nad above; over
5° nad ničlo 5 degrees above zero
nad morsko gladino above sea level
moški nad 40 let men over 40
reka nad mostom the river above the bridge
biti star nad 50 let to be over 50
nad gradom se dviga stolp a tower rises high over the castle
kaj je prišlo nad vas? what has come over you?
iti nad sovražnika to march against the enemy
sonce je nad obzorjem the sun is above the horizon
meč mu je visel nad glavo a sword was hanging over his head
oblak dima je visel nad mestom a cloud of smoke hung over the city
nad vsa pričakovanja beyond all expectation
Zadetki iskanja
- nadlegováti to molest, (motiti) to trouble, to bother, to annoy, to worry, to pester; pogovorno to plague; to vex; (nehoté) to inconvenience, to disturb; (s prošnjami) to importune
nadlegováti koga z vprašanji to ply someone with questions
če vas ne nadlegujem if I'm not being a nuisance (ali a bore)
obžalujem, da vas toliko nadlegujem I'm sorry to give you so much trouble
oprostite, da vas še enkrat nadlegujem excuse my troubling (ali bothering) you once more
ne nadleguj me kar naprej! don't keep on bothering me! - namèn intention; purpose; end
v ta namèn for this purpose
v kakšen namèn? with what purpose, arhaično to what end?
z namènom, da... with the intention of (ali with a view to) (bi šli going)
namèn je jasen the intention is obvious
imeti namèn to plan, to intend
imeti skrite namène (žargon) to have something up one's sleeve
ustrezati namènu to answer the purpose
že nekaj dni imam namèn dati uro v popravilo I've been meaning to get my watch repaired for days
namèn posvečuje sredstva the end justifies (ali arhaično sanctifies) the means
nimam namèna, da bi vas žalil I have no wish to offend you
nimamo namèna, da bi odgovorili na to vprašanje we do not intend to answer (ali we have not the slightest intention of answering) this question
prišel sem z namènom, da bi govoril s teboj I came to have a word with you
rekel je to brez kakršnegakoli namèna he said that with no ulterior motive
ima najboljše namène he has the best intentions
ustrezati (služiti rabiti) namènu to answer (to serve) the purpose - namêsti2 to collect by sweeping
veter je namel snega (peska) the wind has piled up snowdrifts (banks of sand)
nametlo je snega, da ni bilo mogoče priti v vas snowdrifts made the village inaccessible - obískati to visit; to pay a visit (koga to someone); to come to see (someone), to call on (someone); (za kratek čas) to look (someone) up, to drop in, to come round
obiščite me jutri come and see me tomorrow
dovolil si bom obískati vas, brž ko bom mogel I shall take the liberty of calling on you as soon as I can - obrníti to turn upside down, to turn inside out; to invert; (okoli osi) to wheel (round), (ladjo) to veer, to bring about
obrníti glavo to turn one's head
obrníti v stran to swerve
obrnil mu je hrbet he turned his back on him
obrníti list figurativno to turn the record over, to change the subject
obrnite (list), prosimo! let's change the subject, please!
obrníti se to turn round
obrníti se k, proti to turn towards
obrníti se na levo to turn (to the) left
obrníti se na koga to apply to someone, to address someone, to appeal to someone, to turn to someone, to call upon someone
obrníti se za informacije pri, na to inquire at
zadeva se je obrnila na boljše the matter has taken a turn for the better
dovolite, da se obrnem na vas v zelo važni zadevi allow me to consult (ali approach) you on a very important matter
obrníti se zelo na slabše to take a drastic turn for the worse
moram se obrníti na direktorja I must refer to the manager - obvestíti to inform, to let know, to report, to send word, to write; to impart (ali to communicate) information; (uradno) to notify; to apprise (koga o čem someone of something); to advise; to announce
obvesti me! send me word!, let me know...
obvestili vas bomo you will be notified
obvestíti o svojem prihodu to send word of one's arrival - od from; of; since; on, upon
od 1 do 10 from one to ten
10 od 20ih ten out of twenty
od 100 niti 1 not one in a hundred
od daleč from far away, from afar
od Ljubljane do Zagreba from Lj. to Z.
od časa do časa from time to time
od danes dalje (naprej) from this day (forward)
od jutri naprej from tomorrow
od sedaj naprej from now on, henceforth
od 9ih do 10ih from nine till (ali to) ten
od nedelje do petka from Sunday to (ZDA through) Friday
od jeseni since autumn
(že) od nekdaj for some time
od malega (mladih let) from childhood (on)
od prvega do zadnjega from first to last
od povsod from everywhere, from all sides
od včeraj since yesterday
od takrat, od tedaj from that time, from then on; thence, since then, thenceforth
(že) od (vsega, prvega) začetka from the (very) beginning (ali start)
od jutra do večera from morning till (ali to) night, all day long, all the livelong day
od zadaj from behind
sam od sebe by myself (yourself, etc.), spontaneously, of one's own accord
od spodaj from beneath
nobeden od nas none of us
od besede do besede (dobesedno) word for word, literally, verbatim
od mnogih primerov among many examples
nem od presenečenja (struck) dumb with astonishment
otrpel od mraza stiff with cold
zapuščen od vseh abandoned (ali deserted, forsaken) by everyone
od srca rad most willingly
od utrujenosti from fatigue
lepo od vas nice of you
ni lepo od tebe it isn't nice of you
drhteti od strahu to tremble with fear
moj brat je večji od mene my brother is taller than I (am) (ali pogovorno than me)
od kdaj si že v bolnici? how long have you been in hospital?
od razburjenja ni mogel govoriti he could not speak for excitement
to odvisi od vremena that depends on the weather
pozdravi ga od mene (v mojem imenu) give him my best regards
(od) kar ljudje pomnijo from time immemorial, from time out of mind
umreti od lakote, jetike to die of hunger, of consumption
on živi od peresa (figurativno) he lives by his pen - odróčen (oddaljen) remote, distant, out-of-theway
odróčna vas remote village - ógenj fire; (plamen) flame, blaze; (požar) conflagration; (na prostem, kres) bonfire; vojska fire, firing; (za cigareto) light; figurativno (navdušenje) enthusiasm; (vnema) ardour, zeal, passion, heat
pri ógnju at the fire
óg! vojska fire!
z ógnjem in mečem with fire and sword
bengalični ógenj Bengal lights pl
med dvema ógnjema (figurativno) between the devil and the deep blue sea, between the hammer and the anvil
v ógnju (v plamenih) ablaze
pri počasnem, slabem ógnju on a slow fire
božja sodba z ógnjem zgodovina ordeal by fire
odporen proti ógnju fireproof, fire-resistant
križni ógenj vojska cross fire
umetni ógenj (display of) fireworks pl
varen pred ógnjem fire-resistant, fire-resisting, fireproof
nepretrgan ógenj vojska sustained fire
uničevalen ógenj withering fire
metalec ógnja vojska flamethrower
osvetljen od ógnja firelit
ustavitev ógnja vojska cessation of fire
oboževalec ógnja fire worshipper
bil je ves v ógnju (figurativno) he was glowing with enthusiasm
biti pod težkim ógnjem vojska to be under (ali exposed to) heavy fire
biti ves v ógnju za (figurativno) to be fired (ali to be ablaze) with enthusiasm for; to be enthusiastic about
kjer je dim, je tudi ógenj there is no smoke without fire
opečen otrok se boji ógnja a burnt child dreads the fire
dajte mi malo ógnja, prosim may (ali can) I have a light, please?
imate ógenj? have you got a light?, do you have a light?
vas smem prositi za ógenj? may I ask you for a light?, (pogovorno) got a match, please?
óg slabo gori the fire is going out
koncentrirati óg vojska to concentrate one's fire
iti skozi óg za koga (figurativno) to go through fire and water for someone, to go through a great deal for someone
iti po kostanje v óg za koga to pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
igrati se z ógnjem to play with fire, (figurativno) to play with sharp (ali edged) tools
ógenj je izbruhnil a fire broke out
kuhati na ógnju to cook on a (ali on an open) fire
naložiti premog na ógenj to put coal on the fire
biti izpostavljen težkemu ógnju vojska to be exposed to heavy fire
odpreti (začeti) ógenj vojska to open fire
podpihati ógenj to fan the flame
ógenj poide (je pošel) the fire goes out (has gone out, is out)
izkresati ógenj to strike fire
pogasiti ógenj to put out (ali to extinguish) a fire
napraviti (prižgati) ógenj to make (to light, to kindle) a fire, ZDA to fix a fire
podrezati ógenj to make up the fire, to poke (ali to stir) the fire, to stoke up the fire
prili(va)ti olje na ógenj (figurativno) to add fuel to the fire, to pour oil on the fire
še naložiti na ógenj to replenish the fire
kot ógenj (hitro) se razširiti to spread like wildfire
ógenj je uničil tovarno the factory has been destroyed by fire
ustaviti ógenj vojska to cease fire
ustavi ógenj! (vojaško povelje) hold your fire!, cease firing!
vzdrževati ógenj to keep the fire going
vzeti pod ógenj vojska to fire at
zajeziti ógenj to bank up the fire
zavarovati proti ógnju to insure against fire - opozárjati ➞ opozoriti
opozarjam vas na dejstvo, da... I call your attention to the fact that... - opozoríti to warn
opozoríti koga na kaj to call (ali to direct), to drawl someone's attention to something, to point something out to someone
opozarjam vas, da... I give you warning that...
opozorili so ga, da je v nevarnosti he was warned that he was in danger
on te je bil lepo opozoril he had given you fair warning - pazíti (biti pozoren) to pay attention (to), to observe, to mind, to be mindful (of), to look around, to look out (for), to watch, to be watchful, to keep watch; to take care, to be careful (ali cautious, wary, wide-awake, on the alert, on one's guard); (hraniti) to have in custody; (skrbeti za) to take care of, to have in one's care (ali charge); (negovati) to nurse, to look after, to tend; (pobrigati se) to look (to), to see (to), to attend (to)
pazíti na otroke v odsotnosti staršev to baby-sit
ne pazíti na to take no heed (ali no notice) of, to disregard, to be mindless of, to be unmindful of, not to bother, to pay little or no attention to; to lose sight of
pazi(te)! look out!, attention!, mind!
napeto pazíti to be all attention
pazi na otroka! look after the child!
pazite na mojo prtljago! take care of my luggage!
pazite na stopnice! mind the steps!
pazite bolje! take more care!
pazi nase! take care of yourself!
pazite, da vas ne vidijo! mind they do not see you!
niso pazili na moje besede my words were ignored
pazite na žeparje! beware of pickpockets!
pazíti na formalnosti to be a stickler for the formalities
pazíti z budnim očesom na to keep a watchful eye on
pazi se! mind what you are about
otroci, pazite nase! children, look after yourselves!, be careful!, take care! - plés dance, dancing; ball; (zabava) dancing party; pogovorno hop; figurativno (prepir ipd.) row, quarrel
domač, hišni carpet dance, pogovorno humoristično knees-up
odpreti, začeti plés to open a ball
plés v maskah fancy-dress ball, masked ball, masquerade, (ki se konča opolnoči) Cinderella dance, Cinderella
mrtvaški plés danse macabre, dance of death
Vidov plés St. Vitus's (ali Vitus') dance
sedaj se plés začne! (figurativno) now the fun begins!
Vas smem prositi za prihodnji plés? may I have the next dance? - popólnoma completely, entirely, wholly, fully, to the full, thoroughly, utterly, altogether, quite, perfectly, absolutely
sem popólnoma za... I am all for...
popólnoma vas razumem I understand you perfectly
sem popólnoma tvojega mnenja I am entirely of your opinion
nekaj popólnoma drugega a different thing altogether
popólnoma gluh (mrtev, pijan, slep) stone-deaf (stone-dead, dead drunk, stone-blind)
popólnoma spodleteti to fail utterly - pozdráviti2 pozdrávljatiy to greet; to salute; to pass the time of day; (pri odhodu) to bid farewell (to someone), (za dobrodošlico) to bid someone welcome, (po kom drugem) to give one's love (oziroma respects, compliments) to someone
pozdravite sestro! remember me to your sister!, give your sister my love!
pozdravi(te) ga od mene! remember me to him!, give him my kind regards
srčno vas pozdravlja (v pismih) yours sincerely, yours ever, (bolj formalno) yours faithfully
pozdráviti se to greet one another, to exchange the time of day
moj brat vas lepo pozdravlja my brother wants (ali begs) to be remembered to you - poznáti to know (koga someone), to be acquainted (with someone), to be familiar (with someone)
samo po videzu ga poznam I know him only by sight
poznáti po imenu to know by name
že več let ga poznam I have known him for years
poznamo jih že pet let we have known them for five years
ne hoteti poznáti koga to cut someone, to turn one's back on someone, to give someone the cold shoulder, to cold-shoulder someone
ne poznáti (ne vedeti za) to be ignorant of, to be a stranger to
ne poznam strahu I am devoid of fear
on ne pozna težav he is ignorant of the difficulties, he does not know the difficulties
pozna se mu na obrazu, da je utrujen one can see by his face that he is tired
ne poznajo se mu leta he does not look his age
žal vas (jaz) ne poznam you have the advantage of me - prebudíti prebújati to wake (up), to awaken, to awake; to arouse, to rouse (tudi figurativno)
prebudíti, prebújati se to wake (up), to awake, to be awakened (ali roused), to rouse
hrup me je prebudil the noise woke me up
vso hišo boš prebudil you'll wake the whole house
hrup, ki bi prebudil mrtvece a noise to waken the dead
žal mi je, da sem vas prebudil I am sorry I woke you up
prebudíti, prebújati iz letargije (apatije) to arouse from lethargy (apathy), to shake someone out of his lethargy
narava se prebudi spomladi nature wakes in spring - predstáviti to present (to)
predstáviti koga komu to introduce someone to someone, to make someone acquainted with someone
naj vas predstavim! let me introduce you!
dovolite, da vam predstavim svojega prijatelja! allow me to introduce my friend to you
kdaj se lahko osebno predstavim? when may I present myself personally?
predstáviti vlado parlamentu to present the Government to Parliament
se smem predstáviti? may I be introduced? - pričakováti pričákati to expect, to await, to look out for; to look forward to; to anticipate; (biti pripravljen za) to be prepared (for); (prežati na) to watch for; (zanašati se na) to rely upon, to build upon
pričakujoč skorajšnjega odgovora anticipating an early reply
to je bilo pričakováti, pričákati that was to be expected
ni pričakováti, pričákati, da bi... it is not to be expected that...
od vas pričakujem... I look to you for...
tega nisem pričakoval od vas I am surprised at you
sem več pričakoval od njega he falls short of my expectations, (...od tega it falls...)
pričakujemo ga nocoj we expect him tonight
končno smo ga pričakali finally he arrived
kaj drugega si mogel pričakovati od takega človeka? what else could you expect from such a man?
nobene spremembe ni pričakováti, pričákati no change (ali alteration) can be expected
pričakujem takojšnje plačilo I expect immediate payment
kdaj vas lahko pričakujemo? by what time may we expect you?
Anglija pričakuje, da bo vsakdo storil svojo dolžnost England expects every man to do his duty