
Zadetki iskanja

  • ujezíti to make angry, to anger; to enrage; to irritate; pogovorno to aggravate

    ujezíti se to lose one's temper, to get angry, (močno) to fly into a passion, to boil over, to foam with rage, to fume
  • úk apprenticeship

    dati v úk to apprentice
    dal je sina v úk he has apprenticed his son
    v starosti 14 let so ga dali v úk at the age of fourteen he was apprenticed (h krojaču to a tailor)
  • ukána ruse; trick; cunning; guile

    vojna ukána stratagem, ruse de guerre
    izvesti ukáno to carry out a stratagem, to perpetrate a trick, pogovorno to pull a fast one
    zateči se k ukáni to resort to a ruse
    poln ukán guileful
  • ukinítev abolition, abolishment; abrogation; annulment; cancelling, cancellation; pravo revocation, rescission

    ukinítev suženjstva ZDA abolition
    boj za ukinítev suženjstva ZDA abolitionism
    zagovornik ukinítve suženjstva ZDA abolitionist
    ukinítev (odvzem, preklic) licence revocation of a licence
  • ukloníti to bend, to submit

    ukloníti se to submit (oneself), to bend
    uklonil se je zakonu he submitted to the law
    nimam druge izbire, kot da se uklonim I have no choice but to submit
    ukloníti se odločitvi to submit to a decision
    ukloníti koga (pogovorno) to bring someone to heel
  • ukorenínjen deep-rooted; inveterate

    ukorenínjena bolezen deep-rooted disease
    globoko ukorenínjena zmota a deepseated error
    ukorenínjeno sovraštvo an ingrained hatred
  • ukoríti to reprimand; to blame; to censure; to scold, (ostro) to snub; to chide; to haul (ali to rake, to drag) over the coals

    pošteno koga ukoríti to send someone away with a flea in his ear
  • ukrèp measure, step; provision; arrangements pl

    obrambni ukrèp defensive measures pl
    preprečevalen ukrèp preventive measure
    prisilni ukrèp compulsory (ali coercive) measure
    varnosten ukrèp precaution
    zakonski ukrèp provision
    opraviti, podvzeti varnostne ukrèpe to take precautions (proti against)
    vse potrebne varnostne ukrèpe all due precautions
    lotiti se ukrèpov to make arrangements
    po nepotrebnem poseči po ostrih ukrèpih (figurativno) to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
  • ukrésati

    ukrésati ogenj to strike a light
  • ukvárjati se to occupy oneself (z with), to be occupied (z with); to be engaged (z in, on); to employ oneself, to be employed (in doing something); to be busy (in, at, with); to work (at); to go in for, to take up, to study; to take an interest (in); to be involved (in); to be concerned (z with)

    ne ukvarja se kaj prida s svojimi otroki he takes little interest in his children
    ukvárjati se malo z glasbo to be quite interested in music
    ne ukvarjam se s politiko I do not concern myself with politics, pogovorno I don't get involved in politics
    on se ukvarja s preveč stvarmi (figurativno) he has too many irons in the fire
    s tem problemom sem se mnogo ukvarjal I have given a lot of thought to this question
    ukvárjati se s problemi kriminala to take an interest in criminological problems
    on se ukvarja izključno samó z nemščino he is fully occupied with his German
    s takimi posli se ne ukvarjam I do not concern myself with such matters
  • úlica street, (ozka, majhna) lane, alley

    na úlici in the street, ZDA on the street
    glavna úlica main street, high street
    enosmerna úlica one-way street
    stranska úlica side street
    čez úlico across the street
    slepa úlica cul-de-sac, street with a dead end, dead-end street, figurativno blind alley, dead end
    tlakovana, asfaltirana úlica paved, asphalted street
    živahna úlica busy (ali crowded) street
    človek z úlice the man in the street, man on the Clapham omnibus
    prodaja na úlici street sale
    seznam úlic street directory
    čiščenje úlic street cleaning, scavenging
    soba gleda na úlico the room faces the street
    za parkiranje prepovedana úlica no-parking street
    v kateri úlici stanujete? which street do you live in?
    postaviti na úlico (na cesto) to turn out, to put out (in the street)
    za promet zaprta úlica! street (ali road) closed for traffic!
  • úm reason, intellect, intelligence; sense; understanding; mind; brains pl; wit

    človek ostrega úma a man of sharp intellect
    brez úma out of one's senses, out of one's (right) mind
    omračen úm clouded mind
    je bistrega úma he is quick-witted, he is bright
    bil je največji úm svojega časa he was the greatest intellect of his time
    ves iz úma je he is out of his wits (ali out of his mind)
    úm se mu je omračil he is mentally deranged, he is out of his senses, his mind is unhinged, he has lost his reason, he has gone mad
    kaj ti pade na úm! what an absurd idea!
    ne pade mi na úm, da bi to naredil I am not so stupid as to do it
    ni ji prišlo na úm, da bi zaprla plin she had not the sense to turn off the gas
    priti na úm komu to enter someone's mind
    prišlo mi je na úm, da... I was struck by the idea that..., it occurred to me that...
    priti nazaj na um to recur (ali to come back) to mind
  • umakníti to withdraw; to draw back; to retract; to take back; vojska to retire; to remove

    umakníti čete vojska to withdraw (the) troops
    umakníti svojo kandidaturo to withdraw one's candidature
    umakníti tožbo to withdraw a charge
    umakníti obtožbo to retract an accusation
    umakníti se to withdraw, to draw back, vojska to retire, to retreat; to beat a retreat
    umakníti se iz svetnega življenja to retire from the world
    vojska se je pred sovražnikom umaknila v lepem redu the army retired before the enemy in good order
    uspešno, srečno se umakníti (izmuzniti) to make good one's retreat
    umaknite se! (pojdite s poti!) make way!
    umaknite se mi! get out of my way!
  • umázan dirty; soiled, filthy; sordid; slovenly; mean; foul; (skop) stingy, niggardly

    umázano moder dull blue
    umázani dobički sordid gains pl
    umázano govorjenje foul language
    umázano ravnanje (postopek) a sordid way of behaving (ali of doing things)
    ulice so umázane the streets are dirty (blatne muddy)
    prati umázano perilo pred ljudmi (figurativno) to wash one's dirty linen in public
  • uméven umljív intelligible, understandable, comprehensible; clear

    to je samo po sebi umévno that goes without saying, that is a matter of course, that is understood
  • umíti umívati to wash; pesniško to lave; (rano) to bathe

    umíti, umívati si glavo (lase) to shampoo, to have a shampoo, to wash one's hair
    umíti, umívati si roke to wash one's hands
    umíti, umívati se to wash (oneself), to have a wash, to do (ali to perform) one's ablution
    umíti, umívati si roké nad čim (figurativno) to wash one's hands of something (nad to zadevo of this affair)
    roka roko umiva (figurativno) one good turn deserves another, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
  • umòr murder; (iz zasede) assassination; pravo homicide

    težak umòr pravo ZDA first-degree murder
    navaden umòr pravo ZDA second-degree murder
    nameren umòr wilful murder
    premišljen umòr premeditated murder
    nepremišljen umòr manslaughter
    poskušan umòr attempted murder
    umòr očeta (matere, brata ali sestre) patricide (matricide, fratricide)
    zakriviti, zagešiti umòr to commit a murder
    dokazati komu umòr to convict someone of murder
    vsak umòr pride prej ali slej na dan murder will out
    justični umòr judicial murder
  • umréti to die, to pass away; to expire; to decease; to depart this life; to give up the ghost; to yield up one's breath, to breathe one's last; to close one's eyes; žargon to bite the dust; žargon to pop off, to kick the bucket, to push up the daisies; (evfemistično) to go West, to go the way of all flesh, to go to one's long rest

    umréti naravne smrti to die a natural death, to die in one's bed
    nasilne smrti umréti to die a violent death, to die with one's boots on, to die by violence
    umréti na grmadi zgodovina to die at the stake
    umréti na morišču to die on the scaffold
    umréti za jetiko to die of consumption
    umréti od lakote to die of hunger
    umréti od mraza to die of cold
    umréti za rakom to die of cancer
    umréti bedne smrti to die like a dog (ali the death of a dog)
    umréti v bedi to die destitute (ali a pauper)
    umréti od žalosti to die of grief
    umréti od lastne roke to die by one's own hand
    umréti sredi (aktivnega) dela to die in harness, to die in the shafts
    umréti junaške smrti to die a hero (ali a hero's death)
    hrabro umréti to die game (to the end)
    umréti od strahu to die of fright
    umrl je v najboljših letih he was taken in the prime of life
    mislil sem, da bom umrl od smeha I thought I would die laughing
    naj umrem, če je to res! I'll stake my life it isn't true (ali there isn't a word of truth in it)!
    umrl je kot berač he died a beggar
    naj na mestu umrem, če... I'll be damned if...
  • umŕli -a, -o (pokojni -a -o) deceased, defunct; dead; late

    umŕli, -a, -o kralj the late king
  • uníja union

    svetovna poštna uníja Universal Postal Union
    izvesti, izvršiti uníjo to bring about a union