
Zadetki iskanja

  • téden week, seven days pl

    dva tédna a fortnight
    nekaj tédnov a week or two
    na téden (tedensko) a week, per week
    téden za tédnom week by week, week in week out
    enkrat na téden once a week
    med tédnom in the week
    dvakrat na téden twice a week
    danes téden today week, this day week
    včeraj téden yesterday week
    pred enim tédnom a week ago
    vsak téden weekly
    v enem tédnu within a week
    prihodnji téden next week
    pretekli téden last week
    jutri téden tomorrow week
    v ponedeljek téden Monday week
    konec tédna weekend
    čez tri tédne three weeks hence
    beli téden trgovina white sale
    delovni téden working week
    40 urni delovni téden 40-hour week
    medeni tédni honeymoon
    ves téden delati to work all week
    med tédnom spim v mestu I sleep in town during the week
    téden po beli nedelji religija Low Week
  • téhten weighty; cogent; (utemeljen) well-founded

    téhten argument a substantial argument
    téhten razlog a weighty (ali cogent) reason
    téhten vzrok good reason, convincing motive
  • teint tén complexion, colour

    temen teint, tén dark complexion
    lepega teint, téna pesniško with a complexion of lilies and roses
  • ték1 (apetit) appetite; desire for food; (za kaj) zest, relish, gusto

    imam, čutim ték I have an appetite
    imam dober, zdrav (slab) ték I have a good, a keen (a poor) appetite
    jesti z dobrim tékom to eat with gusto
    izgubiti ték to lose one's appetite
    narediti, povzročiti ték to sharpen (ali to whet) the appetite
    dražiti, spodbujati si ték to stimulate one's appetite
    delati, dobiti ték to give, to get an appetite
    ték pride z jedjo the appetite grows with what it feeds on, start eating and you work up an appetite, figurativno the more you get, the more you want
    biti brez téka, ne imeti téka (žargon) to be off one's food, to be a poor eater
  • ték2 course; (tekmovalen) race; heat; (motorja) run, running

    v téku in progress, under way, going on
    v téku časa in the course of time
    v polnem téku (figurativno) in full swing, in full activity
    mrtev, prazen ték avtomobilizem neutral (gear)
    hitri ték šport sprint
    ték na pol milje half-mile race
    maratonski ték marathon
    štafetni ték relay race
    ték čez zapreke obstacle race, hurdle race, pogovorno hurdles pl
    ték čez drn in strn cross-country race
    ték na dolge (kratke) proge long-distance (short-distance) race
    tekmovanje v téku čez zapreke steeplechase
    biti v téku to be going on, to be in progress
    stvar je v téku the matter is being dealt with
    žetev je v polnem téku harvesting is in full swing
    spraviti v ték to set in motion
    spustiti se v ték to break into a run
    tekmovati v téku to run a race
    tekmoval bom s teboj v teku do onega drevesa I'll race you to the tree over there
    mrtev, neodločen ték šport dead heat
    prazen ték (stroja) backlash
  • tékma šport match, contest, competition; (tekmovanje) emulation, rivalry, contention

    tékma v boksanju boxing contest
    nogometna tékma football match
    odločilna tékma decider
    prvenstvena tékma championship match
    smučarska tékma skiing contest
    telovadna tékma gymnastics meeting
    veslaška tékma boat race, rowing race
    tékma v oboroževanju arms race
    neodločen rezultat tékme all square
    udeležiti se tékme to take part in (ali to enter) a competition
    surova tékma, tékma na življenje in smrt cutthroat competition
  • tékmec rival; emulator; competitor, contestant

    brez tékmeca without a rival
    tékmeca v ljubezni, (v snubljenju) rival lovers (rival suitors)
    on nima tékmeca there is no one to match (ali to rival) him
  • tékniti to be to one's taste

    to meso mi tekne I like this meat
    kosilo mi je teknilo I enjoyed my meal
    ta jabolka zelo dobro teknejo these apples taste very good
    ta jed mi ne tekne I don't like this dish, this dish is not to my taste
    kako vam tekne ta riba? how do you like this fish?
    prehlajen sem in nič mi ne tekne (diší) I have a cold and cannot taste anything
  • telefón telephone, phone; žargon blower

    po telefónu by telephone, by phone
    preko telefóna over the telephone (ali phone)
    Gospod X. pri telefónu! Mr. X. here!, Mr. X. speaking!
    telefón dvojček party line
    telefón na kovance pay-phone, prepayment telephone
    hišni telefón inter-office communication
    ognjeni telefón signal fires pl
    imate telefón (= telefonski aparat)? are you on the phone?
    govoriti po telefónu to talk on the phone
    ostanite pri telefónu! hold the line!
    poklicati koga po telefónu to phone someone; to ring someone up, to give someone a ring
    telefón zvoni! the phone's ringing!
    telefón za te you're wanted on the phone, it's for you
  • telefóničen telephonic

    telefónično prislov by (tele)phone, over the (tele)phone, on the (tele)phone
    telefónično (po)klicati to phone, to ring, to ring up, ZDA to call up
    telefónično vprašati to inquire by (tele)phone
    vzpostaviti telefóničen pogovor to put through a call
  • telefonírati to telephone; to phone; to ring; to ring up; ZDA to call up, to call on the (tele)phone; (izbrati številko) to dial

    telefonírati komu to ring someone up (on the telephone); to give someone a ring
    telefoniraj mi! ring me up!, give me a ring!
    medkrajevno telefonírati to make a trunk call
    oseba, ki telefonira caller
  • telefónski telephonic, telephone(-)

    telefónska centrala (telephone) exchange, ZDA telephone central (office)
    javna telefónska kabina callbox, ZDA telephonebooth (ali box)
    telefónski imenik telephone directory
    telefónska linija telephone line
    telefónska mreža telephone network
    telefónski naročnik telephone subscriber
    telefónska številka telephone number
    telefónska slušalka (telephone) receiver, handset
    telefónski pogovor telephone conversation, (na veliko oddaljenost) long-distance telephone conversation
    telefónska instalacija telephone installation
    telefónski poziv telephone call
    telefónski urad telephone office
    telefónska zveza telephone communication, ZDA telephone connection
    telefónska žica telephone wire
    vzpostaviti telefónsko zvezo to put through a call
    naprava za prisluškovanje telefónskih pogovorov bug
    prisluškovati telefónskemu pogovoru to tap a telephone
    telefónski znak, da je telefónska linija prosta dialling tone
  • telegrám telegram; wire; cable

    predati telegrám to hand in a telegram
    s telegrámom by telegram
    poslati komu telegrám to send someone a telegram, to wire someone
  • telesnína (volumen) volume

    telesnína stožca volume of a cone
  • televízijski television, TV

    televízijski ekran the small screen, the television screen
    (reden) televízijski gledalec televiewer; television viewer
    televízijska kamera telecamera
    televízijski komentator, spiker telecaster
    televízijski napovedovalec, -lka television announcer
    televízijski program, televízijska oddaja telecast, television broadcast, television programme, television show
    televízijski sprejemnik, aparat television set
    televízijski oddajnik television transmitter
    televízijski studio television studio
    gledati televízijski program to watch a television programme, to teleview
    televízijski prenos television transmission
    televízijska poročila television news
  • teló body; frame; constitution; (oseb) corporation, corporate body

    mrtvo teló (truplo) corpse
    nebesno teló heavenly body
    krepko, močno teló strong body
    lepo zgrajeno teló a well-knit body
    močnega telesa, močan po telesu strong-bodied, ablebodied
    človek krepkega telesa a well-built fellow
    trdno (tekoče, plinasto) teló solid (liquid, gaseous) body
    Rešnje teló religija the body of Our Lord, Corpus Christi, (praznik) Corpus Christi
    tuje teló foreign body
    zakonodajno teló legislative body
    biti vdan komu z dušo in telesom to be devoted body and soul to someone
    drgetati po vsem telesu to tremble all over
    predstavniško teló representative body
  • temáčen dim, obscure, dusky

    pri temáčni svetlobi sveče by the dim light of a candle
  • têmeljen fundamental, basic, basal; essential; primary

    têmeljna delnica primary share
    têmeljna glavnica capital, trading capital; principal; capital stock
    têmeljni kamen foundation stone, cornerstone
    položiti têmeljni kamen to lay a foundation stone
    têmeljna organizacija združenega dela (TOZD) basic organization of associated labour (BOAL)
  • temeljít radical; thorough; fundamental; sweeping

    temeljíta sprememba radical (ali sweeping) change
    temeljít ukrep radical (ali sweeping) measure
    temeljíto znanje thorough knowledge
    doživeti temeljíto spremembo to undergo a radical change
    moraš si vzeti temeljít počitek you must take a complete rest
  • temperamént temperament; disposition; frame of mind; temper; (živahnost) animation, vivacity, liveliness, spirit, verve

    brez temperaménta spiritless
    koleričen temperamént choleric temperament
    brezbrižen po temperaméntu temperamentally (naturally) apathetic
    nima nobenega temperaménta he has no life in him
    on je živčnega temperaménta he has a nervous temperament