kòt2 as, like; (za primernikom ter za other, otherwise, else, rather) than; (za nikalnicami) but
čisto tako kòt just like
ne tako kòt unlike
več kòt 500 ljudi more than 500 people
bolje je to naredila ona kòt on she did it better than he (did) (ali pogovorno than him)
rajši kòt rather than
noben drug kòt ti none other than you
kòt kompliment by way of a compliment
to je lažje rečeno kòt storjeno it is easier said than done
prav kòt, baš kòt just as, just like, just the same as
kòt da as if, as though
kòt po maslu, kòt namazano (figurativno) like clockwork, swimmingly, without a hitch
kòt za stavo fast, quickly, hard
delal sem kòt za stavo I worked hard and fast
toliko je star kòt jaz he is old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
ni toliko star kòt jaz he is not so old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
kòt primer by way of example
kòt vedno as usual, as always
umreti kòt berač to die a pauper
kòt na primer as for instance
ona to jemlje, kòt da se to samo po sebi razume she takes it for granted
znan je kòt oderuh he is a notorious usurer
jaz bi rajši šel peš, kòt pa da bi se peljal I would rather walk than drive
ni ga bolj priljubljenega človeka, kòt je on there is no one more popular than he is (ali than he, pogovorno than him)
Zadetki iskanja
- kotírati trgovina to value, to esteem; geografija to mark the heights
kotirane cene quoted prices pl
na borzi kotirane delnice listed shares pl - kôza goat, she-goat, pogovorno nanny goat; (stojalo) trestle, jack, horse; (telovadno orodje) vaulting horse
divja kôza chamois, (v Pirenejih) izard
kôze pl medicina smallpox, variola
brazgotina od kôz pockmark, smallpox mark
cepljenje proti kôzam vaccination
cepivo proti kôzam vaccine
ki ima kôze medicina variolous
kôza za žaganje sawhorse, ZDA sawbuck
skakati čez kôzo šport to vault, to leap a vaulting horse
ne more biti volk sit in kôza cela (figurativno) you can't have it both ways
most na kôzah trestle bridge - kozárec glass; cup; (velik) rummer, bumper, beaker; (za vodo) tumbler; (kupica) goblet, drinkingcup; (poln) brimmer
kozárec vode a glass of water
ostanek v kozárcu heeltap
žvenket kozárcev clink of glasses
en kozárec čez mero (figurativno) one over the top
izpiti, izprazniti kozárec do dna to drink (ali to drain) to the last drop
izpiti kozárec na dušek to drain at one gulp, to gulp down, to knock back
rad pogleda v kozárec (figurativno), rad ga ima kozárec he is fond of his glass
piti šampanjec s polnimi kozárci to drink champagne by the glassful
pregloboko pogledati v kozárec (figurativno) to have a glass too much, to take a sip too much, to be in one's cups
trčiti kozárec to touch glasses, to clink glasses (s kom with someone) - kôzel
1. zoologija he-goat, pogovorno billy goat; (smrdljiva oseba) stinker, arhaično stinkard
grešni kôzel (figurativno, vsegakriv) scapegoat
biti grešni kôzel (figurativno trpeti za druge) to be the scapegoat (ali pogovorno the fall guy)
kôzle streljati (figurativno) to commit blunders
kôzla ustreliti (figurativno) to drop a brick (ali pogovorno a clanger), to put one's foot in it, to blunder
postaviti kôzla za vrtnarja to set a thief to catch a thief
kôzel na kočiji coach box, dickey seat - kóža skin; (odrta z živali, za izdelovanje usnja) hide; (polt) complexion
brez kóže skinless
debela kóža thick skin
kóža z dlako fell
kóža z glave scalp
surova kóža rawhide
strojena kóža dressed skin, tanned hide, (z lasmi) coat; (kačji lev) slough
občutljiva kóža sensitive skin
zunanja kóža epidermis
le kost in kóža nothing but skin and bone
do kóže moker, premočen wet to the skin, soaked (ali drenched) to the skin, dripping wet, sopping wet, wringing wet
barva kóže colour (of the skin), (obraza) complexion, (temna) tanned (ali bronzed) complexion, (svetla) fair complexion
krema za kóžo skin cream, cold cream, face cream
mazilo za kóžo skin ointment
presaditev kóže medicina skin-grafting
vnetje kóže medicina skin inflammation, dermatitis
srbenje kóže itching, medicina prurigo; pruritus
ne bi hotel biti v njegovi kóži I wouldn't like to be in his shoes (ali in his skin)
braniti svojo kóžo to defend oneself
sama kost in kóža ga je he is nothing but (ali he is only) skin and bone, he is as thin as a lath, he is a bag of bones
iz kóže dati to skin, to flay; to strip the skin off
za kóžo mi gre my life is at stake
on ima debelo kóžo (figurativno) he is not thin-skinned, he is thick-skinned
kóža se mi je ob tem naježila it made my flesh creep
na lastni kóži občutiti to learn something to one's cost
nositi svojo kóžo na prodaj (figurativno) to do something at one's personal risk
odnesti celo (zdravo) kóžo to escape safely, to escape without a scratch; to save one's bacon, to escape unscathed; to get away scotfree; to escape with life and limb; to get off with a whole skin; to come out of something with a whole skin
gre za mojo kóžo my safety (ali my life) is at stake (ali is in danger)
iz kóže skočiti (figurativno) to jump out of one's skin
kóžo odreti to flay
strojiti kóže to dress (ali to tan, to curry) skins (ali hides)
ustrojiti komu kóžo (figurativno) to tan (ali to curry, to warm) someone's hide - kráj1 place; locality, locus, pl loci ali locuses; site; spot; (vas) village; (konec) end, finish
od krája do krája from place to place
iz krája v kráj from one place to another
od krája (od začetka) from the beginning
na kráju samem on the spot
od konca do krája from one end to the other, thoroughly
iz vseh krájev from all parts, from all quarters
na istem kráju at the same place
rojstni kráj birthplace, place of birth, one's native place
kráj in datum place and date
kráj dejanja scene of action
odmaknjen kráj a remote spot, ZDA pogovorno a one-horse town
na vseh koncih in krájih all over the place
moja potrpežljivost je pri kráju my patience is exhausted
moja zaloga gre h kráju my stock is running low (ali is running short)
z njim je pri kráju his end is near (ali nigh)
to mi ni bilo niti na kráju pameti I never dreamt of it, far be it from me
sem pri kráju s svojo pametjo I am at my wits' end
temu ni ne konca ne krája there is no end to it
kako ti ugaja ta kráj? how do you like this place?
nisi me poslušal do krája you haven't heard me out
potegniti krajši kráj (figurativno) (biti premagan, izgubiti) to come off a loser
drugi kráji druge šege every country has its customs
brez konca in krája endless, prislov endlessly
vsi do krája all without exception, nobody excepted
iti do krája (do konca) (figurativno) to go the whole hog - králj king (tudi pri šahu, kartah)
králj živali (= lev) king of beasts
sveti trije králji religija Three Kings, Three Wise Men; Three Magi
sv. trije králji (praznik) Twelfth Day, Epiphany, feast of the Epiphany, (večer) twelfth Night
kolač na dan sv. treh králjev twelfth-cake
igrati králja to king it, to act the king
izvoliti za králja to elect a king, to elect someone king
umor, morilec králja regicide
králj Jurij King George - krátek short; brief; (kratko povzet) summary; (čas) of short duration
na krátko in short, shortly, briefly
v krátkem within a short time, soon, shortly, before long
pred krátkim recently, the other day, lately, newly, of late, a short time ago, a short while ago, not long ago, not long since
do pred krátkim until lately, until quite recently
krátko in jedrnato short and to the point
na krátko povedano je stvar, da... the long and the short of it is that...
na krátko mu rečejo Joe he is called Joe for short
krátek čas pastime, amusement
krátka biografija profile
krátek film (film) short, (2.000 čevljev dolg) two-reeler
krátek opis précis
krátek rok short term
krátek spomin short memory
krátek val shortwave
na krátkih valovih in the shortwave (frequency) band
krátka vsebina summary, abstract
krátek stik (elektrika) short circuit
koga na krátko držati to keep someone on a short lead
krátko se izraziti to put it briefly
biti krátek s kom to be short with someone
ona ima krátek spomin she has a short memory, she is forgetful
delati komu krátek čas to amuse someone, to entertain someone
knjiga bo v krátkem izšla the book will be out soon
oddajati na krátkih valovih iz... to transmit (ali to broadcast) on shortwaves from...
posta(ja)ti krátek to become short, to shorten
krátko povedano in short
povej na krátko! cut it short!
da na krátko povem to be brief, to cut (ali to make) a long story short, to put it in a nutshell, to sum up
krátko potegniti (figurativno) to come off badly, to draw a blank, to come off second best
krajši konec potegniti (figurativno) to get the worst of it, to be the loser - krátko short; briefly
na krátko in a few words, in short
da na krátko povem to sum up, to be brief, in brief, briefly told, to put it briefly
jaz te krátko malo ne razumem I do not understand you at all - kréda chalk; geologija cretaceous period; (prah) whiting
risalna kréda drawing chalk
krojaška kréda soapstone, French chalk, tailor's chalk
pisati s krédo na tablo to write (ali to chalk) on the blackboard - kredít credit; loan
na kredít or credit, pogovorno on tick
dolgoročen (kratkoročen) kredít long-term (shortterm) credit
dati, dodeliti kredít to grant a credit
dati komu kredít v višini X SIT to give someone credit for X tolars
imeti kredít to enjoy credit
kupiti na kredít to buy on credit
odpreti kredít pri kom to open a credit account with someone
prekoračiti kredít to overdraw one's credit
trgovati na kredít to deal on credit
vzeti kredít to raise credit
odobritev kredíta allowance of credit - kreníti to start, to move, to set off, to set out (v for)
kreníti na potovanje to set out (ali off, arhaično forth) on a journey
kreníti proti sovražniku to set out (ali arhaično forth) against the enemy
kreníti po najkrajši poti to take the shortest way
krenite na levo (na desno)! turn to the left (to the right)!
kreníti na pot to set out (ali off) on one's way
nenadoma kreníti vstran to swerve
kreníti naprej to move ahead - kričati to shout, to csy, to scream; to bawl; (množica) to clamour
na vso moč, na vse grlo kričati to shout with all one's might, to yell at the top of one's voice - kríplje
na vse kríplje with all one's might, to the utmost of one's power
na vse kríplje sem se trudil I left no stone unturned, I took all pains imaginable, I tried my utmost, I did everything possible
prizadevajoč si na vse kríplje going all out (ali flat out) - krív (krivda) guilty, culpable, guilt-stained; (zvit, nevaren) curved, deformed, distorted, crooked, bent
po krivem falsely
krívi bogovi idols pl
krív prerok a false prophet
kríva prisega perjury, false oath
kríva vera misbelief, erroneous belief, heresy
kdo je krív? who is to blame?, whose fault is it?
jaz nisem krív it is not my fault, I am not to blame
biti krív to bear the blame, to be to blame, to be at fault
on ni čisto nič krív he is quite blameless
tega so kríve okoliščine this is due to (ali owing to) circumstances
sam si je krív (= prav mu je) serves him right
bil je po krívem obsojen he was unjustly condemned
po krívem priseči to commit perjury, to perjure oneself
priznati se za krívega to plea gullty
spoznati za krívega to find someone guilty
biti spoznan za krívega to be found guilty (za of)
zaiti na kríva pota to go astray, to leave the straight and narrow, to take the wrong turning, to go wrong - krívda guilt; fault
priznanje krívde plea of guilty
ni moja krívda it is not my fault, it's no fault of mine
čigava krívda je? whose fault is it?
dokazati komu krívdo to convict someone
vzeti krívdo nase to bear the blame
obtoženec je trdovratno zanikal krívdo the accused persisted in denying his guilt
zvaliti krívdo na koga to put te guilt on someone, žargon to let someone take the rap - kríž cross; (razpelo) crucifix; (pri kartah) club (s pl); anatomija loins pl, the small of the back; (živalski) croup; (konjski) crupper; (goveji) rump; figurativno affliction, grief, sorrow, tribulation
Rdeči kríž Red Cross
kljukasti kríž swastika, hooked cross
grški (latinski, Andrejev) kríž Greek (Latin, St. Andrew's) cross
malteški kríž Maltese cross
Južni kríž astronomija the Southern Cross
vrtljiv kríž (pri vhodu itd.) turnstile
trganje, bolečine v krížu medicina lumbago
snemanje s kríža religija descent from the cross, deposition
kríž me boli my back aches
imeti že štiri kríže (= 40 let) za seboj to be on the wrong side of forty
še ne imeti štirih krížev za seboj to be on the right side of forty
kríž napraviti (pokrižati se) to cross oneself, to make the sign of the cross
vsak mora nositi svoj kríž (figurativno) everyone must bear his own cross
napraviti kríž čez kaj (figurativno) to give something up as lost
prebresti vse kríže in težave to come through all the troubles and tribulations
hrabro prenašati svoje kríže to bear one's tribulations bravely
pribiti na kríž to nail to the cross
umreti na krížu to die on the cross - križárjenje cruise, cruising
iti na križárjenje po Sredozemlju to go on a Mediterranean cruise - kŕma1 (ladje) stern; poop
na kŕmi, proti kŕmi abaft, aft
desna (leva) stran kŕme starboard (port)
ladja na kolesa na kŕmi stern-wheeler
vrata, odprtina na kŕmi stern-port
od kljuna do kŕme from stem to stern
s kŕmo naprej stern on
pluti s kŕmo naprej to have sternway
pluti z vetrom v kŕmi to sail with the wind
preplaviti kŕmo to poop