
Zadetki iskanja

  • na on, upon; at; in; up, upward; to; over

    na cesti on the road
    na ulici in the street, ZDA on the street
    na deželi in the country
    na dvorišču in the courtyard
    na desni, na levi on the right, on the left
    na desno, na levo to the right, to the left
    na kredit, na up on credit
    na mojo čast on my honour, honestly
    na primer for instance, for example
    na morju at sea
    na nebu in the sky
    na sliki in the picture
    na soncu in the sun
    na polju in the field
    na travniku in the meadow
    na (živilskem) trgu at the market-place
    na postaji at the station
    na mizi on (ali upon) the table
    na svetu in the world
    na razstavi at the exposition
    na minuto a minute, to the minute
    na mestu (takoj) on the spot, at once
    na moji strani on my side
    na obeh straneh on both sides
    na ta način in this manner
    na najlepši način in the finest manner
    na povelje to order
    na zemljevidu on the map
    na moje priporočilo on (ali upon) my recommendation
    na moje presenečenje to my surprise (ali astonishment)
    na moj račun at my expense
    na moje veliko obžalovanje to my deep regret
    na svojo škodo to one's detriment (ali cost ali disadvantage)
    na mojo škodo to my cost
    na temelju on the grounds of, by virtue of
    na mojo sramoto to my disgrace
    na srečo fortunately
    na slepo blindly, at random, gropingly
    na vsak način at any rate, by all means
    na noben način on no account
    na vrat na nos head over heels, headlong
    na svidenje! goodbye!, ZDA goodby!, au revoir!, so long!, see you again!
    na prvi pogled at first sight, at first glance
    na mojo prošnjo at my request
    na vaše priporočilo on the strength of your recommendation
    na potovanju in travelling
    na stotine by hundreds
    dvakrat na dan twice a day
    X tolarjev na dan X tolars a day
    en četrt na pet a quarter past four
    tri četrt na pet a quarter to five
    na moje stroške at my expense
    vpliv na... influence over (ali on)...
    X SIT na uro X tolars per hour
    biti na lovu to be out hunting
    na tebi je, da rečeš... it is up to you (to say)...
    biti na obisku pri kom to stay with someone
    biti hud na koga to have a grudge against someone
    biti gluh na obe ušesi to be deaf in both ears
    na luči mi je (stoji) he is (stands) in my light
    kdo je zdaj na vrsti? whose turn is it now?
    jaz sem na vrsti it is my turn
    ljubosumen je na svojo ženo he is jealous of his wife
    slep je na eno oko he is blind in one eye
    hrom je na eno nogo he is lame in one leg
    moje okno gleda na dvorišče my window looks out on to the backyard
    igrati na flavto to play the flute
    imeti kaj črno na belem to have something in black and white
    imaš velik vpliv nanj you have a great influence over (ali on) him
    biti ves dan na nogah to be busy (ali pogovorno on the go) all day long
    iti na pošto to go to the post office
    iti komu na roko (figurativno) to oblige someone, to help someone, to lend someone a helping hand
    osvojiti na juriš trdnjavo to take a fortress by storm
    (s)plezati na drevo to climb (up) a tree
    motiti se na vsej črti to be mistaken all along the line
    verjeti komu na besedo to take someone's word for it
    zidati na pesek to build on sand
    želim sobo na ulico I want a room overlooking the street
    iti na lov to go out hunting
    iti na potovanje to go abroad
  • najdálje najdljè, najdàlj farthest; furthest; (časovno) at the farthest (ali furthest)

    najdálje, najdljè, najdàlj en mesec a month at longest
  • prepôzno too late

    en dan prepôzno a day late, a day too late; (= post festum) (a day) after the fair
  • propàd ruin; decay, decline; destruction; downfall; wreck

    biti na robu propàda to be on the brink (ali verge) of ruin
    drveti v propàd to be on the road to ruin, to be heading straight for destruction, pogovorno to be riding for a fall
    še en takšen udarec bo moj propàd another blow like that will finish me off (ali will do for me), one more like that, and I'm done for (ali and it's all up with me)
    povzročiti lasten propàd ta bring about one's own ruin
    rešiti svoje premoženje pred propàdom to save one's estate (ali possessions) from ruin
    dežela je na robu propàda the country is on the verge of ruin
  • pròst free, (na prostosti) free, at liberty, at large; (vstop) free; (brezplačen) gratuitous, free of expense; (dovoljen) permitted, allowed; (neodvisen) independent; (brez zaprek) unhindered, unobstructed, unimpeded; (brez nadzora) uncontrolled; (neprisiljen) unforced, uncompelled, unconstrained, unfettered, unconfined, unshackled; (nezasužnjen) unenslaved; (neujet) uncaught; (spuščen) released, freed, liberated; (nezaposlen) unengaged, unoccupied, disengaged, idle, at leisure, off duty

    pròst vseh davkov exempt from all taxes (ali duties)
    carine pròsto duty-free, free of duty
    pròsta sobota Saturday off, free Saturday
    pròst dan an off day, a day off
    pròst službe off duty, off work
    pròsti čas spare time, leisure hours pl, leisure
    pròsta luka free port
    pròst prehod free pass
    pròsto službeno mesto vacancy
    pròst predmet (v šoli) optional subject
    pròst vseh skrbi free from all cares
    poštnine pròsto prepaid, postpaid, (paket) carriage-paid
    pròst prevod free (ali not literal) translation
    pròsti pad fizika free fall
    pròsti stil (plavanja) free-style (swimming)
    pròsti strel šport, nogomet free kick
    pròsta rokoborba catch-as-catch-can, all-in wrestling
    pròsta trgovina free trade
    pròste vaje gymnastic exercises pl, callisthenics pl
    pròsta vstopnica free (ali complimentary) ticket
    pròst izvod (za avtorja) author's (free) copy, gratis copy, (reklamni) free copy, free specimen, (za knjigarnarja) odd copy
    prosto! (= naprej!, vstopite!) come in!, step in!
    na prostem in the open air, outdoor, out of doors
    plavalni bazen na pròstem open-air swimming pool
    s pròstim očesom with the naked eye
    v pròsti prodaji off rations, unrationed
    vstop pròst! admission free!
    prosto za pristanek! aeronavtika cleared for approach!
    ob sobotah sem pròst I am free on Saturdays
    ste pròsti jutri? are you free tomorrow?
    ste pròsti? (taksistu) are you free?, you're not engaged, are you?
    nobenega pròstega sedeža ni več bilo there wasn't a single seat left
    brž ko bom pròst, vas obiščem as soon as I am free (ali through), I shall call on you
    dati prost dan to give someone a day off
    na pròsto vam je dano, da se lahko pritožite you are free (ali at liberty) to complain, it's up to you whether or not you complain
    vsak teden imam en pròst dan I have a day off every week
    dobiti pròst dan to get a day off
    jutri bomo imeli pròsto we shall have a day off (ali a free day) tomorrow
    imeti pròst dostop do koga to have free access to someone
    imate kaj pròstih sob? have you any rooms unoccupied (ali free, available)?
    imeti pròsto hrano in stanovanje to have free board and lodging
    nimam nič pròstega časa I haven't any time to spare
    imeti mnogo pròstega časa to have much time to spare
    imeti pròste roke to have a free hand, to have full power
    ne imeti pròste minute zase not to have a spare moment for oneself
    prenočiti na pròstem to camp out
    voziti kolo po klancu navzdol v pròstem teku to freewheel (ali to coast) down a hill
    dati pròst polet svoji fantaziji to give one's fancy full scope
  • razselíti to displace; to evacuate population (ali inhabitants); to settle in other places

    razselíti se to settle elsewhere, to emigrate in large numbers (ali en masse)
    razseljena oseba displaced person
  • stáviti1 (napraviti stavo) to bet, to lay a bet, to wager; to stake; to take bets on

    stáviti (denar) na to put money on, to bet (ali arhaično to stake) on
    stáviti funt to bet a pound
    stáviti na kocko to bet on (a throw of) the dice
    stáviti svoje premoženje na eno karto to stake one's fortune on the turn of a card
    stavim z vami 100 : 1 I bet you 100 to 1
    stavim en funt z vami I bet you a pound
    stavim z vami, da... I lay you a wager that..., pogovorno I bet you (that)...
    stáviti s kom, da... to bet someone (that)...
    stavim, da tega ne veš I bet you don't know this
    stáviti na konja to back a horse
    vse stáviti na kaj to put one's shirt on something
    stavim ne vem kaj I'll bet good money
    glavo stavim I'll bet my life (ali my boots, my bottom dollar)
    stáviti vse na eno karto to have (ali to put) all one's eggs in one basket
    stavim! I'll wager!
  • še still; yet, as yet

    še ne not yet
    še vedno still
    še nikoli never yet
    še enkrat once more
    še več still more
    še danes this very day
    še do danes, še zdaj this very day, even now
    še nocoj this very night
    še do pred kratkim, do nedavnega until very recently
    še isti dan on the very same day
    še pred enim tednom sem govoril z njim it is only a week since I spoke to him
    še dolgo pozneje for a long time after
    še ta teden before this week is over
    še oni teden sem jo videl I saw her only last week
    še včeraj only yesterday
    še zadnjega maja as late as last May
    še letos bodo prišli they will still arrive this year
    še leta 1960 as late as 1960
    še lani only last year
    še boljši better still
    še močneje kot even stronger than...
    še enkrat toliko twice as much, as much again
    še enkrat tako velik twice as tall, as tall again
    še mnogo much (oziroma many) more
    samó še to pot (tokrat) just once more, only this once
    komaj še kdo hardly anyone left
    še dražji, še višji dearer still, higher still
    (samo) še trenutek just a moment
    še nikoli never yet
    še kaj (drugega)? anything more (ali else)?
    imaš še kaj papirja? have you (got) any paper left?
    imaš še kaj denarja? have you any money left?
    še eno skodelico čaja, prosim! another cup of tea, please!
    daj mi še malo kruha! (could I have) another piece of bread, please
    danes je vreme še slabše kot včeraj today the weather is even worse than yesterday
    dokler je še čas while there is still time
    on še ne more delati he is still unfit for work
    tega še nikoli nisem videl I have never seen that before
    počakaj še dva dni! wait another two days!
    daj mu še en kozarec vode! give him another glass of water!
    treba je še videti it is yet to be seen
    to bomo še videli that remains to be seen
    še vedno živijo v Ljubljani they are still living in Ljubljana
    še to zimo bo prišel he will be here some time this winter
    lahkó še pride he may still come, he may come yet
    poskusi še enkrat! try again!, try once more!, pogovorno have another go!
    kaj še hoče? what else does he want?
    lahko počakaš še en teden? can you wait another week?
    še tega je manjkalo! that's all we wanted!
    ni bila še dolgo omožena, ko... she had not long been married when...
    ostalo je še nekaj denarja there's still some money left, there's a bit of cash left over
    naj bo še tako bogat, ne bo uspel no matter how rich he is, he will not succeed
    še (= niti) pogledal me ni he did not so much as look at me
    kaj še! (= kje pa, ni govora o tem!) what next!
    še obesili ga bodo, še na vislicah bo končal! he'll come to a sticky end (one of these days)!
    še (vedno) smo tu we are still here
    dokler je še živel while he was still alive
    nisem še končal I have not yet finished, I still haven't finished
  • šíling (avstrijski) schilling; (nekdanji angleški denar, 1/20 funta) shilling (krajšava: s.)

    količina blaga za en šiling shillingsworth
  • vèč more; plus

    vèč kot... more than...
    vèč (od njih) several
    še vèč still more
    vèč kot dovolj enough and to spare
    vèč ljudi several people
    ne vèč no more, no longer
    vèč ali manj more or less
    nič vèč no more
    vèč dni several days, a day or two
    vedno vèč in vèč more and more
    nikoli vèč nevermore, never again
    vèč kot enkrat more than once
    vèč kot teden dni (kot en teden) for over a week
    čim vèč, tem bolje the more the better
    čim vèč dela, tem vèč potroši the more he works the more he spends
    sem vèč kot zadovoljen I am more than satisfied
    on ni vèč nesrečen he is no longer unhappy
    ni ga vèč he is no more
    bil si moj prijatelj, pa nisi vèč you used to be a fiend of mine but you aren't any longer
    imam vèč denarja kot ti I have (ali pogovorno I've got) more money than you
    vèč imaš, vèč hočeš imeti much will have more
    vèč jih je kot nas there are more of them (than of us)
    ne odlašaj vèč! delay no longer!, pogovorno don't put it off any longer!
    nič vèč me ne zebe I don't feel cold any longer
    vèč od njih poznam I know several of them
    nimam vèč denarja I have no money left, I have no more money
    spoznal, srečal sem se z vèč člani kluba I met several members of the club
    ne misli vèč na to! don't think of it any more!, pogovorno forget it!
    nisem mogel vèč molčati I could not remain silent any longer
    ne bom vèč čakal I shall not wait any longer
    ne maram vèč slišati nobene besede o tem I don't want to hear another word about it
    od takrat ga nisem vèč videl I have not seen him since (then)
  • vôžnja (na biciklu, avtu ipd.) ride; drive; run

    vôžnja brez postanka nonstop run
    triurna vôžnja a three hours' drive (ali run, ride)
    poskusna vôžnja trial run
    samó pol ure vôžnje je do nas it is only a thirty-minute run to our place
    vôžnja do X. stane en funt it is a pound ride to X.
    vzeti koga na vôžnjo z avtom to take someone for a ride
    biti kaznovan z globo zaradi prehitre vôžnja to be fined for speeding