
Zadetki iskanja

  • gól2 šport goal

    čuvar, vratar góla goalkeeper, pogovorno goalie
    vratnica góla goalpost
    gólova črta goal line
    beležiti, zabiti, doseči gól to score (ali to get) a goal
    voditi s tremi góli to lead by three goals, to have a three-goal lead
    brez góla (zadetka) goalless (ali no-score) draw
    igra, v kateri je premaganec brez góla pogovorno whitewash
    rezultat je 2 (gola) proti nič the score is 2 nil
  • gòl1 naked; nude; unclothed; in the nude; in the buff; (slečen) stripped; (teren, kraj) treeless, bleak, open; (glava) bare, uncovered; (brez perja) unfledged, callow; figurativno plain, udisguised; (meč) unsheathed, drawn

    z gòlim očesom with the naked eye
    z gòlimi rokami with one's bare hands
    čisto gòl in one's bare skin, stark naked
    do gòlega slečen stripped naked, stripped to the buff
    gòla dejstva the naked facts
    gòlo drevo a tree bare of leaves
    gòl(i) meč a naked sword
    gòla, čista potrata sheer waste
    iz gòle (čiste) potrebe by sheer necessity
    gòla (sama, čista) skala sheer rock
    gòla pokrajina bare landscape
    gòla resnica the naked truth
    do gòlega sleči to strip someone naked (ali to the buff)
    do gòlega so jih slekli they stripped them naked
  • golíti to denude, to lay bare; to bare; (drevje) to strip of leaves

    golíti se to become naked (ali nude ali bared ali denuded); (ptice) to moult, arhaično to mew; to shed feathers
  • goljufíja swindle; cheat; imposture; fraud; pogovorno con trick, con

    popolna goljufíja sheer (ali utter, downright) fraud
    z goljufíjo kaj (pri)dobiti od koga to cheat someone out of something
  • golobíčica little dove

    moja golobíčica (figurativno) (my) love (ali dear, darling)
  • golóbji dove(-), pigeon(-); dovelike

    golóbje barve dove-coloured
    golóbje jajce pigeon's egg
    golóbje gnezdo pigeon's (ali dove's) nest
    golóbji rep dovetail
  • gôra mountain; (pred lastnim imenom) Mount

    gôra Everest Mount Everest
    gôra Sinaj Mount Sinai
    visok kot gôra as high as mountains, mountainous, colossal
    ledena gôra iceberg
    gôra papirja, trupel a mountain of paper, of corpses
    pridiga na gôri biblija the Sermon on the Mount
    napraviti turo v gôre to take a trip to the mountains
    prebiti počitnice v gôrah to spend one's holidays in the mountains (ali in a mountain region)
    iz krtine gôro narediti (figurativno) to make a mountain out of a molehill
    če ne pride gôra k Mohamedu, mora Mohamed h gôri if the mountain won't come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain
    tresla se (je) gôra, rodila se (je) miška (figurativno) the mountain has brought forth a mouse
  • goréč burning; afire; figurativno (ljubezen) ardent, fervent; fervid; (želja) eager

    goréč za zealous for
    goréč govornik enthusiastic (ali passionate) spokesman
    goréča molítev religija a fervent prayer
    goréč privrženec ardent (ali enthusiastic) supporter
  • goréti to burn; to blaze; to be on fire, to be consumed by fire

    gorí! fire!
    kje gorí? where is the fire?
    to ne gorí that does not burn
    vžigalica ne gorí the match does not strike
    goréti od radovednosti to be consumed by curiosity
    goréti od želje to burn with desire, to be eager (ali fervent ali zealous ali keen on)
    hiša gorí the house is on fire
    v mestu gorí there is a fire in town
    začeti goréti to catch fire
    tu mi gorí pod nogami (figurativno) this place is too hot for me
    gorelo mu je pod nogami (figurativno) he wanted to be off
  • górski mountainous; mountain; alpine

    górska bolezen mountain sickness
    górska cesta mountain road
    górski čevlji mountaineering boots pl
    górske dirke (motocikl.) hill-climbing contest
    górski duh, škrat mountain sprite, gnome
    górska globel ravine, hill valley, (irska, škotska) glen
    górski greben, hrbet ridge, crest
    górska dežela, pokrajina mountainous country, highland, mountainous region
    górska koča mountain hut
    górsko področje mountain district, highland
    górska palica alpenstock
    górska oprema mountaineering outfit
    górski plezalec mountaineer, climber, mountain climber, (v Alpah) alpinist
    górsko pobočje mountainside, mountain slope
    górska pot mountain path
    górsko sedlo saddle; dip between two peaks
    górsko pravo miners' statutes, mining laws pl
    górska reševalna služba mountain rescue service
    górska stena steep mountainside, rock wall
    górska vas mountain village
    górski usad landslip, (večji) landslide
    górska veriga mountain range, mountain chain
    górska tura alpine (ali mountain) tour, climbing trip
    górski veter mountain wind
    górski vodnik (alpine) guide
    górski vrh summit, mountaintop, peak
    górski zrak mountain air
    górska železnica mountain railway
  • gosák gander

    kar je dobro za gos (ali za enega), je dobro za gosáka (ali za drugega) what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
  • gósji goose(-); (of) goose

    gósja mast goose fat, goose grease
    gósja jetrna pašteta goose-liver pâté
    gósji (pruski paradni) korak goose step
    gósja trava goose grass, cleavers
    gósje pero (za pisanje) quill pen, quill
    gósja pečenka roast goose
    v gósjem redu in Indian file, in single file
    iti v gósjem redu to walk in single (ali Indian) file
  • gospód (nagovor brez imena) sir; (nagovor s priimkom) Mr. (= Mister) Brown, (za priimkom na naslovu pisma) Esquire ali Esq.

    gospód Ta-in-Ta Mr. So-and-So
    Spoštovani gospód! (v pismu) Dear Sir
    da, gospód yes, sir
    gospodje! gentlemen!
    gospe in gospódje! Ladies and Gentlemen!
    biti sam svoj gospód to be one's own man (ali master); to stand on one's own feet
    igrati velikega gospóda to pose as a fine gentleman (ali pogovorno a swell, one of the nobs); to put on airs, to give oneself airs, to ape one's betters
    Gospod (bog, religija) Lord
    v Gospodu zaspal asleep in the Lord
    fevdalni gospód zgodovina feudal lord, seigneur, seignior
  • gospodár (hiše, stanovanja) householder, landlord; (delodajalec) employer, master, ZDA boss; (kmetovalec) farmer; husbandman, pl -men; (oblast) lord, master, ruler

    biti svoj gospodár to be one's own master, to be independent, žargon to be on one's own
    brez gospodárja without a master
    otroci brez gospodárja waifs and strays pl
    stvari brez gospodárja unclaimed (ali unowned, ownerless) property
    živali brez gospodárja stray animals, strays pl
    neomejen gospodár absolute ruler, despot
    on je dober gospodár he manages well
    ona je gospodár v hiši, v družini (»nosi hlače«) she wears the trousers
    nihče ne more služiti dvema gospodárjema no man can serve two masters
    kakšen gospodár, takšen sluga like master, like man
  • gospodínjski

    gospodínjsko delo housework
    gospodínjska dela menial tasks pl
    opravljati gospodínjska dela to do the housework
    gospodínjski aparati domestic (ali household) appliances, labour-saving devices pl
  • gospodováti to rule, to dominate, to govern, to be master, to domineer, to hold sway over

    Rim je gospodovál celemu svetu the whole world was under the sway of Rome
    Britanija, gospoduj morjem! Britannia, rule the waves!
    gospodová svojim strastem to rule (ali to govern) one's passions
  • gòst guest; invited person

    gòstje pl guests, social (ali dinner-) party; (gostilniški) customer, (stalen) patron, habitué, regular (customer) of an inn (ali of a public house)
    časten gòst guest of honour
    dobrodóšel gòst welcome guest
    nedobrodóšel gòst a guest welcome as a cold in the head
    nepovabljen gòst uninvited guest, intruder, gatecrasher
    igralec gòst actor making a guest appearance at another theatre
    plačujoči gòst paying guest (krajšava: P.G.)
    soba za gòste spare room, guest room
    knjiga gòstov visitors' book
    večerja z gòsti dinner party
    imeti gòste to give (ali pogovorno to throw) a party
    imamo gòste pri večerji we have company to dinner
    imeti često gòste to entertain a great deal
    nepričakovan gòst mora jesti, kar pač je an unexpected guest must take potluck
  • gósti (godem) to play the violin; pogovorno to play the fiddle, to fiddle; to make music

    plesati, kot drugi godejo (hočejo) to dance to someone else's tune, to follow another's lead
    gósti na godalo pesniško to touch the strings
    vedno isto gósti (goniti) to harp on one (ali on the same) string, to harp on
    gósti od zadovoljstva (figurativno) to purr with satisfaction
  • gostílniški

    gostílniška oprema innkeeper's requisites pl; bar (ali restaurant) fittings pl
  • gostíti1 to entertain, to treat, to give someone a treat; (bogato) to regale (z with)

    gostíti koga z dobro večerjo to treat someone to a good dinner
    mnogo gostíti to entertain a great deal
    kraljevsko koga gostíti to give someone a royal (ali magnificent) treat
    jaz sem na vrsti, da gostim it's my turn, pogovorno this is on me, I'm in the chair
    gostíti se to feast (on), to revel (in), to regale oneself (with)