otesáti to hew; to cut
otesáti hlod to square a log
otesáti les to trim timber
otesán hewn, squared, trimmed
Zadetki iskanja
- píla file
četveroroba težka píla arm file
groba píla bastard file
debela píla za les rasp
okrogla píla round file, rat-tail file; file
triroba píla triangular file
velika píla rasper
píla žagarica saw file - pirográf pyrographer
pirográfíja (vžiganje risb v les, usnje) pyrography, pokerwork - rúdniški mine(-); pit(-)
rúdniška nesreča mine disaster
rúdniška jalovina burrow
rúdniški paznik mine overseer, mine-captain
rúdniški rov mine level
rúdniški (jamski) les pit props
rúdniška voda pit water
rúdniška železnica pit railway
rúdniško obratovanje mining, underground working
rúdniška eksplozija colliery explosion
rúdniški jašek mine (ali pit) shaft
rúdniški požar mine fire
rúdniški eksplozivni plin firedamp, mine gas - sándal botanika sandal
sándalov les sandal (wood), sandalwood - skrivíti to bend, to curve; to crook; figurativno to distort, to deform; (les itd.) to warp
vročina je skrivíla platnice knjige the heat has warped the covers of the book
skrivíti se to warp
les se je pri sušenju skrivíl the wood has warped in drying
niso mu lasú skrivíili not a hair of his head has been touched (ali hurt)
on ne bi lasú nikomur skrivíil (figurativno) he wouldn't hurt a fly - strúžiti to turn; to plane
ta les se dobro struži this wood turns well - tík3 botanika teak
tíkov les, tikovina teak - tŕd hard; flinty, adamantine; solid; rigid, stiff; (odporen) resistant, resistent; (krut) hardhearted; (nepopustljiv) unyielding, inflexible, unbending
tŕd boj fierce fight
tŕdi časi hard times pl
tŕdo delo hard work
tŕde besede harsh words pl
tŕda glava thick (ali stupid, dense) head
tŕd les hardwood, firm wood
tŕd (neusmiljen) kot kamen as hard as the nether millstone
tŕd oreh (figurativno) a hard nut to crack
tŕde poteze (v obrazu) stern features pl
tŕd prepečenec, dvopek hard tack
tŕdega srca hard of heart
tŕd (hud) udarec a hard blow
tŕda usoda hard lot, cruel fate
tŕda voda hard water
tŕdo življenje hard life
biti tŕd od strahu to be scared stiff
za denar je trda (figurativno) money is tight
zanj je potrebna tŕd roka he needs a firm hand
trda mi prede za denar (figurativno) I am short of money
trda mu prede (figurativno) it will go hard with him
postati tŕd to harden, to grow hard - vežíti se (les) to warp
pri sušenju se les veži the wood warps as it dries - vžigálica match
švedska, varnostna vžigálica safety match
voščena vžigálica wax match, vesta
les za vžigálice wood for matches, match-wood
prižgati vžigálico to strike a match - zvéžiti to distort; to bend; to deform
zvéžiti se (les) to warp - zvíjati to fold, to roll; to twine, to twist; to curve, to bend, to crook; to distort
zvíjati odejo, preprogo to roll a blanket, a carpet
zvíjati se to wind, to curve, to twist; (črv) to squirm; to wriggle; (les) to warp
zvíjati se od bolečin to writhe with pain
zvíjati se skozi goščavo to wriggle one's way through a thicket
kača se zvija (okoli svoje žrtve) the serpent coils itself (round its victim) - žágati to saw
žagan les sawn wood