
Zadetki iskanja

  • pomanjkljív deficient, defective, faulty; insufficient; (nepopoln) incomplete; inadequate; poor; unsatisfactory

    pomanjkljíva organizacija faulty organization
    pomanjkljíva prehrana malnutrition
    pomanjkljívo stanje defective state, defectiveness
    moja izgovarjava je še vedno pomanjkljíva my pronunciation is still faulty
    vaše znanje je pomanjkljívo your knowledge leaves much to be desired
  • prehóden transitional; transition; gramatika transitive, active; (dostopen) passable; (začasen) temporary, provisional; (nedokončen) provisory, not yet settled, interim

    prehódna določila provisional regulations pl, temporary provisions pl
    prehódna doba, prehódno obdobje transitional period
    prehóden glagol transitive verb
    prehódna cesta passable road
    prehóden gost, najemnik a transient (guest), a transient (tenant)
    hotel za prehódne goste ZDA transient hotel
    prehóden plašč light overcoat (for spring and autumn wear)
    prehóden predpis temporary (ali transitional) provision
    prehóden stadij transitional stage
    prehódno stanje transitional state
    prehódno taborišče transit camp
    prehóden ukrep transitional measure
  • sánjski dream(-)

    sánjske bukve book of dreams
    sánjsko stanje trance
  • slábši -a, -e worse

    vedno slábši, -a, -e, vse slábši, -a, -e worse and worse
    on je slábši, -a, -e kot njegov brat he is worse than his brother
    danes je njegovo stanje še slabše his condition is even worse today
    to bi bilo še slabše it would be worse still
    vreme ne bi moglo biti slabše the weather is at its worst
    slabše stvari nisi mogel napraviti you couldn't have done a worse thing
    položaj postaja vedno slábši, -a, -e matters are going from bad to worse (ali are becoming worse and worse)
  • státičen static

    státična elektrika static electricity
    státično stanje static condition
    státično prislov statically
  • suròv raw, crude; figurativno rough, rude; (grób) coarse, uncouth; (brutalen) brutal; (neobdelan ipd.) unwrought, in the raw (ali natural) state, unfinished, unpolished, crude, rough; figurativno ill-mannered, uncivil, gross, bearish, ill-bred, boorish, churlish, barbarous

    v suròvem stanju in a rough state
    suròv diamant rough diamond
    suròv bombaž raw cotton
    suròv proizvod raw product
    suròv kavčuk crude (ali raw) rubber
    suròvo maslo (fresh ali freshly made) butter
    suròva (nestrojena) koža rawhide
    suròva sila brute force
    suròvo olje crude (ali rock) oil, crude petroleum, naphtha
    suròvo ravnanje raw deal
    suròvo jajce raw egg
    suròvo meso raw meat
    suròva šala horseplay
    suròve šege uncouth (ali rude, coarse) manners pl
    suròva volna raw wool
    suròvo železo pig iron
    suròvo igrati šport to play rough
    suròva hrana uncooked vegetarian food
    suròva svila raw silk
    suròvo stanje raw state
  • števílčen numerical

    števílčno močnejši numerically superior
    števílčno stanje vojske manpower
    števílčna vsota matematika the sum of the digits
  • termométer thermometer

    Celzijev (Fahrenheitov, Réaumurjev) termométer centigrade (ali Celsius) (Fahrenheit, Réaumur) thermometer
    klinični termométer clinical thermometer
    kombinirani termométer combination thermometer
    beležni termométer recording thermometer
    maksimalni in minimalni termométer maximum and minimum thermometer
    živosrebrni termométer mercury thermometer
    stanje termométra thermometer reading
    termométer kaže 10°C the thermometer reads (ali shows) ten degrees centigrade (10°C)
    termométer kaže 15° pod (nad) ničlo the thermometer shows fifteen degrees below (above) zero
    termométer se dviga (pada) the thermometer is rising (is falling)
  • tŕden -a, -o solid, firm; fast; steady; (neovrgljiv) hard and fast

    tŕden, -a, -o kot skala steady as a rock
    tŕdno telo fizika solid
    tŕdno stanje solid state
    v tŕdnem stanju solidified, in a solid state
    v tŕdnem spanju a fast sleep
    cene ostanejo tŕdne (stalne) prices remain firm
    postati tŕden, -a, -o to consolidate
    imeti tŕdna tla pod nogami to be on solid ground
  • usmíljenje pity; mercy; charity; commiseration

    brez usmíljenja pitiless, merciless, unmerciful
    iz usmíljenja out of pity, (do for), out of charity
    usmíljenja vreden pitiable
    usmíljenja vredno stanje piteous state, pitiableness
    to je storil iz usmíljenja he did it out of the goodness of his heart
    on ne pozna usmíljenja he has (ali he feels) no pity
    nimam usmíljenja z njim I feel no pity for him
    pobiti brez usmíljenja to kill ruthlessly
    ne pričakujte nobenega usmíljenja od njega! do not expect any mercy from him!
    (imej, -te) usmíljenj! have a heart!
    ne imeti usmíljenja z to feel no pity for
    prositi za usmíljenje (milost) to beg for mercy
  • vôjen -ôjna, -o of war, war(-); wartime

    v vôjnem času in wartime, during the war
    vôjna akademija military academy, staff college
    vôjen, -ôjna, -o cilj war aim
    vôjna cona war zone
    vôjna bremena war burden
    vôjni davek war tax, contribution
    vôjni dobičkar war profiteer
    vôjni dolg war debt
    vôjna doklada field allowance, allowance for service in the field
    vôjni dopisnik war correspondent, war reporter
    vôjna grožnja threat(s) of war
    vôjni hujakač warmonger
    vôjni invalid disabled ex-soldier
    vôjno gospodarstvo wartime economy
    vôjna industrija war industry
    vôjna ladja warship, man-of-war, (bojna) battleship, (oklopnica) ironclad, dreadnought
    vôjno letalo warplane, military aircraft
    vôjna luka naval port
    vôjni material war material
    vôjna krivda war guilt
    vôjni minister minister of war, VB Secretary of State for War, ZDA Secretary of War
    vôjna mornarica navy; naval force
    vôjno ministrstvo VB War Office, ZDA War Department, ZDA pogovorno pentagon
    vôjni načrt war plan
    vôjna nevesta war bride
    vôjna napoved declaration of war
    vôjna nevarnost (figurativno) war clouds pl
    vôjna obveznica, zadolžnica war bond
    vôjna oprema war equipment, armament
    vôjna odškodnina war indemnity
    vôjno posojilo war loan
    vôjno pozorišče war zone, ZDA theatre of war
    vôjni plen war booty, loot, spoils pl
    vôjne priprave preparations pl for war
    vôjna pripravljenost national war preparedness
    vôjno poročilo war communiqué
    vôjno pravo laws pl of war
    vôjna psihoza war fever
    vôjna sirota war orphan
    vôjno sodišče court-martial, pl -s, courts-martial
    vôjno stanje state of, war, war footing
    vôjni stroški costs of war, war expenditure
    vôjne strahote (pesniško) the dogs of war
    vôjna sredstva (denar) (pesniško) sinews pl of war
    vôjni ujetnik prisoner of war (P.O.W.)
    vôjno ujetništvo war captivity
    vôjna vdova war widow
    vôjna veščina art of war, war strategy, tactics pl (s konstr. v sg ali pl)
    vôjen, -ôjna, -o zločin, zločinec war crime, war criminal
    proces proti vôjnim zločincem war crimes trial
    vôjna zvijača stratagem
    vôjna sreča contingencies pl of war
  • vrníti to return; to give back; to render (back); (uslugo) to reciprocate

    vrníti dobljeni udarec to return a blow
    vrníti dobro za zlo to return (ali to render) good for evil; (izdatek, strošek) to reimburse, to refund
    vrníti milo za drago to give tit for tat
    stroški mu bodo vrnjeni he will be reimbursed for his expenses
    vrníti se to return, to come back, (peš) to walk back, to go back; to recur
    vrníti se na delo to go back to work
    vrníti se jež (na konju) to ride back
    ladja se je vrnila the ship sailed back
    vrníti se po isti poti to retrace one's steps
    vrníti se v normalno stanje to return to normal (ali normality, normalcy)
  • zdrávstven (of) health, relating to health; sanitary; hygienic

    iz zdrávstvenih razlogov for reasons of health
    javna zdrávstvena služba (public) health service
    zdrávstvena pomoč medical benefit
    zdrávstvene razmere sanitary conditions pl
    zdrávstvena služba health service
    zdrávstveno spričevalo certificate of health
    zdrávstveno stanje state of health, health
    zdrávstvena zaščita health protection
    zdrávstvena postaja, zdrávstveni dom health centre