
Zadetki iskanja

  • sèm sèmkaj here; hither

    sèm, sèmkaj in tja to and fro; hither and thither
  • smísel sense; (pomen) meaning, signification; (volja za) mind, turn, taste

    v nekem smísel in a certain sense
    v pravem smíslu besede in the true sense of the word
    v istem smíslu in the same sense
    v polnem smíslu besede in the full sense of the word
    v prenesenem smíslu in the figurative sense
    v ožjem smíslu in a narrow (ali limited) sense
    v smíslu (duhu) zakona in (ali according to) the spirit of the law
    kakšen smísel ima to? what's the sense of that?
    brez smísla void of sense, senseless
    to je brez smísla this is senseless
    to ni bil smísel mojih besed that was not the meaning of my words
    govoril je v istem smíslu he spoke to the same effect
    to nima nobenega smísla that's no good
    nima smísla hoditi tja it's no use (ali there's no sense) going there
    ne imeti smísla (koristi) to be useless, to be of no use, to be to no purpose
    on nima smísla za... he has no taste for, he does not care for...
    on ima smísla za tehniko he is technically-minded, he has a mechanical bent
    za to nimam smísla my tastes do not go that way
  • tékati to run; to flow

    tékati po poslih, tékati sem in tja to be on the go
  • ter and

    sem ter tja here and there
  • uspéti to succeed (v in); to be successful; to prove successful, to meet with success; to gain one's ends; to manage, to achieve, to contrive

    ne uspéti to fail
    uspéti v življenju to make one's way in the world
    uspelo mi je priti tja I contrived to get there
    načrt ni uspel the plan did not succeed
    pri svojem zadnjem izpitu ni uspel he failed in his last examination
    ni nam uspelo, da bi jih videli we did not succeed in seeing them
    pri svojem poskusu nisem uspel I was not successful in my attempt
    njegova gledališka igra ni uspela his play failed (ali pogovorno was a flop, flopped)
  • zaníkati to deny, to say no; to disavow; to answer in the negative; gramatika to negative; (zastarelo) to gainsay

    zanikal je, da bi bil šel tja he denied having gone (pogovorno going, being) there
  • zíbati to swing, to rock; (zibelko) to cradle

    zíbati se to rock, to swing
    zíbati zibelko to rock the cradle
    zíbati na kolenih to dandle
    zíbati v naročju to cradle in one's arms
    zíbati se na (gugalnem) stolu to rock in a (rocking) chair
    zíbati se sem in tja to swing to and fro
    drevesa so se zibala v vetru the trees were swaying in the wind
    zíbati se v upanju, da... to comfort oneself with (ali to find comfort in) the hope that...
  • zlómek (vrag) devil, pogovorno deuce, dickens

    zlomka! dash it!, what the dickens!
    kaj zlómek pa je to? what the deuce (ali the dickens) is that?
    kaj zlómek si šel tja? what the dickens did you go there for?