
Zadetki iskanja

  • natánčnež (pedant) stickler

    ta častnik je velik natánčnež glede pokorščine that officer is a stickler for obedience
  • nós nose; figurativno, pogovorno snout, žargon nozzle, ZDA schnozzle; humoristično proboscis; (ladje) head; (voh) scent; (vrča) beak, spout; figurativno (graja) rebuke; (vonj) scent, smell

    prav pred nósom, izpred nósa under the very nose (of)
    na vrat na nós head over heels, in a great hurry, precipitately, helter-skelter
    orlovski nós aquiline nose, Roman nose
    ploščat nós flat nose
    potlačen nós pug nose
    velik nós big nose
    zakrivljen nós hawk nose, beak, hook nose, hooked nose
    zavihan nós turned-up nose
    pijančev nós grog-nose
    govorjenje skozi nós nasal twang
    dobiti jo po nósu (figurativno) to be reproved (ali rebuked, reprimanded, snubbed)
    dobil jo je po nósu he went away with a flea in his ear
    govoriti skozi nós to speak through one's nose, to speak with a nasal twang
    imeti kaj (prav) pred nósom to have something under one's (very) nose (ali in plain view)
    imeti dober nós to be keen-scented, (za kaj) to have a good (ali sharp) nose (for something), to have a keen scent (for something)
    povsod ima svoj nós (figurativno) he is a busybody
    imeti zamašen nós (od nahoda) to have a stuffy (ali stuffed up) nose
    iti, hoditi za nósom (delati po nagonu) to follow one's nose
    oditi z dolgim nósom to go away with a long face, to go off with a flea in one's ear
    obrisati se pod nósom (figurativno) to go away empty-handed, to have one's trouble for nothing, to be left out in the cold
    lahko se pod nósom obrišeš za to! (figurativno) you may whistle for it!, pogovorno you'll be lucky!
    čistiti si nós (usekniti se) to blow one's nose
    krvaveti iz nósa to have a nose bleed
    iz nósa mi teče my nose is running
    komu kaj pod nós dati to bring something home to someone, to rub it in
    visoko nós nositi (figurativno) to turn up one's nose; to be self-conceited
    kri mi teče iz nósa my nose is bleeding
    premagati koga za dolžino nósú šport to win (ali to beat someone) by a nose
    potegniti koga za nós to lead someone by the nose, to dupe someone, to fool someone
    vlak mi je pred nósom ušel (odpeljal) I missed the train by a hair
    ne videti dalj od nósa to see no farther than the end of one's nose
    nikoli ne vildiš niti ped pred nósom! you never see an inch before your nose!
    ne vidiš ped pred nósom! you can't see beyond the end of your nose!
    vihati nós nad to turn up one's nose at, to look down one's nose at, to look disdainfully at (someone)
    zaničljivo vihati nós nad to turn up one's nose in disdain at; to sneer at
    voditi, vleči koga za nós (figurativno) to lead someone by the nose, to dupe someone, to fool someone, to make a fool of someone, to hoax someone
    vtikati svoj nós v to pry (ali to nose) into, to poke one's nose into
    vtikati svoj nós v tuje zadeve to stick one's nose into other people's business
    v vse vtika svoj nós he pokes his nose into everything
    zapreti komu vrata pred nósom to shut the door in someone's face, (zaloputniti) to slam the door in someone's face
    on ima dober nós za ceneno blago he has a nose for bargains
    dati se voditi za nós to be a dupe (of someone)
  • odmév echo, pl echoes

    odmév odmeva a reecho
    naleteti na velik odmév to meet with a wide response, to have wide repercussions
    ponoviti kot odmév to reecho
  • optimíst optimist

    on je velik optimíst (figurativno) all his geese are swans
  • ovínek turn, turning; detour; corner; (dolg) roundabout way; (cestni) bend, twist, wind; (rečni) meander

    brez ovínkov (figurativno) bluntly, straight
    po ovínkih (figurativno) indirectly, in a devious way
    oster ovínek a hairpin bend
    nepregleden ovínek blind corner
    velik ovínek a long way round, a roundabout way (ali route)
    napraviti ovínek to make a detour
    napraviti velik ovínek to go a long way round
    morali smo napraviti ovínek we had to take a roundabout way
    je le majhen ovínek it's only a short way round
    povem brez ovínkov I don't mince my words
    po ovínkih sem zvedel, da... I have learned by devious ways that...
    izjaviti brez ovínkov to declare bluntly
    govoriti brez ovínkov to speak straight out
    rezati ovínek to cut a corner
    zaviti na desno po ovínku to take a right turn round the bend, to take the right turn
  • pómp pomp; display

    z velikim pómpom in state
    delati velik pómp z to make a great display of
  • poudárek stress; accentuation; emphasis

    glavni poudárek main stress
    poudárek je na prvem zlogu the stress is on the first syllable
    dati čemu poudárek, velik poudárek to lay (great) stress on (ali upon) something
    dati poudárek svojim besedam to give point to one's words
  • práznik holiday; festival; gala day, feast day; (redko) fete; (v koledarju) red-letter day; cerkveno feast

    práznik Dela (1. maj) Labour Day, May Day
    državni práznik National Day
    občinski práznik municipal festival
    bančni práznik (ko so zaprte vse banke) bank holiday
    premičen práznik movable feast
    cerkveni práznik church festival
    verski práznik religious feast
    velik práznik high festival
    življenje ni práznik (figurativno) life is not all beer and skittles
  • prijátelj friend; (tovariš) pal; (ljubitelj) amateur; (dvorilec) admirer, lover

    velik, intimen prijátelj great, intimate (ali bosom, close) friend
    zvest prijátelj true (ali fast, staunch) friend
    prijátelji na življenje in smrt sworn friends pl
    dopisni prijátelj pen-friend, pogovorno pen pal
    star prijátelj old friend, pogovorno crony, chum, (v nagovoru) old man, old chap, old boy
    brez prijátelja friendless
    dekletov prijátelj boyfriend
    kot prijátelj as a friend
    prijátelj ljudstva the people's friend
    on je moj prijátelj he is a friend of mine, I am on friendly terms with him
    sem njegov dober prijátelj I am a good (ali close) friend of his
    smo veliki prijátelji pogovorno we're great pals (ali chums)
    sta intimna, velika prijátelja (figurativno) they are as thick as thieves
    sem prijátelj glasbe I am fond of music, I am a lover of music
    on je prijátelj vina he likes wine, he is rather too fond of the bottle
    vsak je najprej sebi prijátelj figurativno arhaično near is my shirt but nearer is my skin
    govoriti kot prijátelj to speak as a friend
    postala sta velika prijátelja they have become great friends
    pridobiti si mnogo prijáteljev to make many friends
    pes je človekov prijátelj the dog is the friend of man
    prijátelja spoznaš v nesreči a friend in need is a friend indeed
  • razsèg reach, range

    imeti velik razsèg to have a wide range
  • respékt respect; reverence

    uživati velik respékt to be held in high respect
    imeti največji respékt do, za to have the greatest respect for
  • sír cheese

    kozji sír goat cheese
    kravji sír (cow) cheese
    holandski sír Dutch cheese
    švicarski sír Swiss cheese
    hlebec síra a whole cheese
    kruhek z govedino in sírom cheeseburger
    nož za sír cheese cutter
    velik pladenj za sír cheese plate
    zvonec za sír cheese-plate cover
    mlad, nezrel sír green cheese
    črv v síru cheese mite
  • slóves reputation; renown; repute

    znanstvenik velikega slóvesa a scientist of high repute
    pridobiti si slóves to achieve a reputation
    on uživa slóves učenjaka he is a renowned (ali well-known) scholar (ali man of learning), (dvomeče) he has the reputation of being a learned man
    uživati velik slóves to be held in high repute
    ohraniti svoj slóves to maintain (ali to keep) one's reputation
    poznam ga po njegovem slóvesu I know him by repute
  • srédnje medium

    srédnje velik medium-sized; of medium size
    srédnje visok medium-tall
    avtomobili srédnjega razreda medium cars pl
    tek na srédnje dolgi progi middle-distance race
  • še still; yet, as yet

    še ne not yet
    še vedno still
    še nikoli never yet
    še enkrat once more
    še več still more
    še danes this very day
    še do danes, še zdaj this very day, even now
    še nocoj this very night
    še do pred kratkim, do nedavnega until very recently
    še isti dan on the very same day
    še pred enim tednom sem govoril z njim it is only a week since I spoke to him
    še dolgo pozneje for a long time after
    še ta teden before this week is over
    še oni teden sem jo videl I saw her only last week
    še včeraj only yesterday
    še zadnjega maja as late as last May
    še letos bodo prišli they will still arrive this year
    še leta 1960 as late as 1960
    še lani only last year
    še boljši better still
    še močneje kot even stronger than...
    še enkrat toliko twice as much, as much again
    še enkrat tako velik twice as tall, as tall again
    še mnogo much (oziroma many) more
    samó še to pot (tokrat) just once more, only this once
    komaj še kdo hardly anyone left
    še dražji, še višji dearer still, higher still
    (samo) še trenutek just a moment
    še nikoli never yet
    še kaj (drugega)? anything more (ali else)?
    imaš še kaj papirja? have you (got) any paper left?
    imaš še kaj denarja? have you any money left?
    še eno skodelico čaja, prosim! another cup of tea, please!
    daj mi še malo kruha! (could I have) another piece of bread, please
    danes je vreme še slabše kot včeraj today the weather is even worse than yesterday
    dokler je še čas while there is still time
    on še ne more delati he is still unfit for work
    tega še nikoli nisem videl I have never seen that before
    počakaj še dva dni! wait another two days!
    daj mu še en kozarec vode! give him another glass of water!
    treba je še videti it is yet to be seen
    to bomo še videli that remains to be seen
    še vedno živijo v Ljubljani they are still living in Ljubljana
    še to zimo bo prišel he will be here some time this winter
    lahkó še pride he may still come, he may come yet
    poskusi še enkrat! try again!, try once more!, pogovorno have another go!
    kaj še hoče? what else does he want?
    lahko počakaš še en teden? can you wait another week?
    še tega je manjkalo! that's all we wanted!
    ni bila še dolgo omožena, ko... she had not long been married when...
    ostalo je še nekaj denarja there's still some money left, there's a bit of cash left over
    naj bo še tako bogat, ne bo uspel no matter how rich he is, he will not succeed
    še (= niti) pogledal me ni he did not so much as look at me
    kaj še! (= kje pa, ni govora o tem!) what next!
    še obesili ga bodo, še na vislicah bo končal! he'll come to a sticky end (one of these days)!
    še (vedno) smo tu we are still here
    dokler je še živel while he was still alive
    nisem še končal I have not yet finished, I still haven't finished
  • škandál scandal

    povzročitelj škandála scandalizer
    škandál je, da... it is a scandal that...
    dogodil se je velik škandál a great scandal occurred
    napraviti, povzročiti škandál to raise (ali to give rise to), to cause a scandal
    škandalčki scandalous stories pl
    ali ni škandál, da... is it not a scandal (ali pogovorno isn't it scandalous) that...
  • takó prislov so, like this, like that, thus, in this way, in such a manner

    takó takó so-so, so so, fairly well, tolerably
    takó ali takó in one way or other, this way or that (way)
    prav takó likewise
    točno takó! just so!, quite so!
    zakaj takó? why so?
    kaj takega! of all things!
    ah, takó! oh, I see!, so that's it!
    ne takó kot not so... as
    takó da... so that...
    takó velik kot... as big as...
    takó malo? as little as that?
    takó imenovan so-called
    takó rekoč so to speak, so to say, as it were
    kakor ti meni, takó jaz tebi pogovorno if you play ball with me, I'll play ball with you
    in takó dalje and so on, etc (= et cetera, etcetera), and so forth
    nikoli poprej takó koristen kot sedaj never before as (ali so) useful as now
    takó bogat človek such a rich man, a man so rich
    takó je! (popolnoma točno!) exactly!, quite so!, just so!
    je to takó? (je to res?) is that so?
    takó mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
    če je to takó if that be the case
    takó je na svetu so goes it
    bodite takó dobri in odprite okno! be so kind as to open the window!
    takó mi delamo that is our way of doing things
    stori takó kot jaz! do as I do!
    takó ne bo šlo! that won't do!
    takó se je končalo moje potovanje thus ended my journey
    nisem takó mislil I didn't mean that, that's not what I meant
    zadeva je takó rekoč urejena the matter is as good as settled
    dolgočasil nas je takó, da ga nismo nikoli več povabili he annoyed us so much (that) we never asked him again
    kakor si boš postlal, takó boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie!
  • tísk print, printing; press; typography; impression; pogovorno type

    v tísku in print, in the press, passing through the press
    pripravljen, zrel, gotov za tísk in type; correct; ready to go to press
    tísk in založba (DZS) printers and publishers (DZS)
    debel tísk boldface, bold (ali heavy, thick) type
    jasen (majhen, velik) tísk clear (small, large) type
    nejasen, zabrisan tísk slur
    klečeplazen tísk the reptile press
    razprti tísk space type
    poševni tísk italics pl
    gotski tísk (črke) black letters pl, Gothic, Fraktur
    dnevni tísk daily prints pl, daily press
    senzacijski tísk (časopisje) the tabloids, the gutter press
    svoboda tíska freedom of the press
    knjiga je v tísku the book is being printed (ali is with the printers)
    dati v tísk to put in print, to bring out, to publish
    hitro dati knjigo v tísk to rush a book into print
    iti v tísk to go to press
    zavezati jezik tísku (figurativno) to throttle (ali to hamstring, zastarelo to jugulate) the press
  • tolkáč (na vratih) knocker; (v možnarju) pestle; (leseno kladivo) mallet; beetle

    velik tolkáč threeman beetle
  • trébuh anatomija belly; abdomen; paunch; zastarelo womb; (ladje) bottom

    poln trébuh bellyful
    s praznim trébuhom with an empty belly
    bolečine v trébuhu bellyache, evfemizem stomachache
    velik trébuh (vamp) pot belly, pogovorno corporation
    ležeč na trébuhu prone
    pristanek na trébuhu aeronavtika belly landing, (žargon) belly flop
    pristati na trébuhu aeronavtika to belly-land, to make a belly landing
    govoriti iz trébuha to ventriloquize
    napolniti si trébuh to fill one's belly