
Zadetki iskanja

  • oproščèn excused, pardoned, discharged, acquitted; exempted; dispensed

    oproščèn nočnega dela excused night work (ali pogovorno nights)
    oproščèn vojaške službe exempt from military service
    oproščèn davkov exempted from taxes
    oproščèn izpita iz latinščine exempted from (ali excused) the Latin exam
    biti oproščèn verouka to be excused (from) religious instruction
    bil je oproščèn (pred sodiščem) (pogovorno) he got off
  • optimístičen optimistic

    optimístično prislov optimistically
    prekašajoč najbolj optimístične ocene beyond the most sanguine estimate
    biti optimístičen to take an optimistic view of things, to be an optimist
    optimístično prikazati to present an optimistic view of things
  • oróžje weapon; arm (s pl)

    k oróžju! to arms!
    brez oróžja armless, weaponless, bare-handed
    hladno oróžje, bočno oróžje cold steel, side arms
    strelno oróžje firearms pl
    noseč oróžje bearing arms
    nositelj oróžja arms bearer
    izdelovalec oróžja armaments (ali arms) manufacturer
    dovoljenje za nošenje oróžja licence to carry fire-arms, ZDA gun-license
    položitev oróžja (udaja) surrender, capitulation
    premoč v oróžju superiority in arms and equipment
    olje za oróžje gun oil
    tovarna oróžja armaments factory, ZDA armory
    uporaba oróžja use of arms
    trgovina z oróžjem (prodajalna) gunmaker's (ali arms dealer's) shop
    tihotapljenje oróžja gun-running
    učinkovitost oróžja effectiveness of a weapon
    tovariš v oróžju brother in arms, comrade
    ognjeno oróžje (zlasti revolver) firearm, handgun
    biti pod oróžjem to be under arms
    položiti oróžje to lay down one's arms
    poklicati pod oróžje to call to arms, to call to the colours
    nositi oróžje to bear arms
    zgrabiti za oróžje to take up arms (proti sovražniku against the enemy); to seize a weapon
    zateči se k oróžju to have recourse to the sword (ali to arms)
    pograbil je prvo oróžje, ki mu je prišlo pod roke he seized the handiest weapon
    premagati sovražnika z njemu lastnim oróžjem to hoist someone with his own petard
  • oskŕba supply; provision; nursing; (s hrano) board; (vzdrževanje) maintenance, care for, (z živili) purveyance

    oskŕba z elektriko, energijo power supply
    oskŕba z vodo water supply
    oskŕba s toplo vodo hotwater supply
    polna oskŕba board and lodging, full board, maintenance, (v hotelu) full board
    plača in vsa oskŕba pay (ali wages pl) and all found
    oskŕba z živili food supply
    otrok je v dobri oskŕbi the child is well looked after
    biti v zdravniški oskŕbi to be under medical treatment (ali pogovorno under the doctor)
    dati otroka v oskŕbo to entrust a child to someone's care
    imeti polno oskŕbo to be provided with board and lodging
  • oslepáriti to swindle (koga someone)

    oslepáriti koga za kaj to cheat someone out of something
    osleparil me je za 50 funtov he swindled (ali cheated) me out of fifty pounds, žargon he ripped me off for fifty quid
    biti osleparjen to be swindled, (žargon) to be sold a pup
    osleparili so ga za 5 funtov (žargon) he was stung for a fiver
  • osónčiti to sun; to expose to the rays of the sun

    biti osončen to be sunburnt (ali tanned by the sun)
  • osprédje foreground, forefront; fore; front

    biti v osprédju politične dejavnosti to be prominently active in politics, to be in the forefront of political activity
    on je rad v osprédju (figurativno) he is fond of the limelight
    v osprédje se postaviti (siliti, riniti) to put oneself forward
    stopiti v osprédje to come to the fore (ali to the front), to stand out
    ne siliti v osprédje (figurativno) to take a back seat, to stay (ali keep) in the background, to keep a low profile
  • otróčji childish; childlike; infantile

    biti otróčji (figurativno senilen) to dote
    ne bodi otróčji! be your age!
    otróčja igra v primeri z child's play compared with
    to je otróčje lahko it's as easy as pie, (ZDA as easy as falling off a log)
  • otrók child, pl children; (majhen) baby, babe, tot; (nedoleten) infant; (zaničljivo) brat

    zakonski otrók legitimate child
    nezakonski otrók illegitimate child, child born out of wedlock, bastard, natural child
    otrók ljubezni love child
    mrtvorojen otrók stillborn child
    čudežen otrok infant prodigy
    otrók brezdomec waif
    brez otrok childless
    ugrabitev otróka kidnapping
    umor otróka, morilec, -lka otróka infanticide
    varovalec, -lka baby-sitter
    on je pravi otrók he is quite a child
    ona pričakuje otróka she is with child (ali in the family way), she is an expectant mother
    roditi otróka to give birth to a child
    biti (krstni) boter otróku to stand sponsor to a child
    varovati otróka (oziroma otroke) v odsotnosti staršev to baby-sit
    ne biti več otrók to be no longer a child
    on ni več otrók he is no longer a child
    kot otrók se veseliti to be as pleased as Punch
    dobiti (roditi) otróka to be delivered of a child
    nobenega otróka ne več dobiti (roditi) to be past childbearing (ali childbearing age)
    opekel otrók se boji ognja a burnt child dreads the fire
  • ovíra impediment, obstacle, hindrance; (nanada) check, (nepričakovana) snag; (zapora) bar, barrier; obstruction

    večja ovíra a major obstacle
    tek čez ovíre šport obstacle race, hurdle race, pogovorno hurdles pl
    zakonska ovíra legal impediment
    žične ovíre vojska barbed wire, barbed-wire entanglement
    ni poti brez ovír no road is without obstacles
    konj je padel pri prvi ovíri the horse fell at the first jump (ali fence)
    delati ovíro, biti ovíra čemu to be in the way, to be (ali to constitute) an obstacle to something
    naleteti na ovíre to run into obstacles
    odstraniti vse ovíre to remove all obstacles
    staviti komu ovíre na pot to set impediments in someone's way
    naleteti na nepričakovano ovíro to come up against a snag
  • oznojèn sweating, evfemizem perspiring

    biti ves oznojèn to be all of a sweat, to be in a sweat
  • pálec thumb; (nožni) big toe; (mera) inch (krajšava: in.)

    odtis, madež od pálca (na knjigi ipd.) thumbmark
    brez pálca thumbless
    širina pálca a thumb, a thumb's breadth
    gristi (si) pálec to bite one's thumb
    vijak za stiskanje pálcev zgodovina, mučilno orodje thumbscrew
    potipati s pálcem to thumb
    imeti pod pálcem (figurativno, biti premožen) to be rich, to be well off, to be a man of means
    pálce vrteti (figurativno, dolgočasiti se, lenariti) to twirl (ali to twiddle) one's thumbs (ali one's fingers)
  • pálica stick; (sprehajalna) walking stick, cane; staff; (kovine) ingot; rod; (majhna) baton, cane; zgodovina, orožje quarterstaff, pl -staves

    biljardna pálica (billiard) cue
    Eskulapova pálica rod of Aesculapius, caduceus
    beraška pálica beggar's staff
    priti na beraško pálico to be reduced to beggary, to be utterly ruined, to go to the dogs
    spraviti koga na beraško pálico to bring someone to the parish, to reduce someone to beggary (ali to mendicancy), to eat someone out of house and home
    čarovna pálica magic wand
    gorska pálica alpenstock
    hokejska pálica hockey stick
    maršalska pálica baton
    ribiška pálica fishing rod
    romarska pálica pilgrim's staff
    skok s pálico šport pole vault
    škofovska pálica crosier, crook, pastoral staff
    kratka, zelo obtežena pálic short, heavily weighted stick, žargon cosh
    predati štafetno pálica to pass the baton
    biti tepen z lastno pálico to be beaten with one's own stick
    on je potreben pálice (figurativno) he needs the cane
  • pámeten reasonable, sensible, wise, judicious, intelligent, prudent; clever, rational; pogovorno brainy

    pámeten človek a man of sense
    vsak pámeten človek any man in his right senses...
    pámetna misel a sound (ali sensible) idea
    pámetno gledišče (stališče, vidik) a sensible point of view
    bodi no pámeten! use your brains (ali intelligence)!, be sensible!, be reasonable!
    biti pámeten to be sensible (ali reasonable), to have one's wits about one
    pámetno ravnati to act sensibly
    imeti zelo pámetne nazore o življenju to have very sound ideas on life
    kar govoriš, je pámetno what you say is sound
    pámetno govoriti to speak wisely, to talk sense, to speak reasonably
    mislim, da boš tako pámeten, da ne boš šel tja I suppose you will know better than go there
    storil bom vse, kar se mi bo zdelo pámetno I will do anything in reason
    pámetno je, kar praviš there is reason in what you say
    poslušati pámeten nasvet to listen to reason
    pametnejši popustí the wiser head gives in
    lahkó je biti pámet, ko je že storjeno hindsight is easier than foresight, it's easy to be wise after the event
  • páničen panic; panic-stricken; pogovorno panicky

    páničen strah panic (ali unreasoning) fear
    v páničnem strahu in panic fear
    biti, zbežati v páničnem strahu to panic
  • parazít parasite (tudi figurativno); figurativno hanger-on, toady

    biti parazít to sponge on (someone)
  • penzión (hotel) private hotel; boarding house; (hrana in stanovanje) board

    cenén penzión dosshouse, ZDA flophouse
    polni penzión full board and lodging
    biti v penziónu pri to board with
  • pès dog; (v otroškem jeziku) bowwow; figurativno (psovka) scoundrel, rascal, cur, dog

    mlad pès pup, puppy
    pès čuvaj house-dog, watchdog
    pès na verigi arhaično bandog
    pès jazbečar terrier
    lovski pès hound
    trop, povezka lovskih psov a pack of hounds, dog couple
    pès mešanec mongrel; ZDA žargon mutt
    mesarski pès, doga mastiff
    morski pès shark
    ovčarski pès shepherd dog
    pès prepeličar spaniel
    pès ptičar pointer
    stekel pès mad dog
    ljubitelj psov dog lover, arhaično cynophile
    oddelek za pse dog box
    konopec, vrvica za psa lead, leash, slip
    reja psov breeding of dogs
    sledilni pès bloodhound
    lačen kot pès as hungry as a wolf
    utrujen kot pès dogtired
    biti na psu (figurativno) to be on one's beam-ends
    naščuvati psa na koga to set the dog on someone
    priti na psa to go to the dogs, to go down in the world, (žargon) to go to pot
    vem, kam pès taco moli (figurativno) I know which way the wind blows
    razumeti se kot pès in mačka to agree like cat and dog
    živita (gledata se) kot pès in mačka they live (ali lead) a cat-and-dog life
    pès, ki laja, ne grize his bark is worse than his bite
    psom vstop prepovedan! no dogs admitted
    pozor, hud pès! beware of the dog!
    vidim, kam pès taco moli pri tebi I get your drift, I see what you're getting at
  • pést fist

    polna pést a handful, a fistful
    stisnjena pést clenched (ali closed) fist
    na lastno pést (figurativno) on one's own account, on one's own
    udarec s pestjo punch, žargon fourpenny one
    pravica, pravo pésti club law, fist law
    boriti, tepsti se s péstjó to brawl, to have a punch-up (ali fistfight)
    groziti s péstjó to shake one's fist at someone
    imeti koga v pésti (figurativno) to have someone in the hollow of one's hand
    udariti po mizi s péstjó to bring one's fist down heavily on the table
    v pést se smejati to laugh inwardly, to laugh up one's sleeve
    dobil sem ga v pést (figurativno) I have got him into my clutches
    iti (naprej) na lastno pést to go (ahead) on one's own
    bíti, udariti s péstjó to punch, to strike with one's fist, to fist
    udariti koga s péstjo to give someone a punch
    borba, pretep s péstmi punch-up, fistfight, humoristično bout of fisticuffs
    stisniti pésti to clench one's fists
  • pêta heel (tudi pri čevlju, nogavici)

    nizka (visoka) pêta low (high) heel
    čevlji z visokimi pêtmi highheeled shoes pl
    Ahilova pêta Achilles' heel, (občutljivo mesto) (figurativno) tender (ali weak) spot, vulnerable point, weak point
    od glave do pête from head to toe
    na pêtah raztrgane nogavice socks pl worn out at the heel
    on je džentlemen od glave do pête he is every inch a gentleman
    biti (slediti) komu za pêtami to shadow (ali to dog) someone, to dog someone's steps, to be upon someone's heels
    tik za pêtami to come close upon someone's heels, to pursue someone closely
    vedno mi je za pêtami he is always on my heels, he is always following me about (ali dogging my footsteps)
    lizati pête komu (figurativno) to fawn on someone
    napraviti čevlju novo pêto to heel, to reheel a shoe
    pokazati pête (pobrisati jo) to show a clean pair of heels, to take to one's heels, to run (ali to get) away
    pête odnesti (figurativno) to escape
    komaj je odnesel pête he narrowly escaped, he had a narrow escape
    sedeti na pêtah to sit on one's heels
    zavrteti se na pêtah to spin round on one's heels