potrében necessary (za for, to); required; needed; requisite (za for, to); (reven) needy, poor, indigent, needful, necessitous, wanting
zelo potrében much needed
neobhodno potrében indispensable, exigent
potrébno zlo a necessary evil
če (je) potrébno if required
če bo (je) potrébno (v sili) if need be, if (the) need arise, in case of need
kakor bo pač potrébno as may be required
več kot nam je potrébno more than we need
več kot (je) potrébno more than enough, more than is needed
biti česa potrében to need something, to be in need (ali want) of something
opravičilo ni potrébno there is no need for an excuse
ura je potrébna popravila the clock (oziroma watch) needs repairing
ni potrébno, da si grob you don't need to be rude
ni potrébno to ponavljati this does not need repeating
potrében je strokovnjak, da to naredi it requires an expert to do this
ukreniti vse potrébno to take all the necessary steps
ne pojasnjuj več, kot je potrébno! do not explain more than is required!
potrében sem oddiha, okrepitve I need a rest, recreation
Zadetki iskanja
- poučèn2 informed (o of); acquainted (o with); initiated (o into)
kolikor sem poučèn so far as my information goes - pozírati to pose; to strike an attitude
pozírati kot junak to pose as a hero
pozírati za svoj portret to sit for one's portrait
on preveč pozira he puts on too much side - pozívati pozvati to call; (v vojsko) to call up; to invite, to ask, (uradno) to summons, to cite, (s pretnjo kazni) to subpoena
pozívati, pozvati na pomoč to cry for help, to call (on someone) for help, to appeal (to someone) for help
pozívati, pozvati za pričo to call someone as a witness, to call on someone to give evidence
pozívati, pozvati se (sklicevati se) na kaj to refer to something, (na dokaz, na primer) to adduce
pozívati, pozvati se na točko pogodbe to invoke a clause - poznán known, noted (po for)
poznán z acquainted with (someone); (znamenit) famous
dobro poznán well-known
poznán pod imenom known as...
sicer (drugače) poznán pod imenom... alias...; also known as (krajšava: aka) - práv just, right; (zelo) very
práv zdaj just now
práv rad with (great) pleasure, very (ali most) willingly, gladly
práv! all right!, okay! (krajšava: O.K., OK)
takó je práv that's right, all right
práv dobro quite well
práv takó! just so!, quite!, quite so!
práv nič nothing at all
práv škoda je, da... it is a great pity that...
práv nobenega denarja nimam I have no money whatever
nimamo práv nobenih izkušenj we have no experience whatsoever
ta klobuk mi je práv this hat suits (ali fits) me well
moja ura gre práv my watch goes well (ali keeps good time)
moja ura ne gre práv my watch is going wrong
ravno práv prihajaš you come just in time
práv blizu stanujemo we live quite close by
ne razumeš me práv you do not rightly understand me, you mistake my meaning
ne vem práv, kaj naj naredim I hardly know (ali I am at a loss) what to do
to mi je ravno práv it is just what I want
če vam je to práv if it is convenient for you, pogovorno if it's all right by you
če ti je práv ali ne whether you like it or not
práv ti je; práv se ti je zgodilo (se ti godi) it serves you right; you got what you deserved
práv mu je! serves him right!
imeti práv to be right
imaš práv you are right
práv napraviti, delati to do right, to do what is right
komu práv napraviti to suit, to please someone
vsem ne moreš práv narediti you can't please everybody
to ni práv od tebe you are wrong there
meni je práv I don't mind (ali object), that's all right with me, I agree
vam je práv, če pridete jutri? does it suit you to come to-morrow?
to mi je práv (mi ustreza) that suits me fine
práv priti (koristiti) to come in handy
vse práv pride every little helps
to utegne práv priti it may come in useful
práv tako bi lahko rekli, da... we might just as well say that...
ta vrvica utegne pozneje práv priti this string may come in handy later on
priti ravno práv (kot nalašč) to be most welcome
práv takó likewise
práv nocoj (še nocoj) this very night
práv na začetku at the very beginning - pravílo rule; principle; standard; regulation, axiom, maxim, law; precept
po pravílu as a rule, according to the regulations
brez pravíla irregular, anomalous
pravíla pl rules pl, statutes, pl, regulations pl, standing orders pl, standing rule, bylaws pl, ordinances pl
društvena pravíla the regulations of a society
izjema k pravílu an exception to the rule
trojno pravílo rule of three
zlato pravílo golden rule
stalno pravílo hard and fast rule
pravílo drži the rule holds good
držati se pravíl to observe the rules
držati se (nekega) pravíla to go by a rule
pravílo je, da... it is the rule that...
to je proti pravílom it is against the rules
moje pravílo je zgodaj vstajati I make it a rule to get up early
postati pravílo to become the rule
prelomiti pravílo to break a rule
postaviti pravílo to lay down a rule
izjema potrjuje pravílo the exception proves the rule - práviti to tell; to say
to se pravi, da... that is to say that...
to se mnogo (nekaj) pravi! that is saying much!
kot se pravi (reče) as the saying goes
no, saj pravim! well, I declare!
kaj pravi (on)? what is he saying?
pravijo they say, one says, people say
nekdo mi je pravil somebody told me, I was told
pravijo, da je bogata she is said to be rich, people say she is rich
kaj se to pravi? what do you mean by that? - predpís regulation; prescription; rule; precept; (navodilo) instruction, direction
po predpísih according to regulations, as prescribed, by rule, according to rule; according to instructions; in due form
proti predpísom against the regulations, contrary to regulations
v nasprotju s cestnimi prometnimi predpísi contrary to the rule of the road
po policijskih predpísih in accordance with (ali according to) police regulations
zakonito sprejet predpís legally adopted regulation - predpísati to order (komu for someone); (zdravilo) to prescribe; to direct; to rule, to regulate
kot je predpisano as prescribed, as directed - predŕzen bold, daring, presumptuous, audacious; (nesramen) saucy, impudent, pert, insolent, impertinent; pogovorno cheeky
biti predŕzen s kom, do koga to take liberties with someone, pogovorno to get fresh with someone
kar se da predŕzen as bold as brass - predsédniški presidential; chairman's
ki je že bil na predsédniškem položaju past chairman
ki še ni dosegel predsédniškega položaja not as yet appointed chairman - pregóvor proverb; saying; adage
priti v pregóvor to become proverbial
kot pravi pregóvor as the saying is (ali goes)
njuno prijateljstvo je prešlo v pregóvor their friendship has become proverbial (ali has become a byword) - préj sooner, earlier; before, beforehand, previously; formerly, prior to; rather
préj ali slej sooner or later, some time or other
malo préj a while ago
čim préj tem bolje the sooner the better
čim préj as soon as possible, at your earliest convenience
préj kot ne as likely as not
vse préj kot anything but
dan préj the day before, on the preceding day
préj navedeni aforementioned, aforesaid
X.Y., préj Z.U. X.Y., formerly Z.U.
préj sovražnik kot prijatelj rather an enemy than a friend
toliko préj all the sooner
on je vse préj kot bogat he is anything but rich
moj položaj je vse préj kot siguren my position is anything but a safe one
préj kot odideš before your departure
ne da bi nas préj obvestil(i) without giving us any previous notice
nismo pisali préj, ker nismo vedeli vašega naslova we did not write before, not knowing your address
jaz bi préj (= rajši) (šel) kot... I would rather (ali I would sooner, I prefer to) (go) than... - premetèn sly, cunning, artful, crafty, wily
premetèn kot lisjak as cunning as a fox - premostítven
premostítveni dan working day taken in as a holiday between two holidays
prakticirati premostítveni dan to stretch out a holiday by taking in the working day(s) between a public holiday and a Sunday
premostítveno posojilo bridging loan - prepróst simple; plain
prepróstega rodu of simple birth
prepróst način življenja plain living
to je preprósto dejstvo that is a plain fact
preprósta obleka simple dress
preprósta hrana simple diet
zelo prepróst simple as ABC
preprósta razlaga a simple explanation
preprósto življenje (brez razkošja) simple life
jaz sem prepróst človek I'm a simple fellow, ali pogovorno an ordinary bloke - presodíti to judge; to estimate
kolikor morem presodíti as far as I can judge, according to my judgment - preživljati to live; to survive
preživljati veliko družino to maintain a large family
preživljati starše to support one's parents
preživljati težke čase to have a hard time
preživljati se to make a living (kot as, z out of)
on se preživlja s prodajo knjig he makes a living by selling books
komaj se preživljati to make a bare living - príča witness; (očividec) eyewitness
pri tej príči (takoj) at once, immediately, on the spot, pogovorno straight off
bremenilna (razbremenilna) príča witness for the prosecution (witness for the defence)
zaprisežena príča sworn witness; deponent, ZDA affiant
kriva príča perjured witness
poročna príča witness to a marriage
pred príčami in the presence of eyewitnesses
(križno) zasliševanje príče (cross-)examination (ali hearing) of a witness
izpoved príče deposition, evidence, testimony
biti príča to witness
poklicati za príčo call to witness, to call someone in evidence
izjaviti, izpovedati kot príča to witness, to bear witness, to testify, to give evidence
biti zaslišan kot príča to be put into the witness-box
bil sem pozvan kot príča v tej razpravi I was summoned as witness in this trial
príča je bila podkupljena the witness was bribed
pripeljati príče to produce witnesses
zaslišati príče pravo to hear evidence
ne morem ti povedati pri tej príči (kar takoj) pogovorno I can't tell you straight off