
Zadetki iskanja

  • pogódba contract, agreement; convention; (zlasti državna politika), treaty, pact, compact; covenant; (listina) deed, bonds pl; indenture; trgovina bargain, contract

    po pogódbi, v smislu pogódbe according to contract, as agreed upon
    nasproten pogódbi contrary to the contract
    družbena pogódba social contract
    kolektivna pogódba collective agreement
    mezdna pogódba pay deal, wage agreement
    mirovna pogódba peace treaty, peace pact
    najemna, zakupna pogódba lease
    tajna pogódba secret treaty
    ženitna pogódba marriage settlement, marriage articles pl
    kršitev pogódbe breach of contract
    trgovinska pogódba commercial treaty
    pogódba o zavezništvu treaty of alliance
    zakonska pogódba matrimonial contract
    biti vezan s pogódbo to be bound by contract
    (pre)kršiti pogódbo to break a contract
    podaljšati pogódbo to prolong an agreement
    podpisati pogódbo to sign a contract, to witness a contract
    skleniti pogódbo to make a contract, to conclude a treaty, to make an agreement
    razdreti, stornirati pogódbo to rescind a contract
    goljufija razveljavi pogódbo fraud vitiates the contract
  • pogódu after one's own heart

    to ni pogódu it goes against the grain
    biti pogódu to please, to be agreeable, to suit
    ti je pogódu, da prideš jutri? does it suit you to come tomorrow?
  • pogojén2 conditional

    biti pogojén z to be conditional on, to be dependent on
  • pogójen1 conditional

    pogójni dopust (zapornika) parole, zgodovina ticket of leave
    biti na pogójni svobodi (o zaporniku) to be out on parole, zgodovina to have ticket of leave
    pogójna obsodba suspended sentence
    pogójni stavek conditional clause
  • pogòn drive

    pogòn na daljavo remote drive
    pogòn na ročico crank drive
    mehanični pogòn mechanical (ali machine) drive
    ročni pogòn hand drive
    parni pogòn steam drive
    turbinski pogòn turbine drive
    nožni pogòn treadle drive, treadle operation
    strojni pogòn machine drive
    verižni pogòn chain drive
    jermenski pogòn belt drive, belt transmission
    pogòn z vrvmi rope driving
    lovski pogòn battue, ZDA surround
    pogòn na divje svinje boar hunt
    na električen pogòn electrically driven
    na reakcijski pogòn jet-propelled
    biti nepretrgano v pogònu to be running nonstop
    spraviti v pogòn to start up
  • pogóvor conversation; talk, talking; discourse; discussion; (kramljanje) chat, chatting; (v dvoje) dialogue; (s samim seboj) soliloquy, monologue; colloquy; (pri mizi) table talk; (o nepomembnih stvareh) small talk, everyday talk; (le o svoji stroki) shop, ZDA shoptalk; (med štirimi očmi) a talk in private

    telefonski pogóvor call
    nujen (telefonski) pogóvor emergency (ali priority) call
    predmet pogóvora subject of conversation, subject under discussion
    ona je predmet pogóvora vsega mesta she is the talk of the whole town
    biti v pogóvoru s kom to be in conversation with someone
    napeljati pogóvor na kak predmet to introduce a subject
    menjati predmet pogóvora to change the subject, to turn the conversation round (to another topic)
    opustiti pogóvor o kakem predmetu to let the subject drop
    pustimo pogóvor o tem! let's drop the subject!
    pridružiti se pogóvoru to join in a (ali the) conversation
    prekiniti svoj pogóvor to stop talking, to break off
    stopiti v pogóvor, začeti pogóvor s kom to get, to enter into conversation with someone
    podaljšati telefonski pogóvor (čez tri minute) to extend a call (beyond three minutes)
    prijaviti telefonski pogóvor to book a call
    spustiti se v pogóvor s kom, zaplesti koga v pogóvor to engage someone in conversation
    udeležiti se pogóvora to take part in a conversation, to follow a conversation
    vzdrževati pogóvor (figurativno) to keep the ball rolling
  • pogúmen courageous, brave; plucky; bold

    biti pogúmen to have pluck
    le pogúmni zmagujejo none but the brave deserve the fair
  • pohlépen greedy (for); avid, covetous; eager

    biti pohlépen denarja to be avaricious, to crave for money
    pohlépno prislov avidly, greedily
  • pohvála praise; commendation; laud, eulogy, encomium, approbation

    vreden pohvále worthy of praise
    poln pohvále full of praise
    javna pohvála honourable mention
    biti skop s pohválo to be sparing of praise
  • pokòj retirement, superannuation; (mir) quietness, tranquillity, quiet, repose, rest, peace

    biti v pokòju to be retired (ali superannuated, pensioned off)
    iti v pokòj to pass into retirement, to retire from business, to go into retirement
    pokòj njegovi duši! rest his soul!, may he rest in peace!
    večni pokòj eternal rest, the rest beyond the grave
  • pokónci upright; erect; straight

    biti pokónci to stand (erect), to be up
    biti vso noč pokónci to be up all night
    dolgo v noč biti pokónci to keep late hours, to be up till all hours
    pokónci hoditi to walk upright
    pokónci sedeti to sit up (ali straight, up straight)
    komaj se držim pokónci I can hardly keep upright, I feel like dropping (ali keeling over)
    kar me drži pokónci (figurativno) what keeps me going
    upanje me je držalo pokónci hope sustained me
    postaviti, dvigniti pokónci to erect, to raise (se to rise)
    glavo pokónci! head up!, ZDA chin up!
  • pól2 (polovica) half

    ob pól sedmih at half past six
    ob sedmih ali pól osmih at seven or half past (seven)
    na pól fifty-fifty
    pól na pól on a fifty-fifty basis
    razdeliti si na pól s kom to go fifty-fifty with someone
    pól funta half a pound
    pól ure half an hour
    pól deleža a half share
    za pól cene at half price
    za pól več half as much (oziroma many) again
    lopov in pól an utter scoundrel (ali rogue)
    to (pa) je klobuk in pól! that's some hat!
    biti na pól pota v Ameriko to be halfway to America
    na pól kaj napraviti to do something by halves
    na pól se odločiti za to have half a mind to...
    le na pól narejen only half finished
    srečal sem jih na pól pota I met them halfway
  • položáj situation; position; state of affairs; condition; circumstances pl; (lega) site; lay, standing; bearings pl; (služba) rank, status; (drža telesa) attitude, posture, (pri mečevanju) guard; vojska post

    resnost položája the gravity of the situation
    socialni položáj social standing
    položáj poslanika the post of ambassador
    položáj tržišča, trga market position
    težaven položáj (figurativno) a close call
    materialni in družbeni položáj economic and social status
    biti gospodar položája to be master of the situation
    biti v neprijetnem položáju (v žalostnem položáju) to be in an unpleasant position (in a sorry plight)
    določiti čemu položáj to locate something
    ne biti kos (dorasel) položáju not to be equal to the situation (ali occasion)
    on nima (ne zavzema) položája svojega brata he has not his brother's standing
    nismo v položáju, da bi mogli narediti drugače we are not in a position to be able to do otherwise
    izbrati dober položáj za svojo hišo to choose a fine position (ali site) for one's house
    to je komaj izboljšalo naš položáj that has scarcely made us any better off
    položáj se je poslabšal the situation has deteriorated
    pojasni mu svoj položáj! show him where (ali how) you stand!
    razumem tvoj položáj I see how you stand
    biti v nejasnem položáju (figurativno) to be up in the air
    sedeti v zelo nerodnem položáju to be seated in a very uncomfortable position
    položáj je videti brezupen things look desperate
    vem, kakšen je položáj (figurativno) I know how the land lies
    vreči iz položája to eject, to dislodge, to supplant, to oust
    vztrajati na položáju vojska to stick to one's post
    on je rešil položáj he saved the situation
    umakniti se na vnaprej pripravljene položáje vojska to withdraw to positions prepared beforehand
    izrabiti, izkoristiti položáj to make hay while the sun shines, to strike while the iron's hot
  • pománjkanje want, lack, deficiency, insufficiency, shortage, scarcity, scantiness, absence, default; need; dearth; (revščina) great poverty, indigence

    zaradi pománjkanja for want of
    zaradi pománjkanja goriva due to a shortage of fuel
    zaradi pománjkanja zadostnih dokazov for want of sufficient evidence
    pománjkanje denarja want (ali scarcity) of money
    pománjkanje finančnih sredstev lack of funds
    pománjkanje hrane food shortage, shortage (ali lack) of food
    pománjkanje prometnih sredstev transport shortage, lack of transport
    pománjkanje vitaminov vitamin deficiency
    ne biti vajen pománjkanja to be unaccustomed to hardships
    trpeti veliko pománjkanje to be in great distress
    trpeti pománjkanje česa to be in want of something, to be short of something
    odpomoči pománjkanju to supply a need
    živeti v pománjkanju to live in straitened circumstances
  • pomén meaning; sense; (važnost) importance, significance, import

    brez poména meaningless, insignificant, of no account, void of importance
    v najširšem (najožjem) poménu besede giving the word its broadest (its strictest) meaning
    v dobesednem (prenesenem) poménu in the literal (in the figurative ali in the metaphorical) meaning
    v običajnem poménu besede in the usual sense of the word
    dejavnosti posebnega družbenega poména activities pl of special social interest
    biti največjega poména to be of the greatest significance
    stvar je brez poména the matter is of no importance
    nima poména it's of no account
    nima poména govoriti z njim, iti tja there's no point in speaking to him, going there
    to vprašanje je vitalnega poména this question is of vital importance (ali concern)
    ne razumeš poména teh besed you misunderstand the meaning of these words
    temu pripisujete prevelik pomén you make too much of it
    razširiti (zožiti) pomén to broaden (to narrow) the meaning
    ti obračaš, sprevračaš pomén mojih besed you are distorting the sense of my words
  • pomljív mindful; bearing in mind

    biti pomljív česa to be mindful of something, to remember something
  • ponôsen proud (na of); (ohol) haughty, lofty, stuckup

    biti ponôsen na kaj to pride oneself on something, to be proud of something, to take pride in something
    ponôsen na imetje purseproud
    na to si lahko ponôsen (figurativno) that's a feather in your cap
    na to ti res ni treba biti ponôsen that is nothing to be proud of
  • pooblaščèn authorized; empowered; (upravičen) entitled; pravo holding power of attorney

    biti pooblaščèn to be empowered
    za to nisi pooblaščèn you are not authorized to do that
    z zakonom pooblaščèn authorized by statute
  • popívanje immoderate drinking; revelry; carousal; drinking bout; spree

    iti na popívanje to go out drinking (ali žargon boozing), to go out for a drink (ali žargon for a booze-up)
    biti na popívanju (krokanju) to be out drinking (ali žargon on the booze, boozing)
  • popravílo repair; mending

    potreben popravíla in need of repair
    tvoji čevlji so potrebni popravíla your boots need repair
    biti v popravílu to be under (ali in) repair