
Zadetki iskanja

  • ponéhati ponehávati to cease; to stop, to finish; (veter) to abate, to get less violent, to slacken; (mraz) to relent; (vročina) to subside, to slacken

    veter ponehuje the wind slackens
    dež ponehuje the rain is slackening off
  • pozibávati pozíbati to rock; to swing; to sway; (na kolenu, otroka) to dandle

    veter pozibava drevesa the wind sways the trees
    pozibávati, pozíbati se to rock, (na deski) to seesaw; (ladja) to lurch, to sway, (dete v naročju) to be dandled
    drevesa se pozibavajo v vetru the trees sway in the wind (to and fro)
  • sejáti to sow; to seed; (presejati) to sieve, to riddle

    sejáti žito to sow corn
    sejáti razdor to sow discord, to sow (the seeds of) dissension
    sejáti teror to sow terror
    sejáti seme sovraštva (upora) to sow the seeds of hatred (of revolt)
    sejáti veter in žeti vihar to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind
    treba je sejáti, če hočeš žeti one must sow if one wishes to reap
    kakor boš sejal, tako boš žel as you sow so you shall reap
  • sódra sleet; snow pellets pl

    sódra pada it sleets, it is sleeting
    mrzel veter s sódro a cold sleety wind
    ploha, naliv s sódro a shower of sleet
    sódrast sleety
  • veheménten vehement

    veheménten napad, veter vehement attack, wind
  • véti (vejem) to blow

    veter veje it is blowing
  • vzhóden east, eastern, easterly

    Vzhodna Azija East Asia
    vzhódna (pravoslavna) Cerkev Eastern Church
    Vzhodna Indija the East Indies
    Vzhodno (Baltiško) morje the Baltic (Sea)
    vzhódni Got Ostrogoth
    v vzhódni Sloveniji in eastern Slovenia, in the east of Slovenia
    vzhódno krilo (zgradbe) east wing
    vzhódna fronta eastern front
    vzhódni veter easterly wind, easterly
  • zahòd west, Occident; pesniško (sonca) sunset, ZDA sundown

    na zahòdu westwards
    veter piha od zahòda the wind is in the west
    pluti proti zahòdu to sail west (ali westward, westwards)
    po 3 dneh poti proti zahòdu after sailing west for 3 days, arhaično after 3 days' westing
  • zahóden west, western, westerly; occidental

    zahódne države the West
    najzahodnejši westernmost
    zahódno rimsko cesarstvo zgodovina Western Empire
    Zahodna Indija West Indies
    zahódni del Londona West End
    v zahódni Sloveniji in the west of Slovenia
    v zahódni smeri westward, westwards
    zahódna fasada the west (ali the western) facade
    zahódni veter west wind
  • zméren moderate; temperate; sober; frugal; modest

    zmérno podnebje temperate climate
    biti zméren v pijači in jedači to be moderate in drinking and eating
    zmérni pas geografija Temperate Zone
    zméren veter moderate breeze
    zméren vihar moderate gale
    zmérno prislov moderately, in moderation
    zmérno živeti to live soberly