
Zadetki iskanja

  • izprázniti to empty; to vacate, to evacuate; to deplete; (čašo) to drink up; (črevo) to move (one's bowels); (poštni nabiralnik) to clear, ZDA to collect mail

    izprázniti buteljko vina to empty (pogovorno to discuss) a bottle of wine
    izprázniti (izpiti) do zadnje kaplje to drain dry, to drain to the dregs
    izprázniti sod (vina) to rack (ali to draw) off wine
    izprázniti stanovanje to vacate one's flat
    izprázniti se to become empty (ali void); (službeno mesto) to become vacant; (stolica, fiziologija) to excrete, to relieve oneself, to move one's bowels, to have a motion, to defecate, evfemizem to answer the call of nature
  • izpráznjen emptied; empty; vacant, cleared; (nezaseden) unoccupied

    izpráznjeno (nezasedeno) službeno mesto vacancy
  • izumŕl dead; deserted

    izumŕla ulica a deserted street
    mesto je bilo kot izumŕlo the town was like a desert, the town was as silent as the grave
  • jáviti to let someone know, to make known, (s pismom) to write (ali to send word); to communicate; to give notice; (obvestiti) to inform, to notify, to advise, to apprise, to announce, to report; arhaično to give out (ali forth)

    jáviti komu kaj to notify someone of something
    jáviti se (pojaviti se) to appear, (prijaviti se) (osebno) to report, to present oneself, (s pismom) to send word of oneself, to give some sign of life
    jáviti se (za razpisano mesto) to apply for, to offer oneself for
    jáviti se k izpitu to enter for an examination
    že mesec dni se mi ni javil I have not heard from him for a month, it's a month since I last heard from him
    kot je že bilo javljeno as already announced (ali reported)
    javite mi, prosim... please let me know..., please send me word...
    javila se je pri nas she has called on us, she has called round to see us
    tujci se morajo jáviti policiji foreigners must report to the Police
  • klín wedge; peg; pin; spike; (tesarski) tenon; (osi) cotter, (razcepljen) split pin; tiskarstvo quoin; wooden nail; (zagozda) chock; (sadilni) dibble; (pri lestvi) rung; (za obleko) peg

    klín hladnega zraka wedge of cold air
    obesiti na klín (figurativno, službo, mesto itd.) to quit, to give up, to throw up, to throw in the sponge (ali the towel)
    obesiti medicino na klín (figurativno) to give up medicine
    obesiti službo na klín to throw up one's job
    pritrditi s klínom to wedge
    razdvojiti s klínom to wedge apart
    klínu podoben wedgelike
    zabiti klín v (med) to drive a wedge into (between)
    klín se s klínom izbija one nail drives out another, diamond cut diamond, like cures like, rudeness must be met with rudeness
  • komandántski

    komandántski avto vojska ZDA command car
    komandántsko mesto command post
    komandántska zastava commander's flag
  • kopalíški

    kopalíški zdravnik doctor at a spa, physician at a watering place
    kopalíški gost visitor at a watering place
    kopalíška sezona high season at a watering place
    morski kopalíški kraj seaside resort
    kopalíško mesto (kraj) watering place
  • kvalificíran qualified (za for), skilled; fit (za for)

    on ni kvalificíran za to mesto he is not qualified for this post
    kvalificíran delavec qualified worker; artisan
  • natečáj competition (za for); competitive examination; (za izvedbo kakega dela) tender; soliciting for tenders

    z natečájem, po natečáju by tender, by competition
    razpis natečája call for (competitive) tenders
    z natečájem razpisano mesto a post open to competition
    biti izbran po natečáju to be chosen by competition
    razpisati natečáj to put up for competition
    natečáj je razpisan tenders pl are invited
    udeležiti se natečája to enter a competition
  • nezaséden unoccupied; vacant

    prositi za nezasédeno mesto to apply for a vacant place
  • občutljív touchy; sensitive (za mraz to cold); tender; arhaično sensible

    občutljíva koža, noga tender skin, foot
    občutljívo mesto tender spot
    občutljíva tehtnica sensitive scales pl
    občutljív je za svoj ugled he is touchy about his reputation
    dotaknil sem se ga na občutljívem mestu I touched him on a sore (ali tender) spot
    biti preveč občutljív to be too impressionable, too softhearted
  • obíti1 (obidem) to go round; to make the rounds of; (izogniti se) to avoid, to elude, to evade

    obíti zakon to get round the law
    obíti pravilo to circumvent a rule
    obíti mesto to bypass a town
    obíti straže to make a tour of inspection, to make (ali to do, to go) the rounds of sentries
    obíti sovražnika to outflank the enemy
    obšla meje slabost, omedlevica I suddenly felt faint
    obšli smo vso Evropo we travelled Europe from end to end
  • odgovóren responsible; answerable (za for); accountable (to); chargeable

    odgovórno mesto responsible position, post involving responsibility
    odgovóren za škodo liable for damages
    biti odgovóren za to be answerable for, to answer for, to be accountable for, to be liable for; to incur responsibility for
    za to nisem odgovóren I am not accountable for that
  • odpŕt open, opened; uncovered; patent; (javen) public; figurativno (iskren) frank, sincere, candid; outspoken

    odpŕto mesto vojska undefended town, open city
    odpŕto morje open sea, (vidno od obale) offing, pesniško main
    odpŕt račun open account
    odpŕto vprašanje open (undecided, debatable) question, moot point
    pri na stežaj odpŕtem oknu with the window thrown open
    pustiti vprašanje odpŕto to leave a question in suspense
  • odstopíti to resign, to withdraw, to retire; vojska to withdraw, (po planu) to retire, (po sili) to retreat; to recede; šport to stand down; to cede, to give up, to yield; (odpovedati se) to renounce, to quitclaim, to surrender (claim); to tender one's resignation

    kralj je odstopil the king abdicated (ali abdicated the throne)
    minister bo odstopil the minister will resign
    predsednik je odstopil the chairman resigned his post
    dovolite, da vam odstopim svoje mesto allow me to offer you my place
  • oglédati si to examine (closely); to inspect, to view; to take a good (ali close, thorough) look at; to visit

    oglédati si mesto to visit a town
    oglédati si znamenitosti (mesta) to see the sights, to go sightseeing
  • okràj district; county

    mestni okràj ward
    sodni okràj court circuit
    upravni okràj administrative district
    volilni okràj electoral district
    razdeliti v okràje to district
    glavno mesto okràja VB county town; (do 1974) county borough
  • peljáti to lead, to conduct; to guide; to drive, to convey, to cart

    peljite ga v mojo sobo! show him into my room!
    peljite me na postajo! drive me to the station!
    peljáti koga na sprehod to take someone out for a ride
    vse poti peljejo v Rim all roads lead to Rome
    ta cesta pelje v mesto this road leads to town
    peljáti se (z vozilom) to go, (z avtom) to drive, (s kolesom) to ride, (s sanmi) to ride
    peljáti se z vlakom to go by train (ali rail)
    peljáti se z avtom to drive, to motor, to go motoring
    peljáti se z avtobusom to go by bus, to go for a bus ride
    peljáti se na sprehod to go for a drive, to take a drive
    peljali se bomo z vlakom we shall take the train
    pelji se z avtobusom! take the bus!
    peljáti se čez reko to cross the river
    peljite ga noter, prosim! show him in, please
  • pêta heel (tudi pri čevlju, nogavici)

    nizka (visoka) pêta low (high) heel
    čevlji z visokimi pêtmi highheeled shoes pl
    Ahilova pêta Achilles' heel, (občutljivo mesto) (figurativno) tender (ali weak) spot, vulnerable point, weak point
    od glave do pête from head to toe
    na pêtah raztrgane nogavice socks pl worn out at the heel
    on je džentlemen od glave do pête he is every inch a gentleman
    biti (slediti) komu za pêtami to shadow (ali to dog) someone, to dog someone's steps, to be upon someone's heels
    tik za pêtami to come close upon someone's heels, to pursue someone closely
    vedno mi je za pêtami he is always on my heels, he is always following me about (ali dogging my footsteps)
    lizati pête komu (figurativno) to fawn on someone
    napraviti čevlju novo pêto to heel, to reheel a shoe
    pokazati pête (pobrisati jo) to show a clean pair of heels, to take to one's heels, to run (ali to get) away
    pête odnesti (figurativno) to escape
    komaj je odnesel pête he narrowly escaped, he had a narrow escape
    sedeti na pêtah to sit on one's heels
    zavrteti se na pêtah to spin round on one's heels
  • pograbíti to seize; to grasp; to take (ali to get, to catch, to lay) hold of

    pograbíti priliko, priložnost to seize upon a chance, to seize an opportunity
    hlastno pograbíti ponudbo to snap up an offer
    (službeno) mesto je bilo takoj pograbljeno the job was snapped up at once
    pograbíti koga za vrat to seize someone by the neck