
Zadetki iskanja

  • pláčati to pay

    pláčati v gotovini to pay cash (down), to pay ready money, (takoj) (žargon) to pay on the nail
    vnaprej pláčati to prepay, to pay in advance
    pláčati račun to settle (ali to balance, to square) an account, to pay one's score, to pay one's reckoning
    pláčati menico to honour a bill
    ne pláčati to leave unpaid
    pláčati v obrokih to pay by instalments, (v majhnih obrokih) to pay by driblets
    pláčati v naturalijah to pay in kind
    preveč (premalo) pláčati za delo to overpay (to underpay)
    predragó, mastno pláčati to pay through the nose
    pláčati previsoko ceno to pay a fancy (ali an exorbitant, an extortionate) price, to pay through the nose
    preveč pláčati za blago to be overcharged
    ogromno, debelo pláčati to pay a fantastic price
    plačati račun, stroške za druge (figurativno) to pay the piper
    takoj pláčati to pay cash on the spot, to pay spot cash, to pay cash on the nail
    pláčati ob prejemu to pay cash on delivery
    preveč sem plačal I was out of pocket, I was overcharged
    pláčati za nazaj to repay, to refund, to reimburse
    pláčati do zadnjega tolarja (pare) to pay to the last farthing
    pláčati stroške to pay (ali to defray) expenses
    pláčati pred rokom to anticipate payment
    pláčati globo to pay a fine
    pláčati upnikom to settle with one's creditors
    pláčati komu njegove usluge to reward someone for his services
    toliko ne morem pláčati I cannot afford it
    za to je treba pláčati carino (ni treba pláčati carine) this is dutiable (dutyfree)
    ne morem pláčati I am unable to pay, I am insolvent
    vedno sem ti točno plačeval I have always paid you on the nail
    plačal sem mu buteljko vina I treated him to a bottle of wine
    kdo bo plačal zapitek? who will stand treat?
    vsak od naju bo plačal zase we'll each pay his own share, we'll go dutch
    za uro sem plačal urarju 50 funtov I paid (ali I gave) the watchmaker fifty pounds for my watch
    zmago je plačal s svojim življenjem he paid with his own life for the victory
    dragó sem jim plačal za to they made me pay through the nose for it
    to mi boš plačal! (figurativno) I'll see you pay for this!, you shall smart for this!
    pláčati milo za drago to pay in kind, to repay tit for tat, to get one's own back, to have one's revenge (on), to get even (with)
    kdor muziko plačuje, tudi ukazuje (figurativno) who pays the piper calls the tune
    natakar, plačati, prosim! waiter, the bill, please!
  • préj sooner, earlier; before, beforehand, previously; formerly, prior to; rather

    préj ali slej sooner or later, some time or other
    malo préj a while ago
    čim préj tem bolje the sooner the better
    čim préj as soon as possible, at your earliest convenience
    préj kot ne as likely as not
    vse préj kot anything but
    dan préj the day before, on the preceding day
    préj navedeni aforementioned, aforesaid
    X.Y., préj Z.U. X.Y., formerly Z.U.
    préj sovražnik kot prijatelj rather an enemy than a friend
    toliko préj all the sooner
    on je vse préj kot bogat he is anything but rich
    moj položaj je vse préj kot siguren my position is anything but a safe one
    préj kot odideš before your departure
    ne da bi nas préj obvestil(i) without giving us any previous notice
    nismo pisali préj, ker nismo vedeli vašega naslova we did not write before, not knowing your address
    jaz bi préj (= rajši) (šel) kot... I would rather (ali I would sooner, I prefer to) (go) than...
  • próstor room; space; (sedež) seat; (razstavni) site; (površina) area; (področje) tract, region

    próstor! make way!, give way!, clear the way!
    brezzračni próstor vacuum
    življenjski próstor living space
    zaradi pomanjkanja próstora for lack of space
    trgovski próstori business premises pl
    društveni próstori a society's premises
    ni več próstora there is no room left
    próstora je za vse there is room for all
    vsi próstori so zasedeni all the places are taken
    napraviti próstor za koga to make room for someone, to clear the way for someone
    rezervirati próstor to book a seat
    niti toliko próstora ni, da bi se človek obrnil there's not room enough to swing a cat
    potreben bi bil mnogo večji prostor, kot (pa) je na voljo it would require much more space than is available here (ali than you've got here)
    omejenost, pičlost próstora shortage of space
    kazenski próstor šport penalty area
  • samó only, solely, merely; but, nothing but

    ne samó..., temveč tudi... not only... but also...
    samó in edino simply and solely
    samó trenutek, prosim! just a moment, please!
    samó on he alone, no one but he, only he
    samó počasi, fantje! easy, boys!
    samó da... provided (that)...
    samó tega ne anything but that
    vse, samó ne... everything but, everything except
    samó ob torkih only on Tuesdays
    samó nekaj minut but a few minutes
    samó to pot (tokrat) (for) this once
    ne samó on, tudi ti not only he, but you too (ali also)
    samó pomislite! just imagine!
    samó enkrat sem ga videl I've seen him only once (ali pogovorno only the once)
    samó to mislim reči I just want to say this
    prijaham, samó da ti povem... I've come here simply to tell you...
    gre samó še za tvoj pristanek your consent is all that is wanted
    samó sreča nas lahko reši only a stroke of luck can save us
    ne samó da je bedast, je tudi prevzeten he is not only stupid, but also proud
    rad bi ti pomagal, samó ne vem kako I should like to help you, only I don't see how I can
    samó če on ne bi toliko govoril! if only he did not talk so much
    samó tole knjigo bom dal na mizo I'll just put this book on the table
    samó za minuto se je ustavila, da bi govorila z Janezom she just stopped for a minute to speak to John
    povej, kar imaš povedati, samó hitro! say what you have to say, only look sharp about it!
    morem ga samó pohvaliti I have nothing but praise for him
    samó da ne bi deževalo! let's hope it doesn't rain!
    pusti me, da se samó malo odpočijem! just let me rest an instant!, pogovorno just let me get my breath back!
  • slábše prislov worse

    slábše kot prej worse than before
    vedno slábše from bad to worse
    nič slábše none the worse
    na, v slábše for the worse
    toliko slábše zanj so much the worse for him
    lahkó bi nam bilo še slábše we could do worse
    slábše ne moreš napraviti you can't do worse
    obrniti se na slábše to take a turn for the worse
    stvari gredo vse slábše matters go from bad to worse
    sprememba na slábše a change for the worse
    spremeniti se na slábše to change for the worse
    izgubil je službo in je na slabšem kot kdajkoli prej he has lost his job and is worse off than ever
    toliko slábše! more's the pity!
  • snég snow

    brez snéga snowless
    kosmič snéga snowflake
    snég iz jajc whipped eggs pl
    snég iz stepene smetane whipped cream
    večni snég everlasting (ali perpetual) snow
    meja večnega snéga snow line
    kot snég bel snow-white, white as snow
    kot snég beli lasje snowy hair
    slep od (bleščečega se) snega snowblind
    krplje za snég snowshoes pl
    zametèn od snéga snowbound
    zatrpan s snégom snowed up, snowbound
    pokrit s snégom covered with snow, snowclad, snowcapped
    odrezan zaradi snéga snowbound
    biti zasut s snégom to be snowed in (ali up), to be under snow
    s snégom bogata zima a snowy winter
    toliko mi je za to kot za lanski snég, to mi je lanski snég I couldn't care less (about it)
    snég pada it snows (ozir. it is snowing)
    snég me je zametel I was snowed in
    vlak je obtičal v snégu the train was snowed under
  • spáti to sleep, to be asleep, to lie asleep; pogovorno to kip; to lie dormant

    spáti oblečen to sleep with one's clothes on
    spáti po obedu to have (ali to take) a nap, to have one's forty winks
    dobro (slabo) spáti to sleep well (badly, poorly)
    spáti doma (zunaj) to sleep in (out)
    spáti pod milim nebom, na prostem to sleep in the open air
    spáti polnih 12 (ali 24) ur to sleep the clock round
    spáti zimsko spanje to hibernate
    spáti spanje pravičnega to sleep the sleep of the just
    trdno spáti to be fast (ali sound) asleep, to sleep very soundly
    spáti nepretrgano do 7. ure zjutraj to sleep right through (ali without a break) until seven in the morning
    predolgo spáti (= »zaspati«) to oversleep
    spáti kot ubit, kot polh to sleep like a log (ali like a top, like a dormouse)
    iti spat to go to bed, to lie down to sleep, (otroški govor) to go to bye-byes; to retire
    to mi ne da spáti it keeps me awake at night
    nisem mogel spáti I hardly slept a wink
    hoditi zgodaj spat to retire early
    ne spáti (biti buden, figurativno) to be watchful (ali vigilant), to be on the alert
    bom toliko bolje spal zaradi tega I will sleep the sounder for it
    zadeva spi (figurativno) the matter (ali affair) has been pigeon-holed
    vso noč nisem spal I did not sleep a wink last night
    kakor si boš postlal, tako boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie
  • sramôta shame; infamy, ignominy, ignobleness, ignobility; shamefulness; disgrace; reproach

    velika sramôta burning shame
    on je sramôta za... he is a reproach to...
    to je sramôta za mesto this is a reproach to the town
    biti komu v sramôto to be a disgrace to someone
    delati sramôto komu to shame someone, to bring reproach upon someone
    sramôta! for shame!
    kakšna sramôta! what a shame!
    on je v sramôto svoji družini he is a disgrace to his family
    nakopati sramôto komu (sebi) to bring shame on someone (on oneself)
    toliko večja sramôta zanj! more shame to him!
  • stár old; aged; advanced in years; (starodaven) ancient; (postaran) elderly; (staromoden) old-fashioned, (zastarel) antiquated, rusty; (beseda) archaic, obsolescent, obsolete; (obrabljen) used, worn, (ponošen) wornout, threadbare; (fraza) hackneyed, trite, timeworn; exploded; (že rabljen) secondhand (pohištvo furniture); (kruh, pivo, novica, šala) stale

    stári vek ancient times, antiquity
    stár dovtip, vic old joke
    stáro železo scrap iron, scrap
    stár grešnik inveterate sinner
    stár (izkušen) mornar (figurativno) old salt
    stár (odslužen) vojak veteran
    stári Rimljani the ancient Romans pl
    stára obleka worn-out (ali cast-off) clothes pl
    na stára leta in one's old age
    v stárih časih in ancient (ali in former) times
    stári oče, stára mati grandfather, grandmother
    stáro in mlado young and old
    stára šara junk, lumber
    stár kot zemlja as old as the hills
    srednje stár middle-aged
    stár kot Matuzalem as old as Methuselah
    po stárem (načinu) in the old way
    dobri stári časi the good old times pl
    stára devica an old maid
    diplomat stáre šole a diplomat of the old school
    zgodba stára kot svet a story as old as the hills
    stári jeziki ancient languages pl, classics pl (s konstr. v sg)
    stára zgodovina ancient history
    stára številka (časopisa) back number
    iz stárih časov from days of yore
    stára navada železna srajca habit is second nature
    koliko ste stári? how old are you?, what age are you?, what is your age?
    on je 15 let stár he is fifteen (years of age)
    toliko je stár kot jaz he is my age, pogovorno he's the same age as me
    stár sem več kot 30 let I am over thirty
    on še ni (je blizu) 40 let stár he is on the right (ali on the sunny) side of forty
    je že preko 40 let (star) he is on the wrong (ali on the shady) side of forty
    ona še ni 20 let stára she is not yet out of her teens
    to te dela stárega that makes you look old, pogovorno it puts years on you
    on je kaki dve leti starejši od mene he is some two years my senior
    on je (že) čez 70 let (star) he is seventy odd
    ne bo delal stárih kosti he won't make old bones
    stár postajati to grow old
    vse gre po stárem everything's going on in the same old way
    vse ostane pri stárem everything stays as it was (ali as before)
    (zdravstveno) še nisem »stari« I am not my old self yet
    kje so dobri stári časi? where are the good old days?
  • še still; yet, as yet

    še ne not yet
    še vedno still
    še nikoli never yet
    še enkrat once more
    še več still more
    še danes this very day
    še do danes, še zdaj this very day, even now
    še nocoj this very night
    še do pred kratkim, do nedavnega until very recently
    še isti dan on the very same day
    še pred enim tednom sem govoril z njim it is only a week since I spoke to him
    še dolgo pozneje for a long time after
    še ta teden before this week is over
    še oni teden sem jo videl I saw her only last week
    še včeraj only yesterday
    še zadnjega maja as late as last May
    še letos bodo prišli they will still arrive this year
    še leta 1960 as late as 1960
    še lani only last year
    še boljši better still
    še močneje kot even stronger than...
    še enkrat toliko twice as much, as much again
    še enkrat tako velik twice as tall, as tall again
    še mnogo much (oziroma many) more
    samó še to pot (tokrat) just once more, only this once
    komaj še kdo hardly anyone left
    še dražji, še višji dearer still, higher still
    (samo) še trenutek just a moment
    še nikoli never yet
    še kaj (drugega)? anything more (ali else)?
    imaš še kaj papirja? have you (got) any paper left?
    imaš še kaj denarja? have you any money left?
    še eno skodelico čaja, prosim! another cup of tea, please!
    daj mi še malo kruha! (could I have) another piece of bread, please
    danes je vreme še slabše kot včeraj today the weather is even worse than yesterday
    dokler je še čas while there is still time
    on še ne more delati he is still unfit for work
    tega še nikoli nisem videl I have never seen that before
    počakaj še dva dni! wait another two days!
    daj mu še en kozarec vode! give him another glass of water!
    treba je še videti it is yet to be seen
    to bomo še videli that remains to be seen
    še vedno živijo v Ljubljani they are still living in Ljubljana
    še to zimo bo prišel he will be here some time this winter
    lahkó še pride he may still come, he may come yet
    poskusi še enkrat! try again!, try once more!, pogovorno have another go!
    kaj še hoče? what else does he want?
    lahko počakaš še en teden? can you wait another week?
    še tega je manjkalo! that's all we wanted!
    ni bila še dolgo omožena, ko... she had not long been married when...
    ostalo je še nekaj denarja there's still some money left, there's a bit of cash left over
    naj bo še tako bogat, ne bo uspel no matter how rich he is, he will not succeed
    še (= niti) pogledal me ni he did not so much as look at me
    kaj še! (= kje pa, ni govora o tem!) what next!
    še obesili ga bodo, še na vislicah bo končal! he'll come to a sticky end (one of these days)!
    še (vedno) smo tu we are still here
    dokler je še živel while he was still alive
    nisem še končal I have not yet finished, I still haven't finished
  • váren safe; secure

    váren pred safe from
    na várnem in safety
    absolutno, popolnoma váren (pogovorno) as safe as houses
    toliko bolj várno so much the safer
    váren kraj a safe place
    váren pred napadi secure from attacks
    váren obstoj, eksistenca a secure existence
    váren pred nevarnostjo secure from danger
    várna investicija a safe investment
    most ni váren the bridge is not safe
    biti na várnem to be on the safe side
    biti váren pred volkovi to be safe from the wolves
    hraniti kaj na várnem to keep something safe
    tu smo na várnem pred vetrom here we are sheltered from the wind
    moje življenje ni več várno my life is no longer secure
    ni várno dotakniti se tega psa it is not safe to touch this dog, beware of the dog!
    zdaj se čutimo várne we feel safe now
    várno sem ga spravil (spremil) domov I saw him safe home
    spravil sem ga na várno I have taken him to (ali put him in) a safe place
    peljati na várno to lead to safety
    položiti na várno mesto to put in a safe place
  • vŕč jug; (lončen) pitcher

    vŕč za pivo stein
    poln vŕč (česa) jugful, pitcherful
    toliko časa hodimo z vŕčem po vodo, dokler se ne razbije the pitcher goes often to the well but is broken at last
  • vsáj (najmanj) at least; at the very least; at the very least; at any rate; narečno leastwise, leastways

    jaz vsáj mislim tako at any rate that's what I think
    ko bi vsáj mogel vedeti! arhaično could I but know!
    on bo prišel, vsáj obljubil je he is going to come, at any rate he has promised to
    vsáj toliko je star kot jaz he is my age at least