trézen sober; temperate; (do pitja) abstemious; (zmeren) moderate, frugal; matter-of-fact
popolnoma trézen (as) sober as a judge
Zadetki iskanja
- tŕgati (puliti) to pluck, to pull; (nabirati) to gather, (sadje, cvetlice) to pick; (strgati, raztrgati) to tear, to rend, to lacerate
tŕgati na kose, koščke to tear to pieces, to bits
trga me v ušesu I have an earache
tŕgati se za... to fight for, to scramble for...
ljudje se trgajo za to blago there is a great demand for these goods
tŕgati se za meso to scramble for meat
tŕgati se za prostor, za sedež to scramble for a place
ljudje se trgajo za njegovo knjigo his book is selling like hot cakes - trgovína trade (z in, with), commerce, traffic, trading; business; (prodajalna, lokal) shop, (velika) store; (firma, tvrdka) firm, house
trgovína na debelo wholesale trade
trgovína na drobno retail trade
trgovína z belim blagom (figurativno) white-slave trade
izvozna (uvozna) trgovína export (import) trade
tranzitna trgovína transit trade
pomorska trgovína sea-borne trade
prekmorska trgovína overseas trade
prosta trgovína free trade
notranja trgovína home (ali domestic, inland) trade
zunanja trgovína foreign trade
cvetoča (živahna) trgovína thriving (brisk) business (ali trade)
medla trgovína slack trade
zadružna trgovína co-operative store, pogovorno the co-op (shop)
trgovína z mešanim blagom grocer's (shop)
zamenjalna trgovína barter, truck, pogovorno swop
nezakonita trgovína illegal trade
trgovína z orožjem arms trade
mednarodna trgovína international trade
ministrstvo za trgovíno the Board of Trade, Ministry of Commerce, ZDA Department of Commerce
minister za trgovíno Minister of Commerce, VB president of the Board of Trade, ZDA Secretary of Commerce
svetovna trgovína world trade
tega ne boste dobili v nobeni trgovíni (nikjer na prodaj) you won't find that on sale anywhere
trgovína je v polnem razmahu trade is in full swing
trgovína je zastala, stagnira trade is at a standstill, trade is depressed (ali slack) - trí three
po trí in trí by threes, three by three
on ne zna do trí šteti (figurativno) he cannot say boo to a goose; he looks as if butter would not melt in his mouth - tricéven
tricévni sprejemnik a three-valve receiver - trídeset thirty
trídeseti -a -o the thirtieth - triplikát triplicate
v triplikátu in triplicate
triplikát menice (tretia menica) triplicate of a bill of exchange - tŕkati to knock (na, po at, on); to rap
tŕkati na vrata to knock at the door
nekdo trka there is a knock at the door
luna ga trka (figurativno) he is moonstruck, he is a lunatic (ali pogovorno a loony, looney)
te luna trka? are you crazy? - trkljáti (se) to roll
trkljáti (se) sod to roll a barrel
trkljáti (se) hlod to roll a log
trkljajoč se kamen a rolling stone - tŕmast stubborn; obstinate; opinionated; headstrong; stiff-necked; hardbitten
tŕmast otrok a stubborn child
tŕmast kot mula (as) obstinate as a mule - tŕn thorn; spine; prickle
brez tŕnov without a thorn, spineless, thornless
poln tŕnov thorny
beli tŕn hawthorn, (redko) whitethorn
črni tŕn blackthorn, sloe
to mi je tŕn v peti (figurativno) it is a thorn in my flesh (ali in my side)
moj uspeh mu je tŕn v peti he envies me my success
biti kot na tŕnih (figurativno) to be on tenterhooks, (žargon) to be like a cat on hot bricks
ni rože brez tŕna (there is) no rose without a thorn - tŕnast thorny, thorned; prickly; figurativno (težaven) arduous, hard, laborious
stopati po tŕnasti poti to tread a thorny path - trón (prestol) throne
brez tróna throneless
posaditi, postaviti na trón koga to seat on a throne, to enthrone, to throne someone
sedeti na trónu to sit on a (oziroma the) throne
slediti na trónu to succeed to the throne
zasesti trón to mount the throne, to come to the throne - tròp1 (psov, volkov) pack; (čreda) herd; (ovac) flock
tròp lovskih psov a pack of hounds - trosíti to scatter; to strew
trosíti seme to scatter seed
trosíti letake to scatter handbills
trosíti gramoz na cesto to scatter gravel on a road
trosíti gnoj to spread manure
trosíti seno to toss hay - tŕpati to cram; to stuff; to pack tightly; to stow (z with); to press (v into)
tŕpati ljudi v avtobus to pack people into a bus
tŕpati datume v učenca (figurativno) to cram a pupil with dates - trpéti to suffer (od, zaradi from); to endure; to be in pain; (prenašati) to bear, to tolerate; to stand
hudó trpéti to suffer acutely
trpéti velike bolečine to suffer great pain
mnogo trpéti to have a hard time
trpéti pomanjkanje to suffer want, to be in great straits, to be in want
trpim za hudim glavobolom I am suffering from a bad headache
trpéti zaradi treme to suffer from stage fright
nikoli ni trpel lakote he has never experienced hunger
trpéti škodo to suffer damage
motor je močnó trpel the engine suffered severely
trgovina trpi zaradi vojne commerce suffers in war time
ne trpim radovednih ljudi I cannot bear (ali stand) inquisitive people
je ena stvar, ki je ne morem trpeti there is one thing I cannot put up with
zadeva, ki ne trpi odlašanja an affair that brooks no delay
ne morem trpéti take nesramnosti I cannot stand such impudence
trpéti žejo to suffer thirst
ne moreta se trpéti there's no love lost between them - tŕska splinter; (wood) chip; matchwood
suh kot tŕska (as) thin as a poker (ali a lath) - tŕst tŕstje reed, reeds pl
piščal iz tŕst, tŕstjea reed pipe
postelja iz tŕst, tŕstjea reedy bed
sladkorni tŕst, tŕstje sugarcane
opirati se na zlomljen tŕst, tŕstje (figurativno) to rely on (ali to lean upon) a broken reed - tŕta botanika (vinska) vine; (divja) Virginia creeper
hmeljeva tŕta hop
list vinske tŕte vine leaf, pl leaves
kol(iček) za tŕto vine prop
brajdnik, latnik za vinsko tŕto vine trellis
iz tŕte izviti (figurativno, izmisliti si) to trump up (zgodbo a story)
iz tŕte izvit trumped-up
iz tŕte izvite obdolžitve trumped-up charges pl
to je iz tŕte izvito that's nothing but a fabrication, that's rather farfetched (ali rather a tall story), that is pure imagination