
Zadetki iskanja

  • sénca (hlad) shade, pesniško arhaično umbrage; (predmeta, osebe) shadow

    niti sénce dvoma not a shadow of a doubt
    vlada v sénci (figurativno) shadow cabinet
    on je le (še) sénca samega sebe he is a mere shadow of his former self, he is worn to a shadow, he is reduced to a skeleton (ali to a shadow)
    iti v sénco to go into the shade
    sedeti v sénci to sit in the shade
    boji se lastne sénce he is afraid of his own shadow
    dajati sénco to give (ali to afford) shade
    izginiti kot sénca to vanish like a shadow
    delaš mi sénco you are in my light, you are standing in my light, humoristično you'd make a better door than a window
    sonce meče sénce the sun casts shadows
    metati, vreči sénco na to cast a shadow on, (zasenčiti) to overshadow, to outshine
    to meče sénco nanj (figurativno) this puts him in a poor light, this reflects discredit on him
    slediti komu kot sénca to shadow (ali to dog) someone, to be someone's shadow, to follow someone like a shadow
  • sprejémati to receive

    ona sprejema (goste, obiske) enkrat na teden she receives once a week, (ob torkih Tuesday is her at-home day)
    dajati je slajše kot sprejémati it is more blessed to give than to receive ➞ sprejeti
  • strán1 side; (knjige ipd.) page; (bók) flank; (smer) direction

    na levi (desni) stráni on the left (right) side
    na obeh stráneh on either side
    na tej (oni) stráni on this (that) side
    na to (ono) strán to this (that) side, hither (thither), here (there)
    od vseh stráni from everywhere, from all sides, from all quarters
    od stráni (z boka) laterally
    z moje stráni for my part, as for me
    na eni stráni (figurativno) on the one hand
    na drugi stráni on the other hand
    na vse stráni in every direction
    z vseh stráni on all sides, from all parts
    s te (z one) stráni from this (that) side
    naslovna strán title page
    sprednja strán front, frontispiece
    notranja (zunanja) strán inner (outer) side (ali face), the inside (the outside)
    prava (neprava, narobe) strán right (wrong) side
    prava (neprava) strán kovanca obverse (reverse), pogovorno heads (tails)
    dobra (slaba) strán (figurativno) good (bad) point
    močna strán (figurativno) strong point, forte
    šibka strán (figurativno) weak point, foible, (senčna) drawback
    strán neba point of the compass, cardinal point
    svetla, sončna the bright, the sunny side (of something)
    senčna strán the dark side, (figurativno) drawback, the seamy side
    prva (oziroma zadnja) prazna strán flyleaf
    južna strán south (ali sunny) side
    prisojna strán sunny side
    vetrna strán weather side
    udarec od stráni side blow
    držati se ob stráni (figurativno) to remain neutral, not to take sides, (figurativno) to sit on the fence
    stati ob stráni (proč) to stand aloof from
    dajati na strán (varčevati) to put by (ali on one side), to save
    hodil je ob moji stráni he walked beside me
    šel je v to strán he went in that direction
    pet stráni manjka v knjigi there are five pages of the book missing
    gledati koga po stráni to look at someone askance
    napasti s stráni to attack on the flank
    stvar ima svoje dobre in svoje slabe stráni the thing has its good as well as its bad aspects
    pridobiti koga na svojo strán to win someone over, to bring someone to one's side
    pustiti ob stráni to lay aside
    preiti na drugo strán to change sides, (k drugi stranki) to go over to the other side
    premotriti vprašanje z vseh stráni to view a question from all sides
    preskočiti strán (pri branju) to skip a page
    prinesti kaj (v časopisu) na prvi stráni ZDA to front-page something
    postaviti se na strán koga (opredeliti se za koga) to take someone's side, to side with someone
    videti le lepo strán stvari to look on the sunny side of things
    na drugi stráni (lista)! (= obrni list!) (see) overleaf!
  • tákt1 glasba time, measure

    3/4 tákt three-four time; (ritem) cadence, rhythm
    v táktu in time, (ples) in step
    dajati tákt to beat time
    držati tákt to keep time, to play in time
    priti iz tákta to play out of time
    spraviti iz tákta to put out of time
    zaigrati nekaj táktov to play a few bars
  • témpo tempo, pl -s, tempi; glasba tempo, measure, time; vojska pace; (poprečna hitrost npr. hoje) rate; (hitrost) speed

    dajati témpo v teku to make the running
    témpo modernega življenja the tempo of modern life
  • tón glasba tone; sound; note; voice; manner of speaking; (barvni) tint, shade of colour

    obseg tonov diapason
    višina tóna glasba pitch
    s posmehljivim tónom (glasom) jeeringly
    z jeznim tónom (glasom) in an angry tone
    dati tón glasba to give the note
    dajati tón za (figurativno) to set the tone of, to set the style
    prepovedujem si ta tón (od vas)! I won't have you talk to me in that tone of voice!
    spremeniti tón to change one's tone (ali one's tune)
    znižati (zvišati) svoj tón to drop (to raise) one's voice
  • trúd trouble, effort; exertion; pains pl; hard work, labour, toil; endeavour

    trúda poln painful, troublesome
    s trúdom with an effort
    brez trúda without trouble, easily, effortlessly
    z velikim trúdom with great difficulty
    z lahkim trúdom easily
    izgubljen trúd a waste of effort
    trúd brez haska wasted effort
    ves trúd je zaman pogovorno it's all a waste of time, pesniško it is labour lost
    ni mi žal trúda I don't mind hard work, I don't shrink from hard work
    hvala za vaš trúd I thank you for the trouble you have taken
    z malo trúda with a little trouble, by taking a little trouble
    po velikem trúdu sem uspel I succeeded after a great deal of trouble
    ni vredno trúda it isn't worth while, it is not worth the trouble
    veliko trúda si da(ja)ti to take great trouble
    dal si je mnogo trúda, da (bi naredil izpit) he was at great pains to (pass the examination)
    nobenega trúda se ne bati, se ne ustrašiti to spare no effort, to grudge no pains
    povzročil, dal ti bom veliko trúda I'm going to cause you a lot of trouble
    prav nobenega trúda si ne vzeti, dajati to take no trouble at all
    ne varčevati s trúdom to spare no effort (ali no pains)
    naredil sem to, da bi ti prihranil trúd I did it to save you trouble
    biti tepen v zahvalo za svoj trúd to get a thrashing for one's pains
    tratiti, zapravljati (svoj) trúd (figurativno) to plough the sand
    ni si vzel niti trúda, da bi odgovril he didn't even take the trouble to answer
  • úpanje hope; hopefulness; expectation; expectancy; anticipation; (bright) prospect

    goljufivo, varljivo úpanje false hope(s)
    prazno úpanje vain hope
    zadnje (skoraj neuresničljivo) úpanje forlorn hope, figurativno (zanesljivo) sheet anchor
    brez úpanja hopeless, past (all) hope
    poln úpanja full of hope, hopeful
    niti trohice úpanja not a glimmer of hope, (pogovorno) not the ghost of a chance, not a dog's (ali an earthly) chance
    Rt Dobrega Upanja the Cape of Good Hope
    žarek úpanja a ray (ali a gleam) of hope
    úpanje, da bo prišel there is (some) hope that he will come, it is hoped he will come, hopefully he will come
    zanj ni več úpanja he is past hope
    nobenega úpanja ni bilo, da bi on prišel there was no prospect of his coming
    on je moje zadnje úpanje he is my last hope, he is my only remaining hope
    dajati komu úpanje to hold out hope to someone
    dajati mnogo úpanja to promise well, to be very promising
    gojiti úpanje to cherish (ali to entertain) a (ali the) hope
    imeti malo úpanja, da... to hope against hope that...
    imam le slabo, šibko úpanje I have only a faint hope
    nobenega úpanja več ne imeti to be out of hope, to have no hope left
    imeti úpanje to stand a chance
    nikoli ne izgubljaj úpanja! (= ne obupaj!) never say die!
    opustiti vsako úpanje to abandon hope, to give up every hope
    oklepati se úpanja to cling to hope (ali one's hopes)
    preseči úpanja to exceed hopes
    prevarati koga v úpanju to frustrate someone's hopes
    razočarati koga v úpanju to disappoint someone, to frustrate someone
    moje úpanje se ni uresničilo my hopes have not been realized
    upati brez úpanja zmage to hope against hope
    vdajati se úpanju, da... to allow oneself the hope of..., to hope for..., to be in hopes that...
    komu vsako úpanje vzeti to deprive someone of all hope
    vzeti komu úpanje to dampen someone's hopes
    zbujati úpanje to give (ali to inspire) hope, to raise expectations, to provide grounds for hope
    zbujati komu úpanje to raise hopes in someone
    zbujati prazno úpanje to raise false hopes
    živeti v úpanju za, za... to live in hopes of (kaj something)
    malo úpanja je ostalo (ostaja) there is little hope left
  • úra (čas) hour; (žepna) watch; (stoječa, stenska, stolpna) clock; (namizna) timepiece

    úra budilka alarm clock
    peščena úra sand glass
    sončna úra sundial
    cerkvena úra church clock
    úra z nihalom pendulum clock
    zapestna úra wristwatch
    ladijska úra chronometer
    úra štoparica stopwatch
    policijska úra curfew
    konične úre rush hour
    huda úra thunderstorm
    učna úra lesson
    proste úre free (ali spare) hours pl
    smrtna úra the hour of death, dying hour, last hour
    v zgodnjih úrah in the small hours
    úra X vojska zero hour
    v teku ene úre, v manj kot eni úri in less than an hour, within an hour
    o úre do úre from hour to hour
    prav ob tej úri at this very hour
    po moji úri by my watch
    pol úre half an hour, a half hour
    pred pol úre half an hour ago
    5 milj na úro 5 miles per hour, 5 miles an hour
    vsake tri úre every three hours
    več kot eno úro over one hour
    ob tej úri at the present time, ZDA presently
    polni, celi 2 úri for two hours at a stretch (ali pogovorno on the trot)
    dobro úro a good hour
    ob 12. úri at 12 o'clock, at noon
    v smeri kazalca úre clockwise, (v nasprotni) anticlockwise
    jermenček za zapestno úro watch strap, strap for wristwatch; (wrist) watch band; strap (ali cord, link, expansion) band
    verižica za úro watch chain, (pri telovniku) watch guard
    kolesje úre movement of a watch
    ohišje úre clock case
    vzmet úre watch spring
    utež pri úri clock weight
    kazalec úre hand
    kazalec sončne úre gnomon
    številčnica úre dial
    tovarna úr clock factory, watch factory
    trgovina z úrami clock trade, watch trade, trade in clocks and watches
    koliko je úra? what time is it?, what's the time?, (redko) what o'clock is it
    úra je 5 it is five o'clock
    četrt na šest je it is a quarter past five
    pol šestih je it is half past five
    tri četrt na šest je it is a quarter to six
    na moji úri je tri it is three by my watch
    ob kateri úra? at what time?
    je ta úra prav? is that clock (tvoja zapestna úra your wristwatch oziroma pogovorno watch) right?
    on je točen kot úra he is as regular as clockwork
    moja úra je točna my watch keeps perfect time
    dobrih 5 úr je do mesta it's a good five hours to the town
    moja úra gre dobro my watch is a good timekeeper
    moja úra ne gre (se je ustavila, se je iztekla) my watch is not going (has stopped, isn't working)
    moja úra je pokvarjena there is something wrong with my watch
    navijte svojo úro! wind up your watch!
    moja úra je navita my watch is wound up
    úra bíje the clock strikes (oziroma is striking)
    úra bo zdajci (od)bila 11 the clock is just about to strike eleven
    úra je odbila 7 the clock has struck seven
    odbila mu je zadnja úra his last hour is come
    moja úra prehiteva my watch is fast (ali gains, is gaining)
    moja úra zaostaja my watch is slow (ali loses, is losing)
    vprašati koliko je úra to ask the time
    naravnati (regulirati) úro po... to regulate (ali to set) one's watch by...
    držati se rednih úr to keep regular hours
    letalo je doseglo poprečno 450 milj na úro the plane averaged 450 miles an hour
    dajati angleške úre (= lekcije) to give English lessons
    to úro je treba naviti this clock needs winding up (ali rewinding)
    moja úra je potrebna popravila my watch needs repairing
    razmakniti konične úre (da ni navala na avtobuse itd.) to stagger office hours
    rana úra zlata úra early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
    delati 24 úr brez prekinitve (noč in dan) to work around the clock
  • vídez appearance; likeness; outward form

    na vídez apparently, seemingly
    po vsem vídezu to (ali by) all appearances, as far as appearances go
    (le) na vídez for the sake of appearances, for appearance's sake
    imeti vídez to seem to be, to have the air of
    dajati si vídez to pretend to be, to pass for, to assume an a pearance
    ohraniti vídez (normalnosti, uglednosti) to save appearances, to keep up appearances
    biti lepega vídeza to make a fine sight
    soditi po vídezu to judge by appearances
    le na vídez je zdrav he merely seems healthy
    proti vsemu vídezu, v nasprotju z vídezom contrary to all appearances, to all likelihood
    vídez vara all is not gold that glitters, beauty is but skin deep
    vídez (dostikrat) vara appearances pl are (often) deceptive
  • vtís impression; impress; sensation; effect; tiskarstvo stamp, imprint; mark

    trajen (globok) vtís lasting (deep) impression
    (ne)ugoden vtís (un)favourable impression
    biti pod vtísom, da... to be under the impression that...
    imam vtís, da... it is my impression that...
    imel je vtís, kot da... he had the impression that...
    dajati vtís to give an (oziroma the) impression
    dobiti, imeti dober vtís o čem to be favourably impressed by something
    napraviti vtís na koga to impress someone, to leave an impression on someone
    novica, vest je napravila zelo velik vtís the news created a sensation (ali a stir)
    predstava je napravila name globok vtís the performance made (ali produced) a profound impression on me
    name je napravilo vtís... I was impressed by...
    storiti kaj, da bi napravili vtís to do something for effect
    zapustiti neizbrisen vtís to leave one's mark (on)
  • zdráviti to treat (medically), (uspešno) to cure

    zdráviti koga za... to treat someone for...; (dajati zdravilo) to give medicine, to medicate, to doctor; (figurativno) to remedy, to make good, to rectify; (poklic) VB to practise (ZDA to practice) medicine (ali as a doctor, physician)
    zdravi me dr. X. Doctor X. is treating me
    zdráviti se to receive treatment, to undergo (a course of) treatment, to undergo a cure, to take a cure
  • zglèd example

    dober (slab) good (poor) example
    svetel zglèd shining example
    svarilen zglèd warning example
    zastrašujoč zglèd deterrent example
    po zglèdu mojega učitelja following my teacher's example
    to naj ti bo v (svarilen) zglèd! let this be a lesson to you!
    dajati koga za zglèd to quote (ali to cite) someone as an example
    dajati komu za zglèd to hold up as an example for (ali to) someone
    dati dober zglèd to give (ali to set) a good example (komu to someone)
    kaznovati koga (drugim) za zglèd to make an example of someone
    vzemi si brata za zglèd follow your brother's example!
    vzeti si zglèd po... to follow the example of..., to take... as one's model
  • žlíca spoon, (velika) tablespoon; (jušna) soupspoon; (zajemalka) ladle

    polna žlíca a spoonful
    po žlícah by spoonfuls
    tri polne žlíce three spoonfuls
    čajna žlíca soli a teaspoonful of salt
    žlíca za obuvanje shoehorn
    jesti z žlíco to eat with a spoon
    z žlíco dajati jesti (pitati) to spoonfeed
    vzemite dve čajni žlíci po jedi! take two spoonfuls after meals!
    zajemati z veliko žlíco to ladle out