
Zadetki iskanja

  • ríbji (of) fish; piscine; (ribi podoben) fishlike

    ríbje ikre fish spawn, (moške) milt, (ženske) roe
    ríbja kost fish bone
    ríbji mehur fish bladder, air bladder, sound
    ríbja koža fish skin, medicina ichthyosis, fishskin disease
    ríbje olje fish oil, train oil, cod-liver oil
    ríbje lovišče fishery, fishing grounds pl
    ríbja moka fish meal
    ríbji orel zoologija osprey, ZDA fish hawk
    ríbja omaka fish sauce
    ríbja plavut fin
    ríbji rep fish tail
    ríbji vonj, duh fishy smell
    ríbji trg fish market
  • rožén2 horny; of horn; made of horn; callous

    rožéna koža horny skin, horny layer of epidermis, callosity
    rožéni ostružki shavings pl of horn
    rožéna žlica spoon made of horn
    očala z rožénim okvirjem horn-rimmed spectacles pl
  • sám alone; sole; only; solo; (brez pomoči) by oneself, unaided, single-handed

    čisto sám, sám samcat quite alone, all alone
    sám od sebe spontaneously; of one's own accord
    jaz sám I myself
    on sám he himself
    stvar sáma na sebi the thing in itself
    sám Cezar Caesar's self
    na sám novoletni dan just (ali precisely) on New Year's Day
    žrtvovanje sámega sebe self-sacrifice
    zaupanje v sámega sebe self-reliance
    sáma dobrota ga je he is kindness itself
    sáma ljubeznivost ga je do mene he is a perfect angel to me
    sám je na svetu he stands alone in the world
    on je sám svoj gospodar he is his own master
    sáma kost in koža ga je he's nothing but skin and bone, he's just a bag of bones
    že sáma ideja je smešna the very (ali the mere) idea is funny
    to ni nihče drug kot sám knez he is no less a man than the prince
    imeti sám svojo hišo to have a house of one's own
    javiti se sám od sebe (prostovoljno) to volunteer
    sami so se izdali they betrayed themselves, they gave themselves away
    sáma si delam obleke I make my own dresses
    sáma si plete nogavice she knits her own stockings
    sáma opravlja vse gospodinjske posle she herself does all the housework
    sám si strižem lase I cut my own hair
    sám si delam večerjo I get my own supper
    sám si služi kruh he earns his own bread
    vrata se sáma zapirajo the door shuts by itself
    to sem sám naredil (brez tuje pomoči) I did it single-handed
    to lahko sám vidiš you can see for yourself
    leteti sám (brez spremstva, aeronavtika) to fly solo, to solo
    presodite sámi! judge for yourselves!
    jaz sám sem šel tja I myself went there
    ne pustite ga sámega! don't leave him by himself!
    to se samo po sebi razume that is a matter of course
    lahko to sám napraviš? can you do it alone?
    govoriti s kom na samem to speak to someone in private
    vi sami to pravite you yourself say so
    prepustil sem ga sámemu sebi I left him to himself
    sám si kuham I prepare my own dinner
    sami njegovi prijatelji ga sovražijo even his fiends hate him
    sám vrag te je prinesel the devil himself has brought you
    iz sámega egoizma for pure selfishness (ali egoism)
  • suròv raw, crude; figurativno rough, rude; (grób) coarse, uncouth; (brutalen) brutal; (neobdelan ipd.) unwrought, in the raw (ali natural) state, unfinished, unpolished, crude, rough; figurativno ill-mannered, uncivil, gross, bearish, ill-bred, boorish, churlish, barbarous

    v suròvem stanju in a rough state
    suròv diamant rough diamond
    suròv bombaž raw cotton
    suròv proizvod raw product
    suròv kavčuk crude (ali raw) rubber
    suròvo maslo (fresh ali freshly made) butter
    suròva (nestrojena) koža rawhide
    suròva sila brute force
    suròvo olje crude (ali rock) oil, crude petroleum, naphtha
    suròvo ravnanje raw deal
    suròvo jajce raw egg
    suròvo meso raw meat
    suròva šala horseplay
    suròve šege uncouth (ali rude, coarse) manners pl
    suròva volna raw wool
    suròvo železo pig iron
    suròvo igrati šport to play rough
    suròva hrana uncooked vegetarian food
    suròva svila raw silk
    suròvo stanje raw state
  • šagrínov

    šagrínova koža shagreen
  • teléčji calf(-); veal(-); calf's, (of a) calf; (of) veal

    teléčje meso veal
    teléčja koža calf skin
    teléčja pečenka roast veal
    teléčje usnje calf, calfskin
    teléčji zrezek veal cutlet
  • tjulénji

    tjulénja koža sealskin, seal
    tjulénje usnje (tudi imitacija) seal
  • usnját

    usnjáta koža (usnjica) anatomija derma, corium, cutis
  • vólčji wolfish; like a wolf; a wolf's

    vólčja češnja botanika deadly nightshade, belladonna
    vólčja jama (past) wolf trap
    vólčja koža (kožuh) wolfskin
    vólčja narava wolfish nature
    vólčja lakota wolfish hunger, ravenous appetite
  • vólk zoologija wolf, pl wolves

    morski vólk (riba) wolf fish, (star mornar) old sea-dog, (figurativno) old salt, an old weather-beaten tar; medicina (odrgnjena koža) gall, excoriation; (igrača, vrtavka) top
    vólk v ovčji koži wolf in sheep's clothing
    lovec na vólkove wolf hunter
    krdelo vólkov wolf pack
    lačen sem kot vólk I am ravenous
    biti lačen kot vólk to be as hungry as a wolf
    iti na lov na vólkove, loviti vólkove to go wolf hunting
    nasititi vólka in ohraniti kozo (figurativno) to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
    ne more biti vólk sit in koza cela (figurativno) you can't have it both ways
    ali vólk lahko spremeni svojo naravo? can the leopard change his spots?
    z vólkovi je treba tuliti (figurativno) one must do in Rome as the Romans do
  • zájčji hare(-), hare's, of a hare

    zájčja detelja botanika sorrel, hare's foot
    zájčja ustnica medicina harelip
    imeti zájčjo ustnico to be harelipped, to have a harelip
    zájčje uho botanika hare's ear
    zájčja koža hare's skin