
Zadetki iskanja

  • kajnè

    on je bolan, kajnè? he is ill, isn't he?
    on ni bolan, kajnè (ali pač)? he is not ill, is he?
    ona govori nemški, kajnè? she speaks German, doesn't she?
    ona ne govori nemški, kajnè (ali pač)? she does not speak German, does she?
    prepozno je prišel, kajnè? he came too late, didn't he?
    ni prišel prepozno, kajnè? he did not come too late, did he?
    bil je tu, kajnè? he has been here, hasn't he?
  • kakó how; in what way

    kakó to? how so?
    kakó lepó! how beautiful!
    kakó daleč? how far?
    kakó to, da... how comes it that..., how come that...
    kakó vraga... how the deuce..., how the devil..., how the dickens...?
    kakó, prosim? I beg your pardon, pogovorno pardon?; what was that?, what did you say?
    kakó se počutiš? how do you feel?
    kakó stara je? how old is she?
    kakó dolgo ste že v Ljubljani? how long have you been in Ljubljana?
    kakó je z vstopnicami? what about the tickets?
    kakó lepo jutro! what a lovely morning!
    kakó sem vesel, da te vidim! how pleased I am to see you!
    kakó je nesrečna! how unhappy she is!
    kakó mu je ime? what is his name?
    kakó imenujete to (rečete temu) po angleško (v angleščini)? what do you call this in English?
    kakó to, da si še vedno tu? how is it you're still here?
    ne razumem, kakó je to možno I do not understand how this can be
    nihče ne ve kakó mu je uspelo no one knows how he has done
    kakó vendar... how on earth...
    pa še kakó! and how
    Se lahko poslužim vašega telefona? - Kako, da ne! May I use your telephone? - Why, yes! of course!
  • kdáj when; (at) what time

    od kdáj since when
    sploh kdáj ever
    do kdáj till when, how long
    kdáj si ga videl? when did you see him?
    do kdáj boš ostal? how long will you be staying?
    od kdáj ste (že) tu? how long have you been here?
    kdáj se je to zgodilo? when did it happen?
    do kdáj bomo čakali? how long shall we wait?
    od kdáj je tvoje pismo? what is the date of your letter?
    ne vem, kdáj bo prišel domov I don't know when he'll be home
    ste bili (sploh) kdáj v Londonu? have you ever been to London?
  • ljubó ➞ ljub

    komu na ljubó for someone's sake, to please someone
    meni na ljubó for my sake
    vam na ljubó hočem... to please you I will...
    tebi na ljubó? for the likes of you?
    meni na ljubó počakaj vendar tu! to please me, do wait here!
    resnici na ljubó to be quite honest, as a matter of fact
  • mánjkati to lack, to be lacking, to be wanting (in); to want; to fail; to be missing

    manjka nam 5 knjig we have 5 books missing, we are missing 5 books, we are 5 books short
    nekaj manjka something is missing (ali wanting)
    dosti mi manjka do cilja I am far from the mark
    mánjkati v šoli (zaradi bolezni) to stay away from school (ali off school)
    on je manjkal he was absent, he was not present
    manjka samo še 5 minut do 10ih it's still five to ten, it won't be ten o'clock for five minutes
    nihče ne manjka nobody is missing
    manjka mi denarja I am short of money
    manjka ti zaupanja váse you are wanting in self-confidence
    nič ne manjka tu there's nothing missing here
    en list manjka v knjigi there's a leaf missing in that book
    nič mi ne manjka I want for nothing
    manjka ji eno leto do polnoletnosti she is one year short of her majority
    manjka nam delovne sile we are short of staff, we are undermanned, we are shorthanded
    manjka mu prave vneme he is wanting in zeal
    vode vam tu ne bo nikoli manjkalo water will never fail you here, you will never lack water (ali be short of water) here
    naročil ne manjka there is no lack of orders
    podrobnosti še manjkajo details are lacking
    prav to nam je še manjkalo! that's all we needed!, that beats everything!
    malo je manjkalo, pa bi bil počil od smeha pogovorno I laughed fit to burst
  • mésto1 town; (veliko, VB) city, ZDA (že od 8.000 prebivalcev naprej) city; (kraj) locality, place; (v knjigi) passage; (služba) place, employment, post, (služabniško) situation; spot; stand, point

    na méstu (takoj) on the spot, straight (ali right) away
    v méstu in town
    iz mésta from town
    na samem méstu (kraju) pravo on the premises
    na mojem méstu in my place
    prav na tem méstu in this very place
    na prvem méstu in the first place, first and foremost
    častno mésto place of honour
    glavno mésto capital, metropolis
    podeželsko mésto country town
    večno mésto the Holy City, Rome
    industrijsko mésto manufacturing town
    prazno mésto (služba) vacancy
    dolnje mésto lower town (ali ZDA downtown)
    gornje mésto upper (ali high) town
    komandant mésta town major
    zrasel v méstu townbred
    sva iz istega mésta we are from the same place
    ni na méstu (govoriti)... it is inappropriate (to speak)...
    tu ni mést, da (bi govoril)... this is not the proper place (to speak)...
    opazka ni bila na méstu (umestna) the remark was uncalled for
    biti v méstu to be in town
    ko bi jaz bil na tvojem méstu if I were in your place (ali position, figurativno shoes), if I were you
    ne bi hotel biti na tvojem méstu I wouldn't like to he in your skin
    vse mésto govori o tem it is the talk of the town, the whole town's talking about it
    iti v mésto to go to (oziroma into) town
    ne se ganiti z mésta not to stir
    stopati na méstu to mark time
    pojdite vsak na svoje mésto! go to your respective places!
    potegovati se za kako mésto to apply for a post
    postaviti koga na odgovorno mésto to place someone in a responsible position
    vlak, ki vozi iz mésta (v mesto, v London) down train (up train)
    vznemiriti mésto z velikim hrupom, razgrajanjem to paint the town red
  • mímo by; past; passing; over; (= razen) beside

    mímo mene (proti moji volji) against my will, (brez mene) without me, (brez moje privolitve) without my consent
    iti mímo to pass by
    šel je tu mímo he passed by here
    šla je mímo cerkve she went past the church
    peljati se mímo to drive past
    vsi mímo (= razen mene) all (ali everyone) except me, all but me, all but I
  • mórati to have to, to be obliged (ali forced, compelled) to; to be bound

    vlak mora priti ob petih the train is due at five
    moram I must
    to mora še priti that is still (ali yet) to come
    tu mora biti kaka napaka there must be some mistake
    to bi ti moral vedeti you ought to know that
    to bi mi ti moral poprej povedati you ought to have told me that before
    to bi moralo biti (do) sedaj že pripravljeno it ought to be ready by now
    zdravniki so mu morali odrezati nogo the doctors had (ali have had) to amputate his leg
    moral je oditi (= najbrž je odšel) he must have left, I suppose he is gone
    on mora vedno prepozno priti he always has to be late
    moram se smejati, ko (če) (vidim) I cannot help laughing when (I see)...
    žal mi je, da moram reči... I am sorry to say...
    mora biti bolan he must be ill, most likely he is ill, he is presumably ill
    to mora biti it is unavoidable
    on mora vedno imeti zadnjo besedo he always will have the last word
    moral je umreti he was doomed to die
    tudi če bi moral umreti, bi še vedno rekel... even though I were to die for it, I would still say...
    to knjigo morate (nujno) brati this book is a must for you
    mora biti (= gotovo je čez) 70 let star he must be over seventy
  • najkasnéje at the latest; not later than

    najkasnéje ob šestih (v 14 dneh) at 6 o'clock (a fortnight today) at the latest
    bodi tu najkasnéje ob desetih! be here by ten o'clock at the outside!
  • nájmanj the least; least of all; the minimum; the least amount

    niti nájmanj ne not in the least
    ob sobotah je tu nájmanj ljudi on Saturdays we have the poorest attendance here
    on je nájmanj delal he worked least
    to je nájmanj, kar moremo storiti it is the least one can do
    niti nájmanj ne dvomim I have not the slightest doubt
    niti nájmanj se ni pritoževal he didn't complain in the least
  • napráviti to do; (izdelati) to make; to render; to manage; to work out; to bring about; (urediti) to organize, to manage; (izvršiti) to accomplish, to execute; (proizvesti) to produce, to manufacture, to fabricate; (povzročiti) to effect, to bring about, to create

    tu se ni dalo nič napráviti there was nothing to be done
    napráviti izpit to pass an examination
    napráviti uslugo to do (someone) a favour, to render (someone) a service
    napráviti po svoje to suit oneself
    napráviti koga pametnejšega to make someone wiser
    uspeh ga je napravil nestrpnega success made him impatient
    starost je iz njega napravila sitneža old age had made him peevish
    napráviti potovanje to make a journey
    napráviti načrt to make a plan
    napráviti ogenj to make a fire
    napráviti napako to make a mistake
    kako napravite, da odprete to ključavnico? how do you manage to open this lock?
    napráviti se (obleči se) to dress
    napráviti se bolnega to pretend to be ill
  • nehánje cessation, ceasing, finishing

    brez nehánja incessantly, constantly, perpetually, continuously, without interruption (ali letup)
    neháti to stop, to cease, to end, to finish; to leave off; (odnehati) to desist (from)
    tu se vse neha! that's the limit!
    nehaj že vendar! drop it!
    nehal je govoriti he stopped (ali ceased, left off) speaking
    nehalo je deževati it (has) stopped raining
    nehajmo s tem! let's drop it!, let's drop it, shall we?
    kje smo nehali (zadnjič)? where did we leave off?
  • njegóv his, (pri neživih stvareh) its

    njegóv klobuk (njegóva knjiga) his hat (his book)
    neki njegóv prijatelj a friend of his
    ta njegóva knjiga this book of his
    njegóv pravi bratranec his own cousin
    tu ni nič njegóvega there is nothing of his here
  • njén her; (zaimek; pridevek samo v predikativni rabi) hers

    njéna knjiga her book
    ta njéna knjiga this book of hers
    neka njéna prijateljica a (girl) friend of hers
    tu ni nič njénega there is nothing of hers here
  • nótri in; inside; in the interior; within

    tu (tam) nótri in here (there)
  • obísk visit; call; (prisotnost) attendance; (oseba) visitor, company

    dan obiskov visiting day
    ure obiskov visiting hours pl, at home
    zelo kratek obísk a flying visit
    državni obísk state visit
    nastopni obísk first visit
    vljudnostni obísk duty call
    službeni obísk formal call
    poslovilni obísk farewell visit
    prijateljski obísk informal call; goodwill visit
    obísk bolnikov visit to (ali visiting of) patients
    letni poprečni obísk average annual attendance
    biti na obísku to be on a visit
    biti pri kom na obísku to be calling on someone
    delati obíske (o zdravniku) to make (ali to do, to go) one's rounds (z avtom by car)
    sem le na obísku tu I am only a visitor here
    sestra je na obísku pri teti my sister is on a visit to her aunt('s)
    imeti obísk to have visitors
    imamo vedno mnogo obískov we always have a lot of visitors
    danes sem imel mnogo obískov today I have had many calls (ali many callers)
    napraviti kratek obísk to pay a call, to drop in, (pri kom) to pay someone a flying visit
    vrniti obísk komu to return someone's visit (ali someone's call)
    priti na obísk to pay a visit (h komu to someone), to call (up)on someone, to come to see someone
  • obračún statement of account, itemized statement; account; (v banki) statement, clearing; balance; settlement

    čas obračúna je tu (figurativno) the game's up, arhaično the jig is up!
    imeti obračún s kom (figurativno) to have a bone to pick with someone
    podati obračún o to give an account of
    s teboj imam majhen obračún I have a a small matter to settle with you
    dan obračúna bo prišel the day of reckoning will come
    mesečni obračún monthly settlement
    končni obračún final account
  • obráz face; pesniško visage; (figurativno lice, zunanjost) countenance

    obráz od spredaj full face
    obráz od strani (profil) half face
    bled obráz pale (ali livid) face
    kozàv obráz pockmarked (ali pitted) face
    naguban obráz wrinkled face
    odbijajoč obráz forbidding face
    smehljajoč se obráz smiling face (ali countenance)
    mračnega, jeznega obráza gloomy-visaged
    lep obráz good looks pl
    upadel, udrt obráz hollow (ali sunken) cheeks pl
    v potu svojega obráza in the sweat of one's brow
    tu je mnogo novih obrázov here are a lot of new faces
    brisati si obráz to mop one's face (with a handkerchief)
    delati obráze to pull (ali to make) faces, to grimace
    gledati koga v obráz to look someone in the face
    napraviti kisel obráz to pull (ali to make) a wry face (ob čem at something)
    napraviti prijazen obráz to look pleasant
    napravil je dolg obráz (figurativno) his countenance fell, he made (ali pulled) a long face
    napraviti jezen obráz to have an angry look
    pačiti obráz to grimace, to pull (ali to make) faces, to make grimaces, to distort one's face, to scowl
    ne upa se mi pogledati v obráz he dare not look me in the face
    pokazati svoj pravi obráz (sneti krinko) (figurativno) to throw off one's disguise
    v obráz (naravnost) komu povedati to tell someone straight to his face
    komu v obráz reči to say to someone's face
    v obráz sem mu to rekel I said it to his face
    v obráz se smejati to laugh in someone's face
    udariti koga po obrázu to smack someone's face
    zagrniti, zastreti si obráz to veil one's face
    v obráz zijati koga to stare someone full in the face
  • obzírnost regardfulness, tactfulness; considerateness; indulgence; toleration; sufferance

    on je tu iz obzírnosti (= ker ga pač tolerirajo) he is here on sufferance
  • odkléj since when; since what time; how long

    odkléj si tu? how long have you been here?