učíti (koga) to teach, to instruct, to give instruction (to), to give lessons (to); to train
učíti se to learn, (študirati) to study, (guliti se) to swot, to cram, to grind, (pogovorno) to bone up on; (vajenec) to serve one's apprenticeship
učíti se na pamet to learn by heart (ali by rote), to commit to memory, to memorize
zopet se učíti to relearn, (pogovorno) to brush up
marljivo se učíti to study hard, to be a diligent student
učíti se brati (branja) to learn to read
on se zelo dobro uči he is quick to learn, he is a quick learner
učíti se za izpit to get up (ali to brush up, pogovorno to bone up on) a subject for an examination
učíti se pisanja to learn how to write
moj brat se uči mizarstva my brother is learning joinery (ali is training to be a joiner)
Zadetki iskanja
- uméti (úmem) to know (how to...); to be skilled (in), to be versed (in); to understand; to manage; to contrive; to be able
on ume brati hieroglife he is versed in the reading of hieroglyphs, he can read hieroglyphs - vŕsta row (hiš of houses); line; rank; vojska file; turn; series; kind, sort; set; type; genus, species; variety; quality
dolga vŕsta long row
v vŕsti in a row, in a line
v vŕstah in rows
sprednja (zadnja) vŕsta front (back) line
v sprednjih vŕstah in the front ranks
v nepretrgani vŕsti in straight succession
po vŕsti in turn, by turns; in rows; (po eden) one at a time, successively
naslovna vŕsta headline
vŕsta sedežev row of seats
vŕsta topolov row of poplars
kdo je na vŕsti? whose turn is it?
jaz sem na vŕsti it is my turn
počakati moraš, da prideš na vŕsto! you must await (ali pogovorno wait) your turn!
prideš kmalu na vŕsto your turn will soon come
ne (se) držati vŕste pri čakanju (preskočiti vŕsto) to jump a queue
čakati v vŕsti (za kaj) to queue (for something)
sedeti v prvi vŕsti to sit in the front row
brati med vŕstami to read between the lines
brali smo po vŕsti (eden za drugim) we took it in turns to read
korakati v vŕsti to march in file
razredčiti vŕste to thin out the rows
postaviti v vŕsto to put (ali to set) in a row; to rank, to file, to draw up
postaviti se v vŕsto (štartno črto pred tekom) to toe the line
imeli smo vŕsto deževnih dni we (have) had a succession of rainy days
imamo tri vŕste vina we have three sorts of wine - vrstíca line
pisati par vrstíc to drop someone a line
brati med vrstícami to read between the lines - znáti to know
znáti na pamet to know by heart
dobro znáti kaj to be A1 at something
ne znam angleško I cannot speak English, I do not know English
znate francosko? do you know French?
znaš igrati šah? can you play chess?
on misli, da vse zna he thinks he knows everything
on zna brati grško he can read Greek
znaš dobro današnjo lekcijo? do you know your lesson for today well?
tega si ne znam razložiti I don't know what to make of it (ali of this)
zelo dobro znáti lekcijo to have the lesson at one's fingertips
ona zna vsaj (najmanj) 5 jezikov she knows at least five languages
znáti (spoznati se na) svoj posel to know one's own business, (žargon) to know one's onions, (pogovorno) to know the ropes, to know what's what