neverjéten incredible; unlikely; unbelievable; improbable

    neverjétno prislov incredibly, unlikely, improbably
    neverjétna zgodba an unlikely story
    zdi se neverjétno it seems unlikely
  • nevzdŕžen nevzdržljiv unbearable; unendurable; untenable

    nevzdŕžna ideja an untenable idea
  • nezaželèn undesired, undesirable, unwished (-for); unwanted

    nezaželèn gost an unwished-for guest
    zelo, skajno nezaželèn welcome as a cold in the head
    biti nezaželèn to come amiss
  • nezgóda accident; misadventure; mishap, mischance, mischief; ill luck

    brez nezgóde without mishap
    po nezgódi accidentally
    težka nezgóda disaster
    prometna nezgóda traffic accident
    smrtna nezgóda accidental death
    vrsta nezgód a chapter of accidents
    zavarovanje proti nezgódam accident insurance
    doživeti nezgódo to meet with an accident
    doživeti prometno nezgódo to be involved in a trafric accident
  • níč nothing; not anything; nought; not a thing; arhaično, pesniško naught, ZDA nought

    čisto níč nothing at all
    prav níč, popolnoma níč nothing at all; nothing whatever
    níč razen nothing but
    níč več nothing more, no more, nothing further
    za níč for nothing
    za níč na svetu not for the world; not for love or money; not for anything
    níč in zopet níč nothing-repeat-nothing, absolutely nothing
    níč drugega nothing else
    níč novega nothing new
    níč takega nothing of the kind, none of that
    níč koliko (= mnogo) very much, very many
    toliko kot níč, skoraj níč next to nothing
    za prazen níč for no reason
    vse ali níč all or nothing, neck or nothing
    meni níč, tebi níč quite coolly, bold as brass
    níč manj kot... no less than, anything but...
    prav níč slabši kot... no whit inferior to...
    níč boljšega od no better than..., nothing like as good as...
    to ti ni níč mar! none of your business!
    to še ni níč that is nothing
    to ni níč zame that is no use for me, that won't do for me
    to ni níč vredno that is worthless
    on ni níč boljši he isn't any better
    iz tega ni bilo níč nothing came of it, it came to nothing
    níč novega ni v časopisu there is nothing new in the paper
    iz tebe ne bo nikoli níč you will never be anything, you are a worthless fellow (ali pogovorno a dead loss)
    nisi prav níč prekmalu you are none too soon
    če ni níč drugega! if that's all there is to it!
    rezultat je 2 níč (2:0) šport the score is two nil
    to ni níč v primeri s tem, kar sem nekoč videl that is nothing to what I once saw
    iz níč ni níč nothing begets nothing, one cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs
    ne morem níč za to I can't help it
    níč ne dé, níč za to all right, there's no harm done, it doesn't matter, no matter, never mind
    níč se ne da napraviti! there's nothing we can do (ali nothing to be done) about it!
    (to ni važno) to níč ne pomeni this is of no consequence
    níč ne marati, ne se meniti za níč not to care (ali pogovorno not to give a hoot) about anything
    v níč devati to disparage, to belittle, to depreciate, to discredit, to attach no value (to)
    níč več nimam povedati I have nothing more to say
    s tem nimam níč opraviti I have nothing to do with it
    to níč ne stane it is gratis, it is free, it may be had for the asking
    na níč priti to be ruined, to come to grief
    na níč spraviti koga to ruin someone
    začel je z níč (v življenju) he started from nothing (ali from scratch)
    kdor nič ne riskira, nič nima nothing venture, nothing gain
  • nôga foot, pl feet; (krak) leg; (klavnih živali) hoof, pl -s, hooves, (za jed) trotter; (čaše) stem, foot; (mize, stola) leg

    prednja nôga foreleg
    zadnja nôga hind leg
    od glave do nôg from head to foot, from top to toe
    prekrižanih nôg cross-legged
    zaspale nôge (mravljinci v nogah) pins and needles
    lahkih nôg light-footed, light-foot
    umivanje nôg footwashing
    ki ima nôge na O bandy-legged, bandy, bowlegged
    nôge na X knock-knees
    ki ima nôga na X knock-kneed
    že biti na nôgah to be on one's feet
    ves dan sem že na nôgah I have been on the go (ali run off my feet) all day
    biti z eno nôgo v grobu to have one foot (ali one's feet) in the grave, to be on one's last legs
    biti šibak v nôgah to be unsteady (ali groggy) on one's feet (ali pogovorno on one's pins)
    on je slab v nôgah (slab hodec, pešec) he is a poor walker
    pomagati komu na nôge to help someone up on his feet
    sam si pomagati na nôge (figurativno) to lift oneself up by one's own bootstraps
    obdržati se na nôgah to keep one's legs
    metati komu polena pod nôge to put a spoke in someone's wheel, to thwart someone
    nôge me bolijo my legs hurt, I have a pain in my legs
    on ima umetno nôgo he has an artificial leg
    podstaviti komu nôgo to trip someone (up)
    postaviti koga na nôge to set someone on his feet
    spraviti, postaviti koga zopet na nôge to put someone back on his feet
    postaviti se na lastne nôge (figurativno) to stand on one's own two feet
    postaviti se spet na nôge to recover one's footing
    prestopati se z nôge na nôgo to shift one's weight from one foot to the other
    pretegniti si nôge, iztegniti nôge to stretch one's legs
    skočiti na nôge to spring (ali to start, to leap) to one's feet
    skakati po eni nôgi to hop
    stati na šibkih nôgah (figurativno) to stand on a weak foundation
    stopiti komu na nôgo to tread upon someone's foot
    teptati z nôgami to trample (ali to tread) underfoot
    udariti z nôgo ob tla to tap (ali to stamp) one's foot
    vidim sledove njegovih nôg v snegu I can see his footprints in the snow
    vstati z levo nôgo (figurativno) to get out of bed on the wrong side
    nôge so me začele boleti I became footsore
    nôga mi je zaspala my leg (ali foot) has gone to sleep
    izviniti si nôgo to sprain one's ankle
    braniti se z rokami in nôgami proti čemu to fight against something tooth and nail
    pasti komu k nôgam to fall at someone's feet
    živeti na veliki nôgi (razkošno) to live in grand style
    stati na lastnih nôgah to stand on one's own feet, to be on one's own, to be independent
  • nój zoologija ostrich

    tišči glavo v pesek kot nój he buries his head in the sand like an ostrich
  • nójev

    nójevo jajce ostrich egg
    nójevo pero ostrich feather
    nójeva politika (figurativno) head-in-sand policy
    imeti nójev želodec (figurativno, vse prebaviti) to have the digestion of an ostrich