mórje sea, (svetovno) ocean; pesniško billow
ob mórju by the sea
na mórju at sea; at the seaside, on the seashore
na odprtem mórju on the open sea, on the high seas
onstran mórja beyond the sea
prek mórja overseas, oversea
odprto mórje high sea, open sea, pesniško main
Črno (Rdeče, Mrtvo) mórje the Black (the Red, the Dead) Sea
Kaspijsko mórje the Caspian Sea, the Caspian
Jadransko mórje the Adriatic Sea, the Adriatic
Severno mórje the North Sea
Sredozemsko mórje the Mediterranean, pogovorno the Med
Tiho mórje the pacific, the Pacific Ocean
kipenje mórja surf (of the sea)
mirovanje mórja calm (ali calmness) of the sea
bitka na mórju naval battle
nagrbančeno, nagubano mórje choppy sea
razburkano mórje a heavy sea, a rough sea, an angry sea
mórje krví (figurativno) seas pl of blood
mórje oblakov a sea of clouds
mórje težav a sea of troubles
vožnja po mórju naviagation, seafaring, voyage
iti na mórje to go to the seaside, to go to the sea
peljati se čez mórje to cross the sea
biti na mórju to be at the seaside, to be by the sea
potovati po mórju to voyage
potovati po mórju in po kopnem to travel by land and sea
mórje je razburkano the sea is running high, there is a heavy swell
pasti v mórje (s krova) to fall overboard
vreči v mórje (z ladje) to throw overboard
to je kaplja v mórje (figurativno) it's a drop in the bucket
mórje obliva obalo the sea washes the coast
navadil sem se na mórje I have got used to the sea
posvetiti se mórju (postati mornar) to go to sea, to follow the sea, to decide on a sailor's life (ali humoristično a life on the ocean wave)
vsa družina je na mórju all the family are at the seaside
kapljica v mórje (figurativno) a drop in the ocean
Zadetki iskanja
- mrák dusk, nightfall, twilight; dimness, darkness, obscurity; murkiness; night
v mráku at nightfall, in the dark, in obscurity
mrák se dela it is growing dark, it is getting dark, dusk (ali twilight) is approaching, it will soon be nightfall
od zore do mráka from morning till night - mŕdati (se) to grimace; to pull faces; to make grimaces
mŕdati z nosom to turn up one's nose (nad čim at something) - mŕtev dead; (umrli, rajni) deceased, late
mŕtvi pl the dead; (brez življenja) lifeless, inanimate, inert; (brezčuten) insensible, benumbed, hardened (za against); (ugasel) extinct; past; (neproduktiven) idle
na pol mŕtev half-dead
mŕtev kot hlod stone dead, as dead as a doornail, dead as mutton
bolj mŕtev kot živ more dead than alive; more than half-dead
ves mŕtev na kaj dead keen on something, crazy about something, pogovorno into something
že davno mŕtev dead and gone
stoj, ali pa si mŕtev! stop, or you're a dead man!
mŕtev jezik dead language
mŕtva barva dull (ali lifeless) colour
mŕtev kapital unemployed (ali frozen) capital
mŕtva kopriva dead nettle
Mrtvo morje the Dead Sea
mŕtva sezona dead (ali off) season
mŕtva tišina dead silence
mŕtva oseba the deceased, dead person; vojska casualty
mŕtev tir dead-end siding
mŕtev kót dead ground, shielded angle, blind spot
mŕtva veja dead branch
mŕtva teža dead weight
mŕtva straža vojska forlorn hope
mŕtev prostor dead area
mŕtva točka tehnika dead centre, dead point, (figurativno) deadlock, standstill
mŕtev tek tehnika lost motion, šport dead heat
kraljestvo mrtvih kingdom (ali realm) of the dead
sežig(anje) mrtvih cremation, incineration
smo na mŕtvi točki (figurativno) we are at a standstill
stvar je prišla na mŕtvo točko it came to a deadlock
pogajanja so prišla na mŕtvo točko the negotiations have come to a deadlock (ali to a dead end, to a standstill)
denar mu leži mŕtev v blagajni his money lies dead in a safe
biti ves mŕtev na kaj to be mad (ali crazy) about something, to be dead (ali mad) keen on something
delati se mrtvega to feign death, to sham dead
pretepsti do mŕtvega to beat black and blue
proglasiti za mŕtvega to declare someone dead, to officially pronounce someone dead
zbuditi (vstati) od mrtvih to raise (to rise) from the dead
zgruditi se mŕtev to drop dead, to die in one's boots, ZDA to die in one's tracks - mŕzličen feverish; feverous
z mŕzlično naglico with feverish haste
delati z mŕzlično naglico to work at white heat - múčiti to torture; to torment; to rack; to inflict pain on, to martyr; to maltreat; (bolečina) to hurt, to ail; (v šoli) to bully, to intimidate; (dražiti z varljivimi upi) to tantalize; (nadlegovati, jeziti) to bother, to worry, to vex, to plague, to tease, to grieve, to harass
skrbi jo mučijo she is tormented with worry
muči ga protin he is a martyr to gout
muči me misel na... I am uneasy (ali anxious) about...
do smrti múčiti to martyr
múčiti se (z delom) to labour, to slave, to toil, to moil, to toil and moil; to be at pains; to take pains, to make efforts, to strive hard, to struggle; to trouble oneself
múčiti se navkreber, v hrib to toil up the hill
múčiti se kot črna živina to drudge
muči se na žive in mrtve he is working himself to death - múha zoologija fly; figurativno (muhavost) caprice, whim, freak, fancy, vagary, crotchet, bee in one's bonnet
cece múha tseste, tsetse fly
domača múha common housefly
konjska múha horsefly
mesarska múha flesh fly, blowfly, bluebottle
španska múha Spanish fly, cantharis, pl cantharides
umetna múha (kot vaba) fly, (za ribolov) dry fly, hackle fly, hackle, grey-drake, ZDA tail fly
múha na strelnem orožju sight, bead
opikan od múh fly-bitten
onesnažen od múh flyblown
biti od múh (biti nič vreden) to be of no use, to be good for nothing, to be a dead loss
na múho vzeti (figurativno) to take aim (kaj at something)
iz múhe slona narediti (figurativno) to make a mountain out of a molehill, to make mountains out of molehills
s kolom múhe pobijati (figurativno) to break a fly on the wheel
čudne múhe mu rojijo po glavi he's got bats in the belfry
lahkó bi bili slišali múho leteti (taka tišina je bila) you could have heard a pin drop
ubiti dve múhi z enim udarcem to kill two birds with one stone
v sili hudič múhe žre (figurativno) beggars can't be choosers, half a loaf is better than no bread - načín manner; mode; way; method; style; fashion; arhaično wise
na ta načín in this way (ali manner), by this means, thus, arhaično in this wise
na isti načín in the same way (ali manner)
na sličen načín in a similar way, arhaično in like manner
na vsak načín by all means
na ta ali oni načín one way or another, by hook or by crook, by fair means or foul
na lep načín in style, in fine style
na nelep (neokusen) načín in poor style
na slovesen načín ceremoniously, arhaično in solemn wise
na tak načín, da... in such a way that...
na kakšen načín? in which way?, how, by what means?
na noben načín by no means, on no account, not at all, arhaično nowise, in no wise
na neki načín in a way, in some way, in some fashion
na vse mogoče načíne in every possible way
na podoben načín similarly, arhaično in like wise (ali manner)
na drug(ačen) načín in some other way
na kakršenkoli načín in any way
na svoj (lasten) načín in one's own way
glagolski načín gramatika mood
načín plačevanja mode of payment
načín življenja way (ali style, mode) of life, life-style
produkcijski načín mode of production
prikazal je stvar na svoj načín he gave his own version of the affair
načín dela way of doing things, mode of work
načín in višina obdavčevanja mode and rate of taxation - naglédati se to look (ali to watch) one's fill, to look to one's heart's content; to gaze one's fill
nisem se ga mogel naglédati se I could never tire of gazing at him
naglej se je! just look at that girl!, pogovorno get an eyeful of that! - nahodíti se to take a long walk; to get enough walking done
ob sobotah in nedeljah se nahodim za ves teden we get a whole week's walking done at the weekend; (utruditi se od hoje) to walk one's legs off, to tire oneself out by walking
za danes smo se dovolj nahodili pogovorno we've done enough traipsing around for today - nahrúliti
nahrúliti koga to berate, to abuse; to rail at someone, to bite someone's head off; to give someone a good ticking off (ali pogovorno a real rollicking) - najblížji the nearest, the closest; (soseden) adjoining
v najblížji (sosedni) hiši next-door
vsak je sebi najblížji charity begins at home - nájbolje best
kar nájbolje sem mogel as best as I could
smatram za nájbolje (da grem v...) I think it best (to go to...)
najbolje je, če (poveš resnico) you had best (tell the truth)
nájbolje zanj bi bilo najeti avto he had best rent a car
nájbolje bi (jaz) storil, če bi ostal (ostanem) doma I had best stay at home
kakor nájbolje vem in znam to the best of my knowledge (ali power, ability) - najbóljši the best; first-rate, superior, prime
v najbóljšem primeru at (the) best
on je najbóljši učenec v razredu he is top of his form
v najbóljših letih in the prime of life
najbóljši učenec the top pupil
najbóljše od vsega the very best
moja najbóljša (praznična) obleka my best, my Sunday best
vse najbóljše! all the best!, I wish you all the best of luck! - najhújši -a, -e the worst
v najhújšem primeru if the worst comes to the worst, at the worst, in the worst case
najhújše še pride the worst is yet to come
vzemimo, da pride do najhújšega let us suppose the worst comes to the worst
bodi pripravljen na najhújše! be prepared for the worst!
najhújši tiran, kar jih je kdaj bilo the worst tyrant there ever was
kar je pri tem najhújše, je to, da... the worst of it is that...
če bi se zgodilo najhújše if the worst should happen (ali arhaično befall) - namériti
namériti na to aim at; to take aim at
namériti se (zgoditi se) to happen, arhaično to come to pass
namériti se na koga to meet someone, to happen to meet someone
namériti (top) (na) to zero in (on) - namésto instead of; in place of; by way of
namésto koga arhaično in someone's stead
pojdi tja namésto mene! go there instead of me (ali arhaično in my stead)
namésto da bi ostal doma... instead of staying at home... - namigováti namigávati ➞ namigniti
ne vem, na kaj namiguješ (pogovorno) I don't know what you're getting at (ali driving at) - namŕdati namŕdniti to distort
namŕdati, namŕdniti se to pull a face, to make a (wry) face; to wrinkle one's nose, to shoot out one's lips, to screw up one's mouth
ni, da bi se namrdnil ob tem this is not to be sneezed at - napériti (nameriti) to aim (na at, against), to point (at)
napériti s slanino to lard
napériti tožbo proti komu to bring (ali to enter, to lay) an action against someone
to je bilo naperjeno name that was meant for me
naperjen proti komu aimed (ali figurativno directed) at someone
z naperjenim revolverjem with pistol raised (ali at the ready)