
Zadetki iskanja

  • vrédnost value; worth; price

    brez vrédnosti valueless, worthless, of no worth
    vrédnost dela value of labour
    v vrédnosti od... to the value of..., worth...
    nekaj brez vrédnosti (figurativno) a dead loss
    kalorična vrédnost calorific value
    komercialna vrédnost commercial value
    maksimalna vrédnost maximum value
    stalna vrédnost fixed value
    zamenjalna vrédnost exchange value
    vrédnost po računu value according to the account
    nominalna vrédnost face value
    vrédnost 1.000.000 SIT a million tolars' worth
    prijava vrédnosti declaration of value
    diamant zelo velike vrédnosti a very valuable diamond
    ocenjevalec vrédnosti valuer
    vzorec brez vrédnosti sample of no value
    znamke v vrédnosti 50.000 SIT fifty thousand tolars' worth of stamps
    to nima nobene vrédnosti there is no price for it
    izvleči polno vrédnost iz... to get full value out of...
    pasti v vrédnosti to depreciate
    podcenjevati (precenjevati) vrédnost česa to undervalue (to overvalue) something
    prekositi v vrédnosti to outvalue
    pripisovati preveliko vrédnost čemu to set too much value upon something
    polagati veliko vrédnost na... to make much of..., to care much about..., to set great store by...
  • vrednôtiti to value; to assess; to appreciate

    vrednôtiti diamant to value a diamond
  • vrême weather

    aprilsko vrême April weather
    lepo (deževno, ustaljeno ali stalno, nestanovitno) vrême fine ali fair (rainy, settled, unsettled) weather
    spremenljivo vrême changeable weather
    megleno, sivo vrême foggy (ali hazy) weather
    hladno in vlažno vrême raw weather
    grdo (slabo) vrême dirty ali nasty (bad) weather
    pasje vrême foul (ali nasty) weather
    pri vsakem vrêmenu in all weathers
    v mokrem vrêmenu in wet weather
    sprememba vrêmena weather change
    napoved vrêmena weather forecast
    kakšno grdo vrême! what beastly weather
    odporen proti (slabemu) vrêmenu weatherproof
    kakšno vrême je? what is the weather like?
    lepo vrême je it is fine weather
    lepo vrême bo ostalo, bo držalo it will keep fine
    vrême kaže na lepo (na dež) we are in for a spell of fine weather (of rainy weather)
    pri takem vrêmenu ne hôdi ven! you must not go out in such (ali in this) weather!
    kljubovati vrêmenu to defy the weather
    če bo vrême (dovolilo) weather permitting
    izpostaviti vrêmenu to expose to the weather, to weather
    naleteti na lepo (grdo) vrême to meet good (bad) weather
    vrême se še ni ustalilo the weather is not settled yet
  • vréti to boil; to seethe (tudi figurativno); (mošt) to ferment

    v meni vre že dolgo časa I have been boiling up inside for a long time
    v deželi vre nezadovoljstvo the country is seething with discontent
    vréti k (zgrinjati se k) to flock to, to crowd to
  • vŕh1 (drevesa itd.) top; (gore) summit, peak; pinnacle; apex, pl -es, apices

    na vŕhu (zgoraj) on top of, at the top of, atop
    z vŕha from the top
    na vŕhu lestve at the top of the ladder
    vŕh strehe the top of the roof
    vŕh glave the top of the head
    vŕh gore the top of a mountain
    vŕh stene, zidú the top of a wall
    vŕh trikotnika the apex of a triangle
    konferenca (sestanek) na vŕhu politika summit conference (meeting)
    biti na vŕhu drevesa to be at the top of the tree
    z vŕha do tal from top to bottom
    doseči vŕh to reach the top, tehnika to reach the peak
  • vrlína virtue; worthiness; excellence; good quality

    iz nuje napraviti vrlíno to make a virtue of necessity
  • vrníti to return; to give back; to render (back); (uslugo) to reciprocate

    vrníti dobljeni udarec to return a blow
    vrníti dobro za zlo to return (ali to render) good for evil; (izdatek, strošek) to reimburse, to refund
    vrníti milo za drago to give tit for tat
    stroški mu bodo vrnjeni he will be reimbursed for his expenses
    vrníti se to return, to come back, (peš) to walk back, to go back; to recur
    vrníti se na delo to go back to work
    vrníti se jež (na konju) to ride back
    ladja se je vrnila the ship sailed back
    vrníti se po isti poti to retrace one's steps
    vrníti se v normalno stanje to return to normal (ali normality, normalcy)
  • vročíca medicina fever

    imam vročíco I am in a fever, I am feverish
  • vročína heat; medicina fever

    dušeča vročína oppressive heat
    huda, žgoča vročína broiling, parching, scorching heat
    tropska vročína tropical (ali torrid) heat
    doba hude, pasje vročíne dog days pl
    občutljiv za vročíno sensitive to heat
    odporen proti vročíni heat-resistant, heat proof, thermostable
    merilec vročíne fizika pyrometer
    imeti hudo, visoko vročíno medicina to run a high temperature
  • vŕsta row (hiš of houses); line; rank; vojska file; turn; series; kind, sort; set; type; genus, species; variety; quality

    dolga vŕsta long row
    v vŕsti in a row, in a line
    v vŕstah in rows
    sprednja (zadnja) vŕsta front (back) line
    v sprednjih vŕstah in the front ranks
    v nepretrgani vŕsti in straight succession
    po vŕsti in turn, by turns; in rows; (po eden) one at a time, successively
    naslovna vŕsta headline
    vŕsta sedežev row of seats
    vŕsta topolov row of poplars
    kdo je na vŕsti? whose turn is it?
    jaz sem na vŕsti it is my turn
    počakati moraš, da prideš na vŕsto! you must await (ali pogovorno wait) your turn!
    prideš kmalu na vŕsto your turn will soon come
    ne (se) držati vŕste pri čakanju (preskočiti vŕsto) to jump a queue
    čakati v vŕsti (za kaj) to queue (for something)
    sedeti v prvi vŕsti to sit in the front row
    brati med vŕstami to read between the lines
    brali smo po vŕsti (eden za drugim) we took it in turns to read
    korakati v vŕsti to march in file
    razredčiti vŕste to thin out the rows
    postaviti v vŕsto to put (ali to set) in a row; to rank, to file, to draw up
    postaviti se v vŕsto (štartno črto pred tekom) to toe the line
    imeli smo vŕsto deževnih dni we (have) had a succession of rainy days
    imamo tri vŕste vina we have three sorts of wine
  • vrstíca line

    pisati par vrstíc to drop someone a line
    brati med vrstícami to read between the lines
  • vŕt garden

    na vŕtu in the garden
    cvetlični vŕt flower garden
    javen vŕt public garden
    vŕt pred hišo front garden, za hišo back garden
    sadni vŕt orchard
    terasast, viseči vŕt hanging garden
    zelenjavni vŕt kitchen garden, market garden, ZDA truck garden, truck farm
    živalski vŕt zoological garden, zoo
    obdan z vŕtom gardened
    delo na vŕtu gardening
    narediti vŕt to lay out a garden
    botanični vŕt botanical garden
  • vrtéti to turn (round), to spin round; to rotate, to revolve; to twirl, to whirl; (vrtavko) to spin

    vrtéti kolo to turn a wheel
    vrtéti (snemati) film to make a film
    vrtéti kolesa šport to turn somersaults (ali bočno: cartwheels)
    vrtéti palce (prste) to twiddle one's thumbs (fingers)
    vrtéti se to turn
    kolo se vrti the wheel turns
    vrtéti se v krogu to whirl
    vrti se mi v glavi my head reels, my head swims, I feel dizzy, I feel giddy
    vse se mi vrti my head reels (ali whirls), my brain reels
  • vrtínčiti se to whirl; to swirl; to eddy

    v glavi so se ji vrtinčile misli ena za drugo her thoughts were in a whirl
  • vrtínec whirl; whirlpool; swirl; eddy

    vodni vrtínec whirlpool
    zračni vrtínec whirlwind
    vrtínec dogodkov (figurativno) the whirligig of events
    vrtínec strasti a whirl of passion
    delati vrtínce (o vodi) to swirl
    biti potegnjen v vojni vrtínec to be sucked into the maelstrom of war
  • vrtnár gardener; horticulturist

    kozla za vrtnárja narediti (figurativno) to set a thief to catch a thief
  • vrtnáriti to garden

    nekaj uric vrtnáriti to do a spell of gardening
  • vrtoglávica vrtoglávost dizziness, giddiness; medicina vertigo pl vertigoes; vertiginousness

    dobiti vrtoglávico to get (ali to have) a dizzy spell (od from, with)
    imeti vrtoglávico to feel dizzy
    povzročiti vrtoglávico to make someone giddy, to bring on a dizzy spell
  • vŕv rope; cord

    vŕv za perilo clothesline
    vŕv za obešanje (kazen) halter; the rope
    vŕvi pl okoli ringa šport the ropes
    izdelovalec vŕvi ropemaker
    lestev iz vŕvi rope ladder
    plesalec, -lka na vŕvi rope dancer
    tovarna vŕvi rope factory
    vlečenje vŕvi (igra) tug-of-war, pl tugs-of-war
    vŕv za preskakovanje (otroška igra) skipping-rope
    oddeliti, izpreti gledalce z vŕvjo to rope off spectators
    hoditi po napeti vŕv nad globokim prepadom to walk (oziroma to be walking) the (oziroma a) tightrope over a very deep precipice
    ne omenjaj vrvi v hiši, v kateri se je nekdo obesil speak not of rope where a man has hanged himself
    peljati, voditi na vŕvi to lead by a halter
    pritrditi, zvezati z vŕvjo to cord, to rope (up)
    preskakovati vŕv, skakati čez vŕv (otroška igra) to skip (a skipping-rope)
  • vŕv(i)ca string, twine; cord; line; (za šivanje vreč) packthread; binding thread

    svilena vŕv(i)ca silk cord
    imeti koga na vŕv(i)ci to have someone on a string, to keep a tight rein on someone, to twist someone round one's (little) finger
    vŕv(i)ca za psa lead
    pse na vŕv(i)co! dogs must be kept on the lead!
    merilna vŕv(i)ca (trak) tape measure, tape
    vžigalna vŕv(i)ca fuse (cord)
    rdeča vŕv(i)ca (trak) za povezovanje službenih spisov zgodovina red tape
    voditi koga na vŕv(i)ci, z vŕv(i)co (figurativno) to lead someone by the nose