frekvénten frequent
frekvénten pulz rapid pulse
frekvéntna avtobusna proga well-used (ali popular) bus route
Zadetki iskanja
- frizírati
frizírati koga to dress someone's hair, to do (ali to fix) someone's hair
frizírati se to dress one's hair, ZDA to fix one's hair
dati se frizírati to have one's hair dressed, pogovorno to have a hairdo - frontálen frontal
frontálni napad vojska frontal (ali head-on) attack
frontálno trčenje head-on collision
frontálni ogenj vojska frontal fire - frúla (pastirska) pipe; (z več cevmi) panpipe, panpipes pl; flute
igrati na frúlo to play the pipe (ali flute), to pipe - fúga glasba fugue
skladatelj ali izvajalec fug fuguist - fundamênt foundation; basis; base
fundamênt moderne družbe the groundwork (ali the basis) of modern society - funkcionírati to function; to act; to run; to operate; (stroj) to work, to go
ne funkcionírati to be out of order
dvigalo ne funkcionira the lift is out of order
stroj dobro funkcionira the machine is working (ali running) perfectly
zavora ni funkcionirala the brake refused to act
ledvice ne funkcionirajo več the kidneys are no longer functioning (properly)
odlično funkcionírati to be in excellent working order
nekaj ne funkcionira (ni v redu, šepa) there's something wrong somewhere - fúrija; Fúrija mitologija fury; Fury; (besnost) fury, rage; (zlobna ženska) fury, virago, termagant, pogovorno battleaxe
ona je prava fúrija; Fúrija she is a regular virago (ali a real termagant) - gàd zoologija viper, adder; pesniško asp
rediti gàda na prsih figurativno to nurse (ali to cherish, to nourish) a viper in one's bosom - gálica kemija copperas
modra gálica blue (ali copper) vitriol (ali copperas)
zelena gálica iron (ali green) vitriol, green copperas - ganiti
1. to move; to touch; to affect; to impress; to strike; (zbuditi pomilovanje) to arouse pity
to me ne gane that makes no impression on me
Vaša obzirnost me gane I am highly appreciative of your tactfulness
zelo me je (to) ganilo it has touched me deeply
njene besede so me ganile do solz her words moved me to tears
njegova žalost me je do srca ganila his grief touched me to the heart
2. (premakniti) to move, to stir
s prstom ni ganil zame he did not lift (ali raise) a finger for me
ganiti se (z mesta) to move, to stir, to budge - garancija guarantee; warranty
z garancijo prodajno blago warranted (ali guaranteed goods) pl
patentiran brez državne garancije patent without government guarantee
kot garancija za to pogodbo as guarantee for (ali as security for) this agreement
garancija proti security against, insurance against, safeguard against
ne potrebujem (ne želim) nobene druge garancije kot Vašo besedo I want no other guarantee than your word, pogovorno your word will do for me
ne moremo prevzeti nobene garancije we cannot assume any responsibility
pustiti svoje dragulje kot garancijo to pawn (ali to pledge) one's jewels, to leave one's jewels in pawn
zahteval bom dobre garancije I shall want good security
naša moč je naša najboljša garancija proti novi invaziji our strength is our best safeguard against a new invasion
ki ima tovarniško garancijo factory warranted - garánt surety, guarantee; (zlasti pravo) bail
on jim je garánt he goes bail for them, he stands surety for them
jaz sem garánt, da je to res I vouch (ali I answer) for the truth of it - garantírati to guarantee; (dolg, posojilo) to guarantee, to secure; (predmet, proizvod) to guarantee, to warrant; (jamčiti za) to guarantee, to answer for, to vouch for
lahko ti jamčim, da ni ničesar povedal I can guarantee (ali I can vouch for it) that he said nothing - generálen general
generálna agencija general agency
generálni direktor chief manager, general manager, president; managing director
generálni inšpektor inspector general
generálni konzul consul general
generálno pooblastilo general (ali full) power of attorney
generálni pregled (avta) general overhaul
generálna skupščina general meeting
generálna skušnja gledališče dress rehearsal
generálna stavka general strike
generálni štab general staff
generálni zastopnik general agent
generálni tajnik secretary general
generálni zemljevid small-scale map - gimnástika gymnastics; figurativno mental exercise
švedska gimnástika Swedish gymnastic (ali drill ali movements)
učenje latinščine je dobra gimnástika the study of Latin is a good mental exercise
ritmična gimnástika callisthenics, ZDA calisthenics - gínjen moved; touched; affected
do solz gínjen moved to tears
biti globoko gínjen to be deeply stirred (ali moved)
bil je gínjen ob tem prizoru he felt deeply (ali greatly) moved at the sight
odgovoril je z gínjenim glasom he answered with emotion in his voice - glád hnuger; (lakota) famine, starvation
glád (pohlep) po thirst for, greed for, craving for (ali after)
volčji glád ravenous hunger
imam volčji glád I am famished
umirati od gládu to starve, to be famished
umreti, poginiti od gládu to die (ali to perish) of hunger (ali of starvation), to starve to death
umiram od gládu (figurativno) I'm simply starving
pustili so jih, da so umrli od gládu they left them to die of hunger
z gládom prisiliti k predaji, k pokorščini to starve into surrender, into submission
trpeti glád to starve, to famish
utešiti, pomiriti (si) glád to appease one's hunger, to satisfy one's hunger, arhaično to stay one's stomach
glád je najboljši kuhar hunger is the best sauce - gláditi to smooth (down, out); to leek; to polish; (z roko) to stroke, to caress; (les) to plane, to smooth
gláditi mačko po hrbtu to stroke a cat's back
gláditi si brado to stroke one's beard
gláditi si lase to slick (ali to sleek) one's hair - glás (zvok) voice, sound, noise; (novica, vest) news, tidings pl, message; (sloves) fame, reputation, repute, renown; (pri volitvah) vote; (volilna pravica) franchise, suffrage, right to vote
na ves glás at the top of one's voice
s preroškim glásom with the voice of a prophet, in a prophetic voice
glás ljudstva public opinion, vox populi
glás vesti the voice of conscience, pesniško the still (ali small) voice
glás vpijočega v puščavi the voice of one crying in the wilderness
glásovi za in proti the ayes and the noes
s 400 glásovi proti 0 by 400 votes to nil
dober glás (sloves) reputation, good fame, repute, renown
na dobrem glásu well reputed, reputable
slab glás (sloves) ill repute, bad name, bad reputation, notoriety
na slabem glásu in bad odour, regarded unfavourably, notorious
nabiranje glásov pred volitvami canvassing
odločilni glás casting vote
srebrni glás zvona the silver voice of the bell
svetovnega glásu world-famous
socialistični glási (pri volitvah) the Socialist vote
večina 50 glásov a majority of 50 votes
višina glásu pitch
biti na dobrem glásu to be well regarded, to have a good reputation
dati svoj (volilni) glás za to vote for
dal vam bom svoj glás I will give you my vote
predlog je dobil malo glásov the proposal was poorly supported
dobiti večino glásov to win a majority, to top the poll
govoriti na glás to speak in a loud voice
ni na najboljšem glásu he has a rather poor reputation
dobil, dosegel je večino 30 glásov he gained a majority of 30 votes
ona ima lep glás she has a fine voice
nimam glásu (vesti) od njega I have not heard from him
imeti posvetovalen glás to have a consultative voice; to have a merely advisory capacity
poslušati glás prijatelja to listen to the voice of a friend
prešteti (volilne) glásove to count the votes
povzdigniti svoj glás to raise one's voice; to make oneself heard
pridobiti si dober glás to earn (ali to win) a good reputation
spoznal sem jo po glásu I knew her by her voice
slišijo se glásovi, da..., glás gre, da... it is rumoured that...
biti poražen z 10 glásovi proti 8 (z 10 proti 0) to be defeated by 10 votes to 8 (by 10 votes to nil)
ubogati glás svojega vodje to obey the orders of one's leader
njegov glás je utonil v hrušču his voice was drowned by the noise
uživati dober glás to enjoy a first-rate (ali a good) reputation
zakričati, zavpiti na ves glás to shout at the top of one's voice