spremeníti to change; to alter; to modify; to convert; to vary
to na stvari nič ne spremeni it doesn't make any difference to things, it does not alter the facts
spremeníti barvo to change colour
spremeníti svoje vedenje to change one's behaviour, (figurativno) one's approach
prepisal sem to, ne da bi spremenil eno samo vrsto I copied it without altering a single line
spremeníti se to change, to alter, to undergo a change
spremeníti se na boljše (slabše) to change (ali to alter) for the better (for the worse)
se ne da nič spremeníti (pomagati) it can't be helped
s tem se položaj spremeni that changes the case
časi so se zelo spremenili times have (ali are) greatly changed
vreme se je nenadoma spremenilo a sudden change of weather has taken place
spremeníti zakon to revise an act
Zadetki iskanja
- spréten dexterous, handy, adroit, deft; skilful, skilled (v in); proficient, adept; workmanly
za vse spréten človek jack-of-all-trades, pl jacks-
spréten v izmikanju vprašanjem adept at evading questions
zelo sprétno with great skill
on je spréten pri, v he is a good hand at (ali is skilful at) - spréti (razdvojiti) to set at variance
spréti se to quarrel (with each other), to have a quarrel (ali a dispute); to fall out with one another
to jih je sprlo that set them at variance
biti sprt z to be at odds with (someone) (gledé regarding, concerning) - sprevájati
sprevájati koga to take someone for a walk
sprevájati konja to walk a horse up and down
sprevájati psa to take a (ali the) dog out for a walk - sprevòd procession; train; vojska marching column
pogrebni sprevòd funeral procession, funeral train
poročni sprevòd wedding procession
sprevòd avtomobilov motorcade
sprevòd jezdecev cavalcade
biti v poročnem sprevòdu to take part in a wedding procession
iti v sprevòdu to walk, to go in procession
slavnosten sprevòd parade, show, pageant - spričeválo certificate; (potrdilo) attestation
šolsko spričeválo report
maturitetno spričeválo school-leaving certificate
zdravniško spričeválo medical certificate, certificate of health; (za služinčad) reference, character; testimonial
izdati komu spričeválo to grant someone a certificate
dati služkinji dobro spričeválo to give a servant a good character - sprijázniti se to reconcile oneself (z izgubo to a loss); to become reconciled; to tolerate (something); to get familiar with
sprijázniti se z dejstvom, da... to reconcile oneself to the fact that...
sprijázniti se z odločitvijo to submit to a decision
ne sprijázniti se z rezultatom not to take kindly to the result
ne morem se sprijázniti se z mislijo... I cannot get used to the idea...
sprijázniti se s svojo usodo to reconcile oneself (ali to become reconciled) to one's fate
sprijázniti se s srečo in nesrečo to take the ups and downs
sprijázniti se z neprijetnim to take the bad with the good - sprostílen
sprostílen humor a saving humour - spróžiti to pull the trigger; to fire, to fire off; to actuate; to unlatch, to release, to disconnect, to launch; to touch off
spróžiti pištolo to fire a pistol
sprožil je predlog he threw out the suggestion
spróžiti vprašanje to raise a question
spróžiti atomsko vojno to unleash an atomic war
spróžiti se to go off - spustíti to let off, to let loose; to let go, to leave; (na tla) to drop
spustíti bombo aeronavtika to drop, to release a bomb
svoj bes spustíti na koga to vent one's anger on someone
spustíti svoj plen to let go (oziroma to drop) one's prey
spustíti ladjo v morje to launch a ship
spustíti psa na koga to set the dog on someone
spustíti psa z verige to unchain the dog
spustíti zastor to lower the curtain
spustíti (doli) okno to let down the window
spusti me! let me go!, leave me alone!
spustíti se na... to alight on...
spustíti se doli to descend, to come down
spustíti se na zemljo (letalo) to land
spustíti se v kaj to enter into something, figurativno to embark on, to engage in something
spustíti se v špekulacije to embark on speculations
spustíti se v tek to start running
spustíti se v beg to take to flight, to take to one's heels
spustíti se v pogovor z to enter into conversation with - sráčji magpie's; magpie(-)
sráčje gnezdo a magpie's nest - sráka zoologija magpie; pie
krasti kot sráka to filch like a magpie - sramôta shame; infamy, ignominy, ignobleness, ignobility; shamefulness; disgrace; reproach
velika sramôta burning shame
on je sramôta za... he is a reproach to...
to je sramôta za mesto this is a reproach to the town
biti komu v sramôto to be a disgrace to someone
delati sramôto komu to shame someone, to bring reproach upon someone
sramôta! for shame!
kakšna sramôta! what a shame!
on je v sramôto svoji družini he is a disgrace to his family
nakopati sramôto komu (sebi) to bring shame on someone (on oneself)
toliko večja sramôta zanj! more shame to him! - srcé heart; figurativno (jedro) pith, core, marrow
od srca from one's heart
brez srca heartless, cruel, hardhearted, unfeeling
v srcu at heart
na dnu mojega srca in my heart of hearts
z grenkobo v srcu with bitterness in one's heart
s težkim (lahkim) srcem (figurativno) with a heavy (light) heart
iz vsega srca with all my heart and soul
dobrega srca kindhearted
drag mojemu srcu dear to my heart
bolan na srcu (figurativno) heartsick
srcé trgajoč heartbreaking, heartrending
srcé Jezusovo religija Sacred Heart
rdeče srcé (lesna bolezen) false heartwood
napaka na srcu heart disease
razširjenje srca dilatation of the heart
sredstvo za krepitev srca cordial, heart stimulant, ZDA cardiac
zlato srcé (figurativno) a generous (ali a kind) heart
bítje srcá heartbeat
trdega srca hardhearted
bolan na srcu ill with a heart condition
srcé bije, močno tolče the heart pulsates, throbs
srcé me boli I am heartsick (ali heartsore), I am sick at heart, my heart aches, it grieves my heart
srcé mi močno bíje my heart is pounding (ali is thumping)
lahkó mi je pri srcu I am light at heart
biti bolan na srcu to be heartsick
to mi je na srcu this is close to my heart
to mi ni pri srcu (figurativno) it does not appeal to me
imeti nekaj na srcu (figurativno) to have something on one's mind
nimam srca, da bi to napravil I haven't got the heart to do it
ne jemlji si tega preveč k srcu! don't take it too hard!, don't worry about it!
to gre človeku do srca (figurativno)
to človeku trga srcé this is heartrending
srcé mi krvavi (mi je krvavelo) my heart is bleeding (bled)
kar ima na srcu, ima na jeziku he wears his heart on his sleeve
srcé mi ne da, da bi to storil I do it with a bad grace, I cannot bring myself to do it
to mi je zelo pri srcu I have set my heart upon it
odvaliti komu kamen od srca (figurativno) to take a load off someone's mind
kamen se mi je odvalil od srca I feel a weight off my mind, a weight has been lifted from my mind
on osvaja ženska srca he is a ladykiller
omehčati najtrše srcé to touch the stoniest of hearts
srcé mi je padlo v hlače (figurativno) my heart sank into my shoes, I got cold feet, my heart failed me
položiti komu kaj na srcé to lay something to someone's heart
pomilujem vas iz dna srca I pity you from the bottom of my heart
olajšati si srcé to unbosom oneself
srcé bi mi póčilo I would die of a broken heart
srcé mi poskakuje od veselja ob tem it makes my heart thrill
to prija mojemu srcu it does my heart good
pridobiti si srca vseh to win the hearts of all
k srcu mu je prirasla (figurativno) he became very fond of her
razveseliti komu srcé to warm the cockles of someone's heart
od srca se smejati to laugh heartily
kolikor ti (le) srcé poželi! to your heart's content!
srcé se mi stiska I feel pangs (anguish)
iti komu k srcu to go to someone's heart, to make someone's heart thrill
srcé se mi trga it breaks my heart, I find it heartrending
človeku se srcé trga (ob tem) it's heartbreaking (ali heartrending)
vzeti si kaj k srcu to take something to heart
preveč si je to vzel k srcu he took it too much to heart
zelo sem si k srcu vzel njegovo smrt I was deeply affected by his death, I found his death a terrible blow
to mi teži srcé it presses (ali weighs heavily) upon my mind
strl ji je srcé (figurativno) he broke her heart
srcé mu je poskočilo (figurativno) his heart leapt
srcé me je zabolelo I was heartstricken
od vsega srca želeti kaj to set one's heart on something - sréča (notranja) happiness, felicity; (muhasta) fortune; (slučajna) (good) luck, good fortune, lucky chance
veliko sréče! good luck!
na sréčo, k sréči fortunately, luckily, by a lucky chance
na slepo sréčo at random, at haphazard, at a venture, in a happygo-lucky way
vso sréčo! may good luck go with you!
najboljšo sréčo! the best of luck (to you)!
kolo sréče Fortune's wheel, the ups and downs of life
v sréči ali nesreči in weal or woe, for good or ill, come weal or woe
opoteča sréča chequered fortune
sprememba sréče (na slabše) change for the worse, reversal of fortune
(še) sréča, da... it's a piece of luck that...
prava sréča, da ste slučajno bili tam it's a blessing you happened to be there
vojna sréča contingencies pl of war
to (pa) je sréča! that's what I call good luck!
bila bi velika sréča, če... it would be a great slice of luck if...
to je pač moja sréča! (imam pač tako sréčo!) that's just my luck!
lahko govorimo o sréči we can consider ourselves lucky
sréča je hotela, da... as luck would have it...
imam sréčo I am in luck, I am lucky
nimam sréče I have no luck, I am out of luck
to se pravi imeti sréčo! that's what I call good luck!
imeti veliko sréčo to have much good luck
imeti več sréče kot pameti to be more lucky than wise
marsikdo ima več sréče kot pameti fortune favours fools
imeti nepričakovano sréčo (pogovorno) to strike oil
imeti vražjo sréčo to be dead lucky
imeti vedno sréčo pri kartanju to be always lucky at cards
imel sem sréčo I had a stroke of luck
iskati sréčo to seek fortune
če bo šlo vse po sréči if everything goes well
poskusiti sréčo to try one's luck, to take one's chance, to chance one's luck, (žargon) to chance it
to ti bo prineslo sréčo it will bring you good luck
poskusiti kaj na slepo sréča to have a go
napraviti kaj na slepo sréčo (pogovorno) to chance one's arm
dal sem si prerokovati sréčo I had my fortune told
vedeževati komu sréčo to tell someone his fortune
vsakemu se sréča enkrat nasmeje every dog has his (ali its) day
skaliti sréčo to mar someone's happiness
voščiti, želeti komu sréčo pri... to wish someone joy of...
pot do sréče je trnova arhaično no joy without annoy
kadar sem imel največ sréče, sem zaslužil X SIT in my heyday I earned X tolars
sréča me zapušča my fortunes are at a low ebb
zibati se v sréči to walk (ali to tread) on air
bogastvo samo nam še ne more nuditi sréče wealth alone cannot procure us happiness
vse mu gre po sréči (se mu obrne v sréčo) everything in the garden's lovely, arhaično all things conspire to make him happy
vsak je svoje sréče kovač every man is the architect of his fortune - sréčen happy; lucky; fortunate, felicitous; safe
biti ves sréčen (plavati v sreči) (figurativno) to walk (ali to tread) on air
sréčen dogodek happy event
po sréčnem naključju by a happy chance, luckily
bil je to sréčen dan zame that was a fortunate day for me
imeti kar sréčno za seboj to be well out of something
imaš se lahko za sréčnega, da si se izvlekel iz tega you may count yourself lucky to be in the clear (ali to have got out of it)
sréčno pot! a pleasant journey!, farewell!, fare well!, (čez morje) a good passage!
sréčno! good luck!, goodspeed!, may good luck go with you! - srédnji middle; central
srédnji stan middle classes pl, ZDA white-collar section of the population
srédnja pozicija central position
Srednja Amerika Central America
Srednja Nemčija Central Germany
srédnji vek Middle Ages pl
Srednja Azija Central Asia
srédnja črta šah middle line (fourth or fifth rank on a chessboard)
srédnja stvar intermediate thing, something between
srédnja teža middleweight
srédnje uho middle ear
vnetje srédnjega ušesa inflammation of the middle ear
srédnji čas mean time
srédnja kakovost medium quality
srédnji kos middle piece, central portion
srédnja stopnja (šole) last three classes (classes 5, 6 and 7) of an elementary school
srédnji spol gramatika neuter (gender)
srédnja šola secondary school, ZDA high school
srédnji napadalec šport centre forward
srédnji igralec centre, ZDA center
srédnja pot middle course, mean, compromise
kreniti po srédnji poti to adopt a middle course
srédnji val (radio) medium wave
srédnja vrednost mean (value), average
izračunati srédnjo vrednost to calculate an average
Srednja Evropa Central Europe
Srednji Vzhod the Middle East
srédnja žetev average crop - srédstvo means (sg in pl); (lek) remedy, medicine; expedient; way; medium; agent; instrument; pravo (ukrep) measure; (denar) funds pl, means pl, resources pl, the wherewithal
brez sredstev resourceless, lacking means, indigent, poor, destitute
srédstvo proti a remedy for
srédstvo za življenje livelihood, subsistence
denarna srédstva funds pl, means pl
kemično srédstvo chemical agent
osnovna srédstva trgovina assets pl
proizvodna srédstva means of production
prometna srédstva means of communication (of conveyance, ZDA of transportation)
zakonita srédstva legal measures pl
srédstvo za dosego cilja a means to an end
družbena srédstva social resources pl
združevanje sredstev pooling of resources
srédstva združenega dela means of associated labour
vsako srédstvo je dobro za dosego cilja (figurativno) all's fair in love and war
namen posvečuje srédstva the end justifies the means
poskusiti vsa srédstva (figurativno) to leave no stone unturned
ali ni nobenega srédstva? is there no way?
naša srédstva so zelo omejena our means are very limited
on je brez vsakih sredstev he is poverty-stricken, he is destitute, he is resourceless, he is penniless
moja srédstva mi tega ne dopuščajo I cannot afford it
porabiti, izčrpati vsa srédstva to exhaust all resources
poseči po skrajnih srédstvih to take extreme measures
odločil se je, da bo dosegel svoj cilj z vsemi srédstvi he is determined to go to any length
živeti preko svojih sredstev to live beyond one's means
združevati srédstva to pool resources
zagotoviti denarna srédstva to provide funds - srép (pogled) staring; fixed; glassy
srépo gledati to stare, to look fixedly, to look with a vacant gaze - sŕh shudder; sensation of fear and horror; žargon the creeps
sŕh od groze a thrill of terror
sŕh me je spreletel it gave me the shudders (ali the creeps), I went hot and cold