spísek list
spísek stroškov list of charges
volilni spísek electoral register
črtati iz spíska to strike off the list
napraviti spísek to make (ali to draw up) a list
Zadetki iskanja
- spíti to drink up; to finish one's drink
malo preveč ga je spil he had a drop too much - spláčati se to pay; to be worth the money
splača se it pays
splača se vedeti it is worth knowing
kmetu se splača, da... it pays a farmer to...
komaj se splača (kupiti) it is hardly worth while (buying)
ne splača se it doesn't pay, it is not worth while (ali worth the trouble)
zločin se ne splača crime doesn't pay - splákniti to rinse
splákniti si usta to rinse one's mouth (out)
dobro to splaknite! give it a good rinse! - spláv2 medicina (induced) abortion, miscarriage
legalen, ilegalen spláv legal, illegal abortion
povzročiti, narediti spláv to induce (ali to procure) a miscarriage (ali an abortion) - spláviti1 to float; to raft; to wash away; (ladjo) to launch
spláviti na kopno to wash ashore (truplo a body) - splézati to climb (up) (na drevo a tree)
dol splézati to climb down
splézati z drevesa to come down a tree, to descend - splóšen general, common; universal
v splóšnem generally, in general; at large; on the whole; as a rule
na splóšno (približno, grosso modo) roughly speaking - spodbijati spodbíti to disprove; to impugn (sodbo a judgment)
spodbijati, spodbíti trditev, izjavo to impugn a statement - spodóbiti se to befit; to behove; to be becoming
kot se spodobi as it should be, (francosko) comme il faut
ne spodobi se vam govoriti o tem you ought not (ali should not) talk about that
tako govorjenje se mlademu fantu ne spodobi a young chap shouldn't talk like that
to se ne spodobi za tako mladega moža that's not becoming for so young a man
spodobi se, da pokažeš kaj hvaležnosti it behoves you to show some gratitude - spodrsljáj slip; lapse; devious step
spodrsljáj na oranžni lupini slip on a piece of orange peel
juridičen spodrsljáj lapse of justice
spodrsljáj peresa slip of the pen
narediti spodrsljáj to make a slip
spodrsljáj v govoru slip of the tongue - spodŕsniti to slip; to slide; (auto) to skid
spodrsnilo mu je his foot slipped
spodrsnilo mi je na oranžni lupini I slipped on a piece of orange peel - spolníti to fulfil; to accomplish; to realize
moje upanje se ni spolnilo my hopes have not been realized
spolníti željo to gratify a desire
vneto je spolnil svoje dolžnosti he was eager in the discharge of his duties ➞ izpolniti - spomeník monument; memorial
nagrobni spomeník tombstone
zaščita starih spomeníkov preservation of ancient monuments
varstvo spomeníkov care and preservation of monuments (ali works of art)
odkriti spomeník to unveil a monument
postaviti spomeník to erect (ali to raise) a monument
spomeník postavljen v spomin... a monument erected (ali raised) to the memory of... - spomín memory; remembrance (of), recollection; reminiscence (of); mind; (spominek) souvenir, keepsake, (s sejma) fairing
dober spomín retentive (ali tenacious) memory
po spomínu by (ali from) memory
v spomín na in memory of, in remembrance of
v spomínu sedaj živečih within living memory
spomenik njemu v spomín a monument to his memory
spomína vreden memorable
prijetni spomíni pleasant recollections pl
spomíni na prvo svetovno vojno recollections of the Great War (ali the first World War)
imeti dober spomín to have a good memory
imeti slab spomín za (biti pozabljiv) to have a weak memory for
imeti kaj v medlem spomínu to have a dim recollection of something
imam še (vedno) v spomínu it is still within my recollection
imeti kaj v spomínu to have something in remembrance, to bear (ali to have, to keep) something in mind
obdržati v lepem spomínu koga to hold someone in fond remembrance
obujati spomíne to recall memories
objaviti svoje spomíne to publish one's reminiscences
poklicati komu kaj v spomín to recall something to mind
ohraniti v dobrem spomínu kaj to retain a good memory of something
moj spomín sega le deset let nazaj my memory spans only the last ten years
to mi je ušlo iz spomína it has escaped my memory
če me spomín ne vara if my memory serves me (right)
vtisniti komu kaj v spomín to stamp something on someone's mind
vtisniti si v spomín to commit to memory
živeti od spomínov to live on one's reminiscences - spomínek souvenir; token (of); (darilo) keepsake
za spomínek as a keepsake, by way of a keepsake
kot spomínek moje hvaležnosti as a token of my gratitude
obdržal si bom to za spomínek I'll keep it as a souvenir - spomínjati
spomínjati na kaj to be reminiscent of something; to be redolent of something
spomínjati koga na kaj to remind someone of something, to put something in someone's mind
on me spominja na mojega brata he reminds me of my brother
to nas spominja na dom this reminds us of home
spomínjati se to recall to mind, to remember, to recollect (koga someone), arhaično to bethink oneself (da... that...)
medlo, slabo se spomínjati to have a dim memory of
če se prav spominjam if I remember right(ly), if my memory serves me right
ne spominjam se, kaj smo videli I have no recollection of what we saw
se ne spominjam, da bi bil o tem kaj slišal I do not recollect having heard anything about it, pogovorno I don't remember hearing anything about it - spomínski of memory; commemorative; memorial
spomínska knjiga, album album
spomínska medalja commemorative medal
spomínska plošča memorial tablet (ali plate), a tablet to the memory (of)
spomínski kamen memorial stone
spomínski dan (11. nov.) Remembrance Day
spomínska svečanost commemoration
odkriti spomínsko ploščo to unveil a memorial tablet (ali plaque) - spómniti
spómniti koga na kaj to remind someone of something, to put someone in mind of something
naj vas spomnim na... let me remind you of...
spomnite me, da oddam pismo na pošti! remind me to post the letter!
spómniti se to remember, to recollect, to recall to mind, arhaično to bethink oneself (da that)
se me ne spomnite? don't you remember me?
spomni me na mojo obljubo! remind me of my promise!
no, spomni se vendar! come on now, try to remember!
kolikor se morem spómniti as far as I can remember (ali recollect)
ne morem se spómniti vašega imena I can't recall your name
zdaj se spomnim! now I remember!
ne morem se spómniti, koga mislite I cannot remember the man you have in mind
nisem se mogel spómniti (prave) besede I was stuck for a word - spontán spontaneous; involuntary; automatic; (naraven, neprisiljen) natural, unconstrained
spontáno prislov spontaneously
spontáno ponuditi svoje usluge to make a spontaneous offer of one's services
spontáno priznanje a spontaneous admission